1978-12-06 .:. , <~'.h..·..þ QUEENSBURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD ~1EETING QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING DECEMBER 6, 1978 Chairman Secretary, W. Threw, D. Krebs, Presiding............."...........R. Roberts, Present...........................R. Montesi, J. Dybas Absent. . . . .0 . . 0 . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . '. . v H. Mann, K 0 Guestso.o.c.o....o......oo......o.G. Liapes Sorlin 7 P. M. to S P. M. discussed APA map amendment. I. Regular meeting 8 P. M. Minutes of November 1st meeting approved. 2. 3. 4. Berkley· Subdivision No. 4-78, West Mountain Road. 'rhis subdivlsion has been rtlvis.ed from 9 lots. to .6 rots. John VanDusen ,,,as present on this subdivisi~n. . Motion 'by Krebs, seconded by Threw to grant Conceptual Approvalf:or revised 6 lots. There was discussion of possiblef'Uture expansi~P.'>·of this subdivision" The Board requested that Carlpªrb, Highwaýi$;'tJ,pt. look at grade for road. Motion to grant. Conceptua:t Approval carrieð.b¥vote 5 yes. '. '.' Crestha"et1Subdivision,pffDixon. Road, owned by Pro-Craft Builders, Inc. JOhJi'ýà;!1~sen presentedrevis;eqprint.. indicating highway depa.I;'~nt dra~'agt={'Jilequirements.. '" . .-, :::~- : -', -. ':.",' :-:,~: '.,....-.,:...... :.',,;. ..,'"..,.,'....: .,. .'.: ..:'..... ,-: vatt~~d~.!ii;598, Gar B. BrÓ~',(;e~on Station) .. t()pla!ôe a free-~tanding . ..... . ... '.' '., ......,.. .. '. ".. . " ..... '.' ':" . t1ng gas pr1c~~9Â-'t:.~~i property 81 tuat,~;'~,¡t::'~orth s,i:Âe' of cort.. .. ...,.......'·a. Applicant1J<>t:,~:ite,ent. Motion by';,~.}),ªiseconª~by Dy~·s'~~i.iäble for one montl1.a:.applicant not pre~~t;.l1d the Board has man:yu$f.J.~wered questions.Ø<)~~rning this varianc.e~·suchasbêight, set~~ck:;;~'~~c. Motion to"table;.carried by vote 4;ye.8,,,.;1 no. ';". ....: .'. ,~, ' -- , .' C':},~\~' - - ~:'_::":':""-';. .. 5. Vartã:'i;Îø~.i':f'5 99 on t ~.'~P1?éìf y s ate at t~.~ªs side of Ridge 'Rô'itf.· <Douglas Helffrich anct. :*-J..ipavies presento#;'t;~.t'~:N'aria.nce to enla.~ÇJ~f'.-..itomobile .t'~pair shÔ~,~;~;'..~~1::ion by Krebs seoQ..iti~4bY Dybas t.o reco.iíd:,~pproval. 'ò'f this var~~ç~'~;~::,Motion carrie(i,bY'vot:e of 5 yes. The~~rilalso :ceconunend that;;:~·'~c:;î.ng be in place'by.·'·~é\y15, 1979 and that.;~bé,:~pplicant work witl),;'~~b~,Beautification Cqn,tI'ni.~t~. The Board fee;J.;stb.;is will improve the'å.~fia.With fencing an¢ti;~~;:ªrea. ,..' ",::;:::':~:-;:./, "" ',,'. -\ . ;.,::-,,---_:" :;,:- .:., , Var.i..a.noeJ;600, Stanislaw\>'~QäÞ~:k;- to place retail.··bii$i~ess to sell foQ4:0.ç~,êFemises and take..;.Þút·'food service in M"2X~ÞA~on the property sit~;~ª~i~rl Bay Road. .'. Mr..,:;I{os:'t;,ek anå Thomas 'Mec~~e~I'peared on this vaJ(+~p.c(:!.