1987-10-20 179 QUEENSBURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD Regular Meeting Held: Tuesday, October 20, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. Present: Richard Roberts, Chairman Susan Levandowski Joseph Dybas Victor Macri Thomas Martin, Secretary Frank DeSantis Hilda Mann R. Case Prime, Counsel Susan E. Davidsen, Planning and Zoning Department Chairman Roberts called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. The minutes of September 15, 1987 were approved as written by consensus. OLD BUSINESS SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 16-86 Adirondack Body Basics Mr. Roberts read the application for an extension of the Planning Board's approval of October 22, 1986. This was an approval to construct a physical therapy facility on the property situated on the west side of Country Club Road in an Urban Residential 5 zone. Mr. Roberts said it has been a year since the approval and they have just applied for a Building Permit this month; the site plan review would not need an extension if the building plans were approved by October 22, 1987. Mr. Roberts said that in view of the building plans that were submitted a few days ago; the building permit shows a 25 percent larger structure than what was approved by the Board almost a year ago. He said that the Building Inspector would not approve these plans since they are not what the Board had originally approved during site plan review in 1986. Although a critical issue, the 25 percent expansion does not affect the septic system. Mr. Roberts said the Board needs to determine whether they should extend the time or table, since it is not the same site plan as approved a year ago. Keith Wrigley represented Adirondack Body Basics. Mr. Wrigley said he is asking for an "extension approval" tonight. Mr. Macri stated, "If you're going to admit that you're revising the plans that were presented previously then I don't think that we want to address an extension on something nonexistent anymore." Mr. Roberts agreed with Mr. Macri saying that is the whole point. Mr. Macri said this is the problem. Mr. Wrigley said that the expansion does not change the affect on any of the facts that were considered. Mr. Macri said, "I can't believe that; if it '-- encroaches on the existing parking, changes grades, does anything along those line, changes egress - I don't think it's fair for us to review something here today that's 1 I~O not going to be in the future." Mr. Prime asked Mr. Wrigley if they were modifying the extension. Mr. Prime said that it is obvious that they at'e not asking for an extension on the original plan. Mr. Roberts said that this case calls for a re-review of the site plan. Public Hearing Opened: Ronald Montesi, neighbor and Town Board Member for the Town of Queensbury, said that this was a volatile issue in the neighborhood. To change the plans in terms of percentages will change what was looked at by the Board and the neighbors. He further stated that, "even if you approved the extension and they came in with an amended application, it really would not do the Town any good". Mr. Wrigley said that it was not his intention to "slip by" some changes. Mr. Roberts said that this really is not reviewable since the building plans were changed. Mr. Wrigley stated that he would withdraw his original site plan application and submit a new application at a later date for review of his new plans. SUBDIVISION NO. 6-87, Preliminary Approval Northern Distributing, Phase I Mr. Roberts read the application for 7 lots on the lands of Northern Distributing, south side of Corinth Road in Light Industry lA zone. Wayne Gannett, Rist Frost Associates, represented the project. He said the sketch plan that was submitted earlier in the year was approved for the entire 85 acre parcel on the south side Corinth Road, around and behind the Northern Distributing' Complex. He said what we have now is preliminary plans for Phase I which is for the first 7 lots of the subdivision. There are 6 lots that are approximately 1~ acres to 2~ acres; smallest size lot to the largest size lot. "The road cuts (which will be a Town road) will be constructed to Town standards entering into a temporary cul-de-sac; as the future phases are developed, to continue on down - loop down the south over towards the east." Mr. Gannett said that water mains are needed and will tap into the existing Town Main, 24 inches on the Corinth Road. Fire hydrants and valving were discussed and shown on the map. Mr. Gannett said that individual septic systems would be provided that would site specific designs depending on each industrial use that was located on the site. He said, "there will be septic disposal systems based on the generally