1987-03-23 10 QUEENSBURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD ~, Special Meeting Held: Monday, March 23, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. Present: Richard Roberts, Chairman Victor Macri Frank DeSantis Kenneth Sorlin, Secretary Hilda Mann Joseph S. Dybas R. Case Prime, Counsel Stuart F. Mesinger, Senior Town Planner Absent: Susan Levandowski The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Roberts. NEW BUSINESS OFF PREMISES SIGN NO. 31 S.A.M. Enterprises '-- Sonny Spahn explained he owned a builders outlet and bookstore at 48 Glenwood. He wished to place a freestanding sign directing traffic to his property on the Doyles property. As he has two businesses, he desired a 20 square foot sign. Mr. Prime said the Zoning Board has taken the position that unless each business has a separate federal identification number, only a single 10 square foot sign is allowed. Mr. Spahn said he also planned to ask for an additional off premises sign in the future. Board members said they had problems with this. More than one off premises sign has only been allowed in the case of separate, widely spaced entrances, for example at Top O'The World. Jamie Dyer of Signs of Progress said the applicant was also interested in incorporating his sign with the existing freestanding Gleaners sign, if allowed by the Building Department. Board members agreed to this as long as size requirements were met. No additional off premises signs would be needed. Mr. Dyer asked that the application be tabled so he could consult with Mr. Eddy on combining Mr. Spahns sign with the Gleaner's sign Mrs. Mann MOVED that the application be TABLED at the request of the applicant. Mr. Macri seconded. I ,-J 1 CJI Passed Unanimously. OFF PREMISES SIGN NO. 32 3r ;;23 -- 81 Real Estate Development Mr. Sorlin read the application to place a conforming 10 square foot freestanding sign at the corner of 9L and Lockhart Mountain Road to advertise the Top O'The World development. Board members had no objection to this proposal. Mrs. Mann MOVED APPROVAL of Off Premises Sign No. 32. The sign must comply with all ordinance requirements. Mr. Dybas seconded. "' Passed Unanimously. SUBDIVISION NO. 5-87 Sketch Plan Approval Cedar Court ¡ '-- Bob Leaver presented plans for a 56 unit townhouse and 4 duplex development on the west side of Bay Road just north of the Town Office Building. Duplexes will be clustered in front. A cul-de-sac will serve the townhouses. Zoning is split SR-30 and UR-5; densities for both project portions are below that allowed. The rear of the property is a wetland. Buildings and septic systems will be at least 100 feet from the wetland. Drainage will be directed to the wetland. A water district extension will be required. Sewage will be collected and pumped to higher portions of the site with better soils. Attorney Mike O'Connor said a homeowners association would be formed to maintain common areas and the septic system. The association would have a hired staff to take care of maintenance. Board members asked for a draft copy of the association's restrictive covenants. If the Board wished, the project could be phased. Mr. Roberts questioned the entrance road width because of its location on a curve and the number of dwelling units in the development. He suggested a wider road. Mr. Leaver said the road met town requirements; a wider road wasn't needed. Mrs. Mann was concerned with traffic and the impact of multifamily units behind single family houses. She suggested a median be placed in the road. Developer Rick Abbatello said he was unable to obtain a second entrance onto Blind Rock Road. Board members felt a detailed traffic study would be required. 2 qí- Mr. Mesinger said a letter from the Town Board agreeing to supply water would be needed prior to preliminary approval consideration. The Board discussed sewage disposal and decided more information on the proposed pumping and disposal system was needed. Board members emphasized they had numerous concerns with this proposal. Granting of sketch plan approval did not commit the Board to further approvals should problems remain. Mr. Macri MOVED for SKETCH PLAN APPROV AL as the proposal meets sketch plan requirements. Prior to preliminary approval the Board will require extensive traffic, drainage, and sewage study and Town Board approval for extension of the water district. A SEQR review will be necessary. A proposed homeowners association requirements and covenants should be submitted. Second by Mr. DeSantis. Passed Unanimously. SUBDIVISION NO. 6-87 Sketch Plan Approval Northern Distributing I ',-- Ron Rucinski of Rist Frost Associates presented plans for a 25 lot industrial subdivision on 