Application RUCINSKI HALL ARCH ITECTURE Ronald Richard Rucinski Ethan Peter Halt A� ,1 4 Dix Avenue Glade Fells 128,01 6, Voice 18 741-0268 Fax 518 741-0274 Email epha11@nycap.rr'.ccrrt Tirnirilittai Tru,- Laura Moor -Town of Queensbury- PlannIng Department From, Ethan Hall Date: 12 October, .2016 Rem Daigle - 1903 Ridge Road Attached hed please find one (1) original and fourteen (14) copies of the fbillo ing Information for the a bove referenced project for zoning board revlew; 0 Area,'Variance Application a Applicant Narrative Letter Q Town Zoning Denial Letter o Property Deed, a SiteSurvey Plan 9 Site and Building pians 0 Area Vadanoe Application fee If there are any questions please let me know. OCTI Z 2016 ()F, CgjE ��JSBaR'' F F i TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY. 12804-59'02 September 30, 2016 Lisa,Daigle le 1035, Copeland Pond Road, "ort Ann,NY 1282 Re: 3,640 sq, ft. garage Out bile No. BOTH 650-2016 1903 fridge Road. Tax flap Pamei: 2533-1-32.1 Dear Ms., Daigle: 1 am writing you with regards to my review of the above-referenced project and; to document the recent telephone conversation we had earlier this week. Upon my review 1 find that your proposal will require an Area Variance prior to the commencement of the project, Specifically, an Area Variance is required as.your plann, offers the construction of an extra garage on the property as well as an oversized accessory structure. The Town Zoning Cade allows for one ga age up to 2,200 sf for our parol as it is in excess of 5 acres and up to 3 accessory structures that can total no more than 750 sf Your current proposal calls for what appears to be .a garage that would Constitute at lust a 40' garage building, by definition, and an attached accessory structure that would bring the Natal square footage of such structures on the property to be: in. excess of the 750 sf maximum allowed., This letter serves as the required denial letter for the processing of your application package. Should you have any q,uestions or comments regarding your applications, please do not hesitate to contact this office. ' incerel Craig Brown ZoningAdministrator B/sh L:\Craig Brow,4i\2016 LetterMenial Daigle 9_28-1 .doc iiHoaare of Natural Beauty ... A Good Flare to ,Lrue ' Area V ari t1 [ZIDAappmwld Sup r,+:,nber212016l L Applicant Name.. k 2. Tax Map ID Location- 3. Zoning Classificnti.nrro d. Reason fui.Review: 5. ZoWng section a VU7 G , G. Pre- ubmis ion Meeting Note Di°ovided Outstanding; Please prnvide by Deed " General Information complete �- Site Development Data Complete Setback Requirements Ccymplete Additional,projert Information Complete FAR addressed Compliance with Zoning Ordinance Checklist items addressed EnvIronmental Form completed Signature Page completed l'l " .tel' r e>' v a f LJ( c, 42— r, n(k, C A i ek ,17 e, r- to t r N-R V cc, r„ f N ° ." " Staff presentativ /Ctl ` . 'Ala) „ Applicant/ gent: � late:A V /ml' Pugv,6 Area Variance Revised Jun 2{)Oq GeapgaLft&LMatiM Tax Parcel' Ifs Numiber: 253,3-1-32.1 a: Zoning District, RR-5A ���" �7 c ' Detailled Description of Project [include current,& propd use]: Existing sig Na farniI residence ver arrasProposed " �t revit u. ly fa�rrnfar�d� - n r barn t for 'farm equipment arrd hobby area w , w Location cif prof �, iro�sl°�� �.M�a`�Ip� � �,,,Vomu9arM Applicant Name: Lisa Daigle Address; 1035 Copeland Pond Road I-Ir�tt"Ee Ph ne ;r98-7 � Fort Ann INN 12827 Coll: 260-6522 Work Phone iri r5y _ crti V Name �.. Address HSP Phew Cell Warp.Phon r"ax r'ne,r"s Name, Same a!s AppalicantAd,dr dome Phone II �� Work Phony I��tri�id OCA 12 20 Town oFQusenaburon ingOfi`rca,742 Say Road- ueensbury, NY 12804.518-781 $238 � PIAN Nt N ,F Ire' To the Zoning Board: I am writing this