1982-07-07 / MINUTES Queensbury PlannTng Board Meetfng Wednesday, July 7, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. ~ l"tI'¡Z ~,,.ø PRESENT: RTchard Roberts, ChaTrman Ron Montesf, Secretary Joe Dybas H rid a Ma n n Ke n So r 1 f n BrTan Harrfson ABSENT: STAFF: W. Th rew Steve Lynn Mack Dean The mTnutes of June 9, 1982 meetfng were approved on a motIon made by H. Mann, seconded by R. MontesT. Motfon was carrred unanImously. OLD BUS I NESS VARIANCE NO. 762 - TTm Chase (Frank Clemente) Cleverdale - to construct a 20' x 24' garage on an exlstrng foundatIon, whrch burned down Tn the summer of 1979. K. Sorl In made a mot Ton to approve varTance, seconded by H. Mann. VARIANCE NO. 765 - ClIfford Cooper - 67 DIxon Rd. - to construct a two car garage detached from dwel ITng wrth entrance off Lrnden Ave. The setback from LTnden Ave. to be 15' In lieu of the requTred 30' setback. H. Mann made a motIon to approve varIance wIth the stfpulatlon that the garage wi I I run 24' feet east & west and 32' north & south and 23' deep setback from the lot. This would gTve hfm a 7' varrance Instead of an 18' varfance, seconded by R. Montesi. Motron was carrTed unanfmously. Off-PREMISES SIGN NO. ISA and 15B - to put up dTrectronal slgns for Onefda Communfty Church - ROIl, (Mohrcan Grange Hal I) Northwest SunnysTde & Ridge Roads - (Betty Zverbl Ts) Northeast corner Bay & Sunnyside Roads ConstructTon of 4x4 sTgns would be uprrght made of wood with white letterTng on black. Letters not to be hTgher than 6fnches. The sfgn would say OneTda CommunTty Church and I Tst distance with an arrow. R. Montesi made a motron to approve two off~premrses dIrectional sTgns, seconded, by H. Mann. SITE PLAN REVIEW "-82 - Pfzza Hut Inc. - Route 9 - Tnstal latTon of an 8xl2 walk-Tn cooler to back of present bulldfng. H. Mann made a motTon to approve varTance, seconded by ~. Ðea~ t~ ~~~~ Mot Ton was carried unanTmously. ~ orv~ - 7- - 2 - S ITE PL~N REV tÐf j2~82 ~ L III I ~n Mu rþ hy - Lu ze rne Road - to add 8x 10 bedroom to therr restdence. Thts vartance meets all crtterla. K. Sorltn made a motIon to approve sIte plan, seconded by R. MontesI SITE PLAN REVIEW #3-82 - Dr. PatrIcIa Henel - 2 Vtsta Court - would lIke to place professronal offIce Tn her resTdence whTch Is In a resIdentIal zo ne. Attorney Malcoln O'Hara represented Dr. Henel. He stated that the doctor does chIld counselIng and would like to have offIce hours 2-3 days a week (total of 3-7 patIents per day). The followTng neIghbors appeared obJectIng to the sIte plan revIew saying that traffic would be a problem and It would make the neIghborhood Into a commercIal-use area. Mrs. JulIa Lopez, I June Dr. Ma ry Ru sse I I, 9 J un e 0 r . Robert Gatler, 17 June Dr. I Pat Joyce, 2 Vtsta Court Â~~~ Janice Barker, 13 June Dr., had no objectIons to the stte plan revtew. B. Harrison made a motIon to approve request on the stIpulatIon that office hours be posted and that the practice be lImited to 16 hours per week, seconded by H. Mann. Motion was carrIed unantmously. VARIANCE NO. 766 - Fred Alexy - Cleverdale - to buIld woodshed additIon to exIstIng bulldtng located 17' from rear lot lIne In 1 leu of the 20' requIred setback. H. Mann made a motIon to approve thIs variance, seconded by Ron MontesI. MotIon was carrIed unanrmously. VARIANCE NO. 767 - Edward P. Foy - to open famIly type sIt down restaurant In vacant vetrnary buIldIng on the west sIde of Bay Road (across from Harvest Restaurant). K. Sorl In made a motion to approve varIance, seconded by J. Dybas. ~otton was carrIed unanImously. VARIANCE NO. 768 - NCC Div. of Mall Tncrodt, ·Inc. - Argyle - to utI I Ize a vacant buIldIng (formerly DIamond InternatIonal) on Quaker Road for offIce and laboratory space. John Rfchards, represented NCC. He showed dIagrams of the proposed changes to the bulldrng. He then Introduced Mr. Glardlnello, Vrce PresIdent and General Manager of NCC Dlv. - 3 - -::( / R. Montèsf m~de ~ mot ton to ~pprQye t~ts y~rt~nce, .econded -~r H. ~~nn. MotIon was carrIed unanfmously. VARIANCE NO. 769 - Wfl If am & PaulIne Gilman - RD#2 CorInth Road _ Have been runnIng a retail grocery and dell; and would lIke to be permItted to add porch roof to front of buIldIng wIth less than the required 50' setback. B. Harrison made a motIon to approve variance, seconded by J. Dybas. MotIon was carried unanImously. VARIANCE NO. 770 - Flora and James Ingal Is - Cleverdale - ResIdentIal Zone. AskIng to be permItted to add 26' x 26' addlton to the exIstIng resIdence wIth a 22' setback from mean hIgh water mark In I leu of the requIred 75 feet. TRe Board recommended dIsapproval of thIs area varIance as they see no way for JustIfyIng hardshIp. VARIANCE NO. 774 - Quaker VIllage Development Corp. ThIs was wIthdrawn by the appl fcant. VARIANCE NO. 771 and VARIANCE NO. 772 - UnIted Cerebral Palsy Assoc. of The Trl-Countles, Inc. - to use classroom facllftles fn two churches: Queensbury Church of ChrIst -121 AvIatIon Road - and West MountaIn CommunIty Church - Butler Pond Road - for pre-school and/or school aged developmentally dIsabled chIldren. A motIon was made by B. HarrlsÐn to approve thIs varIance, seconded By R. Montesf. MotIon was carrfed unanImously. VARIANCE NO. 773 - Allee J. Rudnick - 635 Glen St. - to use part of thefr home as a physTcTan's offIce In a sIngle famIly resld~ntlal zone. The Board recommended approval of thfs use varIance. Very dffflcult to JustIfy thTs varIance from zonIng ordInance. As a sIngle family home next to heavIly travel led street near a heavy commercIal area seems to constftute a hardshIp. This Intended use Is a reasonable one. It wIlt stay as a residentIal use. VARIANCE NO. 774 - VII Nellands - 45 CarolIne Street - to place garage wIth 5' sIde seteack In I leu of the 10' requIred sIde setback In UR-IO Zone. J. Dybas made a motion to approve thIs varIance statIng It would not change the character of the neIghborhood and wI II Improve the appearance of the home, seconded by H. Mann, MotIon was carrIed unanImously. · if " - 4"- VARIANCE NO. 775 - Vertex MedIcal Instruments Corp. - to use end expand extsttng structures for IIg~t manufacturtng and markettng of ~edtcal products In zone on t~e property sttuated at 17 luzerne Rd. R. MontesI made a motton to approve varIance to Tnclude only Phase 1,2 & 3 as shown on the map of Proposed Master Plan, seconded by H. Mann. MotIon was carr red unanrmously. SUBDIVISIONS - Mr. Andrew McCormack Mr. McCormack was granted prelImInary approval for land 0 PTne Sectron 4 for 25 lots that go around Peggy Ann and West Mtn. Roads. MeetTng adjourned at 12:10 A.M. ~Jl-1/ œt::r RIchard Roberts, Chatrman