87 acres owned by Northern Distributing on the south side of Corinth Road. The land is zoned LI-IA. It is flat, sandy and wooded. Lot sizes will vary from 1.4 to 6.4 acres. Town water will be provided. On site septic disposal will be used. Storm water management will be by on-site retention and recharge. The intent is a phased development which will attract warehouse and light manufacturing types of industry. The sequence of phasing will depend on market demand. Typical site plans were shown. Mr. Prime said numerous easements traversed the property; legal permission to cross these easements would have to be shown. Board members were generally favorable to this proposal. Traffic could be a concern, however. Mr. Dybas MOVED for SKETCH PLAN APPROVAL of Subdivision No. 6-87 as it is in line with the zoning for the area; it provides a much needed opportunity to attract industry to Queensbury. Second by Mrs. Mann. Passed Unanimously. I ---I 3 Cj3 SUBDIVISION NO. 7-87 Sketch Plan Approval W oodmere Frank Walter presented plans for a 33 single family lot and 8 duplex subdivision on 32 acres between Peggy Ann and Sherman Roads west of Wintergreen. Zoning is SR-20. Seven acres to the north would be reserved for the duplexes, which are proposed as rentals. The property is in a water district. Private septic disposal will be used. Drainage will be kept on-site. The Board discussed the duplex concept. Mr. Walter explained that clustering would be used because of steep slopes. After further discussion of ownership, developer Jeff Kelley said he might decide to sell the duplexes. It was agreed then to withdraw the duplex portion and consider only on the single family lots. Mrs. Mann was concerned with a proposed exit onto Arbutus Drive. Mr. Roberts said this exit had been left for exactly this purpose. Board members asked for more information on existing house setbacks abutting this drive. The Board discussed traffic. It was thought that most traffic would exit onto Sherman. Mrs. Mann MOVED SKETCH PLAN APPROVAL of Subdivision No. 7-87 for the single family lot portion only. More detail is needed on the Arbutus Drive exit and the homes fronting on it. Mr. Dybas seconded. ',,- Passed Unanimously. SUBDIVISION NO. 8-87 and 9-87 Sketch Plan Approvals o~ ~ ~3'0 Westwood Ted Bigelow presented plans for a 5 building office park subdivision fronting on Bay Road and a 48 unit townhouse subdivision on Glenwood, all on the same 15 acre parcel. Density and use are in line with zoning. The proposal is to build the office park this year and a 16 unit first phase of the townhouse portion. Future development would require town sewers as on-site disposal capabilities are limited. The water table is high; some fill is needed. The office park will have 29,000 square feet of space; offices may be leased or sold. Drainage will be by retention basins and outletting to the Glenwood storm drainage system. Separate entrances will be provided for each portion of the project; the two portions will not be connected. Adequate office space parking has been provided. A homeowners association will maintain common areas. Board members said traffic would be a major concern on Glenwood. The uses are consistent with recent town rezoning. Mrs. Mann MOVED SKETCH PLAN APPROVAL of Subdivision No. 8-87 as the area was recently rezoned for this purpose. I --I. 4 qJ-{ Mr. DeSantis seconded. Passed Unanimously. Mrs. Mann MOVED SKETCH PLAN APPROVAL of Subdivision No. 9-87. The overall concept is what was envisioned for this area. The project will be constructed in phases. Mr. Dybas seconded. Passed Unanimously. SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 5-87 Roger Lafontaine Mr. Sorlin read the application to create a miniature golf course at Marthas Restaurant on Route 9. Attorney Malcolm O'Hara said the Zoning Board had previously provided an interpretation saying this was an allowed use in this area. Mr. O'Hara described the site plan showing a 800 square foot course with 28 parking spaces. The course will be built on white quarry stone. No large or garnish structures would be built. Mr. Prime noted a sign was shown which would require a variance. ',- Mr. Lafontaine agreed with this. Mr. Mesinger said parking and drainage appeared adequate. The Beautification Committee approved. The Warren County Planning Board approved. The Board went through its site plan checklist and found no problems. Public Hearing Opened: no comment Public Hearing Closed. Mrs. Mann MOVED APPROVAL of Site Plan Review No. 5-87 with the stipulation that the Beautification Committee requests be complied with. No sign approval is given. Mr. DeSantis seconded. Passed Unanimously. ~ 5 ~5 SUBDIVISION NO. 9-86 