letter to give a clearer picture of our fann, in Harrisena, a very historical Hamlett in Queensbury, linherited this farm two years ago,but before now it has had a rich and varied history. This farm was an important stop for many,decades for tourists traveling along what is now known as Ridge Road. It was called The Mountain Lest Farm. The current,10cation of the house for the farm is actually the second family home. The first was, located on the back acreage I.along a route no,w called the Adirondack Preserve Road. It burned down, and the family home was rebuilt along Ridge Road, where it is located now, with the barns being constructed,on the opposite side of the roa(or Mountainside, as the family referred to it.). They not only sold farm products, but also operated as a traveler's inn, providing feed for the horses, and meals and rooms, dc. In the, 1970's a good portion of the back acreage was purchased through.Eminent Domain,to help create the Dunham Is,Bay Watmbed, Other Portions were removed from the farm to build houses f farnil'y members. These parcels now border what remains of harvestin Or parcel is now landlocked, and is only used for bay and corn. g fields for the farms. This back StanleY'Miller Inarried Helen Stevenson in 'die early 1940's after returning from naval service in World War H. He had come from a family, in Dolgeville, NY, who had a history richin farrning. He became an integral Part Of this farm. Upon,the death of his father-in-lave shortly after his Inarriage,he assurned, the majOritY Of theresponsibility of the daily duties of said fine. This continued until he could no longerfarm, This was,due in part to age, but also to the loss of his inain grazing,pasture to another, instance of En unent Domain by the State of NY. He always wanted to,keep the use of his land to be agriculturally based He allowed a few c-ows to be pastured On, the Mountainside portion of the farm for a brief periodf e bef r pa ,h lack acreage was also reclairried for hay and corn production. 0 tim' 0che passed. The bac The barns on the property all need work to be safe and usable. As of Ns week (10/7/16), one of the barns will be removed. We will continue to give some much needed attention to the other barns so that they may be used, for hay storage, etc. At this point in time our hay is being stored off site. This will change when the current barns are inn better,shape. Farm machmery is much more expensive now than it was years ago,,, and we store our machinery inside. The new BARN will house the machinery safely frorn field pests, etc.. Unfortunately the reason we are now befdre you, is due to the regrettable loss in. the zoning language in the Town of Queensbury for agricultural buildings. Yes, out building is larger than a garage, but it will house mainly farm machinery, and a,work area for avariety Of tasks,, It was necessary to label it a garage because of the language provided in flle building permit application. We hope by explained sOnl,e Of the history of this farm, it will help us in our process with our application. Thank, youfor your time and consideration, Lisa A. Daigle OC T 12 2016 TOWN CA- QLJE1, 1V1SBL)R'Y Area 'variance Revised June 2009 Ite QeyeI+L"}QmenjCit i Area I Type E iatiing sq, k Proposed Total sq, Vit. Addition sq.ft. fl . Building footprint 2,292 0 2,297 r B. Detached Garage (Barns- Lower& Carriage 2,322 3,640 5,962 N�flousa) (Proposed New Barn, & Flobb area AccessoryStructure(s) ( hIckenCoop) 400 0 400 D, P ved, gravel or other hard surfaced area 2,910 3,900 6,810 E. Porches/Decks 326 Q 326 R Other 0_ 0 Total Non-Permeable [Add,+A-F] 8,250 7,540 15,790 H. Parcel Area [43,560 sq. ft. I acre] 843,321.6 843,321.6 i. Percentage of Impermeable Area of Site [I=GIHI 0.99% 1.87" 5r.1back Reguirements ,Area Required Existing Proposed Front[1] 10000 off NA 223,9" Front( ) NA 0 Shoreline NA 0 Side ardl [1 750,00, NSA 112+ Side Yard [ ] 750-00,0 SNA X5.5' RearYard [1] 1001-0 A 490' Rear Yard [ ] 0 NSA 0 I Travel Corridor 0 NA 01 Height[max] 35"-011` SNA 24. ,'a Permeability 7'5'x+ NA 9813% No. of parking spaces 2 NA 6 Town of Queengbury loning Office-742 Bay Rroad•Queensbury,NY 12804-518-761-6238 1 Area Variance Revised June 2009 1 MI the proposal require a Septic Variance from the Town Board of Health? No 2, If the parcel has previous approvals, list application number(s): ISP-1. 74, BP 650-20,16 3. Does,this project require coverage under the NY�S DEC Storm titer Pollution Prevention, Program? No, 4. Esti rn ated project duration. Start Date 10-2016 End Date 1 -2D16 5, Estimated'total cost of project: $85,000 61 Total area of land disturbance for project: 3,640 SF Eloor ALea RCiti Q Workghgg FLOOR.AREA RATIO (FAR) -- The relationship of building size to lot size, derived by dividing the total building floor area by the lot size in square feet, yielding a percentage, honing District, Symbol Floor Area Ratio,[FAR] Waterfront Residential WR 0,22 Commercial Moderate CM, 0,3 Commercial Intensive 0 A. The combined area of all square footage, as measure If rom exterior walls of all structu res on the property, including all floors of the structures, garages, basements and attics with more than five (5),feet of ceiling height and covered porches- Building square footage does not include; Open deck, docks and that portion, of covered docks extending over water and one storage shed of one hundred twenty (12:0) square feet or less. Any addifional:sheds will be included. (See TLOOR AREA RATIV). B, Commercial or industrial, the total area in square feet, as measured' fmm the exterior of the outside walls of a building or structure, and when applicable, the sum total of all floor areas of the principal and: accessory buildings or structures on the project slte� -Parcell rreasq., ft. Existing Floor Area s . ft. see above definition) -Proposed Add Itl onal Floor Area -Proposed Total Floor Area sq,ft. Total Allowable Floor Area Area x0.1L geeabove Townof Queensbury Zoning Of •742 Bay Road.Qmeen.sbury, NY 12804.518-761-8 38 Area Variance Revised June,2009 Compliance with Zoning Ordinance Re!questing relief from SECTION: Need relief from the requirementis) listed balow which ran not be met by the project as proposed. tcheokaythetapp+yj - Setback Buffer Zane Lot Width Other Size of' Overhead doors on Proposed B,arn creates a garage according to zoning requirements The following questions reflect the criteria for granting this type of variance. Please complete them; use additional sheets If needed. 1 Whether an undesirable Qhange will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby property will be created by the granting of this area variance? No—This is an old farm—was used up until the State took the grazing pasture by ern Me n't domain to fulfill,, wetland requirements for Route 149 restructure, 1: am upgrading the property with a new structure 2, Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance? No—true to structure size for equipment storage for property maintenance—the dour size makes this structure a garage under the current zoning laws 3- Whether the requested area variance is substantial!,? No—I am removing an existing structu rethat is currently un safe{former cow barn —4 ' x 3 T)& replacing with a new 701 x 60' building for Storage of equipment& hobby work area 4- Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact oil the physical or environmental condlitioris in the neighborhood or district's No—I have 19.36 acres of farmland & land Mill remain appealing as a farm even with the new structure.. 