1981-01-07 QUEENS BURY TOWN PJ:..ANNiING BOARD MEETING QUEENSBURY TOWN OPFICE BUILDING JANUARY 7, 1981 Presidinqe~.".80.0..0.0o....oR. Present" 0 . " t' . .. . D .. " . . ." . ,) . . . " .R" '" . 1\.bsen t ~ .. .. ~ ,. Q .. V v 0 ¢ . Q 0 .. 0 . it ct . . . ., W . Staff.........................S. Roberts, Chairman Montesi, Secy., H. Mann, J. Dybas, Krebs Threwp K. Serlin Lynn 1. Minutes of December 3, 1980 meetinq approved. Subdivision 112-80, Sun.oval, Inc. - 1410tB Pilot Knob Road (small Pirt. in QUeensbury, ma~or~ty 1n Town of Fort. Ann). John Mason, developer. No Qne was present on thi8~'-~~ivi8ion. Cbairman,Dick Robert..,adviaed Planning Board Memb.rs.U1at building permit. .6438 for docks on lat.front.lot, which wa.9'~lng tobeu8eð as CORDOn docking and bathing facility for residc.ts of this subdiviaion, had been revoked in accordance with lett. from our Town Attorney, tJoseph Fl.. Brennan. 2.. 5. (}ti-WaHost Motel ),..toplace a deck on, an ex ot; nq pao w ....;~~.ron Be a¢: n,J~'µ'Pf t.he requued 50·· ft. setback on th.p~þp.,rt;Y ai t.ua ted . ,~t: th~"'~ati, 'side of ROute 9, north of Exit 2 0 of th.··tf()rtbway.. David~<Kenn)'¡ fI..... 'pre.ent oa. t:h18 var:l.ano~ 0 Mot.lon by MaJ'p, ,seconded by ~f..Þ. to .reóØ1mnend approval of this variance.. Motion 'oa::.-ried unanltnOualy·~.· , v..;r1anê. '687, Robert~~l~"*.p - t.e) pl!icea t.1fo~C~grœage wit.h le. than 3-0 ft. .etback f.rODi .~X . .st.r,e."'_ in R.-4 .()~:e;()~'~e property sltuai:*l at the oorner,;()~.~Ql.n Lake Ro.d,;Sull:LvøJt,·prlve and Sullivan ~lac." Robert Sulliva"p'r~"8Ðt. ont.hia~rianc'ó,:.<Motion byneba 8~~onded by Dybaa t.o r;~pmm.nd approva1..þt: t:ht8v~riance. Motion c¡:"rrlJ!dunanimously.. . T11.1s10.t 1s not ~~ng ua~~t'"f()t a home, which' ~tco\11d be, it is really being used for a li9'l1~er' t.ype of tl8.. \!ax'iance 1689, James M1cha.lt.ock~rt.-to o~,r.'t.e.i.a8ec:urity syatems ~tslnešs in a resiðent~alzone {R-4' on the Ptop~,t,Y sit.uated at New',Hampshire Avènue. . Jameatockhart. present o~~j,svar1anc.. Motion by Monteai, seconded by .'Mannto reeoramend apprOVo!I!1{,'o:f this variance. MotIon carr ied unan1mo13~1Y.;., '-'he re.idence wi'lìl':Ð.()t:;chan98. in appe~u:·anc. and the typ~qfiC!<)lßlb~cilál u.. is not "helk'VY. This will no1: cbAnqe the characterof..t.be ~.i9'hbOrhood".... . Meeting adjourned at. afrO P.M.. Next'. %'êgular meet.ing ~SDAY, FEBRUARY 3·, 1981 3" 4" Reøptìdtfully:øuJait1ted, Ronalð Moa't...'i', Secy . 1,.