1987-06-16 /3L{- QUEENSBURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD Regular Meeting Held: Tuesday, June 16, 1987 Present: Hilda Mann, Acting Chairperson Susan Levandowski, Acting Secretary Joseph S. Dybas Frank DeSantis Victor Macri R. Case Prime, Counsel Mack A. Dean, Building and Codes Enforcement Officer Susan E. Davidsen, Planning and Zoning Department Absent: Richard Roberts Thomas Martin The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Mann, Acting Chairperson at 7:35 p.m. No action was taken on the minutes of the April 27 and May 19 meeting. SUBDIVISION NO. 3-87, Final Approval The North Forty Mrs. Mann stated that this was for 15 single family lots south of Fox Road on the west side of Upper Ridge Road in a Rural Residential 3A zone. Tom McCormack stated they had Health Approval as the map was stamped; indicating such approval. Mrs. Mann asked if there were any problems with the road. Mr. McCormack said he had a letter, dated March 16, from the Town Highway Department. It read as follows: "I have reviewed the plans for The North Forty Subdivision and they have met with my approval. " Mr. McCormack stated that the Department of Transportation had issued a Highway Work Permit on March 17. A copy is in the file. Mr. McCormack stated he had made an application to the Department of Conservation for a 50 foot buffer (screening). Mr. DeSantis MOVED for FINAL APPROVAL of Subdivision No. 3-87 as all of the items left open at the time of preliminary approval have been satisfied. Additionally, it should be required that the 50 foot buffer zone as presented in restrictive covenant number 13 be set forth on the final plat submitted for the Chairman's signature. Lots '- 1 }35 4, 5, 6, 13 are restricted according to ENCON's requirements. Mr. Dybas seconded. Passed Unanimously. SUBDIVISION NO. 5-87, Preliminary Approval ~.~ /~-81 Cedar Court Mrs. Mann read the application for 4 duplex lots and 56 townhouse units on the west side of Bay Road, 1,000 feet north of Blind Rock Road. The public hearing was left opened from the previous meeting of May 19. Mike O'Connor stated that he had written to DEC and sent them a map indicating where the subdivision will be located. The letter asked if someone from DEC could be sent to the site to determine where the wetlands are located. DEC has responded and the subdivision would not be mapped into the wetlands. Septic was discussed and Phase I, 31 units will be going into a central pumping unit. Raymond Buckley, Engineer, stated that the septic system has been changed to a gravity station. Three buildings will be on a central system and two buildings will be on individual fields. It will be located southeast, towards the front but not in site of Bay Road. It will be about 25% above the minimum size required by code. Mrs. Mann expressed her concerned over the septic system life expectancy. Mr. Buckley stated, IItypically more than 15 years. II The Homeowners Maintenance Agreement was discussed. Mr. Prime stated he had seen the agreement and it is okay. Mrs. Mann asked if there was a letter from Charles Scudder to say that they had met. There wasn't any such letter but instead, used the previous letter and worked from there. Mr. Macri stated that there were no revision marks on the map. Mr. O'Connor stated that the principle problem was with the Town Water Agreement. Mrs. Mann stated that there was a letter in the file regarding the Bay Road Water District Extension. The letter was dated June 11 and read as follows: "Please be advised that Richard A. Abbatiello, Robert Lent and James Dolan, Developers, have an agreement with the Town to satisfy Local Law #4-86. Mrs. Levandowski read a letter dated May 28 from Charles Scudder regarding wetlands, septic system, SPDES permit. Mrs. Mann asked for more engineering details. Public Hearing Continued: Jerry West, a bordering neighbor, was upset. He did not get a legal notice in the mail. The septic system and the location of the leach fields was a great concern. He wanted to be assured that in the future that there wouldn't be any leakage and contamination on his property. Mrs. Mann assured Mr. West that, "the project's septic system is within the required density; it's clustered for that purpose and they left a big chunk of land for that purpose." "- 2 13& Mr. West also expressed his concern on the traffic study. He said you can't see cars coming down the road. Mr. O'Connor said that Nick Sciartelli from Morse Engineering made actual visual measurements from the middle of the road. The use of historical information was used, not actual counts. Mr. West said they would be creating a great traffic hazard. Mrs. Mann asked what the width of the entrance was. Mr. O'Connor stated, 100 feet from the full mouth of the road. Mr. Macri expressed his concern on the maintenance plan for the subdivision. Mr. DeSantis stated they should be sure that vegetation will be maintained and should be a part of the Homeowners Association restrictions. Mr. Macri stated those concerns of Mr. West are valid. Public Hearing Closed. Mr. DeSantis talked about a letter from Charles Scudder, dated May 28 regarding alternate sewage disposal. Mr. DeSantis asked, "If there should be a failure, is there sufficient space on site to replace the system?" Mr. Macri MOVED to TABLE Subdivision No. 5-87, Preliminary Approval until the Town Engineer reviews plan for site distances. This is a concern of the Board and the applicant is willing to provide clear cutting and put a better proposal together stating such. Also a maintenance agreement of such. The applicant needs a maintenance plan for vegetation. The Town Engineer needs to review the applicants proposal of cutting and site distances. Refer to March 23 and May 19 meeting dates. The applicant needs a letter from Charles Scudder, Engineer for his review on the septic system. Mr. Dybas seconded. Passed Unanimously. SUBDIVISION NO. 7-87, Final Approval Woodmere Mrs. Mann read the application for 33 single family lots between Sherman Avenue and Peggy Ann Road in a Suburban Residential 20 and Single Family Residential 10 zone. Frank Walter, represented the applicant. He stated he had secured the water approval, Highway approval (letter of May 16) and NYS Department of Health approval. Changes and revisions have been minimal. Soil testing was discussed. 