1986-12-16 11 QUEENSBURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD '-. Regular Meeting held: Tuesday, December 16, 1986 @ 7:00 p.m. Present: Richard Roberts, Chairman Susan Levandowski Joseph S. Dybas Kenneth Sorlin, Secretary Victor Macri Hilda Mann Stuart F. Mesinger, Senior Town Planner Absent: Frank DeSantis The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Roberts noted that on page 4 of the minutes "form" should read "from." The October minutes were accepted as written by consensus. Mr. Roberts announced that Site Plan 30-86 had been tabled and Site Plan 41-86 withdrawn by their respective applicants. OLD BUSINESS SUBDMSION NO. 13-86 Preliminary Approval Herald Square, Phase I Mark Lombard of Dennis Dickinson Associates briefly outlined the first 45 lot phase of this 147 lot subdivision. Phase I will consist of the major trunk road between VanDusen and Luzerne Roads and a small cul-de-sac. Sewer and water details were presented. The Board discussed at length what percentage of a phase should be completed before approvals may be sought for subsequent phases. It was agreed that the Planning Board should propose to the Town Board that as a matter of policy at least 60% of a phase must be under construction before consideration would be given to sketch plans for future phases. Projects currently underway would need to have 60% completed before final approval is given for subsequent phases. Each phase should consist of approximately 50 dwelling units; however road outlines will determine in part the logical phasing sequence. Richard Morse, consulting engineer for the Board, said that he had reviewed the plans. Several minor engineering changes had been requested, but he had not received revised plans. Public Hearing Opened: Mrs. Kennedy, Queensbury, asked what kind of homes would be built and how big lots would be. ."--- Mr. Lombard replied that wood frame construction was planned, not prefab 1 Jj, '-- Negative Declaration HERALD SQUARE SUBDnnSION The Queensbury Planning Board has reviewed the proposed 147 lot Herald Square Subdivision for environmental impacts. The Boards findings are as follows: ,. There will be a substantial physical change to" the presently wooded project site. Construction will occur over an extended period of time. This impact can best be mitigated by phasing. The Board will require that the project be constructed in 3 phases. There will be a potential small impact on surface water quality due to storm drainage discharge. This impact will be mitigated by use of a roadway drainage system designed to handle most drainage directly on site. There will be an increased demand for recreation, however this will be mitigated by payment of a $250 per lot recreation fee. The project will cause an increased demand on electric services, however ample electric service is available. The project will somewhat alter the character of the community, however it is in accordance with zoning requirements. The Board therefore finds that although several potential small to moderate impacts exist, each can be mitigated. The Board therefore finds that the environmental impacts will not be significant and issues a negative declaration for this project. ..., \.~ lA 40 houses. Lot sizes would be 20,000 square feet or larger, in accordance with zoning. '-- Public Hearing Closed. Mr. Roberts said the Board had discussed the environmental assessment form at a workshop. Mr. Sorlin outlined the Boards various concerns and the developers proposed mitigating measures. Mrs. Mann MOVED that the Board issue a negative declaration for the entire Herald Square subdivision. Mrs. Levandowski seconded. Passed Unanimously. Mr. Roberts said that the Board shouldn't give preliminary approval until all engineering details are resolved. Other Board members agreed. Mr. Macri MOVED that Subdivision 13-86, Herald Square, Phase I be TABLED until engineering details are resolved. Mr. Dybas seconded. Passed Unanimously. SITE PLAN NO. 25-86 Lake George Factory Outlet Mall Paul VanAmburgh of Barry, Bette and Led Duke presented plans which had been revised at the Planning Boards request. Building size had been reduced and moved 50 feet from the Kenney property. Traffic flow had been revised in consultation with Mr. Mesinger. Lighting details were shown. The planting plan was approved by the Beautification Committee. Mr. DeFlavio, developer, said that he had an agreement to purchase the 30 foot right of way between the Mall and the Hi-Way Host Motel, giving him 50 feet to the adjoining property. Mr. Mesinger said that substantial changes had been made and that the plan was much improved. He recommended approval. The Boards consulting engineer, Dick Morse, said that engineering questions had been addressed. Several minor items such as the type of materials to be used for water pipe were outstanding, but could be addressed in the building permit application. He recommended approval. Nick Sciartelli of Morse Engineering discussed traffic. He said that congestion could be expected during the summer months; future improvements to Route 9 were unlikely. Mr. DeFlavio said he was willing to discuss shared parking and access with other store owners on the strip. "-...' Mr. Roberts said the public hearing was still open; there being no comments, it was closed. 