1978-11-01 I, ,.." - I'" \ t, 'I "~- , ~ -¢~ ,) ih: ", QUBEHSBURY '!'OWN PLANNiNG øOARDMEE'l'ING QUBENSBURY TOWN OP,ICE BUILDING NOVEMBER 1, 1978 , ,,¡ , ..' ." , .; , ~ Iiii' '\ .'1. .b:i! r>ii,.i ;4¡. ..., t I M..~.JI.a..a . .jfj ; f ~~.-.:~cr~f. · I;'~~ ~I.~U 1- '¡'~ '& ;¡ lit ~j". ,,-':,'t't'R. I .KO~~S r'r¢M'iria~ftPr, t¡ 1-' l q L" ji < ¡¡¡ l?J'llent:'.. +. t q p. tt........... ~ .R. Mpnt~,i, ø~ret~, K. Sorlin, J. þ,Yba.., . . I . '. \ i ¡ Iii 1. ' I I I H ~ M~i liD '~"W:>'t '., ~,.,. h I'. ,IA \ ~ \ . . ¡: , Gue.t............................G. Liape8 7 to 8 P. M. workshop meetine¡.. 1. 8.89'I1ar ...tin9 8:00 P. M. Minutes of October 4th meetine¡ approved. 2. er.sthavenSubdivision No. 12-65, 40 lots south west side Dixon Road. Prô-Craft Builders, Developers. John VanOUsen and Mike 0' Connor present. Motion by Sorlin seconded by Montesi tog-rant final approval subject to Hi;qhway Department letter of approval. Vote 7 yes. Motion carried. Variance '588, Roèlne~B. ~er - to place a storaqe building with les8 than the requir se cks in an R-4 zone on the property situated attþe corner of Boulevard and Park Avenue. Mr. Sawyer present. Motion by "'1)n seconded by Threw to recOllllDenda,pproval of this variance as rea8QJ.UÛ)leUS,eof land and 'this will . be1;p clean up i t_s now stored out:átð.. V()u3 yes, 2 opposed and 1 abstained. Motion carried. Vari.~1$89.V1ncenzo RUq~iero - to place livi~g quarters over ~~J.â- -e-S ~".t¡;;~ ·ti;.~' -property situated at west aide Route 9. Mot:ioD by Mc:Þ~te.~ seconded by Dybas to,tecaamend approval of this use variance. Vote 7 yes. Motion carri~., " The Board feels the area will not be chan9.'tId. .})y. allowinq this va~;1:~~:<t Variance .,'O,~ ,J_es M. Blake - to pii~' carport with 5 ft. front setback in l~.~of required 30 ft. trönt, setback on the property situaUcSat,Ant,igua Motel Road, Pl. Point on Lake Georg-e. Dr. and Mrs.,8lake were present. Motion bySorlin seconded by Montesi to recœBend approval of this area variâDcè!. Vote 7 yes. Motion carried. The Board ~iled this recoønendationon. the followinq= reasonable use of land, applicant needíl car prote~iônin wini:er months and has shown practical difficulty in use of property. Variance '591, John Kubricky It son.t'In~. - to place two structures with less than required setbacks in M-2 Zoné'on the property 8ituated at: Bay Road. DuJt~Kubricky prese~Motion.by Sorlin 8econded by Krebs to reccaaend . di8approval of 15 ft. side setback for warehouse as Ordinance states thUè must be a 50 ft. buffeX" BOIl. between M-2 and, R Zones. Vote 7 yès. Motion ,for disapproval carried. The Board fee18 there is no real hardship-due to larqe area of land and np real practical difficulty shown. Mo~lon by Sorlin seconded by MC;)Dt:esi to recOllllDend approval of 8tructure With 39'6- front setback. Vote 7 yes for approval. Motion carried. Variance 15'2.Pro-craft þilders.Inc. .