accepted criteria for the industrial or commercial use, for instance, an office complex with 14 employees would generate 600 gallons per day which would require 250 ft. of trench for the septic to hold the system." -- 2 175 I Stormwater drainage was discussed. Mr. Gannett said, "It will be handled by onsite infiltration detention basins so that the increase of runoff from buildings and paved areas for each lot will be graded to the drain towards infiltration detention area and the, outflow from that area would be no more than what has historically has been flowing off of the site." Mr. Gannett said he has shown some general concepts for building layouts and parking layouts. Mr. Gannett said, " a typical building size is a 14,000 sq. ft. building and 15,000 sq. ft. of parking area; there is plenty of room for truck access, loading dock, turn around area." Mr. Roberts stated that he and the Board members remember being generally "excited" about the project. Mr. Roberts read the engineers report from Charles Scudder, dated October 20, 1987. It read as follows: "Preliminary Plans for Northern Distributing Subdivision, Phase I, have been reviewed in this office and found to be generally satisfactory. We do, of course, reserve the right to secure from Rist-Frost Associates, P.C., supporting information and engineering details pursuant to review and approval of Final Plans. We recommend Preliminary Approval of Phase I at this time." Mr. Prime stated that he recalled there being some questions regarding roads and right of way and easements. Mr. Gannett said that was correct. Mr. Prime asked what has happened to that. Mr. Gannett stated that there were two areas of concern; one was a power line which was originally thought to be an easement but turned out instead to be an option to purchase the easement back in 1910 - 1914. Mr. Gannett said this option was never exercised so it's void. Mr. Gannett stated that the other one was an old railroad right of way which is owned by International Paper. Attornies are "clearing up" this issue and it will be agreed upon to be able to lease the right of way from International Paper. Mr. Prime asked if a memorandum of release regarding this issue be filed so that there is a record of this. Mrs. Mann asked íf the lots would be sold. Mr. Gannett said yes, therefore, individual purchasers will have to come before the Board. Mr. DeSantis stated that he really liked this idea. Mr. DeSantis said that the only other problem or concern over the easements was traffic. He said he realized that each lot would have to be back before the Planning Board for approval. ' He wanted to state consistently for the record that, " 7 buildings of this size, given the type of use that may be developed there (buildings could be fairly substantial in síze; 14,000 sq. ft. - 30 to 40 people per building, times 7 is approximately 250 people) could be coming in and out of there - a substantial amount of cars, and we need to look at the number of people as we add lots on one another. Mr. Macri suggested the applicant talk to the County about the possibility of installing a light on the road." Public Hearing Opened: no comment Public Hearing Closed. '--- Mr. Roberts said that basically this is a straight forward project. 3 I~~ Mr. Dybas MOVED PRELIMINARY APPROVAL of Subdivision No. 6-87, Northern Distributing, Phase I for 7 lots having met the requirements of the Board and approval from the engineer stating the fact that everything seems to be satisfactory and to the point. Second by Mr. Macri. Passed 6 yes (Roberts, Martin, Mann, DeSantis, Dybas, Macri), 1 abstain (Levandowski). Shallow Creek, Donald Kruger ,t' fJÞ \~ SUBDIVISION NO. 4-87, Final Approval Mr. Roberts read the application for 10 single family lots, south of lots on Bonner Drive in a Suburban Residential 20 zone. Jeff Anthony, Landscape Architect for the LA Group in Saratoga represented the project. He said he had some revisions. He stated the project has gotten preliminary approval for the 10 lots. He stated he had been working with Brian Fear, Department of Health, and has been waiting for their decision for final approval. Mr. Anthony said that there are lots that are greater than the 4 ft. of fill necessary for them. The two lots need grading done on them (more construction) before D.O.H. can give their final approval. Therefore lots numbers 2 and 10 have been given conditional approval. Mr. Anthony said that Mr. Fear suggested to do phasing on the project. A letter from Brian S. Fear, P.E., NYSDOH, dated October 20, 1987 was read from the file. Mr. Anthony stated that he is asking for final approval on the lots with the exception of lot numbers 2 and 10. He will come back before the Board in the Spring of 1988 and