1980-12-03 QUEENSBURY '1'OHH PLANNING BOARD, MD'rING QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICB BUILDING DECEMBBR 3, 1980 Pre.idinq.....o................Ro Preaent..oo.....It 0 0 G. 0.00...0" o. .Do w. Absent.... 0....0,(:;...0 ø _.. .."0 1Iit,.Ró Staff" . . . . 0 'Ii) . . 0 " 0 . . . 0 4 . . .. Q-~ 0', II . 'S 0 Roberts, Chairman I<reb., Acting Secy., Ä.- SorliD, Threw, J. Dybas Mont.si, HoMann . Lynn 1. Minu.tes of Nov8ber 5, 1980 meetinl'.pproved. Subdivision 111-80, Better. and Thr.. (Mobile HOII\. Subc1iviaion) 4610t., èlierman AVel\u,'. Noaotton taken due t:o lack of action by Town Board. S~ill n.eed direction from Town Board before PlaDnine¡ Board can take any action. PUBLIC HEARING, Subdivi8ion'lO~-80,. Jtobert McDonald -32 lots Corinth and, Sherman I8~anè! Roa!..kymond Buckl.y PI present on 'this subdivision. No one appeared for or again8tthi. ç,bdivl.1on. Pinal survey not ready for f1l1a1. app%oval and no ~rd ,øtion 'taken. Need State H.alth Depart:ment ApPJ:'oval, Town Highway Supt. Approval and Town Water Supt. Approv:a1. SubcSivildon .12-80, SïmSOValbInco .,- l4 lot. Pilot b. c. b. Road, (_11 partin aueen_bury ma:fõrit.y .., 'fown of Port AIm). .~ S1:.... frem John Va~,Du',4P1·. office waa pr.._t .on this aubdivÜ' ;~n~,. Tabled for 189'al clarification by Town Attorl1erzoeg'ar4iÞ9 la¥l.,()At.lot in R-l lone beiÐ( u.ed a. oo:mmon dockinc.r _bathiD9facU1-ty~or r8.140t. of this 14 lot aubdivi.10n. ' 20 30 4. 5. n.14 ScheDJt D. . " , ;.'t'~..en e app can an s , "a</e ,.tr rœa the NYS Þepti.,øf' '1'ruaport:ation statinq that. no more foed paD~'¡si9n. are availableøft%,-87. Motion by Threw seconded by Sorlin to ~pPX'.ov.t:1!is off-preml...a,i,qD with the followinq .~ipulat.ion81 1.. 0J1(ty,onit.o,tf-prei..8siCJn. .'-, Ronald Sebek property at' Sl Aviation~d'per, IMJ;eaqr..,ent be_.....' Ronald Schenk and Charl.. R. WOQd Bnt.erpris'ø.I"',If qualified.paM on .ips alone¡ 1-87 becOmes available thi. si9f1wfl:J.be removed. Motte.. carried unanimoualy. Planning Board wiah tomake,t;J1efcûlowinq CCIIIDeJ1t t()I~" 'l'o1m Board: w. need htdly to rewrit.e i:hesl.gn Law as it give. .. ....0 c;r:1teria t:o approve o~ not. approve an off"pramises øiqn. Thi..t.. on. of many area. we fipð ~ifficulty adminiat.erin;o 60 Vari.ance fl.?, Robert Sulliv8:I1." t6'p).åce a t:wo-car, 9uag8 with 1... Ðiän 30 f~o Ht:J.')ack trom al18tr.6's in It-" Ion. øPtheproputy sit.uated at the corner of Glen Lake Road, Sullivan Driv. and lullivan Placec Robert: Sullivan pr.a.' on t.his variance. fte'aoard tabled with agre..nt QI applicant, so t.h.,p;~.nninq Board .~~~. ,1='~9et: a bet.t.er look at. tb.property..· , , ", .' . -, . ;':..:f':;:-',. OUEENSBORY PLANNING BOARD paqe 2 D8CBIIØR 3, 1910 7. S~Cial Permit. '93, ~lain Q11 CHY - to reOI*' gaacline service a repair.a a convent"-øe a1:;Gl'e a' gasoline sale..inC-3 lODe on the property lit.uated ."';.:-". .at. aid. of Route 9 north:,øf bit 20 of t.he Northway. Mot:!on b'y~~baS, ..coDded by Serlin 'to X'~.a approval of tbi. Special Permlt... ,fiSôt.1.opqar,,1ed, uanimouIly,.The 8oIIr4 felt this was good reayalinq of anqi.tiaqbuilding in C-'Ioae. John Mitchell was present. r8pr....~iftg ~~lain Oil Oo~y. Meet.inq adjour:ed at. ,.40 P. Mil Next regular meet.ing 'fUBiDAY,l1.¡¡arY ti, 1911. (note,thl8 i. . change from~. regularlfr.t Wedaellday) . ' , .espec_fully subft1tÞd Donald Kreb., Act.i.,S...etary