~:< Motion by Montelii's~conded by Dybas to .:¡:-sqqmroend apprOval of!~tii$;v#.riance as this la~d 'has no real use as M'""'2 q1ie totl1E!",pature ofthéar~a. and as the lot:í.s~ålland not conduciyetomanufaêturing use. MPtion carried by vo'teof 5 yes. TheBoard·~1.:s()recommend that appÌic2int contact the Beautlficàtion Coromi ttee foiddeas. Vari,ancet60l, French MoUnta'iriLumber Com an - tQPlace an additio~' to exs.t;~n;gfl,awm1 1 bU1 dJ.ng "J:I,:R- '. an 3 Zone on theptoperty situated at west J¡:i,.dei/bf Bay Road. David St,ranahar1 present representing applicant" R.C;µ~lfasand G. Cashion w:~reppesent objectingtçthis operation. Mot1.onbyMontesi seconded by.'l'hre\'l to reconunend approval of this variance, MottQrtçarried by vote - 5 yes" Applicant has Adi:ron,dack Park Agency pe~it and permit statesthatntachine must be covered. Covering this macbinewould help reduce noise levels. 6. 7. ",:::'-"- QUEENS BURY TOWN PI...:l\NNING BOARD MEETINIj (continued) Dec_ber 6,> 1978 Varian~602, Robert: L. Lefebvre - to place Dat:a Processine¡ Service Ce,nt:er .' rent:al of unused apace for office orst:ore renu.l in a preexijt:.1nq, nonconfontinq us. in R-4 lone ont:he propertysi tuated at Dixon' Road. Several people livinq in t:his area appeared in opposition to t:hi.. variance. Mr. Lefebvre was present and present:ed his plana 'to the Boård. MoUon by Montesi, seconded by Dybas to r8CCllllllteDd approval of asit~ed application. Applicat:.1on amendeda..follows:Re~il Shops amend.,t:o _11 shop t:hat will sell ret:ail computers equi~t on r.tai.l'¡;~...l - window siqns or,' _11 abine¡le.ign8 only ....CS~þat owner and t:~t8 will conform. '!'he Board recOlllDeDdapproval ai')~s would reayól.'a boarded up building and remove a larqe.ign wbiê.JjXL~ld reduce an ey..ore and improvet.be qeDaral area.Motion carr!'" by)~t;. ....·5 yes. '..,:-.:.:.\ , ' , ,,;..'~r.~'>:~'):_~~~'~:" . 9. var1åâÎ8 '603, Glen Wilson - to place a.foarfamil. Y .dwell~."~...~.'.:~.'.·.:'.~.~.1..I.·.....n R-4 sone.OJ1t:&e property situat:ed at Glen Lake Road. Micbael;,;·,:'.Connor rèpriìjpt.eð applicant. Glen Wil80n, Daniel Bar,berand "~i:.McCormack a,lsopif.e..t. Motion by Montesi, seconded by Krebs to r~nt~,'rí.nd approval. Mo.U..:H~rried by vote.-.5.yes. Applicant 1Ja1.,~ hardshilt and will .....t:'.~.$~ requir__t.ó~ått"8bury zoniDe] or4,~êfa.. ~,~rd reviewe4 ~.P"þft a8 required Þÿ.,S~t:ion 6.901 MulUpl...ÐWellinq.,.~;,:$lte Plan ~t.l{.øi1tions and approved8! te plan. ".' <;:"ic;;. .,' . ....\;,;(¡ ..~.:'·,,·*ì~· adjourned at 11:30P~ M. ,:';'>"¡,,',;~.~: , "·"'r' s. ",' ,," ,," ',,'.' Rext.·_~ meeting Januaxy .3, 1979. " , ",' ~ '" '~ ' , Respect.fully"'t.t:t:e4, Ronald MoD~~~';,r.~et:ary ;~~,:'~', :)' ," . :ih" J,'>,.>~,-, ·;-",'/<;~'/;,,;'-·'::3'}; ',", " i,", .Î 1