ask for final approval on these lots. Mr. DeSantis was concerned on the fact that maybe this would trigger regulations or phasing conditions imposed on Subdivisions. Mr. Roberts said that if a subdivision is under 50 lots that it doesn't apply to the phasing conditions; this project is not a problem. Mr. Roberts read the engineer's report from Charles Scudder dated October 20, 1987. It read as follows, "Plans and papers for Shallow Creek Subdivision, a project planned for Developer Donald Krugger by the LA Group, have been reviewed in this office. The revised drawings are satisfactory in our opinion. We recommend Final Approval of the project at this noting only that two lots, identified by Brian S. Fear, P.E., NYSDOH, should be flagged to Mr. Dean's office for monitoring of required earthwork." Mr. Macri MOVED FINAL APPROVAL of Subdivision No. 4-87, Shallow Creek, Donald Kruger for 8 lots, Phase I (1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). '~ Second by Mrs. Mann. Passed Unanimously. 4 /83 SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 2.8-87 Thomas and Susan Sargent Mr. Roberts read the application for reconstruction of a single family dwelling; to replace the foundation and enlarge the second floor by 400 sq. ft. on the property situated on Lot 13C, Rockhurst Road, Cleverdale, 5th house on the left going north on Rockhurst Road in a Lakeshore Residential lA zone. Thomas Sargent represented himself. He said what they are proposing is renovating the existing house on Rockhurst road. It will consist of two phases. The first phase is to lift the house and put in a new foundation. The second phase is to complete the second floor; . enlarge the existing second floor. He said this will not enlarge the house as far as any extension to property lines or to the road. Mr. Sargent said they will be using the existing septic system. He said they would like to run a new water line to extend to the Sandy Bay side. Mr. Sargent said his water line goes underneath the road. Public Hearing Opened: Mr. DeSantis asked how many bedrooms there are now. Mr. Sargent said there is two; one upstairs and one on the first floor. Mr. DeSantis asked how many he would have when finished. Mr. Sargent said three. Mrs. Mann asked if this would change the septic system? Mr. DeSantis said that Mr. Sargent would be retaining the existing septic tank. Mr. Macri asked if the house would be used as a year-round residence. Mr. Sargent said no. Planning Board members were concerned with the size of the septic system. Mr. Sargent said that the number of people in the household would not be changed. Mr. DeSantis pointed out that even though the number of persons in the household would not be changed now, it could in the future. Someday the house may be used as a three bedroom house. Mr. DeSantis said that the septic system is based upon the number of bedrooms in the house. The septic system would have to meet current standards. Mr. Dybas stated that it doesn't matter whether the dwelling is being used for just the summer months; it must be treated as a year-round dwelling. There was discussion on the leach fields. Mr. DeSantis said there was probably a 1,000 gallon tank there; a 500 gallon tank would be inadequate. Mr. Roberts said that when you enlarge a house, you have to have a septic system "up to code". Mr. Sargent decided to keep just Z bedrooms in the house. Mr. DeSantis said that he was still bothered by the fact that they don't really know what is there. Edward Bunke, neighbor just north of Mr. Uhl, Z lots away from Mr. Sargent, said that his house is built with 3 bedrooms on about the same size lot as Mr. Sargent's and Mr. Uhl's. He said he has had no problems with his septic system. "-- Jane Hanna, daughter of Ann Hanna, spoke on behalf of her mother. Ann Hanna is a neighbor and she wanted the Board to know that she has not had any problems 5 13~ with the septic system in the 31 years she has lived there; no complaints. Mr. Sargent submitted signatures from neighbors who were in favor of the proposal. The signatures were submitted into the file. Mr. DeSantis suggested that maybe the Planning Board could get some guidance from the Town Board as to how to handle applications in which the Board or the applicants do not know the specifics about the septic system. Mr. Macri said the applicant needs to size the septic system to assure its usage. There should be some statistical data; maybe even a dye test could be done. Board members reviewed the checklist. Warren County Planning Board approved without comment. Public Hearing Closed. Mrs. Mann MOVED APPROVAL of Site Plan Review No. 28-87, Thomas and Susan Sargent to reconstruct a single family dwelling on Rockhurst Road with 2 bedrooms. Second