1980-09-03 ~...-/-:._;..... QtJEENSBURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD .MEETING .... .¡ QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDIIiG SEPTEMBER 3, 1980 Pre,.iding................,...........R. Roberts, Chairman Present.......... ..."........... . .R. Mont.esi, Secy., H. ~nn, K.. Serlin, J. Dyba 8, W. Threw, D ~1trebs Guests............. ...... .....".. .... "G.. Liapes, Charles SC~cSder l. Minutes of August 6 meetioo '~~jf:ii:'., Irving ~Alic.Dal],~k,4Jttþdl¡.i~ion 16-80, 8 19t:søffCountry Cõlony Roaa:- publrch~rin9' ,scheduled for Septønber 3, 1986 C8DCell", Board will no'c reschedu,l~,Public Bearing until they ~ fraa Dr. Dallek.. : ' 2. 3. lOBLIC BBARING,~West.l.nd Section ,IS Subdi.ieioo '8-80, 29 lö~. Pox ROllow Road",'l'ôm McCormack present.. There were nO qu_tions fJ:al 'the, public arid no more input: from Health, Btqhwa.y anc! Water ~ , B,oard cannot give final aJ;>.psoval until info~ttQn recelved frœa 1tJt.. departments ë'~d revieweq"'])y the Board. No d~ision madê at thi..,......." ing.. Northwest IIITQwnboùs~ Subdivision PhaseI '7-90, 9 lots clu.t.er I.6 acres.. Nort.est Roa... neve oper, M C eBrandt and Chari... ' 'Scudder, PE pr.~~~nt on t.his subdivision. SPEDBS Permit will be fort:llÞ- coming af te.orc 3o.''.~ays wai'ting per i04 to Motion. by, , M~tesi seconcte4 by Krebs to grant. ,~;l.lÎal approval pending Health, Hightn,ly and ..t..... ~ letters of approval. Motioncarrieð unaniaoaaly.R. Robel:ta VUl..... ..ps as soon as Health, High., and Water D~'ÞI_t letters reaú..... 4.. '..;:. , -! .~ -- ; -. ,~: ~ .~ . , : . ' ,'. .: .'.,; 5... Jutt:ermlt 8:4,11 S\lbêJiV':t~:i,9n tl~"'72, west of.Rt..eItoa4. Chu~ _~., : , . ,.,eVèope:r. r. as , , .' . er, re n , ·_a .... "".1 ,'_rid recommended t.heB~rd accept this new u.palKt fi.le . _ Ir.ll.".. ' , ..ap. This new map tiefJ ðownland purchas8rto " sp.,ific plao..... i :haD.es a.nd septic sys.te1!\. iIlotion to accep't.~e4 øutdi"i.laa ... _de by Sorlin seconded by Mann and oarried uø,~imou8ly. 6", $~~ial Permit No. 92,. Leønarðo Lombardo - to"P1_ce a miDiatur:. ,01' ~~urse in a 0-3 Zone, on t.hë property situated on the we.t .:1.4. of ,,' .. . ~~¡;;n 9 b;O~~~b:f s:~~~~~4~y D~~s~:~~~:;~»î8~:P~g;:1 se:.....·; :lack of plans showing parking II setbacks ,landsc:apinq , etc. Motion· . ' 'carried unanimously.. The Board agree in concept ,with a miniature CJOII course but need plans to review.. 7'o'Vå:,:iance No..6796'Cliffo;~ Fuller - to placeanadditiòn to a dwellilll 'W:Lt,h '. ~n~-zt:se£back J.D :fl~u "õrtñe required 30 ft,.) setback on the property sitUated at 12 Carroll Street. Mr.. anðMJ.-...l'uller pr__" Hatton by MannsecQQded by Sorlin to recommend app~al. MoU. carried unanimously.. This does not chanqe tbesêt:back., it a.. extenslOl'l of a ß{)ftc>collfotminq setback" ' , .' . '._.. ...--.. QUEENSBUR'l TOWN PIJlNNING BOARD Page 2 SEPTEMBER 3, 1980 8. Variance No. 680, Helen ,F.. cuttilni .. to place an ad41t,~on, to a dwel1i1'19 w1th 25~t.,~ front. setbac '. in lieu of the required 30 ft. front setback ing";",4, Zone OD t:he property a1 tuated at Sunnyside Road. Dick CUttinç;.J.)resen't,. Motion by MaDD seoonded by Dybas to recouaend approvaLaá it will notçhange the character, of the neiqhborhood. MotJ.òn ca,rried \U\animously. Vari~ce No. 681, pyramid, go:m)2~rl¥,,~f Glens Palls - ~9".·:P,1;~Ç,~ a 75 ft.. 1û'9lÏ1 ,overs1ze pylon sign on't'fi~t'p:roperty s1tuated.attþe south side of Aviation Road,.. GlenR( jp1¢è;:(:preseni: representmgPrr_id Company of Glens F~lls (Aviation 1f.iall). Motion bY,So,rl1n seconded by Monte~i recommen,dinq disapproval of this sign va.r:i.n~.. Motion carr.ied unanimoual-y . 'l'he BoaJ:d J:f!Commend dillapprovaJ,;';£9r ':~. following reaSODS¡¡ ,1. S'ig'l1over,aize and too hic¡b..2.. .''1'here i. means to advertise 6n the Nort.hV'~y via Department of Tr·.'sportatiOl\ 1D signs.. 3. '1'hisi varianc. violates all the stand.r4aijt ~ ordinance. Next. reqular meetinq Wednesd.aÿ, Ôcitober 1, 1980. Respectfully 8Ubmitt~d, , 9. Ronald S" Montesi, Sec;t:',e;t..J'