1980-04-02 OUEENSBURY '!'OWN PLANNING BOARD MEETING OtJEENSBURY TOWN OP'PICE BUILDING APRIL 2, 1980 Pres id inq.. .. ~ . . .. .. .. . .. .. . . . .. .' . . . . .. . .. R. Roberts, Present....."............~.........R. Montesi, R.. Sorlin Absent..." ...... ...... ................... .8.. Mann, J.. Gue8t~ 0.0. Go 0 ç 0-0-. go. Do... 111........ .S. Lynn Chairman Secretary, D. Krebs, Dybas, W. Threw I.. Minutes of March 5, 1980 meetingåpproved by motion of Montesi, seconded by Sorlin.. Subdivisio~,' Westland Section 14 - '14 lots west of Pox Farm Road No. '4-80...,Andrew T. McCormack present on this llùbdiviaion. Conceptual review Seëtion 14 Westland.. Montesi and Sorlln 1:0 make field trip. The Boarddeterm1ned that this is a type oneact.ion and requires :uP (Enviro~tal Ass.s8ment Porm) . ", / 2. West Mountain Rezoninq -Claude B~~t was' present and discussedt:his "ith the Board. 'l'h. 'concept. of ~~~l is oJt~y... Variance .6601 .alt_3., Bart:hel+)1:0 use tÐ.tist,'i:n9 rental cottage ~or a woodWorking an4'q1~t. shop in an R-IZone 0J1 the property, si~uated .... Pilot bC)b :Road. Walter Barthel,p;resent on t.his variance. . )Io'tion by,$orlin seco.þ4ed by Krebs to recORÞmd·~~..pproval. Motion ; carr-ied..;1'he Board~end disapproval dut! ,t.ci'lack of hardship and :" lack of reåsonable u.e. of 'land aS2;o~ed. ' ,... . 5..SpeQial Permit '91, Emily .and Mer;iÎé'Lat:tere¡'l'~to place an animal kennel In an R-2 Zone on tile proptar'ty situated.t, Puller Road. Bltily and Merile. Latter.ll·, .present. Motlòn by Itr.b~., seconded by Sorlinto ,recoJlll1end approval of, this Special Use Permit. Vote two in favor of : ....otion, two against møtion. This is a permitted use in an R-2 Zone.. . The ,Board can not make any requirements or conditions, or restrictions, so must grant this. : 3.. 4.. 6. Var.iance' 6 6 5, Thomas E . Lindstrand ... to place a pool with 10ft. rear iétback in lleu of the required ~o ft. rear 'setback in an R-3 zone on the property situated at 30 'l'wicwood Lane. ThOmas Lindstrand present. Motion by Montesi seconded by Krebs to recommend approval of this variance. Motion carried. The Board feels that this ia reasonable placement of pool for Sun, slope of land and closeness to the boIDe.. Practical difficulty shown in placement of pool. 7ç Variance 1666, Sheraton Inn of Glens Falls -to remove a 50 sq. ft. sign and place a 140 sq. ft. free-st:andinq siqn in an R-5 zone on the property situated at Abbey Lane off Aviation Road.. This is an area variance and applicant must show practical difficulty.. Motion by Krebs seconded by Montesl to recommend approval of this sign variance. The Board feels that Sheraton Inn has shown practical difficulty in terms of bein9 seen from north and south bound lanes of Northway. The 80ard feels that degre, of practical difficulty is sufficient to warrant this variance. Motion t)carried. Robert Plattfran Siqns of Progress present on this varian1e. QUEENS BURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING APRIL 2, 1980 paqe 2 '\Tàrianc~: ': f6671 Samuel J. Pierce - to construct an attached qarage with f2 ft. setback fran the property line in lieu of the required 30 ft. setback on the property situated at, Bay Road and Haner Avenue. Samuel Pierce present. Motion by Mc>ntesi seconded by Krebs to recOlBend approval of this variance. Motion carried. Practical diffic:ulty shown- side lines will not,chanqe forgaraqe - lot is so narrow applicant has no other choice.. Meetinq adjourned a't 10130 P. M.. Next regularmeetinq May 7, 1980. 80 Respectfully subnittec!, Ronald .S. Montesi, Secretary