1980-03-05 QUEENSBURY'1'ot\N PLANNING BOARD MEE'l"ING - QUEENSBURY TOWN OPFICE BUILDING MARCH 5, 1980 presidinq. . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . ... ..'. R.. Present.. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . .... .."!',... . .. .R. J.. ~.ent.. . .. . .. . ... .. . .-. . .'.·.·,0 .' .'. ...D. Guesu. 0...0 ø......... .'.,.'.;e'.... .G. Øób8rts Chairman , " Mon1::~i, S~.., .8. Mann, J.. Dybas.. S.orlln, w. Threw' Kreb. Llapes, It. Corrnre1l 1. Minutes. of Pebruary 6,1980 meeting approved. 2. toR~S 18acr.s~- West MoU'llb!nCo, rat.ion c. ra t. "asþ~..,_t on . .S rezon1nq request. Motion by Mont.si .ecoó~ed by Mannrec:~n4iD9approv.l of this rezoning request... Mot.4.~ncarried.. ,~::I.. rezoning request will be r.ferred to th. warren'::Coun-ty planning Board for their r~endation" 3. Varianee '660, Walter J...Barthel- to u.e exi.i;.iQg'-rent:al cottaqe for a. woodwork1ng aDd q1~t . shop 1n an R-l Ion., ØD, the property situat.ed at. Pilot 1(nob Road. ,This variance post:pòQ8dtoA.p~J,l 2, 1980 meeting at .t:he request of the .pp1icant~ 5. '~"''''1; " ~.,-. " ',; ...,.........:-..; ~..' :.~.:.~.~.::;;....,.. :..... '".~ V..rJ,ance 1661 GU8t:afa·. ,M;rnrberg - ·to us. aD,exi..t;1ng qaraqe for *tøJ."ag., repair anddi.:.._U.t10n ~~ter for r.~l of music machines i;t1.:'~ R-4 Zone on ~ ..:J#òpÇ'ty situated at 39zvert,s Avenue.. Mr. My.h:l'- ~9wa8 present. Mo~*ØÐ bYMann.~D4. bY,DyI>ae'tO recommend 4~sapproval of t:hisV&t~c.asl1O Bharc18ht:p_,. AI110wn and it. would disrupt a residential' J)tiighhOrhood. Mot.1ø'nêiat'r1ect. . , . '." . ','. .' . ~ . . .' .: " \ i- .:<,.¡ ,-'..' ~ ',- ; .. '. . . -, 'ari&nee '662, JOS82heocoz.. - t:oplacaaDon~OII~orøaing sign on t.he ~rty s1tuated at th.:.a.st sid. 'C)'f;Ro~t:e 9 ,,~þ,of Exit 20. Mr,;,Cocozza did DOt appear. on t:his.diance.M.ot,lon by Sorlin seconded by Dybas to recoanend :øisapprovBl. " Mot:lon carried unanimouøly . The Boa,rct recommend disapþ,tþval, for the, fòllowinq œ'a~()n,,: 1. Presently too' many signs on pr~tty.. 2. Sign. donoi: corxfQrm. 3. Changinq W;~~:inq on sign so we êanl1Ot. recOJilnend aÞPT:öval. ,':' 6. eia,l pe.rmit '90, Wi 11.i., Rµ8S0 ... to co~~'tÌ:'Uf;:t,~ operate a Go-Cart QnOeS8,10n (aJDUs--.tcenter) on ~. propeï:t:ye1<tua,ted at the west side of Rout.è 9 north of hit. 20. Mr.. _sso an4 Mr. Jlållenbeck present on th$.s special permi t. Mè)t~D by Montesi .eøø~; :by ,Mann to reconunend approval. Motion carried.. The Bo~*ugg.stêcl:..1:hat the applicant . prepare more det:ailed,inf.Ormatio~ for tbeZoninC] Board meetinq, such as ~l.te sketch showing layout. of 'ttack.AlSO.,p-fetyfeatures, fence:; .P4:"beutification of SO·f,t. are...'11W:trac1t1)e50ft.. f'rom the ,road .m..;,<:parJtinq lot in reaX'.&n(iSO f't',.front.r.a Þ. :':greeD lawn and sb%'Ubs.. , ,;.. -," . ,. .. 4. QUEENS BURY PLÞ~~11NG BOARD MEETING l"l~,RCn 5:J 1.1' page 2 ",' . 7. Variance #663 ENLA:RGEMENTI/ Sco,tt McLata hl.in ,~t.o enlarge an ~x st ng non-conform Dg b~,:u,ldng;) percent. ònt.he 'property situated at Route 9L., No one, presen'!; on this enlargG\1\ent. request" Motion by SorlinseQo~Çled ,,by'Mann to recommen4approval.. Motion carried. The Boardrec()U1IÌl_~;approval O~ ttiiâ$rilarg_ent. of a preexisting as. asit...hqu~ð" 'improve t;þ...".t~·:g*, "r~vln9 a trailer.. Variance '664, ~., aIid;~talfUO, ~ tQ',~Iî¡~t:. dormitories ,'tot ~118í9. .œ4ent. 1ri· *-1 zone ODth- P:r:Op.rty situated off Bay load. Chuok Catalf.aJliopreBeÞ1: OD t.hts varØDce. fte Board tabled t.hiil variance. TbIIt:BoU'ct "i~1,nviArif"._'i.·pl_,lD reference 1:0 tbi. area at: t:be P~iI1II..BQlÎJfctWOJ:bhop ....~.:~.",... 20, 1980. . . '. ., . ,.,~ a4joazMd .~:',,~'j,t$.0.~:.. 8. <;,:':;:~"" '.>\-;:; ~ ,. . -" . .'''':,~/ /,:....!.>~. .... ..' . ,1Ieñ regulu ...~I.D9.il 2, 1"0. Røpeot:fu11~ . ~t:t:e4 . , .~...ld JIoDt:..i"i'~'.~.~ ,:y..