~ to þ.lace a dwellinq with less thaD the reqúired front setback ont;he property s1 tuated at 2 JNrke Road. Prank Catone present. Motion by Montesi seconded by Dybas to recommend approval of t:bisarea variance'. Vot:e· 7 yes. Motion carried. The Board feels that a honest mistake, vas mad.. in placing this dwellin9. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. :.'-' d" \'i;":;:ijØvEMBER 1, 1978 8. 'QtJ~S""Ry:·p~~iNÇ ···aOARJ) Page ~ . . VAAIANCE 159~i La~enc,.~. Corbett., Jr. - t()p~aQe a garage with 12 ft. front âetbaCJt;'i1i'11eu>~f:the reqult'ed.~o 'ft~<~~9'nt setback on the pioPèr~Ÿ :8~tM~IP··~t..··~y ',Parkway, .1\...~~y·~()~~1h.: Mr. Corbett pre8ent. M()t10~by' Krf.~Š· .eeo.nded by Sorlintore<:OIn,Inèti.ª..approva1 of this area variançe~ ·vot.e 1 ye&J.. Motion car1"~et1;>; .'fb~qaX;~9'e placement 1s secondary to·.k.:eep1nq open space for septic' 'y.~E!.D.t.. 9. ,', ,...,. ... Veri_nee t St,..~..1fayne aJUlltaren 01 v~ne:ï'. ~.t:o ~+~~~ an apartment in rear of retail .'tOte .inC-3zøne on the pJ:operty $:t.'tiUilted at 304 Bay Road. ~. ·Divinèy·.pJ-e~èn~.·"9tion by Krebs seCO!)d(~~~/}~Y Mann to recommend approval oft';"!. U8f11 vçiance. Vote 1 ye..~ .Mþ~ion carried. The Boo,rd r4ICCllDlend~~pJ;()~al of . this variª~.~E! as .it. is;th keeping wi:th future plans a8' an~î:¡a with residential' and . commerchi.l mixture. 'j,.'.' -''':.',. -.,' ',.... '-,- '.'......". Var.iance '5:$;~.>.. Joan...M... Pontiff - t. º. d. emol.i.....h........a......p......d........·...rePlace on. e of t.wo dwellings w~'tþ'le8sthan the requir~ sld~II."tþ~k on one zoned lot i.nR"1·.oñ.:ø~ tlië·p~ope:r:.ty situateêi 4tC¡e,V'e~4.ale Road. Mr. and Mrs. Pont~f~': pr..e.it:~ Mo~ion. þy Monte"i, seco~~1:1Y, 'Mann to recommend approva~.. VÒ,~. 7 yes. . Motion carried . The,'(t\ciàrd feels that this will mâke norealdhanqei~'1:he ar,,,,.o . 110 Var1anø. '596, Arthur E.. BtóWn - to pl:~9~:.a mot:~1 unit with lesa than requ1~,~ side ..aet.bt.ck OD the propertY:It!{~.:~atedat Antigua ~tel Road, Plum Pø~nt, Lake Qe~rqø.· Mr. and Mr8iiBr~""p~ê8ento Mot10n by Mann s~ondfJê! by:.Dybaa tø. .recClmmend approvl.l\ ,,~Vote7.yea. Motion carried. ... .: I,'rior:i:b fi~.·~i~.41n9 was 40 ft.~1.'~:.:\:~e.~. '.. ..~~. building will bw 68 fto altho119~it",ill ~ two atory. Sef!l{\tI l~.k:~,~,,·.(;)n.able u.e- j~.t replacinq pre....siâtingunit.. . 10. 12. Veri.nee '$9:1, Walter Oaab'eJt, North's~q.~"OUåite.r Road. This variance t:alueà~o riéc4\BDDf!r 6," ~~1S .eeting_ .Ró~X't Stewart, at~rneywas presént on this ...tter.. .' . 13. speci~l Pe~tt...'.7l,Walter Dœlbek.~J.Q p·lace. a larc¡e acale planned =~~c~~fi~:v£¥>r:;:~:aîn s~:ni~pC~.t~r=~~ug~e~~~~hå:~~V~~'r this Special Use Permit sUbject tò'Beautificat~on Committee review. Vote 7 ye8. . Motion carried. The Board has reviewed this project and find no trll:f'fj,c R:r:oblems. Setbacks, fire saf.ty, etc. okey. The Board find it me.e~s ,,!th section 4.203 Qf,.prdi,nance (Regulatioftlil..Governing Planned LargeS~liile DevelopålèntG~o~p8)0 Attorney, Robert stewart represented ap~licant~ Meeting adjouJ:'ned 10 P.. M. Next :t;~l~ meeting Decemb.er 6.,1978. ResPe.ctfully submitted, Ronald Montesi