Preliminary Approval Queensbury Forest Mr. Roberts said this application was previously tabled for a detailed traffic study. Nick Sciartelli of Morse Engineering described the results of this study which measured existing traffic on Peggy Ann, Dixon and West Mountain Roads and predicted the impacts of this and other recently proposed or approved developments on Peggy Ann Road. Peggy Ann Road currently has 290 cars per day maximum. Peak a.m. 1 hour traffic count is 17 cars; peak p.m. 1 hour count is 28. Dixon just north of Peggy Ann has 3,598 cars per day, with an a.m. peak hour count of 272 and a p.m. peak hour count of 385. West Mountain has a daily count of 4,495 with an a.m. 1 hour peak of 220 and a p.m. 1 hour peak of 216. Development of Peggy Ann to its full potential, as is now being proposed, would add 853 cars to the existing 28 car p.m. peak count. However, some traffic would exit south onto Sherman resulting in a reduced p.m. 1 hour peak count of 640 cars. This meant a service level of C, or an average speed of 40 mph. Delays could be expected at Peggy Ann and Dixon. The Dixon Road intersection would operate at a D level, meaning about 85% of capacity would be used. Mr. Mesinger noted this analysis didn't include lands north of Peggy Ann Road which could potentially be sold by the City, nor other developments further south on Dixon (Dixon Heights, Hidden Hills). Mr. Sciartelli said the C and D service levels are indicative of urban levels of service. Delays would be encountered as in any urban area. ,~, Board members discussed this study at length. The central question raised was at what point do traffic problems become so bad that approvals are withheld? Alternately, how is the town made to carry out necessary improvements before problems occur? Major road improvements will be needed to accommodate this much traffic. Board members noted the town has no master plan to address problems such as this. No analysis has ever been undertaken to determine how much traffic roads can handle. The town suffers from a lack of master planning for other services as well. Mr. Mesinger said this should have been done before decisions were made to zone at present densities. An unidentified speaker said the traffic problem was the town and DOT's to solve. The town had the obligation to improve roads. Board members agreed that developers can't be asked to design the overall road system. However, those adding volume to the roads have some responsibilities, if only to provide studies showing each developments incremental impact so that arguments for appropriate improvements could be made to the town. It was generally agreed that the town had a traffic problem caused by too much density. Mr. Sciartelli also submitted revised drainage calculations. Mr. Mesinger asked that the application be tabled for study of these submissions. The Board TABLED the application by consensus. 6 q0 Mr. Mesinger presented a proposal to rezone the bulk of the City Watershed land bounded by Potter, West Mountain, Peggy Ann and Dixon Roads to RR-3A. Approximately 70 acres would be left as SR-20. Concerns over watershed protection, traffic and open space preservation prompted the proposal which would have a public hearing the following night. Board members expressed displeasure that they were not actively consulted on this proposal. Members also felt that stricter densities than RR-3A were needed, however no agreement on exactly what these should be could be reached. Mrs. Mann MOVED APPROVAL of the Watershed Rezoning Proposal as presented. Mr. Roberts seconded. Passed 4 yes (Dybas, Mann, Roberts, DeSantis), 2 no (Sorlin, Macri). The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 p.m. Richard Roberts, Chairman Minutes prepared by Stuart F. Mesinger, Senior Town Planner - 7 97 Mr. Mesinger presented a proposal to rezone the bulk of the City Watershed land bounded by Potter, West Mountain, Peggy Ann and Dixon Roads to RR-3A. Approximately 70 acres would be left as SR-20. Concerns over watershed protection, traffic and open space preservation prompted the proposal which would have a public hearing the following night. Board members expressed displeasure that they were not actively consulted on thÎs proposal. Members also felt that stricter densities than RR-3A were needed, however no agreement on exactly what these should be could be reached. Mrs. Mann MOVED APPROVAL of the Watershed Rezoning Proposal as presented. Mr. Roberts seconded. Passed 4 yes (Dybas, Mann, Roberts, DeSantis), 2 no (Serlin, Macri). The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 p.m. .œ:JJ ø. ~ Richard Roberts, Chairman '---" . Minutes prepared by Stuart F. Mesinger, Senior Town Planner '--' 7