1980-05-07 " ~';, ik,,5. .,··,'f.-, I¡"", , QUEBNSBURY ,'tOWN" j:t.AiINIMG BOARD MBE'l'IRG QUEBIISBtJRY TOn OPPICE BUtLDIltG "! MAY 7, 1'" Presidinq~,.. o. ...0.............. .R.Rober'ta. Chaiman Present..'.... 00................ .,....J.J)tI>a.,D.:Kreb., J{. "S~lin , ':R~" MOòteø.t¡c,Secy., H . Mann Absent. ~ .. .. . ... . . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . W .~ew Gue81:./.~ ..,;OÚ'D.,_:....O......... e"o .-.S. Lynn .. ....".~ .i' 1. Minutes of April 2nd .eetinqaWroV:èd. , , 2. Subdivision No.. 4-80, wes'tland'~t:J;~A,,_o. 14, 14 lO't....t of Pox PUIR RO$ð.. Jeff Kelley app~edOn,tb18:~1V1sìon..<,Wo·.otâOft ~_. 3. , , Variance t~68, William and El::i;~~ltt - to oþerat.~;aRawleigb Distributíon Center and retailst.or,,::·,' aD R-4 Zone on the property situa1:ed at 275 Bay Road.. William ".','t, present on; this.$~laaøe. Motion bySorliD .econded' by Kr.b8t;O~eoc:..ften4·, .pproval..::~iØD carried unanimously. Wi'th 'the -iJt8lC1 øh4racter of the nè1qbboJ:'bood this chanqein U8e would not. altera:X"chanqe t:he. De19bboJ"hooð:., !'he Planninq Board, recœæend t:hat:t:he~Øntn9 Board of Appeal a , s.et.'i:be .izeof the 8iqn applicant. can ·""eO', :', ' " Varialice 1669, State BankoftilbPY~; tp place a fr..-~~.,·'.i9D W1 th ,no property J.1ne setback 1n' l:£.tf,~f t:be requiredlS>,ft:.,~ on the proper1:y .ituatedat ,the north·'$'ide of OuaJtcRø4.··Pould 11011 present on this variance. Motion by, 'Kreba .eocmded byÞyÞá.: .:tfq 'r~:øf.A¥ approval. Mo1:ioD carried unan1aous]¡ý. . '!'he Board felt:~.iar_80nable hard.hip due to øiagua Mobawk.t',r:ip ,;AAâ '0 ft. of Si:a~.J."OD Quaker Road.. A 41,.q.ft. .iqn does DO,t... out: of cbaract:er,¡o variance '670, Stanislaw ltostøJt (Stan '. Seafood Rell1:auraat).-·i:o _larqe a nonconforming use and plac..:." ac141t:.1,on w11:6 26 rt. r_.r :....ct in lieu of t.he required 50 ft. rear .et:11ack in an M-2 Ion. on '$;, property situated at 284 Bay Road. Stan Kost.ek pre.en't on thi. .uQDo:e., '!'he .etback from 'the rear propertylin~ :JJ.1s ft. not 26 ft:..aaahown OIl plot plan submit.ted with this appliêìät1ôn. 'l'he Board r~approval of this varaicne for the followin9~"a.Qnsl 1. Due to pUbltcbealth problems that: can be caused by :f,1sb.);~ft oat iD bot weath....2. Dept.. of Agr!culturehas deemed itnecess~to bave a cooler.. ,,"ot1on i:o recommend approval by Mann secondedbYDyba. anct carrie4b,y ~t:. of 5 yes and 1 no. ' ," 4. 6. , ' Variance .671, Thomas and Pat:ric;J¡i'J~ûtke - to creat:e anODcoøfoJ:'IÙDC¡ lot and construct: a dwe~11nq with 1geft,..·.,è,1:back froD1 the ~s.. on the property situated at Mason Road, C1:~~al. on Lake Geo".~"A~t:orD.Y Robert Stewart pre.ent representinq ,the applicant.. MQt10n ','b!,: Serlin .econded by Krebs to recommend di.appx;oval of this vari.n.øe,,<,.,.¡:t is presently a preexisting nonconførm~~ l.ot. and 8Ubdividibg~" request would then JRake a nonconformin9. ,løt",'W~ich would be sma11.:,;.\~D· ,pre.ent ordinance calls for. As plann.s the Board di.approve. 1:I1i.....J',m.ity. Motion carri~ unanimously. ' ' , :"~ ,,', Meeting adjoux:ned at 10:30 P.M. Next regular ..etinq JuDEI":c,¡980. \>.' Re.pect:fully subai~ted, . Ronald S. Montesi,Secy.