5. Whether the alleged difficulty was 981f-created-7 No —the existing buildings are extremely deteriorated and falling into disrepair Town of QueenOury -Zoning Ofte ® 742 Bay Road -Queansbuql, NY 12874 - 518-761-8238 4 Area Variance Remised June 2009 gMkmjtWj Qf a stamped and 8i n ��d�pietlnc�exlstun� end pre p�s�d nnrtiditiu�rue alr�Jl anclud�tho jf�rrls as noted!eeow. ,.......... ....... SHOWNI N SHEET# 1 Title, rtanne,Address of applicant 8 person resprmnsibte,for preparation of dravAnq All 2 Deed Yes 3 North err ,Tax Map ID,date prepared,and scale lmiinimum 1 ln,=,40 f] _ All 4 Boundaries of the property plotted to scate.zoftirio boundary Lt ry 5 Principal structures, accessory structures with,exterior dlm nsfcne SurVey o Site Irnprovernents incl,outdoor storage areas,drhteways, parking Drees, etc,; existing.§r prepo3erl Survey y Setbacks for all sGuturea and impr vornants:-exisling;r:proposed Survey Elevations and flmcr plans of alh proposed and of oted atrurntuuras Bldg. plans WATER&SEWER SHOWN ON ' HE1"° I Project sawage disposal facilities, design details construction details,flog rates,and number of bodru,oms proposed _1 - I Water supply, ti.e.uwell]! &'sepik on adjoining lots with separation distarmms to existing or proposed on-silo water supply and -1 septic a Separation dtstane os'for propmed sewage disposal system to well and water bodies S-1 &5-2 �I 4 sting public or private,water supply swell,take, etc,]. Method of securing public or private water, locatlen, deign and _1 &5-2 construction of water sup&tncludiU(Jally water usage 5 Percotati4rr test locathon oust results Sr_1. - 'FARKI NG P PERMEABLE AREAS f�;"� SHOWN ONl- MI'ET# I Number of spaces required for prqpeot including calculations and tustification: existing�I.proposed Survey 2 No.of oxistiol potfuing spaces., ,umber to be removed, number to,mainly and type of surfacing material[e.g.,gravat, paved) Survey 3 Provislon for pedestrian and handicap access and parking, ex ting !,propo"d NA. . 4 Design details of ingress,egress,loadirkg areas and cutt9rkg: extst!ng§n.proposed survey . 5 Location and ctharaoter of green areas[existing;and proposed], modifloPGi to green area,buffer zone to remain undisturbed Survey 6Lighting,I'ncation and design of ail existing and proposed outdoor lighting NA I=f+rt" ADDITIONAL rrE DE M L P , AND MCF—L,LANFOL 4'DMS� ON SHEET W t On-site &.adjacent wa:terc0ur5ea, streams, rivers, lake and wetlands Survey Utilityrenergy distribution,systarn [gas„electric;,solar,telephone];existing t_proposed; Surrey 3 Locattono desUn and construcilora details of all existing and proposed site'mprcvements Nnduding, drains:,cukaorts, retaining Survey wralts, fences,flee&an,ergoncy zonas and hydrants"etc. 4 Square footage of bk%. area proposed for office, manufacturing, retail sales or other carnmarcial actruttos; existing, I SIA ro ,sed l` o Signage; Location, size.type,desigin and setback:; existing§II proposed PSA IF 'Waiver Request; provide letter with application requesting any waivers: pose reference specific Jems NA. gI CornmercialVI ndustrial Deweptprnent requires submissions of Landscaping, 5torrrnrrater Management,Grading&Lighting Plans NA I In jIdentifrcatien of f=ederal"Mate or County permits,requited for the project tNethuer with a record of application for all necessary permits NA ] Town of Queensbury Zoning Ofte 742 Bay Road-Queensbury;, NY 1 804 w 518-761-8238 Area V a riance (71M ppfvovcd� Sep I ernba 2 1 24)161 This page includes the 1.), Authorization tG Act as Agent Form2.) Engineering Fee Disclosure; 3'.) Authorization for Site Visits-, 4.) Wier Permit Responsibilities; 5.)Official Meeting Disclosure and 6.)Agreemem to provide dOCURIent2tiOn required- OWN ER's ACF.