'R Id,wcl /VIOr'JP, ~ E There was no letter in the file from the consulting engineer, CàMics j!jEJ'ddd.er stating he had reviewed the revised plans. -- 3 l31 Mr. Macri MOVED TO HOLD THE APPLICATION until the end of the meeting, so that Charles Scudder could be contacted. SUBDMSION NO. 9-87, Preliminary and Final Approval 1)1 ~/\lR/o Westwood Mrs. Mann read the application for 48 townhouse units north of Glenwood Avenue, approximately 1,000 feet west of Quaker Road in an Urban Residential 5 zone. Ted Bigelow represented the applicant. He stated he had received the required approvals asked for by the Board. The Highway permit was submitted into the record. In addition, letters from the Warren County Department of Public Works, the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company and Niagara Mohawk were read and submitted into the record. Mrs. Goetz read a letter dated May 29, from Charles Scudder, Consulting Engineer regarding on-site sewage disposal. He recommended that, "a condition of the approval be made in writing to require immediate connection to the sewerage system at the earliest possible time irrespective of the developer's timetable for expansion of the project." Public Hearing Opened: no comment Public Hearing Closed. There was discussion of a SPEDES permit. \ Mr. DeSantis MOVED for PRELIMINARY APPROVAL of Subdivision No. 9-87, Phase I, 48 townhouses and MOVED for FIN AL APPROVAL of Phase I, 16 units as the items required as a result of previous meeting have been received. This motion includes the waiver of SPEDES. Also, Mr. Scudder's recommendation provided in his letter of May 29, 1987. Health Department waived. Mr. Macri seconded. Passed Unanimously. SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 3-87 (p _ {¿, ~ ;91 Top O'The World Mrs. Mann stated this was for construction of 124 townhouse condominiums on Lockhart Mountain in a Recreation Commercial 5A zone. Dennis MacElroy, P.E., representing the Lake George Ventures stated that any further approvals were contingent upon the APA permit. He stated they have the permit now. -.. 4 13~ Mr. MacElroy said the project will be constructed in 3 phases. There will be a 120,000 gallon storage tank for water supply. There has been a change in the configuration of uni ts. Mrs. Mann asked about access roads. Mr. MacElroy stated that there will be 1,200 ft. of new access road constructed east of Lockhart Mountain to avoid traffic on Route 9L. This road will be built before Phase II is constructed. Mr. MacElroy said that they have Town approval on the sport complex but still needs AP A approval on the sports complex. Mrs. Levandowski went through the checklist. Private roads will be maintained by the Homeowners Association. Mr. Dybas MOVED APPROVAL of Site Plan Review No. 3-87 having met the requirements of the Planning Board and having received APA permit (number 86-332-2). The applicant will make sure that the performance bonds provided, names the Town as an additional insured. Mr. Macri seconded. Passed Unanimously. SUBDIVISION NO. 7-87, Final Approval Woodmere ~~~~1à~e:~~~~e~ 'there were 4 items to be addressed (see attached, next page). Storm water drainage, test pits and percolation test, and profiles for all subdivision roadways. All requirements have been met, except for storm water drainage. Mr. Dybas MOVED FINAL APPROVAL of Subdivision No. 7-87 with the stipulation that drainage requirements exactly meet approval of Dick Morse with reference to drawings dated April 1, 1987 and are identical to map. This map contains the signature of the Water Department and Department of Health. Mrs. Levandowski seconded. Passed Unanimously. SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 11-87 Noble True Value Mrs. Mann read the application for construction of a storage building at the existing store on Upper Glen Street in a Plaza Commercial lA zone. '- 5 '., /3? April 27, 1987 M/E #87-2700 MEMORA~UM ...:---- TO: Richard Robe rts, Cha irma Stua' . Planner FROM: RE: Woodmere Subdivision J2. We have been in contact with Mr. Frank Walter règarding the stormwater system for the above referenced project. The following are comments with regard to the submitted plans: 1. Storm Drainage System: The stormwater system consists of segments of leaching· manholes connected with perforated pipe, without outlets to existing courses or retention ponds. Drainage computations should be submitted to substantiate design for 10 year frequency design storm. We feel the typical highway cross section for driveways needs to be refined, due to ditch section in fill will cause vehicles to scrape underside. J 3 J. 4. Profiles for all sijbdivision roadways not submitted. Location and description of test pits and percolation tests not shown on plans. NDS:lag '- SA )L{ò '-- Chris St. Andrew, owner, stated the addition would be 30 feet by 40 feet added onto the back of the building and used for dry storage. He said it would be wood frame construction. Public Hearing