1982-12-02 MINUTES Queensbury Planning Board Thursday, December 2, 1982 Present: Richard Roberts, Chairman R. Montesi, Secretary W. Threw J. Dybas H. Mann K. Sorlin B. Harrison. S. Lynn, Staff The minutes of the November 3, 1982 meeting were approved after the following correction and amendment to Site Pl~n Review #8-82. Site Plan Review #8-82, The Great Escape Camping Resort, Inc. Number 3, Page 2 of November 3, 1982 minutes to read as follows: Motion by Mrs. Mann, seconded by Mr. Dybas. Motion carried unani- mously. 3. The area known as "the tongue area" in the northeast corner of project near the wetlands be restricted for tent sites only. This tongue area is in the LC-IO Zone. REZONING - Mark C. Doyle - Glenwood Ave, Quaker Road and Country Club Rd. Rezone from UR-5 to HC-15 Zone Mr. Sorlin read letter to Mrs. Walter from Doyles requesting zoning change. Letter indicated that Doyle's were unaware of the change in the new ordinance. Motion by Mr. Sorlin, seconded by Mr. Harrison to recommend that Town Board set Public Hearing for the following change in zonin~ classification. RECOMMENDATION: Extend the HC-15 Zone to include the property which is bordered by Country Club Road, Quaker Road, Glenwood Ave and Woodvale. SUBDIVISION No. 1-82, Enoch and Patricia Zylowski LR-lA Bay Parkway, Assembly Point.- 12 lots Mr. Tom McCormack representing Zylowski's. Conceptual approval and lot size variance previously granted. Changes have been made in an effort to conform to ordinance and address concerns of Board. Neighbors Dr. Weiss and Elizabeth Klein asked questions regarding drainage and sewage. Mr. McCormack stated system will be 400 feet from lake, sandy soil, runoff should not be a problem. There will be a maintenance and alarm system, effluent from lakefront lots will be pumped to rear of subdivision. Proposed road in middle of subdivision has been eliminated to allow for larger lot size. Mr. Adamson suggested that consideration be given to the use of air- assisted showers and commodes. Motion to grant preliminary approval offered by Mr. Montesi, seconded by Mrs. Mann. Motion carried unanimously. , Page Two December 2, 1982 RESOLVED: The Board grant preliminary approval to Subdivision No. 1-82 - Enoch and Patricia Zylowski. New map of record dated 12/2/82. All lots between Bay Parkway and Lake Parkway will be on acre lots. No buildings to be built less than 100 feet from Lake Parkway. Move sewage beds to avoid intermittent stream. NEW BUSINESS: SITE PLAN REVIEW #9-82 - V.S.H. Realty, Inc. (Cumberland Farms) Corner Route 9 and Kendrick Road HC-15) Mr. Tom McCormack and Mr. Crawford representing applicant. Mr. McCormack noted that gas station requires Site Plan Review. All other aspects of project are in compliance. Mrs. Mann questioned large number of parking spaces and excessive use of blacktop. Mr. McCormack said 3600 sq_! feet of building requires one space per 100 sq. '. The company would be more than happy to reduce the number of parking spaces. Mr. Lynn pointed out that the floor area dedicated to grocery aspect would be used for calculating floor space for parking, you can eliminate areas used for storage. Mr. Harrison said that the large use of asphalt is needed to accommodate the gas station. Mr. Roberts stated that the parking standard is broad and does not really apply to the small type business. This is a change that the Board should address. The Beautification Committee noted that there were no planting plans and they would like to see foundation planting or plantings between sidewalk and parking lot, with trees between curb cuts. The Board would like the applicant to work with the Beautification Committee. Mr. Harrison said he would like to see a drainage plan and avoid future problems. Mr. Jarvis, owner of gasoline and repair shop across the street objects to another gas station and feels drainage will be a problem. Mr. Jack Pateman, representative of K of C. Mr. Jarvis asked Council to appear on his behalf. He has been a good neighbor, their concern would be ending up with a vacant building next to them if Mr. Jarvis cannot compete. Mr. DeGregorio, resident of Kendrick Drive. Does not want another gas station. I Page Three December 2, 1982 Mr. Terry Brand is opposed to another gas station, suggested that there be 1000 feet between stations. Mr. Harrison pointed out that a great "deal of designing ordinance and discussing HC zones. zones are appropriate place for gas stations. the criteria, they cannot turn it down. Under they can help make"" it as nice as possible. time had been spent Highway commercial If it meets all Site Plan Review , Motion to table offered by Mr. Sorlin, seconded by Mr. Dybas. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Table Site Plan Review #9-82 for one month pending input from the applicant of a suitable drainage plan for the project. VARIANCE NO. 800 - Mead's Nursery, Inc. 360 Ridge Road UR-IO Mr. Richard Mead present. Mr. Mead has purchased the old Diamond International pole building and is planning to enclose it in two stages. This can be considered as an expansion of a non- conforming pre-existing use. Mr. Mead explained that the first haIr of the building to be completed this winter will be enclosed and used for nursery repair shop, potting area with root cellar and maintenance equipment storage. Second half of building will be open storage with six bays to accommodate his vehicles. Motion for approval by Mr. Harrison, seconded by Mr. Montesi. Motion carried unanimously. COMMENT: The Board recommend approval of this use variance for Phase I winter 1982 and Phase II winter 1983. This is a Use Variance, its preexisting noncon- forming use is there, this does demonstrate hardship for this use of building. VARIANCE NO. 801 - Sweet Road Bakers, Inc. Route 9 and Sweet Road Mr. Raymond Buckley, Engineer, present. .Th~s var~an~e is for. a cooler being built on the back of the eXlstlng ~uIldIng. ~otlon for approval offered by Mr. Harrison, seconded by Mr. SorlIn. Motion carried unanimously. COMMENT: The Board recommend approval of this area variance. The building is there and thus practical difficulty is shown. ~ Page Four December 2, 1982 VARIANCE NO. 802 - Raymond W. Frey (West Mt. Park, Section I) Bronk Drive SR-20 Mr. Leon Steves present. Mr. Frey bought three lots over a period of three years starting in May of 1972 through January of 1975. The request is to have three lots remain as three 15,000 sq. foot lotstrather than being broken up into two lots of 20,000 sq. feet in order to conform to new ordinance. The character of the neighborhood is established in the specific location of the lots in question. Mr. Roberts noted that this area now receives municipal water. Motion for approval offered by Mr. Sorlin, seconded by Mr. Dybas. Motion carried unani- mously. COMMENT: The Board recommend approval of this area variance for lots 16, 17, 18 of West Mountain Park, Section I to remain at 15,000 sq. ft. because they are in character with the lots in the immediate area. Informal discussion of PUD TOP 0' THE WORLD attached. Richard Roberts Chairman