1987-05-29 SP SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING MAY 29, 1987 1:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. Frances Walter-Supervisor Mr. Stephen Borgos-Councilman Mr. Ronald Montesi-Councilman Mrs. Betty Monahan-Councilman Mr. George Kurosaka-Absent —Mr. Wilson Mathias-Town Counsel ?RESS: G.F. Post Star, WWSC PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY TOWN CLERK DARLEEN M. DOUGHER SUPERVISOR WALTER-The purpose of this meeting is to discuss and possibly act on inviting contractors to bid on the construction phase of our proposed Town Hall Addition and Activities Center. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INVITATION FOR BIDS ON CONSTRUCTION OF TOWN HALL ADDITION AND ACTIVITIES CENTER RESOLUTION NO. 162 Introduced by Mr. Stephen Borgos who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi: WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 174 of 1986 the Town Board engaged the architectural services of Bristol, Litynski, Wojcik, P.C. d/b/a The Saratoga Associates for the purposes of designing an addition to the Town Hall building at Bay and Haviland Roads and for the design of an Activities Center adjacent to the Town Hall on Bay Road, and WHEREAS, the said Saratoga Associates have prepared detailed plans, specifications and stimates for such addition and activities center in accordance with Section 222 of the Town �aw, and WHEREAS, such plans, specifications and estimates are on file in the Town Clerk's Office for public inspection, and WHEREAS, all expenditures for such town hall addition and activities center shall be made from surplus monies or the proceeds of obligations financed pursuant to Section 35.00 (b) (1) of the Local Finance Law, and WHEREAS, no expenditures for such purposes shall be made from current taxes, and WHEREAS, the members of the Town Board of the Town of Rueensbury have reviewed the plans, specifications and estimates heretofore described, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the plans, specifications and estimates for the construction of an addition to the Town Hall and an activities center are hereby approved and adopted, and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board invites sealed proposals for the furnishing of materials and labor necessary for such improvements and that such proposals shall be received n or before June 26, 1987 and opened publicly and that notice of such invitation for bids 'shall be published by the Town Clerk in the official newspaper in accordance with Town Law and that such invitation for bids shall further be filed with the Dodge Report. July adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: Mr. Kurosaka DISCUSSION BEFORE VOTE: 186 COUNCILMAN BORGOS-Stated that he had looked at the plans and was pleased with them other then moving a wall or two and a couple of minor things but would like to get it under way. COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Agreed with Mr. Borgos that there was some changes that could be made by 'but was concerned with the June 16 date...stating that more time was needed for the bidders to get their best prices back to them with a project of this manitude. Suggested the bid be closed June 26, 1987. SUPERVISOR WALTER-Agreed on the date June 26,1987, and said all proposals would be received by that date. COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Noted that there has been input from every Department Head where they will need space. The Town Board had architecturally wanted to change the image of the buildin g...from its 150 or 160's look and incorporated this look with the new one and step into the 1901s. SUPERVISOR WALTER-Asked Pete Brault for his comments regarding the return date. PETE BRAULT-Building and Grounds Superintendent-agreed with the date and stated it was good to get it started. COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Said that maybe Janaury 1, 1988 would be a good date to look to for completion on the new part and the renovation of the rest of the building could take place through the rest of the winter. COUNCILMAN BORGOS-Stated that the building would not be a terribly large building and there is not a lot of wasted space. COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Stated there would be 6500 square feet of building for the new activity center. SUPERVISOR WALTER-Said that although it is an activity center for seniors and other groups in the Town of Queensbury...from the original plans where there was going to be slab, we've added a basement, solely for the purpose of town storage...that has added to the cost of that building, but certainly is needed. COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Part of the contract is that the project work shall be commenced within eight days following notice of ward of contract and in the proposal there is a section that says the undersigned further agrees that if awarded the contract, he will substantially complete the work in its entirety ready for by the owner by calendar days from receiving written notice of award. They fill in the time and we should consider this when awarding the contract. SUPERVISOR WALTER-Before you vote on this, the cost of the new building is about $850,000.00 and the activity center plus storage town hall building will be $600,000.00. These are estimates and are basis for the Town to pass the resolution indicating that we can pay for it, if subsequently over, we may not be able to afford it under those conditions and we will have to make other arrangements or drop the project. On Motion the Meeting Was Adjourned. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED DARLEEN DOUGHER TOWN CLERK TOWN OF QUEENSBURY