1982-08-04 MINUTES Queensbury Planning Board Wednesday, August 4, 1982 8:00 P.M. PRESENT: Richard Roberts, Chairman R. Montesi, Secretary W. Threw H. Mann J. Dybas K. Sorlin ABSENT: B. Harrison STAFF: S. Lynn M. Dean The minutes of the July 7, 1982 meeting were unanimously approved on a roll call vote after the following corrections were made. On Page 1 motion to approve was seconded by J. Dybas, not M. Dean. On Page 2, Pat Joyce, 2 Vista Court spoke in favor of Site Plan Rev4ew #3-82. Mrs. Mann noted that Variance No. 733 should have mentioned the 50' buffer between the two zones as part of the Board's justification for approval. NEW BUSINESS VARIANCE NO. 776 - John W. Crosse, Jr., Mallory Avenue UR-IO Zone To use one bay of the garage for mailorder accessories - automotive. Mr. John Crosse present. Mr. Crosse has been operating from this location for four years. He presented the Board with pictures of the area and his particular pièce of property. He submitted petition from neighbors (16 signatures) stating no opposition to continued operation. There is no installation, limited inventory, no intention to expand at that location. Mr. Singleton, neighbor, appeared on Mr. Crosse's behalf. The Board discussed the problem of defining "home occupation", using Mary Kaye Cosmetics, Arnway, etc. as examples. Mr. Lynn suggested a solution would be an Interpretation for catalog sales to see where they fit under the Ordinance. Mr. Sorlin made a motion, seconded by Mr. Montesi to recommend approval of this variance to the zoning Board of Appeals. Motion carried unanimously. Planning Board approval based on fact that it will not make any difference in existing neighborhood and petition signed by sixteen neighbors, stating no opposition. VARIANCE No. 777 - Benjamin L. Aronson, 64 Main Street HC-15 Operation of a pre-packaged meat, cheese and other pre-packaged food wholesale business requiring addition of 80' x 64'. Page Two August 4, 1982 Mr. Wilson Mathias, Esq. representing Mr. Aronson. Mr. Mathias presented pictures of proposed addition and stressed that there is no processing involved. Mr. Roberts questioned why variance is necessary. Business is not specifically enumerated in HC-15, how- ever, Mr. Lynn feels it would fall under light industrial in that it is a wholesale distribution plant. Mrs. Mann stated that retail customers may purchase from Mr. Aronson. Mr. Roberts asked for and received Board consensus that this application should be treated as a variance. Mrs. Sue Howard, owner of property, spóke on hard- ship of having this property on the market for ten years with no sales and steady loss of income. Property recently appraised at $85,000. although selling price is considerably lower. The Beauti- fication Committee recommended approval with suggestions for planting and screening. Motion by Mr. Montesi, seconded by Mr. Dybas. All in favor with the exception of Mr. Sorlin who voted no. Approval of this variance recommended to the Zoning Board of ADpeals. 1. Building has been on the market for ten years at a reasonable market price with no results in sales. 2. There are many uses 'for highway commercial but for whatever reason this building has not sold for those uses. 3. The use of this property as requested seems reasonable and the character of the neighborhood would not be adversely affected. 4. The use of this building can also be considered a retail store in some respects along with the wholesale business. New Business having been completed, the remainder of the meeting focused on discussion of the Public Hearing regarding proposed zoning changes held by the Town Board on August 3, 1982. Highlights of the discussion are attached. Richard Roberts, Chairman