1981-02-03 f9 QtJEENSBURY 'tOWN PLANNDTG BOARD MUTING QUEENSBURY TOWN OPPICE BUILDING PDRUARY 3, 1981 Presidinq......................R. Rebut., Chairman Pres.nt...........................D.Kreb., Ac::JUft9 Secret:Uy, B. Mann, J. Dybaa, w. 'l'br/IW, K. Sorlin Ab.ent..........o..............R. Monte.i Staff..........................S. Lynn 1. Minutes of January 7, 1981 .Mt:l.nq approved. 2. 3. Sun.val, Ino. (JO!u1 Mason), 8ub41vi,!ontfo. 2-81 - 331ft. (pañ 1n OU..nðury) P1tot !tÞO)) :øoað. JOM' t1iulon,Leon Steve. aD4 A~toøey, Prank DeSant.i. pre.ent. This subdlvi.i* wit:h4rawn by app11oaat. 4 eVarianoe No. 6'0" L.or.~ H. BlacJcbuø - to.,18'O. a 3 ft. by 4 ft. rr.....tanðlDq 119ft t,. .', r..t..1:I,1 .on.l....4) on t.he p1"opKty .1aated $t 525 Bay Road. ~r.n Blaokburn .......4: .h1.variaDoe. Motioa by Mann .econded by Thr.w to r8OOllOen4 .~l,Ata th. ndqbborboeXl ha, ~er prof..sional offic.s anð cqøaeoial p~pert.ie., iaclu4iftc¡ a lUge aign at A4ironc!aek Co.-unlty Coll89'e.. Mot;lon ~rried UI'lafti1lously. SeVariance No. 69¡lr David Zaok - toco..~uQta one-family dwellinq on a lot. that doe. not front on a public road with 20 ft.. ..1:back from t:he 1akefIJhore in lieu of the required 30 ft...'tback on t.he property sit.uated on Glèn Lake off Fit.llqerald Road...David Zack was present. Motion by Th't'ewB~onded by Mann toreoOl!íJ'n,.i(fapproval of thia arM variance wit.h .tipulat.ion t.hat applicant. 1>1'.', the septic sy.tem at. least 100 ft. fro.. t,hewaterfront. Mot1Qll'êär:'ried unanimoualy. 6. Variance No. 6'2, lIi"'V.lu G.aoline COrpOr.~iÔl\ (GaalaneS) - ~ place a canopy OVèÎ'-9à.-piiìñpi"i'Uí-St~<> rt-.' ~tJt;Jï'1.t_-Of the required 30 ft.. front .etback 1ft a C-1 lone on ~.,p~perty situated at 81 MaiD Street.. ConraeSR. DeCker was pre8en~ r~e..tinq the applicant. Motion by Sorlin .ecoDðe4 by Dybas ~ recommenc! approval- of. thia variaac. with, t.he following chang.. in the plan I l. Tlhat the canopy be .vect 12 fto farther baok from the road, .0 a.t:o be 17 ft.. from Main St. riqht-of-way. 2.. That the .i:oraqe builc!i..v be moved to _.1: .t:anðU'd .et:baoks. Tlh.._fore, .the only variance will be the front setback. Motion carrieð unanimou.ly.. Page ~ '1. 8. 9" 10" - QUEENSBURY TOWN PLAr~!ING BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 3, 1981 ~~ecialPermit No. 94, McDonalds Corporation - to place a l4 ft. by mr-n4;'-¡adition to restaurant. on ex~stln9 mall on the propèrt.y situated at. Aviation Mall, Aviation Road... Taylor MCDermott,PE present for McDonalds. Motion by Mann seconded by Threw to l"ecotnmf!l'1d approval of this Special Permit as the front will impro~e the visual impact of the ~œll. Motion carried unanimously. variance, No" 693, Joe Roulier - to use an existing garaq. for office aì1ð".tôr.iqë-for mnal~ contracting- busin..a in R-3 Zone on the proper'ty situated at Route 9L near Warner Bay.. Joe ltoulier present on t.his u.. variar.u:e.. Motion by Sorlin aeconded by Dybas to recæraen4 approval of 't.his 'Vlll'ianae aa the are. i8 commercial and it is a qoo4 ua. for the building tha~ in the past haa been uaed a8 a oommercial site. Motion carried unantmoualy.. VariancÐ No" 694, Sun80val"Inc. (John Mason) - to const:ruct docks as an acõê.8ory'u.. on a r..l~.n£la1 1o~ w1tfiout a principal use in R-l Zone on the property øit.uat,ed OD Lake George, Pilot. Knob Road.. John MaBO~, Leon Steve. and Att.ornay, Frank DeSantia pres.nt.. Motion by Threw .econded by Sorlin to reCOlllØl8nd approval of this use variance~ Motion carried by vote of .. yea and 2 nQ. This recou.enðatiol for approval ia in aocordance with Section 10.202 a, d, . of loning OrdiJ&anc9 of the Town of Queen.bury, .s Mr.. Maaon incurred oon.iderable expense and inveøtment. due to the fact that the Town Building In.peetor issued bui,ldinq permit. t 6438 for dock. in error.. l).. Kr.bø and J. Dybas feel 'that the R-l Zone doeanot. allow for the use of a lot of record for the purpose of a common ace..s to the lake, aa its 801e us. i. apecifieð a8 be.inq that of a ·One-Family Dwelling-. tfotice of Appeal No. 2~un.ovalø Ino. (John MaBont - for an appeal õ'r'iëvocation of bu11d1Dq permIt: 'Ko. 64~. i.auea 773/80 and revoked 12/22;80 on 'the property aituai:ed on Lake (;eorq8, Pilot; Knob Road. II.Tohn Mason aDd Att.orney, Prank DeSanti. pre.ent.. Motion by Mann seconded b1" Threw to table wi'th consent of applicant... Mot.ion carried ¡manimou.lY'.. This Not.ice of Appeal No.. 2 will be on the Zoning Board &ç¡enða for February 18 G 1981 and will be in the public ad to be publiahed February 11, 1981. Next :regular meet.f,Dq TUESDAY Maroh 3, 1981. . ... Meeting adjourned at. lls45 P. 14" Re.peotfully aubmitted, Dona~d r<rebs, '.ctinc¡ Secretary