1980-01-02 QtJBEltSBt:tRY . TOtmPLANNING BOARD MEFl'ING , , ::-~::'.=.::~.:~~:::.:..a. Rotierb, CbairflanJANUAIŒ 2, 19~' Present. . . . .. .. . .. . . .. . . ... ~ ..'''~ 0; ..... ..D. ICrebs, kting 8ecy., J. Dybas, ~ Sol 'Mamì, 1(. Sorlin, W. Threw Absent."...................... ......... .·..R. Montesi Guest.. 0" . . .. .... ... .. .. .... ........ .. . ... ....i. . .·.G. Liape. 1.. Minutes of Dec.-ber 5,1979 meetdnq were approved a. writt_ by motion of Mann seconded" by Kretdl. No subdivision applications subbltted. yari.ance f654, '.1'hOma1i Burke -:tooreate a non-conforminq lot and construct a dwelling on Ws lot on the property'situated at Mason Road (Lake George).. Nò on. appeåred on this variance. The property is owned by Mr. and Mr.~·T~omas Ra.ve, Jr. '!'he Board felt that future zoning for this area is 'pJ.~~eÇl.t acre plus lots and su.bdividinq a '. lot of less than an aëre .'J.,~'U> ,'~. 'lots was contrary to the expre.sed desires of t.he public. It .1(.s<&l,1:1O felt that septic: problems might 'develop~ since the 'Rave'þouse/iÞ"Ø :~. other balfofthe lot is useð oD a 'year~round basis. . M<?~,ion bY::)Jcrlin seconded'· by Dybas 1:0 recommend disapproval of 1:I11s var1an:ce~()t' the followin9r":sc)Ds: 1. Future zoning plans call for lUgerlot$t.han t.he exist:iIi9,·10t. 2.. Planning calls for more lanet forp):C)perseptic leaching.,]. , »eDslty would be too ,hiqh.. Motioncarri«J~DiJDously.. .". 2.. 3~ 4.. . '.' , " '.' .' . . .: '-. .~. ~ '" '.' Special Permit '87, Du,n,h.a.m~,.a..yBoat Company,:~D.p..:".~ to construct an ~8ooøquare 2:1:. aàai1:iontð .'exis1:ing o2:2:ice;~.~;':shovroom on t.he ' property' situated 'at Ro,ute '9ÌL:~d on Lake Georq~.!:~. and Mrs. Roger Howard and thttir attorney Q.:' .Thomas Moynihan pr...t>øn the Special permite The D4N space, ~ohu.edt:o show and ....ll·~re boating accessories. Board. f.1J€i:bIí;t:';8fnce the n..,. add~t.ioD is beinq built OVf!r .exi,sting boatst()~ä9'.'äreà that it woûld b.-vë :'l'1ttle or no effect ón.the, shoreline of t~':·¡;åJtè. '. ,: Potential.. parking., ~oblem was discussed " with owner RogerBowa~d, and'~ s.tated that thèi'rexperience of the . ' pa.stthree years does notincU:cate any problem..)k)t.ion by Dybas seconded by' Mann to recomm.ê*.d approval' ê)f this SpecialPêtD\it as the type of business transacted. in the n" ar.a will notcreat:e significant. . ' additional traffic, orpâS:-'kingrequirements.iJ'he.,Board also recommend approval of a sign ,not ,to exceed the lÙ1\i t80f, the 'Lake George Park COlTln\ission. Motion cu'rlèd unanimously..' 5" Variance .655, Atlant.i,c. Richfield Cor¡:rat.ion-to place non-conforming signs on tne property'S1t.uatédJl.t 52 v1at.ion Road.. Robert Platt of Sicjns of Progress present on this variance., This variance is a request 'to place 3 si9ft1i on t.he bui14;nq totallinq77sc;ì~ ft.. rather t.hanone of 100 sq.. ft... a8 .1lOwed~ Also, requested an oversize free-standing sign when price plaç~rds werèlndicated..'i'hé8ô8t'4 felt that sign onriqht elevation wa1:1was not neededsi,:tlcevisibility of sign was limited.. Also fe.lt that price placard8o~·f·ree-øt.andinq sicp1 were too large and not needed irrtl1i~ location.. Mótior. <b1pMann seconded by Page 2 Queensbury Town Planning Bpnrd,Meetinq Jan. 2, 1980 6. Threw to recommend apprb~al wi14h thé follow1ftq exceptions - 1. Eliminate rig·ht elevaUoft, wall sign. 2. Eliminate both price signs on free-standings1qn.. Motion carried unaniJDously. Variance f 6 56. Oasis Petroleum .. to plaoe non-conforminq signs on the property situated at Rout:e 9, Miller aill. Marty bUðslien of 'the' Oasis Company was present. wi t:h the Manavc ,of the looal s-tation, Edith Maqee. Thlsvariance is a request to place a free-.tanding sign bet~~n t,hé 'support columns of, the exist:1nq Zayre si9'n. The reasq~.'~orth1'ø, location iS1:hatelect:ricity is. already available Ii_., ';1n.., .~!~. :.,:~1ent space .u~..ts in front of present. station. I'ree-8~41.i\1::'s1gn would be double faced ahd each side to have less'~:~:~,'~'q. ft. Board 'felt that the sign is of reasonable si.. aD4: .",ê.ft:)busin.ss as a ,need to iDdicate its product or service ..~.',: :all .igna that exist on buildinq will be removed. Motion 'by :... seconded by I:z:ebs, to recomm8Dd approval of this variance, wi·th·.. stipulatiQn .'tbat. the siqn ,be placed betveenthepole.óf:the existing I.tr- sign. This .J;~ ,'will be subject to. _forming 1:0 Siqn O"~ce in July 1986., " MO~ion . pa8sed unaniJDOu$lÿ. '. Discussion of Lake Geò~,.~t:;~ontrols/doo~.,.·,etc.:· followed requl.r meetinq from 9:30 .i»;;;í.O:;lS. Meetinq. .~journed at 10e1S P. M. ;N~treqular meetinc Febr.~t£6, 1geO. ," Respectfully .ut.íd tted, .."... .,"..' '0 Donald Krebs ¡ , .,; ;(Acting Secretarý. ,·,"t\· : '. ,. "'