1980-11-05 QUBENSBURY TOlIN PLANNING BOARD HEftING QUBEHSBURY TOWN OFPICB BUILDING NOVEMBER 5, 1980 Presidlnq.........................R. Roberta, Chairman Þresent,............................D. Krebs, ActlDg Secy., ft.. Mann, K. Sorlin, W. Threw, J.. Dyba. Ab.ent...............................R.. Mon~esi Staff..........................S. Lynn 1.. 2.. Minutes of Oct:ober 1st meetiDCJ approved. Suh<1;ivision '11-80, Bet:ters and TlU:'ew, 46 lots Sherman AVeDue.. Mr 0 Betters pre.ent on this .ubðiv18Ìon. 110 action taJt8l1 - tabled to next meetinq, December 3, 1980. Planninq Board needs detailed explanation of it. authority totâ1te any ac~iOD on 'a Mobile B~ Subdivision. Referred to 'town Board. PUBLIC HEARIIIG - Subdlviaion "-80éowalter ÐoaIbek, 40 lots weat of Pinewood Road bët:ween Lu.erne imcî · ,,' r:tnü aoac\s. 'fan McCormack present on this subdivision. Motion by Sorlin aeoondeð by ManD to grant Pinal Approval of this aubdivis1on. Motion oarried by vote of 5 yes, 1 abstention. PUBLIC HEARIRG Subdivision '6-80, Irvi~ and Alioe Dellek, 8 lots otf Country b>lony Road.. ' Tom McCønaok pre.ent on this subdivision.. Letter from Charles H. Soud4er,Consulting EDgin..., iD4icat_ that after conaidering all aspects of dJraiDaeJe the plan aula! tt84 by Dr. Dallek .hould be approved, as no substantive r_son a:is~s for di.approval. r..tter frœa Daniel G..lt, Highway Su~.1Ddicate. concjernw!th traffic out of Dallek Subdivi.ion in the future, if Barber property i. developed on Country Colony Road. Motion by Sorlin seconded by Mann· 1:0 9ran~ approval of this ..ubdivision, as submitted on Sept. 19, 1980 map. Motion carried UDa~t.ously. Ru.sell Mou.seau, a resiclent of Country Colony Drive, feel. that he and other neighbors will have water in their ba._ant. and feels litigation will be instituted aqainat the Town Board and Planning Board, if water prabl.s develop frcm this 8ubdivi.ion. Rob.-t McDonalcl Subdivision '10-80, 32 lots Corinth and Sherman I.l.d Roads. Raymond Buckley, PE repre.ented Mr. McDonald.. Discu..ed land locking of Mosher property and decided he had sufficient property to provide access to Corinth Road or purchase lot to east of property.. Public Hearing .et for December 3, 1980. Variance No. 684, Melton and Sharon Berringsbaw - ,1:0 keep horses on 1.84 acres in lieu of .tbe 'required 10 acres in an R-3 Zone on the property situated at the north side of Lu.erne Road. Melton Herrinq- shaw present. Practical difficulty i8 that the area bas other horse. and applicant baa leased 10, acre. in the past 'to ...t the requir__ts of ,th. ordinance, but ba..nev.. u.ed the I_sed prope~y except 1:0 meet the requir_ents of theorðinance. MotioDto ,J'~ approval of this area variance by Mann seconded by Krebs. ~~ion carried by vot.e of 5 yes and 1 no. 3. 4. s. 6.. QUEBNSBURY PLANNING BOARD MD'l'ING NOVBMBBR 5, 1980 paqe 2 variance No. 685, ~ J. Mosher - to place a carport. with 20 ft. setback in lieu of erequired 30 ft. setback in an .-4 Zone on the property slt:uat:ecJ at Leo Street aDCl Sheman Avenue. Mart:in Mosher pre88Dt on this variance. This is an area variance and continuation of an exisUnq non-oonfondnq setback. MotiOD by Dybas seconded bý Mann t:o r8COlllDend approval of this area variance. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Variance No. 686, J~ BucklU B~, Jr. - 1:0 place a, two story addition to a co.t"C!al bii1.1ð nq with 3" ft. side setback in lieu of the required IS ft. and 6 ft. rear setback in lieu of the required 30 ft. in a C-3 Zone on the propertye1tuat:ed at 302 Bay Road. Attorney Robert: Stewart. repreaent:ed.' the applicant on this variance. Motion by Roberts seconded by Dybas to r8COlllDeD4 disapproval of this variance. Mot:ion carried unanlmoualy. It is the belief of the PlanDing Bøard t:hat the proposed ac141tiOD will be over a dry well of a septic system. Alao, the Board does not: be 11 eve sufficient practical difficulty was proven. 7 c. Meeting adjournid at 10:30 P. M. Next regular meet:inq Wednesday, Deceber 3, 1980. Respectfully subnittec!, Donald Krebs, Acting Secy.