by Mr. Dybas. Passed 6 yes (Roberts, Martin, Macri, Dybas, Mann, DeSantis), 1 abstain (Levandowski). SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 30-87 Richard J. Uhl Mr. Roberts read the application for renovation of a single family dwelling on the property situated on Rockhurst Road, 6th lot on the left after marina in a Lakshore Residential lA zone. Mr. Uhl represented himself. He said there will be replacement of piers and supporting walls with a full foundation. He will move a retaining wall that is at the end of the driveway to be "up even" with the lake side foundation wall that is being proposed for fill in - in this area. It would be supporting an area on this point which is between the lake and the septic systems with approximately another 640 ft. of fill. He said the only other construction that they are proposing is to replace a porch that is rotted and falling off the front of the house. Public Hearing Opened: Mr. Martin read a letter from Albie Ferrucci, a neighbor, dated October 14, 1987. His letter stated that he was in opposition to the proposal and requested an adjournment of the public hearing since notice of this proposal was on such short notice. Mr. Roberts denied his request. Susan Davidsen said she had responded to Mr. Ferrucci by telephone and sent him copies of Mr. Uhl's and Mr. Sargents Site Plan Review applications as requested. She explained that the notices were sent out in the mail on time (the legal amount of time required). "-- 6 I~j Board members went through the checklist. Public Hearing Closed. Mr. DeSantis MOVED APPROVAL of Site Plan Rßview No. 30-87, Richard J. Uhl as submitted based upon the fact that we are aware of the septic system location; its capacity, its type, and that there is no increase in the effective size of the building (note, there is no further movement towards the lake other than the existing stairway which is there). Second by Mrs. Levandowski. Passed Unanimously. There was a 5 minute break. mLAND PARK PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 10 -QD -87 SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 1-87, Masters Common North SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 2-87, Masters Common South SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 3-87, Fairway Court Mr. Roberts said there are three of the component parts of Hiland Park to be discussed. Mr. Roberts said that he probably will not be voting on this. Mr. Roberts said this is a fairly new procedure. "We initially started out realizing the filing was done under subdivision forms; I had this in the back of my mind, (in closer scrutiny of the project) that these are really site plans." Mr. Roberts stated that Masters Common North is for 36 single family home sites on the property situated on the north side of Haviland Road, 1,200 ft. west of intersection of Rockwell and Haviland Road. Mr. Roberts stated that Masters Common South is for 26 single family home site on the property situated on the south side of Haviland Road, 1,200 ft. west of intersection of Rockwell and Haviland Road. Mr. Roberts stated that Fairway Court is for 8 single family home site on the property situated on the west side of Rockwell Road, 530 ft. north of intersection with Haviland Road. Mr. Bowen signed a "time agreement" for filing applications per Section 15.086 of the Queensbury PUD Ordinance provisions. A copy of this letter has been appended to the minutes; see next page. Mr. Roberts stated that, "this was necessary so that the Board does not set a precedent; losing the potential time frame the Board is allotted under the PUD for future review." '- Mr. Roberts said that new applications were made out by the Planning Department to address site plan reviews under PUD's. Mr. Roberts said they are trying to keep them separate and "in keeping with what we are doing here". He 7 }'b0 said he has talked to the Supervisor; we are trying to do this right so "we don't get cornered down the road". He said that some of the things on the application are not applicable but are certainly a step in the right direction. Mr. Roberts said, "several weeks ago, the Water Superintendent said that they should be requiring, basically, as built plans - to be attached to or to replacing approvals that we make. We now are requiring engineering designs on a lot of things (engineer stamp) and we go through thorough review and sometimes at that point we tend to lose control and we're not always to sure what goes in the ground or the quality of the installation." Mr. Roberts said that, " Tom Flaherty does not have the· capabilities nor the time to do all of these inspections as we get more sophisticated and start now dealing with sewers; which are even more