�NTFORM Comp]etc the fol lowing 1 f the OW N C R of the prcperty is not the saine as the a,pp I iza ri t ov'mer. Designate& as Agent regarding the following Variance Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map,No. DeedReference: Book Pagt_Date OWNEER, IGNA.TURF DATE: A PPiict NT's Acroo Foitm: Cornplett thef6flowing if the APPIACANT is unable:to attend the meeting ear wishes to be represented by another paty: owner: DQ41gnatts- as agent regarding the fbi[owi ng: Variance Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map No.:. Deed Reference: Book Page—Date_ OWNER SIGNATURL DATE: L-LENGINEERINL— DISCLOSURE Applicationsy bwmay referred to theTon consulting engineer for review of septic design, storm drainage, etc. as determined by the Zoning or Planning Departmtrit. Fees for engineering rev.Lew services will, be charged directly to the appiloant. Fees for engineering review wit] not exceed$ 1,000wi(liout notification to the applicant- &LAUT110RIZATION FOR SITE VISITS: By signing this page and subiniffing the application materials aftched herein, the Owner,Applicant,and hisfherAheir agent(s) hereby authorize 11w Zoning,Board or Planning BcFard.and Town Staff to enter the subject properties Far the purpose of reviewing the application submitted. C.L—OMffik PERMITSIBILITIE S: Other permits, may be required for cons ttuctii on or alteration activity Subsequent to C QN approval,by the Zoning Board or P larining Board. It is the app li Qant's responsibi'l ity to obtain any additional,permits. 1) 0 EELCJA 1, M E ETE ING M I NUTEJ$CLOSU in-" RL" It is Practice of the:Comunity o h Development Department tea a . _ designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of mettirip resulting from appligation, and m1niltes transcribed front tlrm,e tapes co tJSt i Lutes the OffiCi al record of all p roceed Ings. k,�_) .AGKEEMEN r1l): I TQ PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION,REQUIRL ,the undersigned, have thoroughly read and undm,stand the instructions for submission and agree: to the submission requirements, I acinowledge no, coristruction activities shall, be commenced prior to issuance of a valid perm ft. I certify that the application,plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statementidescription of the existing conditions .arid the work proposed, and fliat all work will be performed in accordance with the approved, plans and in conformance with local zoning regulations, I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed,I or my agents, will obtain a Certificate of acoupwicy as necessary. I also understand. that 1/we rnay be required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly construcied facilities pricer to i5suaneue of a certificate of occupancy T have read andagree to the above. 2 Lt-a"�- A - 'b 0,"L t � Print Narne(Applicant) Date signed Signature[Agent] Fr_ini"Kame tAgent) Date signed Page 7 b2 PG:' 31 1` 011012014 DEED jeI of 4 WARREN U NTY'—STATE OF NEW YO'RK �O 4r'. M11 PA:' J.VOGEL, COUNTY CLERIK 134 D STATE ROUTE 9' 0 LjEO RGE, N EW YO RK 12846 ccs; CLERK'S RECORDING PAGE " THIS PAGE tS OF THE DOCUMENT—CSO NOT DETACH"- Re c�o rdi n,g . Cover Page 5.00 RecorcHng Fee 35-00 Cultural Ed 14,25 Recorcis management Coun 1.00 Records Management Stat 4,75 Additional Names Mo BOOK/PAGE : 5052 315 TP584 5.00 INSTRUMENT # . 7014-6417 RP52,17 Re5idential/Agricu 116.00 Receipt#., 2014346575 RP52'17 - County 900 clerk: CL Sub Total : 1901, 50 Rec Date j 10110/2014 iitig: l Doc Grp: RP Transfer Tax Detrip: DEED Transfer Tax - 'State 0.00 Num Pg :. 4 Rec 'd From: STAFFORD CARR, & ri LY PC sub Total : N 0100 Part l: STAFFORD MICHAEL C TRSTC Party2 : DAIGLE LISA A Total - 190. 