2 Lf7 \---- Mr. Dybas MOVED APPROVAL of Site Plan 25-86 as it meets the requirements of the ordinance and the applicant has addressed all the concerns of the Board. Approval is based on complying with the Beautification Committee requirements and the points addressed in the Morse Engineering letter of December" 12, 1986. Mrs. Levandowski seconded. Passed Unanimously. Details to be included in the building plans are: water line materials, catch basin details and details for light bases. NEW BUSINESS SUBDMSION NO. 16-86 Sketch Plan - 1 a-/(¿,- 9" Baybridge, Phase III Developer Dan Valenti presented plans for Phase III of Baybridge. This 240 unit townhouse project had previously received overall conceptual approval. Phase I (12 units) was completed, Phase II (44 units) was one third underway. Sewage disposal had been designed for 100 units; actual flows of constructed units were less than anticipated. It may be possible to put part of Phase IV on the septic system. Sewers will be required in the future. Two buildings are on the fringe of a designated wetland. A DEC permit will be required. Mr. Valenti felt that the area is not in fact a wetland and that environmental impacts would be minimal. Board members said that prior to preliminary approval the developer should obtain a modified SPDES permit, if required, and a wetlands permit. Prior to final approval at least 60% of Phase II should be under construction. Mrs. Mann MOVED for Sketch Plan APPROVAL of Baybridge, Phase III as plans and supporting documents are well done. Other documents should be pursued prior to preliminary approval. Mr. Dybas seconded. Passed Unanimously. SITE PLAN 37-86 F. Edward Devitt Attorney Bob Nolan presented the proposal for a 60 unit "Super 8" motel at the intersection of Corinth Road and the Northway across from McDonalds Restaurant. On site septic disposal will be used; a SPDES permit is required. Town water and local utilities will be used. Mr. Mesinger explained that the Zoning Board would consider a variance request "___ for this property the following night. The Zoning Board had voted to ask the Planning Board to review the project from a site plan perspective; the Zoning Board would 3 J-f2' decide the question of use. '-- F. Edward Devitt, franchise owner for "Super 8", described the building construction and layout. Two houses will be removed one of which belongs to Mr. Nolan. The Board went through the site plan review checklist and found no major problems. Public Hearing Opened: Bill Bodenweiser, Queensbury, said that large shrubs were needed to screen the motel from the Northway due to the difference in elevation. Also, he was worried that in the future the motel would request a variance for a larger sign than was allowed. Mr. Nolan asked who was being protected from the view. Mr. Bodenweiser said his concern was that the motel look good. Mr. Sorlin said that a precedent had been set on that corner by requiring McDonalds to have a conforming sign. Mr. Bodenweiser explained that the State no longer provided funding for advertising panels on the Northway. Advertisers now have to pay to own and maintain the signs. An unidentified lady asked why a 60 room motel would provide 60 parking spaces; where would staff park? Mr. Devitt said there was only 1 employee on duty in the evening when all spaces could be full. Mr. Bodenweiser said that as a motel owner he knew that people start to leave at 5:30-6:30 a.m. Cleaning and other staff do not arrive until later in the morning when many guests have left. Frank Perillo, Corinth Road, said he was an adjacent property owner. Instead of securing a variance, he suggested that the area from the Northway to the next intersection west along Corinth Road should be rezoned commercial. Public Hearing Closed. The Warren County Planning Board approved with the stipulation that the applicant meet with and abide by the Beautification Committees recommendations. Mrs. Levandowski MOVED APPROVAL of Site Plan 37-86 with the understanding that the applicant review the project with the Beautification Committee and comply with their recommendations. Ms. Mann seconded. '- Passed Unanimously. 4 4~ /d -/0 .,B~ "-- SUBDIVISION NO 17-86 Sketch Plan Approval Queen Victorias Grant Attorney Bob Stewart presented this proposal for a 100 lot duplex subdivision using the clustering concept on the former Kings Plantation project property on Peggy Ann Road. Mr. Stewart said the developers had entered into an agreement to buyout the project. The new proposal would use a clustering concept where each duplex was located on 10,000 square foot lot. About 58 acres of the 100 acre parcel would remain as green space. Tennis courts and hiking/jogging trails were planned. Storm water is proposed to be handled by ditch line drains and on-site detention basins. Each 3-4 units will be on a common septic system. Maintehance of septic and drainage system and green space will be by a Homeowners Association. Dick Morse of Morse Engineering said that drainage would be handled by perforated pipes in roadside ditches outletting to detention basins. Overflow from the basins would be piped to City watershed property, providing the City would agree to this. The Board discussed the need for a letter from the Town Board agreeing to provide water. A water district was formed for the previous developer, however the layout of water lines does not correspond to the new road layout. Mr. Stewart was directed to pursue this agreement with the Town; the Planning