1987-02-23 77 '-- QUEENSBURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD Special Meeting Held: Monday, February 23, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. Present: Richard Roberts, Chairman Victor Macri, Jr. Frank DeSantis Hilda Mann Kenneth Sorlin, Secretary Susan Levandowski Joseph S. Dybas Stuart F. Mesinger, Senior Town Planner R. Case Prime, Counsel The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Roberts. OLD BUSINESS SUBDIVISION NO. 6-86 Preliminary Approval Stonecroft, Section II Leon Steves presented revised plans for this 9 lot subdivision adjacent to Stonecroft Phase I off of West Mountain Road. Changes made included a cul-de-sac instead of a hammerhead and piping and rip-rap for drainage ways. House locations had been moved to eliminate the need for driveways. Clustering data was presented. Typical road sections were shown. Mr. Mesinger said lots 13-15 were considered to be in a water district. Water pressure was only guaranteed to elevation 550 feet. Each homeowner would be responsible for installing and maintaining a private pump to guarantee adequate water pressure. Letters to this effect from Frances Walter and Tom Flaherty were read. A letter from Paul Naylor recommending approval of the cul-de-sac and drainage plan was read. Mr. Mesinger recommended approval as all the Boards previous concerns had been met. A public hearing was previously held. Mrs. Levandowski MOVED PRELIMINARY APPROVAL of Subdivision No. 6-86, Stonecroft, as all concerns of the Board have been met. Mr. Dybas seconded. Passed Unanimously. .,-. 1 \....,.. SUBDIVISION NO. 2-87 Final Approval Braeside, Ltd. Jeff Martin of Coulter & McCormick presented final plans for this 4 lot subdivision off of Fuller Road. The road had been relocated 5 feet to the north at the request of the Highway Superintendent. Letters from the Highway and Water Superintendents and the fire chief approving the plans were read. Mr. Martin said the center of the cul-de-sac would be town property. Public Hearing Opened: no comment Public Hearing Closed. Mr. Dybas MOVED for FINAL APPROVAL of Subdivision No. 2-87, Braeside, Ltd. as the plans meet all requirements of town ordinances. Mrs. Mann seconded. Passed Unanimously. SUBDIVISION NO. 3-87 Sketch Plan Approval d· ()3 ..87 Kubricky Subdivision Attorney Mark Shackner said the application was previously tabled for recomputation of density. Revised plans were presented showing 15 buildable 3 acre lots if the subdivision were developed conventionally. Mr. Mesinger agreed that ordinance clustering provisions required the developer to show a conventional and clustered layout. The Board could choose which it preferred as long as the overall density didn't exceed that shown by conventional zoning. Board members agreed that the clustering concept was acceptable. The Board discussed the long cul-de-sac entrance. Board members didn't feel there was a safety problem, but asked counsel to provide an opinion as to whether a cul-de-sac in excess of 1,000 feet would require a variance or whether the Board had the power to waive this requirement. A letter from the Boards consulting engineer, Dick Morse was read. Members agreed that all points had been addressed or should be addressed at the preliminary stage. The applicant was asked to provide information on site distances and whether a D.E.C. stream crossing permit would be required. Mr. DeSantis MOVED SKETCH PLAN APPROVAL of Subdivision No. 3-87 as the Boards prior questions have been answered. Other concerns are to be addressed at the preliminary stage. \- 2 7~ 79 Ms. Mann seconded. '-" Passed UnaJlimously. NEW BUSINESS SUBDMSlON NO. 4-87 Sketch Plan Approval Donald Kruger Jeff Anthony of the L.A. Partnership presented plans for a 9.7 acre parcel south of Bonner Drive in a SR-20 zone. The parcel is bisected by a stream and steep ravine making 2 acres undevelopable and severely limiting access to the rear of the lot. Access from the front would be off of Bonner Drive. Two concepts were presented for large (1,800-2,400 square foot) attached single family houses. Depending on how density was computed, the project could have 15 or 21 units. Single family house development was a problem because of the difficulty of getting a road to the rear of the property. Each individual would own a large lot with its own septic system. Deed covenants would allow access to septic systems for maintenance. Mrs. Mann said that as the neighborhood was single family, attached housing would be out of character. A buffer for Bonner Drive residents was needed. Mr. Sorlin said other single family subdivisions are proposed in the area; this is out of character. Mr. Anthony said 12-15 detached single family houses could be built. Entrance would still be via Bonner Drive. Mr. Sorlin read a letter from the Boards consulting engineer, Charlie Scudder, stating there were problems with layout, density and septic systems and recommending disapproval. The Board discussed clustering of single family houses because of development problems in the rear of the lot. The Board agreed it would consider such a proposal. Mr. Anthony said the developer could also build duplexes if this was the Boards desire. Although not a public hearing, Mr. Roberts asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak. Rex Billings, Bonner Drive, said the proposal was dangerous due to limited fire access. The stream bank was a cliff; buildings shouldn't be allowed near it. Mr. Mills, Bonner Drive, said the soils in this area are poor for septic disposal. "-...