critical." Mr. Roberts said he had asked the Supervisor if the Town Board would address this and give the Planning Board some direction. He said they did hold a public hearing on this and apparently amended language for the Queensbury Ordinances and Subdivision Regulations. Mr. Roberts read the Notice of Adoption. It is appended to the minutes. See the next page. Mr. Bowen talked about the layout of the golf course in relation to Masters Common North, Masters Common South, and Fairway Court. He discussed tee-off distances and liability. Road design and construction were' discussed. Stormwater drainage was discussed. A report from Dennis L. Mac Elroy, The Environmental Design Partnership is appended to the minutes. Mr. Martin read the Resolution Adopting Specification for Town Roads: "COUNCILMAN BORGOS-Stated that he would like to add the word (mimimum) standards, so that in some Cases either the Highway Superintendent or the Planning Board can say it is not good enough, you got to do better, so these would be minimum standards. I recognize that there are places where this would be mimimum. (agreed to by the Town Board) Mr. Macri asked if the Resoultion had been published. Mr. DeSantis wanted to talk to the engineer abolit his report. Dennis Mac Elroy was not present at the meeting. Mr. Roberts noted that the Board has 90 days to act on Prelimininary Approval and 60 days to act on Final Approval. Public Hearing Opened: Mr. Martin read a letter from the Queensbury Association. It is appended to the minutes. Mr. Prime said he is in the process of addressing the issues raised by the Association. Board members were in agreement that they were not ready to vote since there were too many unanswered questions and there was not a representative from The Environmental Design Partnership. . Mr. Bowen asked to be added to the Special Meeting of the Planning Board on Monday, October 26, 1987. Board members complied to his request. It was agreed upon by consensus of the Board to TABLE all three applications until Monday, October 26, 1987. Mr. Roberts CLOSED THE PUBUC HEARING. The Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Minutes prepared by: Susan E. Davidsen Planning and Zoning Dept. ,-. \hd/~&Lr- Richard Roberts, Chairman 8 ¡~7 Jou:;;:¡ Queenjbup'j OYEENSBUR Y TOWN OFFICE BUILDING ~ ~ ""--, BAY AT HAVILAND ROAD QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK, 12801 TELEPHONE: (518) 792-5832 RE: HIGHLAND PARK PUD Highland Park Corporation, Developer Site Plan 1-87, Masters Common North Site Plan 2-87, Masters Common South Site Plan 3-87, Fairway Court It is understood and agreed by the undersigned developer and owner of Highland Park Development that the simultaneous filing of applications for preliminary and final site plan approvals of the above referenced projects does not require the Queensbury Planning Board to act upon the applications for final approval within sixty (60) days of the filing date under Section 15.086 of the Queensbury PUD Ordinance provisions; and the undersigned agrees that the Planning Board may review each application (the preliminary and the' final) on each project simultaneously or separately, as the Board determines, in the interests of a full and complete review of each project. DATED: October 20 , 1987 HIGHLAND PARK CORPORATION By \ "'-", <g4 SETTLED 1763... HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY... A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE }~i NOTICE OF ADOPTION NoUce of Adoption of amendment to Ordinance Number 52 Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. Ordinance Number 30. Ordinance groviding for enforcement of State Building Construction Code. and amending Queensbury Zonfpg rdinance Subdivision Regulations. At a Regular MeeUngof the Queensbury Town Board held on Tuesday. October 13. 1987 in the Town of Queensbury Office Building. Bay and Haviland Roads. Queensbury. New York the following amendments were passed: . Where a provision of the Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. the Queensbury Subdivision Regulations. the Queensbury Ordinance Number 30. or any other federal or state law. rule or regulation requires that plans and specifications be designed by a licensed architect. landscape architect or professional engineer a certification to the Town of Queensbury shall be furnished in writing by the professional designing such plans or specifications that the construction. installation. and/or work was performed in accordance with the plans or specifications on file with the Town of Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement Department. . Where the professional designing such plan does not issue such certification. the owner. contractor or permitee shall provide to the Town of Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement Department satisfactory explanation for the change in professionals'certifying the work performed to the Town. The Building Inspector may waive the requirements for filing certifications for minor alterations or standard construction in single family dwelling. Suçn waiver shall be in writing filed with the Town Board. DATED: October 17. 