1979-09-05 QUEENSBURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD MEETING QUEENS BURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING SEPTEMBER 5, 1979 Chairman Secy., B. Mann, J. Dyb¡!ls Presiding.ooooo.....oo.........o..o..R. Roberts, Present.o.o"...o.oo..o........o......R. Montesi, K. Sorlin AbsentOG..ð..o.~..o..G..G.ooo.oo.~.ooD. Krebs, W. Guesto.GOG...oo~.oooø.o.o.oo...oo.~o.G. Liapes 1. 2. 3c; 4" 5.0 6. 7,. 8.. Threw Minutes of August lst meeting approvede Subdivision No. 4-78, Berkle Subdivision, 7 Lots, West Mountain Roadi Denn s R. Ber ey, Deve opere Jo VanDusen present on this subdivision. Motion by Mann seconded by Dybas to grant Preliminary Approval. Motion carried unanimously 0 Preliminary Approval granted as per letter of Carl Garb requesting they maintain 8% grades, proper drainage is installed and 70 ft" right of way be given around the c~Xt·ves. Public Hearing set for October 3rd meeting. Subdivision No. 9-79, Donald Lo and ÄnJ1.e L. Betters, Tuthill Road. Donald Betters present and discussed his Proposed subdivision on Tuthill Road. ..... Variance #643, Arnol~ M. Alkes - to use aD .~i~ting building in R-4 . ZOne for woodworking shop and sales on the. p:îiópe~ty situated at Main St. and Ryan Avenue. A1;!no1dAlkes present. Motio~by Dybas, seconded by Mann recommending approval, of this variance. .MQtion carried unanimously. This would recycle. .~ ~nused building. TheB~~d see this area going commercial on the new plan and present charac~erof the area seems to be commercial. . . Variance #641, Georle T. Durett, Jr. - to plä¢~:a swimming pool with 7 ft. rëar setback and 5 to side setback in lieu ôf the required 20 ft. rear setback and 10 ft. side setback on the proper~Ysituated at 106 Fourth . Street Exto No oneapp~red on this varianc,.Motion by Mann seconded by Sorlin to recommé~d approval of this var1a~eas it seems to be reasonable use of property. Motion carried unantmous1yo $~ecial Permitt84, Philip Burr Austin - to use existing buildings for boat storage and repair in an R-3 Zone on th!!. property situated at west side Ridge Road. Philip Austi.n present. Motion by Montesi seconded by Mann to recommend approval of this Special Pf!X!m!t. Boat Storage is perm.itted in an R Zone. The Board's recommendatbn does not go beyond what is permitted. 'q . Variance f 64 2 t,JI!rri.s . Bay Development CorporatiQ.n - to place an addition to eXisting bOat storaqe buildíng in R-j Zone on the property situated at Route 9L" Arthur Gotts was present on this variance. Motion by Sorlin seconded by Montesi to recommend approval of.th~s variance. Motion carried unanimously. The Øoardfeel marinas provide~Þimportant service for all State of New York citizens, not only tho8..ê,ihat live in or by the lake. Våriance 1644, Raymond F. Wolfe - to place a ca:r;port addition to dwelli.ng wIth 21 ft. front setback in lieu of the required 30 ft. front setback and with less than required side setback in R-4 Zone on the property situated at 231 Fifth..St..,Ext. Motion by Ma¡)nseconded by Dybas t.o recommend approval of this variance. Motion carried unanimously. . Tile character of the area is small homes on small lots. This would not beaut of line with t.he nature of the area andwQuld also clean up the yard and improve the appearance of the lot. Mrs. Wolfe present on thi~ ~r::1 Y" ~"i.'~' . '~(: e ,~ .. QUEENSB.UHY PLJ~.~TISrING Bo.ARD M..~E''l'nm . SEPTEMBER 50 1979 Page 2 9. VariG:nx(";~~.<J. S¥ Robert Clark.. to operate an automobile repair and sã"lëii- lii~- ãJS.'~Ë";:¡{J:ãB:ng -15ü.rrnrng in R- 3 Zone on the property s i t.ua ted at Itoad.. Robert. Cla.rk present.. Motion by Mann seconded by f1(¡)11t:{~fid. to Ì:-~~!:~o:rmnend approval of this variance.. Motion carried unan:Lm<:n.¡sly" 'rhe applicant shüwed hardship as follows: 1.. Nee York St;at:e 1 net issue dealer plates if he is not established as commercial. ;2 ~ Ie area in :r5.on.-conforming uses that preda tethe ordinance. 3 . ..~ c;~onfoI"lT\in9 slgn t:o ident;ify the business. M~e·t,wl'J ê'Jdjot?r11.ed at 10 p" YL. ... Next r.egular meeting October 3v 1979. Respectfully submitted, Ronald S.. Montesi ,Se(':y ..