Board could not grant preliminary approval until the Town agreed to provide water. The Board next discussed phasing. Because of road layout it was agreed that 3 phases would be appropriate. The developer was directed to prepare a phasing plan. Mr. Stewart said the plan was to sell each half of a duplex and half of a lot separately and asked whether the Board had problems with this. Board members said they had approved similar arrangements in other projects, e.g. Top O'The World. Board members suggested that staff prepare an ordinance amendment to specifically allow for 0 lot lines in case such as this. Board members agreed to set a workshop to discuss the environmental assessment form. Mr. Sorlin read a letter from the Boards consulting engineer, Dennis Dickinson, indicating he had reviewed the project conceptually and had no problems. Detailed engineering would be reviewed when available. Ms. Mann MOVED APPROVAL of Subdivision No. 17-86. The sketch plan presents a clustering plan of owner occupied duplexes that will be developed in at least 3 phases. Mrs. Levandowski seconded. Passed Unanimously. ~ 5 50 SITE PLAN NO. 38-86 Jeffrey Heuser Jeffrey Heuser explained that he was seeking approval to construct an owner occupied duplex at the corner of Bonner and Mt. View Drives in a Suburban Residential 20 zone. The duplex would be 1,800-2,000 square feet and would meet all code requirements. The 30,000 square foot lot would be subdivided from a larger 4.5 acre parcel which he planned to purchase. Mr. Heuser briefly described his construction plans. Mr. Heuser said his future plans were for his mother-in-law to occupy half of the duplex. Several Board members expressed concern over locating a duplex in a single family neighborhood. Public Hearing Opened: Rex Billings, Bonner Drive, said this would set a bad precedent. The street is single family. There is no guarantee that more duplexes wouldn't be constructed. Mr. Roberts noted that while Bonner Drive was in an approved subdivision, the parcel in question was not. Mrs. Mann noted the entrance to the duplex would be on Bonner. Barbara Lesser, Bonner Drive, asked whether Mr. Heuser owned a duplex on Zenas Drive. Mr. Heuser said no. Mrs. Lesser said her parents neighborhood in Glens Falls had declined because of duplexes. She bought in Queensbury so as not to be subjected to this element. Mr. Collier, 32 Bonner Drive, said the main issue was precedent. Other empty properties around Bonner could be developed for multifamily. He moved from Glens Falls to get away from this. Mr. Heuser could not guarantee the duplex would always be owner occupied. Jim Mills, Bonner Drive, said the owner could move, leaving the duplex as a rental. The Zoning Ordinance calls for compatibility. A duplex would lower property values and would not be compatible with the neighborhood. Mrs. Larkin, Bonner Drive, said she spoke with a realtor who told her there was room for 3 duplexes on the total lot. Mr. Heuser said his ownership of the total property was contingent on approval of this project. Mr. Roberts asked for a show of hands in the audience of those opposed. Seventeen hands were raised. Glenda Rogers, Bonner Drive, said she lived across the street from the lot. '------ She did not want a duplex but would like to see a single family home there rather than having to look out at an empty field. 6 51 "--- Mr. Billings asked whether the ordinance allowed duplexes. Mr. Roberts said yes, under site plan review. Ken Lockwood, Bonner Drive, said that although this was not a part of the subdivision, it would appear as if it was. It would lower resale value and set a precedent. Mr. Sorlin said that duplexes could be just as nice as single family homes. Ms. Mann agreed but said she was opposed to this proposal because a duplex would not be in keeping with the single family character of the neighborhood. An unidentified speaker said that not all duplexes were ok. Public Hearing Closed. The Warren County Planning Board approved without comment. Ms. Mann MOVED DISAPPROVAL of Site Plan 38-86 as a duplex on this lot would be completely out of character with an already developed single family residential neighborhood. Mr. Dybas seconded. Passed Unanimously. SITE PLAN NO. 39-86 Paul Wells Mr. Wells explained that he wished to operate a motorcycle parts and repair store in the old garage building of the Miller Hill Mall on Route 9. Mr. Mesinger explained that the Board had previously granted site plan approval to the entire mall as a retail project. Motorcycle repair required a separate site plan review. The Board went through the site plan review checklist and found no major problems. Public Hearing Opened: Bill Bodenweiser, Queensbury, said he would like to see the amount of equipment left in front regulated. Motorcycle repairs would be noisy. There should be a limit on the number of bikes in front. Parking was also a concern. The building was previously an auto parts store. He was not opposed to the project, but would like to see thought given to restricting outdoor use. Mr. Roberts asked whether all repairs could be made inside. Mr. Wells said the intent was to display used bikes for sale outside. Customer 7 6')- '- parking would be on the side of the building. Many customers would arrive on motorcycles. Mr. Roberts said he thought the landlords would police this. Board members agreed that there was adequate room for parking