1980-10-01 ... \i QUEENS BURY TOWN PlANNING BOARD MEETING QUEENS BURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING OCTOBER l, 1980 Presiding~.......".....o......R.. Roberts, Chairman Present..oo.....................R. Montesi, Secy., H. Mann, K. Sorlin, J. Dybas, W. Threw. D. Krebs 81:8ff.oo...ooo.................".8.. Lynn 1. Minutes of September 3, 1980 meeting approved. 2. Motion by Montesi" seconded by Dybas to chanqe meetinq night from first Wednesday of ,mont.h to the first Thursday of the month for November 1980 and to the first Tuesday of the month for Janu,,'\ry, February and March 1981. Motion carried unanimously. (OCtober 2, 1980 checked with Town Clerk, Don Chase and found that the Town Board would bemeetinq the first Thursday of November, November 6, 1980 and that meetings were scheduled for 1:he other eveninqs that week. Buildinq Department contacted Dick Roberts and he directed that the November Planning Board meetinq be scheduled for the,reqular,first We~nesday, November 5, 1980.) Meetinqs for January, FebrUary and March 1981 as 'follows: January 6, 1981 - Tuesday February 3, 1981- Tuesday March 3, 1981 - Tuesday 3. Subdivision No. 10-80, Robert McDonald, 32 lots COrinth and Sherman rärãÏiQ}'{õiãs.. Ra'ÿíiíöñã"'Ðü'ë:kTt1ÿ;-prpresented this subdivision.. Motion by Montesi, seconded by Dybas, to grant Conceptua,l Approval. Motion carrie4 unanimously. More work needed on plan, plus Highway Supt. views needed on roads.. '.rhe, Board concerned about land locked lands and road layout.' ,. , 4.. Subdivision No.. 6-80, Irvinqand Alice Dallek, 8 lots off Country Cô'i"õñy",õâa.. '1'õïñf.fëCõrïñãërprê)iêiìt-6fttl1ís-subdlvis!on.. There was an update of thisprôject for Board members.. The Board need. some more input about Dr... Barber's land drainage. Discussed open grass water ways in place of large dry wel1so Perhaps an open ditch on Dr. Barber's land.. Health Department has approved map as presented.. .Board also want right-of-way to Barber property. Motion by Mann seconded by Dybas t9"establish 50' right-of-way at end of road - south side of Dallek property. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Mousseau presìanted map of sibdivision. He was concerned about. natural flow of wate.c arAd wanted to make sure flow continued. Board still needs ~:oad input - do not. want, landlocked land.. So Variance No. 682, Searle OPtioal (Pearl Vision Ceqter) - to place a 'vlsI,on center in a C-2 zone()D parcel that. does n,ot lIteet the 40,000 age. ft. requirement on the property situated at the north side of ,Avlation Road. Tom ,McCormack present on this variance.. Motion by Montesi, seconded by Sorlin to recommend approv4!il,,()fthis area variall,ce for the following reasons: 1. Practical d,ifficulty" i.8 shown in that lots wer~ reduced by highway right.-of-way for A'viati9n Road. 2. C-2, C-3 line has caused difficulty. 3. This will improye an empty lot. 4. This area planned Plaza Commercial on new zQn1pq~ 5. See no problem with shared parking lots. Motion carried unan,imously.. \. QUEENSBURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD' OCTOBER I, 1980 Page 2 6. Subdivision Nq.,.7-80, Walter Dombek, 40 lots west of Pinewood Road, b8t'Ween' !,:Userne a11ð t:or1nt.h Roaðs. TcIm McCormack present on t.his subdivijion. Motion by Mann seconded by lCrebs to qrant. Preliminary Ap¡1.J:ovaI. Motion carried by vot.e six yes. WIn.. T~rew disqualified himself. Public hearing set for November 5, 1980 meetin90 Need Water and Hiqhway Department approval. Subdivision NolO, 9-80ia The Plains, ,Potter Road, - John VanDusen, Developer pre8eìlt. ,:ticm by Montesi, seco~-.s by Dybas t.o grant Conc..,t:ual Appt~val. ,Motion carried unanimOu*ly. Concept.ual approval qrant:ell on MapA. .'.t regular meet:in9 ,Jf4daeø4ay, November 5,,198,0. Respect.fully ~1~~Ød, 7. , . ; Ronald S. Mont.si,;s~y.