510 Town '. QUEENSBURY NOTICE; THIS IS NOT A BILL Transfer Tax Transfer Tax #. 532 Transfer 'Tax, Consideration- 0 .00 Total : 0.00 I hereby certiry that the within and foregoing was recorded at 0te Warmn County Cluk's Office. Record and Return TO: Svod 01 1 Kcw York. 71bL3 shut corwitutes the Clerks, endmcmejit Yquixed by Section. 316 of the Real PropeTly, Law STAFFORD CARR & MCNALLYoffie Site of New York 175 OTTAWA STREET Parch 3 Vogl LAKE GEORGE NY IZ845 tiXarren,C ounly C I erk PG: 315 10/10/2014 DEED Ingee2 of d EE'S WIT—LIEN C_QVENANJ DA=r uaa Septenibcr!, 2014 QRAN'rOR: Michad E. Stafford, as SuccessorTrustee 0f the Manley J. Miller Trust-Agreemen t elated M sy 20, 198,6 as Am(--nded by AgretrucDC dated February 22, 2001 175 Ottawa Street Lake ( ,or e, NY 12845 2RANTLE: Lisa Daigle 1035 Copeland Pond Road, Fort A 'm, NY 12827 T,H,jS DEED made betwoc; rantor and, grantee on the deed date stated above WITNESSES THAT GRANTOR full consideration of One DL . 2rw(S 1.00) and the provisions Stanley J. Mille, Trust Agreement dated May 20, 1986 as Amend cc! 6 -+ reement dated February 22, 2007 lawful money of the United States, other good and valuable comideTation, paid by Grantee, DOES HEREBY GRANT :-,ND RrELEASE UNTO GRANTEE and his assigns forever all ghat property I ocated a L, 1903 , Age, Road To'wu "Queensbury Couc�,. �f Warren St ` Qw York TAX 'AP H: 2533-1-32.1, 253-1-2,253,3-1-28 (THE PROPERTY IS DESCP T '7D MORE FULLY U1 SCHEDULE "A" ATTACHED) THisCRANT IS MA L'. 4'-. TOCYT HE]Rwith die .-i­ -r,nances amd all the estate and rights of the Grantor in and to said premises, 5052 PG : 315 IG/10/2014 DEED Image: 3 of 4 TO HAVE ND TO 'HOED the premises granted by this Deed unto the Grantee and his assigns forever. .iTHE GRANTOR COVENANTS as follows,. 'FIRS' : That Grantee shall QUIETLY ENJOY said premises; S-LOOk That Grantor has not dome or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever; THIM That this conveyance is made subject to,the trust fund provisions of section thirlcen of the, lien law. If there areMOTO than one Grantor or Grantee, the words "Grantor" and "Grantee" used in this decd inOudes them. IN WITNESS OF THIS CONVEYANCE, Grantor has executed this Instrument on the deed date stated above. IN mrisNCE OF Mkhael E. Stafford,Trustee STATE OF NEW YOKK ss.: , COUNTY OF WARREN On the day of September in the year 2014„ before me, the undersigned, a rotary Pub I ic in and for said, State,personally appeared Michae I E' SuBb rd, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the, same in hiscaparity, and that by his signature an the instrument, the individual, or the person upon.behalf of which the individual acted, executed they instrument. Notary PuWk 0 LINDA S. I3 NOTARY pUBLIC SUTrx OF NEWYORK 9SGA CO, # 01 BYGO 24426 %im, EXPIRES MAY 10, 20 BX5052 PG: 31.5 1,0/10/2014 DEED lTnage: I of 4 SCHEDULE ,A- THOSE TRACTS OR PARCELS OF LAND, situate: lying and being in,the Town of' Queensbury, Warren County, Now York, as shaven on a map prepared by DI. L. Dickinson Associates,Cjltitled Map for Stanley Mi lier dated June 13, 1'998, TeVised September 5, x014 and filed in the Warren County Clerk's Office on 06, v &- 720jq in Flat Cabinet. Slide 2-01 y- 300 SUBJECT to easements, covenants and restrictiom of record, if any. BEIr NG the sarne premises conveyed by Stanley J� Miller to Rodney Stevenson, Wilma S i v ak and Thelma Homrighaus, as 'Irrustees of the Stanley M i 11 e r Trust all May 2 0, 1986 by Deed dated May 20, 1916- and recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office June 5, 1986 in B,oQk 681 of Deeds at Page 906, Michael E. Staff6rd is the Successor Trustee of said Trust, R&R: Stafford, Carr& McNally, PIC. 175 OMwa Street Lake George, NY 12845