1982-02-02 QUEENSBURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD MEETING QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING . 8:00 P.M. Tuesday February 2, 1982 Presiding..................... .R. Roberts, Chairman Present........................J. Dybas, H. Mann, K. Sorlin, B. Harrison, R. Montesi, Secretary Ab s en t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W. T hr ew Staff..........................M. Dean 1. Minutes of January 7, 1982 meeting approved. 2. Variance No. 739, Barbara C. Houghton - to offer for sale in her høme, homemade craft items by applicant and associates on the property situated on the west side of Chestnut Ridge Road. Barbara Houghton present. Motion by Montesi seconded by Harrison to recommend approval of this use variance. This recommendation is based on the following: 1. Seems to meet our guidelines. 2. It should remain a home occupation use. 3. There will be no employees. 4. To remain incidental to a home occupation. 5. Variance for applicant only during her lifetime. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Variance No. 740, Malcolm Mitchell - to place a dock on a vacant parcel of property in R-l Zone on the property situated at Route 9L on Lake George. Attorney, Robert Stewart represented the applicant. Motion by Sorlin seconded by Dybas to recommend approval of this variance. Motion carried. Recommendation for approval is for one single owner with intention of a single dock for private use on 4.5 acres of land. The Planning Board members do not believe a variance is needed in this matter. 4. Variance NO. 741, MObil Oil Carp. - to erect a double-faced price and product sign not to exceed 10 sq. ft. on an existing light pole on the property situated at the south side of Aviation Road at Exit 19 of the Northway. Attorney, Robert Stewart represented the applicant. Motion by Sorlin seconded by Montesi to recommend approval of this sign variance. Motion carried unanimously. Must meet 1986 standards for all non-conforming signs. 5. special Permit 101, Pyramid Company of Glens Falls (Schenectady Savìngs Bank) to place addItIon 4u ft. by 61 ft. on tront ot mall on the property situated at Aviation Mall, Aviation Road. David Mackey and Edmond Lingel were present on this variance. The follow- ing points were discussed. 1. Parking based on figures they have 36 spaces over spaces needed. This was presented by Bob Eddy. Net gain 10 spaces with addition. 2. Feel curve will add to safety of traffic. 3. The Board feels concept of Mall is and was that people walked into Mall to shop. Outside entrances were not really needed. With such extensions out of building line, could have more extensions from original building. Motion by Montesi to recommend disapproval of this Special Permit. There was no second to this motion. Motion by Harrison seconded by Mann to recommend approval of this Special Permit based on the following: 1. Mall will be intact. 2. Walking traffic okay. 3. Parking okay. 4. Interior entrance okay. 5. Bank is on one of main entrances. 6. Safety needs are sat is tied. 7. Addition will be 40'x54'. Vote 4 yes and 2 no. Motion QUEENSBURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD FEBRUARY 2, 1982 Page 2 carried. This does not include the exterior sign. Will try to get sign information for Zoning Board of Appeals. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 P. M. Next regular meeting Tuesday, March 2, 1982. Respectfully submitted, Ronald S. Montesi, Secretary