1979-02-07 .. . QUEENSBURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD· MEE'rmG QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BU:t~DING FBBRUARY 7, 1979 PRESIDING.. .. . . .. . . ... ... ,,:_¡¡·~'.·.R. Roberts, PRESBN'l'.................... .'~... .R. Montesi, H. Mann, Dc. GUBST. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . G.. Liape'å . Chairman ....... . Secy., K. S~rlin, J. Dybas, Krebs, w. }rhrê~ 2.. Regular meetine¡ 8:00 1>.. M. Minutes of Janua~ :3.,~4'\_~ine¡ approved. Northwest Village Seç:t:.bSD III - off West Mountâ'in)~oad, West Mounu1n corporation, Develo~~:... Charles Racy from Nacy....lÎd Raymond ASllOCiates was present on this:sÛbdivision. . Letter from ca~1i"Garb, Hie¡hway Supt. andsollls conservation,dau receivèå:. Health D.p~·.approval requ1red. Motion by Montesi seconded by Krebst:o grant Pre;~ljbinary Approval. Vote -; yes. Motion carried únanimous1Y. ,', 1. . . 3. .. variance 1610, Peteránå.Belve Rats~ - to pìaç"i.;.naddition 40 ft. from Route 9 and 26f~i·,.from SWeet ad in~1'f!u:'J;Jf the required 50 ft. front setback on the.~fQperty situated at 49.La~.:Geore¡. Road, Route 9.. Peter and Helve Ratsep<were present on this ·vaJ;iap(:e. Motion by Krebs . se(:ondecl by Mann to ..:~.~_end approval of t~i.·8 ,.ri"ance. Vote 7ye.. . ÞJotion carried UDaniit()'1ís1y.. The Board recommend . approval for the fòllow- ·,.;i.p.CJ¡~easons: SetbackobSweet Road is ther.,a~;J~8 not a seriou,. ç:qij..ideration. Setbaç~.,on Route 9 is more~aì(]:.h.èo1:her buildili9& on ItOtate 9 near this bui.ldinq.. It will not alter,~ê àppearänce of Route 9 ,in this area. .... 4. .'\,ar1.nce 1611, convenî.èbt:,ood Market - to p,l~c... ~ 24 sq. ft. additional 81;.D on 50 sq. ft. ~J;~.""8tanc11n9 siqn' on tb"Ptc>~·t;Y situated at. the south side of Ouake~ J;tt:)ad. Bob Pla~'t of Siq,n..- <If' '~roqra.. and HZ'.. and ~..~ .. Nisoff of Alert Realty were present. MOtiOn by Krebs seconded by ,.Montesi to recolIIIDend .pproval of this, variance... . Vote 7 yes. MotioD carr:A.~ unanimously. . ~e Board feel. one siqnpöle is better and 2 poles . ·.and recommend that tb.i$be a permanent varia.nce aDd that ~his sign not . have 'to conform by 1986.. . .. , . 5. Variance 1612, James Ba;J.ley - to manufactur.. ~tOr;1.".re bathroom accessories in C-l Zone on the property situ.ate.d at Corinth Road. Denise Boland presen,t OD this variance. Mo't~o~bySorlln seconded by Dybas to recommend apPrt)val of this variance. Vote 7 yes. Motion carried unanimously 0. The Board feels this is re.asonable recycle of . anexist.inq bu11din9a~9 a.1so recommend app~vaJ a·s there are other manufacturine¡ companies in the inaediate ar4i!t." 6. Variance 1613, LionSon,:Ltc1. - to add a 32uni,t.addition to motel and -.w1mìll1nq pool 1n M-IZone on the property situaqd at Big Boom ~d. Attorney R. Case Prime and Raymond Buckley PEwere present on t.his vëU:'iance. Motion by Montesi seconded by 'l'hrew t:o .recODDeDd approval of this variance. Vo'te.7 yes. Motion carried,. 1;IÎ12ånimously. This is a Use Variance because it is in an M-1 Zone and an Area Variance becau.e expansion is larqer ~n50'. Parkinq and ÌI.p'~Qêonform t:o State and QUEENS BURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD - Peb. 7, 1979 Page 2 'town ordinance. The Planning Soard see this area as a commercial area.. New maater plan calls for area all a coIIIID8rc1a1 zone.. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 Po M. Next regular meeting March 7, 1979 - 8:00 P. M. Respectfully submit.t.ed, Ronald Montesi, Secretary