Opened: no comment Public Hearing Closed. Mr. DeSantis asked if the overhead door would be located on the southeastern part of the building. Mr. Andrews said yes. Mrs. Levandowski stated that the area variance (number 1247) was approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Warren County Planning Board approved. Mrs. Levandowski went through the site plan review check list. Mr. Macri MOVED APPROVAL of Site Plan Review No. 11-87 as the building meets all requirements of the lot. Mr. Dybas seconded. Passed Unanimously. SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 15-87 Dunham Brothers Mrs. Mann read the application to enlarge its 7,200 square foot building to 14,400 square feet for retail space (foot ware and other desirable retail area) on the corner of Routes 9 & 149 in a Highway Commercial 15 zone. Bill Gannon represented Dunham Brothers. He presently works in store proposed for expansion. Mrs. Mann asked if an engineer had looked at the drainage situation and whether a traffic study had been done. She was concerned about having enough space available for a bigger septic system based on the increase in number of employees and additional parking space. Mr. Macri stated that what is there now is not sufficient to accommodate an expansion of the store. Mrs. Mann stated the applicant should hire a professional engineer to address these issues of concern. Mr. Gannon stated that the present building is 40 feet by 80 feet (overall). The addition would be on the back of the building making the building 81 feet by 180 feet. Public Hearing Opened: no comment 6 )4/ The public hearing will be left opened. Mrs. Levandowski MOVED to TABLE Site Plan Review No. 15-87, for further information; drainage, septic (paving - where sewage is being disposed of?), additional parking, road cuts, employee bathroom size, size of building. Need professional help with this project. Traffic study needs to be done. Need to address the issue of alternate access, landscaping. The public hearing will be left opened. Mr. DeSantis seconded. Passed Unanimously. SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 16-87 Richard Rozelle, Jr. Mrs. Mann read the application to construct 2 duplexes with garages, plus an accessory garage on the south side of Corinth Road, just east of Adirondack Grinding in a Suburban Residential 30 zone. Wayne Gannet of Morse Engineering stated that water would be supplied from domestic service. There would be individual septic systems and leach fields; 1 for each duplex. There would be paving of the driveway with a small cul-de-sac. Drainage will flow back towards Corinth Road. A small accessory garage (30 ft. by 30 ft.) would be built for maintenance purposes. The owner would retain title. There was concern by Board members that an accessory structure can't be created without a principle use. Mr. Rozelle stated he would like to build more duplexes after the moratorium. Public Hearing Opened: Lance Gregory, neighbor was concerned on the location of the septic system. He stated he had just installed a swimming pool. Marian Eldred, neighbor was concerned about the situation at Adirondack Grinding; there are many junk cars in the area. Kurt Madison, neighbor west of the property, stated his concerns on the junk cars. Mr. Rozelle assured his neighbors that he will take pride in his project and maintain it at best. Mr. DeSantis read from the Zoning Ordinance about accessory structures. Mrs. Levandowski went through the site plan review checklist. Public Hearing Closed. Mr. DeSantis MOVED APPROVAL of Site Plan Review No. 16-87, as the applicant has presented sufficient engineering plans and has satisfied the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. \--- 7 }+~ Mr. Macri seconded. '~, Passed Unanimously. SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 17-87 Viking Enterprises Mrs. Mann read the application for construction of a 35 foot by 136 foot apartment building (8 apartments with a total of 14 bedrooms) on the property situated on the west side of Bay Road, opposite the south end of the Adirondack Community College campus in a Urban Residential 5 zone. Tom McCormack presented plans. He represented Edward Grahl. There was a conflict in the earlier plans which stated 2 bedroom, 6 unit apartment instead of 2 bedroom, 8 unit apartments. Mrs. Mann stated that the septic sytem and parking are sufficient for 6 unit apartments. Since the plans are for 8 units, issues for spetic, parking, and buffers must be addressed to accomodate for the 8 units. Public Hearing Opened: Bill Montgomery stated he was standing in for Dennis Phillips, representing Dana Bray, adjoining property owner. There was concern on the location of well and septic system. He owns thoroughbred horses and is concerned about their well being. Mr. Montgomery asked about buffering. The public hearing will be left opened. Mr. Macri MOVED to TABLE Site Plan Review No. 17-87. An official engineer needs to be appointed by the Town. The engineer will be required to review layout of sewage and Dana Bray's concerns. Mr. Bray's wells are near leaching beds for his horses. His type of horses are delicate; needs buffering for his horses. The public hearing will be left opened. The new plans will show new parking for the 2 bedroom 8 unit apartments. Conflict here is earlier plans stated 2 bedroom 6 units. Buffers (also a question). Mr. DeSantis seconded. Passed Unanimously. Tbe Meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.m. v~1J øÞ: ú?ø-Ir Richard Roberts, Chairman Hilda Mann, Acting Chairman for this meeting __ Minutes prepared by Susan E. Davidsen, Planning and Zoning Department 8