1979-08-01 OUEENSBURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD MEETING . . QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING AUGUST 1, 1979 Presiding..........................R. Robefts,Chairman Present..".......... .ei."". ............ .R. Montesi, Secy., W. Threw,· K. Sorlin, D. Krebs, J . Dybas Absent.. 0..0..0 G.. o..'~··.o:. ..0·.... I;t...... .Ro Mann' Gue8t..o..oo.o~o.o.o..o.....'..;,(Io¡,»o..oS(¡ Lynn 1. Minutes of July 5, 1979 meetinq approved. Subdivision No. 3-79 - M Iii M Subdivision, Michel and Ml1ry Brandt, developers, 6101:s,. West Mountain Road IS Motion by Montesi seconded by Krebs to grant Preliminary Approval. Motion carried unanimously. Variance No. 634, Bett -Jean Baxter - to place articles or sa e outs eo u ng on e property s uated at the west side of Route 9. Tax Map No. 35-1-3. Motion byRoberts,sèconded by Montesi to withdra'ffl app1îcation and refund fee. Motion carried unanimou.ly. The Board made this decision because the board did not know bow to handle the problem. Town Attorney, Joseph Brennan's opinion is that our Ordinance·iS·not strong enouqh to enforce. Var~nce No. :J~L-Linda Clark'" to operatè a shop to 88.11. minature doll houses a 'furniture in an R-4 Zone on the proper'tysituated at the corner of C8,ntra1and Michiqan Ave.nues. . Tax Map NQ. dI27-3-10. Motion by Dybas, secoJ1ded by Montesi to recOJmDel1d appiova.1 of this variance~ Motiern carried unanimously. Th. Board r8C01$lìénd approval .for the folloWiJiqreasons: No negative affect on nei9Ji~rhood ~ Recycle of not 11:sed b1,1ildinq - Very definite hardship. LindaClark was present on tihia variance. variance Noo 6'3~, BO\Jse of Hi-Fi, Inc. ·..·..;,to place three (3) wall slqns on a rebil storè1n·st.ad of one (l) permitttKi wall sign on the property situated at 50 Mil¡er . Hill , Route 9" Dr. Lester Brymanpresent on.. 'Ghis variance. Motion by Sorlin seconded by.D)'bas to recommend di.approval of this Sign Variance as the Board was not shown that siqns would overcome hardship of look of being closed. Tax l-lap No. 71-1-5. Ronald Hotmer (Great Sa Inc. - to ·p¡.ce a free"-stanc!- ng 81gn WJ. alf, t. ront Be ac n an Zone on the property si,tuated at 19 Mìkin Street. Harold Botmer present on this varianceo Motion by Sorlin seconded by Montesi to reconmend approval of Use Variance as seafood restaurant. Motion carried unanimOusly. The. owner will make sign êonform on setback.. Tax Map No. 130-3-25. Variance No. 638, Alan Koecblein - to place an addition to a dwelling with 25 ft:--rear set:bâclt in lieù of the required 30 ft. rear setback in an R-4 Zone on the property situated at 32 Clark Street. Alan Koechlein present on this variance. Motion by Montesi second.,.! bY' Dybas to reoommend appro~ãl. Motion carried unanimou8l)". '!'he Board recommend approval as there will be no real change in neighborhood character, no rearne1qhbors and both $ide neiqhbors have side porches.. Tax Map Noo 94-2-7 o' . 2. 30 40 50 60 7" QUEENABURY PLANNING BOARD MEETIl\"G AUGUST 1, 1979 Page 2 8. Special pe:rcmi t No. 83 ,Stanley Sutton ... to enla;w:::qe a non-conforming use by PIåcinq an addition to a dwelling in C-3 Zone on the property si tÙ8ted at· Ròute 9 ~ Motion by Krebs seconded by Montesi to recommend approval of this variance. Motion carried unanimously. The Board recommend approval for the following reasons: No chânge in area - No Space problems - Will improve the appearance oftbe area - Owner is allowed up to 50% expansion of non-conforming use in Zone by Special Permit. Steve Sutton present on this variance. Tax Map No. 68-l-14,lS. Variance No. 639, Betty-Jean Baxter - to place two (2) signs on a building J.n lieu 0:1: one (I, pe1'11t1.~ siqn on the property situated at the west side of Route 9. Bet.ty-Jean Baxter present on this variance. Tax Map ·No. 35~1-3.. Motion bYM!!lntesiseconded by Dybfls to x'ecommend approvà1 of this Variance.. Motion carried by vote oiS yes - 1 absten~ion. Applicant would be abléto have a free-:-$tanding sign plus a wall sign - this proposal is less than she could have. There are two seperate businesses on this property and each would be entitled to a free-standinqsiqnand wall sl<;¡n. Variance No. 640, SUDsoval, Inc. - to place ano~fice and storage uea for general. contract1nq 1.IÎ an R-3 Zone on t.heproperty sit:uated at Route 9L, Lake Shòre Drive. John Mason present on this var1ðnce. Moti.on by Montesi seconded by Dybas to recommend disapproval ot this variance" Motion carried unanimously. This r~ndat4.on 1:ot disapproval based on the fOllowing: The proper,t,y.1,s residential and this variance granting will set the tone for the area for years to come. OUr new "master plan has set this area as a residentiå!. area. Mini,-meetings have setfortha feeling from peopletþat they would like to see this area stay residential. Planningpc;>int of view is reason for disapproval of this variance. Tax Map No. 11-·2-1. Meeting adjourned IO:30 Po M~ Next regular meeting Sept~~r 5, 1979. Respectfully sUbmitted 9. 10.. Ronald Montesi, Secy..