- 3 <¡ò \.-1 he preferred single family housing. Juanita Billings, Bonner Drive, said town houses are often bought and rented for investment. She questioned impacts on Halfway Brook. Mr. Anthony said no building would occur on steep slopes. He asked to table the application to prepare a revised plan with both cluster and standard single family houses. The application was TABLED by consensus with the consent of the applicant. Passed Unanimously. SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 44-86 Wayne Pelak Attorney Jim Davies presented plans for a triplex on Ogden Road in a UR-I0 zone. Mr. Roberts questioned allowing a rental triplex in a single family neighborhood. Public Hearing Opened: Mr. Richard Bapp, Ogden Road, said the neighborhood is single family; a triplex would be out of character. Ogden is a dead end street with churches at either end. Traffic problems could occur. Mr. Kingsley, Ogden Road, presented a petition with 12 names opposed to the project. Mr. Bapp, Ogden Road, said there wasn't enough room on the lot for this use. Ed Gregory, Ogden Road, agreed with Mr. Bapp. Steve Deicker, Division Road, read a statement opposed to the project. Mr. Davies said the building wouldn't be too large and would be attractive. A 3 family house wouldn't create a traffic problem. The house would improve the neighborhood. Public Hearing Closed. Ms. Mann said the question wasn't building appearance, rather, whether a multifamily rental unit belonged in a single family neighborhood. She felt it did not. Other Board members agreed as it would change the character of the neighborhood. Mrs. Levandowski MOVED DENIAL of Site Plan No. 44-86 as it is not in \~¡ 4 <g/ , I ~ character with the existing neighborhood. Ms. Mann seconded. Passed Unanimously. SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 45-86 Donald Sokol Donald Sokol presented plans for a proposed 4,000 square foot addition to a small shopping center on Aviation Road. The Board previously denied a similar application for reasons of inadequate parking and traffic circulation problems. These issues were addressed by changes in the building location and by providing space for overflow parking if needed. Board members said the plan was a vast improvement. A fire lane was needed in front of the existing retail space; no other changes were necessary. Public Hearing Opened: Angelo Pastizzo said he owned the business next door. After reviewing the plans he said he had no objection. Public Hearing Closed. Mr. Macri MOVED APPROVAL of Site Plan No. 45-86 with the stipulation that the applicant review parking with the Fire Marshal to ensure proper access. Mrs. Levandowski seconded. Passed Unanimously. SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 47-86 John Kubricky said the proposal was for real estate office in the home of his mother on Ridge Road. There would be 1 employee. Board members felt that the business should be limited as to the number of independent brokers who could use the office. Public Hearing Opened: no comment Public Hearing Closed. The Warren County Planning Board approved. Mr. DeSantis MOVED to APPROVE Site Plan No. 47-86 subject to the condition that approval is tied to the professional license of the applicant and it be limited '.",-",,' 5 75/ L' to one employee. Mr. Dybas seconded. Passed Un='llnimously. SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 48-86 Francis Giroux Francis Giroux presented plans for two duplexes, one each on Sunset and Mallory Avenues. Mallory Avenue is currently an unimproved, paper road. The neighborhood has commercial uses, mobile homes and a few single family houses. Mr. Roberts said he didn't feel there was a problem with neighborhood character. Public Hearing Opened: Charles Ingram reviewed the site plan and said he had no objections. Public Hearing Closed. The Board went through its site plan checklists. Perc tests would need to be done to obtain a building permit. The Board had questions on the Mallory Avenue duplex as the road was unimproved and there was no water. Further investigation would be required. Mr. Giroux agreed to withdraw the Mallory Avenue duplex from consideration. Mr. Sorlin MOVED Site Plan No. 48-86 as modified by the applicant to include only a duplex dwelling on Sunset be approved as all requirements are met and neighborhood character is not impacted adversely. It borders on a public street and water is available. The Mallory Avenue will have to be reviewed for road frontage and water questions. Second by Ms. Mann. Passed Unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. \¡L;Lt // ~ Richard Roberts, Chairman Minutes prepared by Stuart F. Mesinger, Senior Town Planner '--, 6