if the number of bikes on display was limited. Mr. Roberts said the parking lot layout was self limiting; too many bikes on display would leave no room for parking and therefore no customers would come. Public Hearing Closed. Mr. Dybas MOVED APPROVAL of Site Plan 39-86. The recycling of an old building will be conducive to the area; no negative impacts are anticipated. Ms. Mann seconded. Passed Unanimously. SITE PLAN NO 40-86 J Û -IIP-8t, Stew arts Ice Cream Herb Boynton of Stew arts said that numerous changes had been made in this proposed Stew arts shop on Aviation Road. One retail space was dropped. All buffer zone and setback requirements were met. The building was turned to face the street and adequate parking provided. Gas tanks would be filled in early morning or in the evening to avoid congestion. Seven hundred customers per day were expected; about 90 per day would buy gas. Mr. Mesinger said the proposal met all ordinance requirements. Board members discussed traffic congestion. Mr. Dybas felt this was a concern. The Warren County Planning Board approved without comment. The original site plan had been rejected. Public Hearing Opened: Bill Bodenweiser asked where the gas tanks would be located. Mr. Boynton pointed out the location on the northeast property side. Mr. Bodenweiser suggested moving the tanks to the east. Board members objected because they would then encroach on the 50 foot buffer zone. Mr. Bodenweiser then suggested moving the tanks further back on the property. Mr. Boynton had no objections to this. Mr. Bodenweiser added that he would be responsible for tank inspections. Mr. Macri emphasized the need for the building to be built as shown on the ,,-. plans. 8 J!J Public Hearing Closed. "- The Board went through the site plan checklist finding no major problems. Traffic congestion w as expressed as a concern. Mrs. Levandowski MOVED APPROVAL of Site Plan 40-86 as earlier problems have been addressed with elimination of 1 retail store and canopy setbacks have been addressed. Recommendations of Beautification Committee shall be complied with. Passed Unanimously. SITE PLAN NO. 42-86 Lafayette Square, Richard Jones Architect Richard Jones presented plans for the rehabilitation of the Carswell building on Route 9. Major interior and exterior changes were planned. Eight tenants were expected. Traffic would enter through 2 curb cuts on Route 9 with parking in the rear. Delivery trucks only could exit via the alley to the north onto Route 9. Traffic would be encouraged to leave by Lafayette Street. Mr. Mesinger suggested that parking be prohibited in front. Mr. Jones agreed to this. The Warren County Planning Board approved with the stipulation that there be no parking in front or on the side and that the middle curb cut be eliminated. Mr. Jones said parking was not proposed on the front or side. The Board discussed ingress and egress at length. It was agreed that signage prohibiting exiting left turns onto Route 9 and encouraging egress via Lafayette should be provided. Board members also strongly suggested adding a covered walkway from the rear parking lot. Mr. Sorlin read a letter from the Board's consulting engineer, Charlie Scudder, recommending approval. Public Hearing Opened: Mary Lee Goslin, Lafayette Street, said Lafayette has heavy traffic and exiting cars will have poor visibility because of the Woodbury Lumber Company fence. Hovey Pond is planned as a future park. Storm drainage discharge to the pond won't help, nor will truck traffic on Lafayette. Mrs. Goslin suggested that while she had no objection to the proposal, more traffic analysis should be done. Mr. Roberts pointed out that storm drainage will use an existing system which already discharges to Hovey Pond. Mr. Roberts also said he felt visibility onto Lafayette wasn't that bad. "--" Mrs. Goslin replied that it was when traffic was heavier. 9 71 Mr. Roberts said there was no way to recycle this abandoned building without __" increasing traffic flows. This is a commercial area; traffic is inevitable. Mrs. Goslin said she didn't mind the traffic but didn't want accidents. Mr. Mesinger agreed that stormwater runoff was a concern, especially given the plans for Hovey Pond. Stormwater drainage to this pond perhaps needed a larger solution if water quality is to be improved. Mr. Mesinger suggested that parking be reduced to 80 spaces from the 149 shown; code called for 110. The balance should remain in gravel or green area. Mr. Jones agreed to this. Nick Sciartelli of Morse Engineering discussed traffic impacts briefly. Exit to Lafayette was thought to be the best solution. Public Hearing Closed. Ms. Mann MOVED APPROVAL of Site Plan 42-86 incorporating various recommendations concerning traffic: signage for no left turn on Route 9 and a sign to direct traffic out to Lafayette will be provided. Parking for 80 cars will be provided with open space to come up to Ordinance if necessary. Applicants must meet with the Beautification Committee and incorporate their recommendations into plans. While there are environmental concerns for the future, we feel recycling of an existing empty building in the heart of the commercial area is an overriding consideration at this time. Mr. Macri seconded. Passed Unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 p.m. ~~~. Richard Roberts, Chairman Minutes prepared by Stuart F. Mesinger, Senior Town Planner '''-' 10