1979-05-02 QUEBNSButy 'l'OWR PLADING 'BOARD MBE'l'DfG QUEBNSBtJRY 'l'OWR OPPICB ·BU%LDING MAY 2, 1979 Pre.14.~1)9................. ..).,..'.,,'I,>!\~., Robert., Chal~." ...'..' Present.. . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . ....:.~ . ~ "K. Sorlin, B. Mann,· .~~.' DYbas . . .n..JCreb.,·Act:inq S~:.("'.' Absent................. .....·..)....W.;Threw, R. Monte.i· . Guest.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . ~.>~i~..;.G. Liapa. . 1. . . Minute. of April 4, 19t' _.tiI19 approvec1. S11bðiviaion - Lee Mea4ó¥j, 6 ,lot.. Jenk.~~.vil1e altd :_ Pond Roads, p~ank Boynton, Developer.·~ John VanDusen pre"n~ .~deð ..p for tbi.·s~ivision showtDcj allowanoe ofmi-e spaQe,f:~r..the int.ers.ct.ion ofHudPol'ld and Jenkinàii11e Road. Variance 1622J Robert·B*p18r4- to oper.t.e.... a iubbi8. h .r..-oval aDd construction ÞUslne.ai,?ra pr....exi.'inq non-oonfor'll1ag as. in R-4 .øne on the proper~'1;i.ituated at C..rolineStreet.· Robert B.marc! va8 pre.ent as vell ..._ owner of ~e property Lester Plint. Due U)....lackof proper knw.\·..,qe of the property the .Board. is pa.sinq thi. va.riance along 1:0 1:I1e ~oninq Board of Appeal. without ~t.. Varianoe 162~ Adirondaø.k RaaUlas, Ltd. - 1:0 build a Health Pac111t:y , 8D4 Raoquet 11 cour'-. 11'1 M-l and -2 son.s on ~propert.y .ibat.ecJ a1;...t..ide Bay Road.. . Mic"el O'COlUaOr, attorney... pruent. repre.ent.ing applicant... Mot.lon by Sorlin ...<'Ön4ed·by MaIm to r~ approval of ~ls"ariance as they feel tbat thi. i. rea80n- a))leQ.e of the land and doe. . provide aD adeqQat.e· buffer between it. a~· nei9bborinq property.. Mot.ion carried. variance 1624, John ·L. ·Jiaanen - t.o place an addld.on "ith 24 ft.. . front .etback in 11eUöf the required 50 ft. and 12 ft. rear .etback in lieu of the required SO ft. on the property situat.ed at: 253 Bay Road. John HaaDen present on t:his variance. Motion by Sorlin .econded by Dyba. t:o r.cOJllltend . approval of this variance beeau.. it was approved Nov. 17, 1977 by Variance 1522, and also becau.e t.he DOn-conforminq setbacks are le._ than thøse of ~e existine¡ building. Motion carried. Meetinq adjourned at 9:10 P. M. Next reqular meetinq June 6, 1979. Respectfully submitted, 2. 3. 4. 5. Donald ~rebs, Actinq Secy.