1979-03-07 QUEENSBURY TOWN PLANNING ·,'BOAtID MEE'l'ING ..;\..... '. QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING '.; MARCH 7, 1979 .. JFllii1!ng........ ....;~...,...... .R. Roberts,~¢.fiåirman ~ .. .......... ...,......... ·R.. Montesi,: J{~:/Sorlin, B. Mann, W. Threw, J.. Dybas " Absent., ... .. ... .. .... ... . . .. .. .. ~D.·.. Krebs Guest. .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . . . . . .. · · · · . Go . Liapes .:<},X.i 1. Minutes of Pebruary 7, 1979 meetinq';'~.roved.. .;·;.'Î 2. M , M Subdivision, 6 lots on West: JfØhiiain Road, Michel and Mary Brandt, Develo~s.. Mr. Raymond Of'Ø.cy and Raymans Associates was present on this subdivision. Mottbn by Sor1in seconded by Mann to grant Conceptual Approval.. Vote -·6 yes. Motion carried. Threw and Dybas to ~ke site review. Land O'Pines Subdivision Section 4 '3~79, 112 lots off West Mountain Road, Ruqqlesand Benack, DeveloPèria. Mr.. McCormack of Coulter and McCormack present .on this subdi vislQÎl ~.. The Board discussed the fact that this subdivision is not in the water district. The Board feels that: water should be considered in this very developable area of the Town. The Bo~rd recommend to the TaWIl Board that very strong consider- ation be given to this SUbdivisioDto.,have water service be make available to this. and other subdivisions a10nq this road. Lee Meadows Subdivision '4-79, 6. 1ótsJenkinsville and Mud PoneS Roads, Frank Boynton, developer. John VanDusen presented this subdivision and Harold Boynton also present. Motion by Mann seconded by Montesi to qrant Conceptual Approval. Motion carried by vote - 6 yes. Real th Department approval needed. ~cial Permit '79, Karl and RUd~ ~au1sen, north side Week. Road - to Place a'large scale resident!al evelQpment in an R-5 Zone. Tom McCormack of Coulter ~d McCormack and Rudy P~u1sen present. Data letter presented explaininq the application. Water Supt. received water supply detail on 3/5/79 and could not give any comments on such short notice. Motion by Montesi.seconded by Mann to recomend approval subject to legal opinion from Töwn Attorney. Motion carried unanimously. The Planninq Board would like· to have the Town Attorn~y review specific question of front, side and rear setbacks. Question - should developer use 75 ft. setback from Weeks Road, or can he consider apartment building as facing inside of lot and therefore use 50ft. setback to Weeks Road! Should project be looked at as one lot and have to conform to all setbacks, etc. or should it be considered as oneprojèct? Board also recommend applicant have Health Dept. approval of sewaqe and water and Highway Supt. approval. Variance f614, Binley Florist, Inc.. - to place additions to the Garden Center1n an M-I Zone on the property situated at Quaker Road and Di:Jt Avenue.,. Wallace Hirsch present. Motion by Sorlin seconded by Threw to recommend approval. Motion carrie<! unanimously. This extension of a non-conforming use is in an area thf¡!!.. Board sees as goin9 all COIIIIIercial and this is what Variance '608 was qranted for. 3. 40 5. 6" OUEENSBURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD Page 2. - Minut.s.of March 1,1979 7. ~eCial Permit'80."Ben~~. ,_Beym (Cas~.~.:IMarina) - to add 60 ft. 100 ft. boat storaqe-building and a.30 ft. by 45 ft. workshop on the property situated off Route 9L, Wamer Bay, Lake Georqe. Mr. Heym and his attorney, WID. Canale were present. Motion by Mann seconded by Dybas to recommend approval. Motion ea:rried by vote, 5 yes, 1 Abstention. Reason for approva11 make good design., see no problem with storaqe shed on hill." 8. Variance 1615, Herman and Antoinette Heber - 'to place a free-standinq siqn W:1 th, 4 enterprises and. wall s1qn with changeable copy on the property situated at Ouaker ltOad. Mr. .and Mrs. Heber present wi1:h Robert Platt from Siqns of Progress. ·Þiþtion by Montesi seconded by ManD to recommend approval. Motion ca~~ied unanimously. The Board recommend approval as this is in keeptnq,with tasteful work done on this barn. Si.qns will be in keepinq~#'t.h charm of the building. Board does not want t.C) put limitation on th.fii:variance as it is not somethinq they want to see chan<j'ed in 1986. Meetinq adjourned 10:35 P. Mo Next reqÜlar meetinq April 4, 1979. Respectfully submitted, Ronald S. Montesi SecAtar.y