1987 Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk Town of Queensbury '- cg[} .---- )~~ --- "rOWN OF QUEENSBURY "~~n:n~ft:<ID}he Queensbury Association ~~ ~ U .0. Box 4107 OCT1S1987 lens Falls, N.Y. 12801 October 18, 1987 Richard Roberts Planning Board Chairman Town of Queensbury Bay Road at Haviland Glens Falls, N.Y. 12801 PLANNING. ZONING DEPARTMENT Rei Hiland Park Site Plan Review Applications Dear Dick: It has come to our attention that three of Hiland Park's residential areas have come before the Planning Board for site plan review. As the principal outside party involved in the Hiland Park SEQR and PUD approval processes, the Queensbury Association wishes to ensure that these site plan reviews proceed in accordance with the conditions established by the Town Board when the PUD was approved. Town Board Resolution 212, which enacted the PUD rezoning, set several conditions which must be met by the Planning Board and Hiland Park as the various phases of this development are reviewed. These include the following: 1. Condition 5 of Resolution 212 requires connection of most Hiland Park subdivisions to the Glens Falls sewer system. Has this been accomplished yet? Will it be before any lots are sold? Likewise, the hookup to Town water? 2. An updated traffic study is required by condition 6 prior to final site plan approval of any phase. Has this been done yet? 3. Condition 10 requires ~hat the land grant and fishing easement be delivered before any site plan approvals are given. Has this been done yet? 4. Condition 14 states that all mitigation measures contained in the DEIS and FEIS are incorporated into the PUD approval. As a result, they must be incorporated into the site plan review of each phase of the project. The Planning Board members and staff should review the DE IS and FE IS closely to ensure that each phase contains all required mitigation measures. Please enter this letter into the record of each site plan review and share it with the Board's members. We hope that the Planning Board and Hiland Park will be able to work together to ensure that all of these prerequisites are met before any approvals are granted. cc: Fran Walter Betty Monahan Gary Bowen 1(2, Sincerely, U{;¡,¡=; Association W. ?f/fry -- 196 l ( October 20, 1987 .,.li)'iJ,r" .Qr' aUEfNSBUtiy . t_ ...', ,.... li;~!t~~;;~W Mr. Richard Roberts, Chairman Planning Board Town of Queensbury Bay at Haviland Queensbury, NY 12801 RE: Hiland Park PUD Site Plan Review ¡JIeANN1NG & ZONING OfP.M1TMENT Dear Dick, As per our agreement to review the submitted subdivisions for compliance with the Streets and Storm Drainage sections of the Town of Queensbury Subdivision Regulations we offer five (5) copies of our review report. You are aware that during the course of our review we have met with you, Paul Naylor and members of the L.A. Group staff to discuss issues which have resulted from our review. The report references the status of comments we have discussed with the L.A. Group and/or the Town. We have worked closely with the consultant to resolve the issues in ~uestion. It is our understanding that revisions are being made to the drawings and stormwater management report. While these revisions have not been completed in time for tonights meeting they will be required for us to offer our final approval. As previously discussed the issue of the typical road section with the paved wing-typ~swale is a complicated one. We recommend that this type of drainage control be employed but we want to point out the impact this has on the acceptability of the existing catch basin spacing and layout. Please refer to Review Report, page 4. Should you have any further questions on this report please contact me in Clifton Park at 371-7621. - Sincerely, '-~I4''O MA~9""ROY Dennis MacElroy, P.E. c.c. Paul Naylor QJ({JOJOJCOJ L .- C C OJ C J ({J .- .- .- .- µ>-C>-({JL urocQJQJQJ QJcco>1JQJ .~ co 0. S C .!; .c ro QJ ({J co OJ uµUJ .DC Lc)1JLQJ COQJ CJ QJ E-g~ (l C co co 0 - U l. UJ ,- 1J > C [ ~ QJ ~@1 @oCJ ~g ~®D @~ ~~ ~~ @~ fbi DCJ ©1 ~(S @@]) Dc=! @Œm g@ ~1Q) <iSDI ROUTE 146. CLIFTON PARK. NEW YORK 12065 (518) 371-7621 28 MADISON STREET. RUTLAND. VERMONT 05701 (802) 775-31 00 Principals .James E, Mitchell, P.E. Richard IX. Eats. L.A. Gordon P. Nicholson, L,A. 191 Town of Queensbury Hiland Park PUD Site Plan Review ¡~ff©iüw~~ ti~ 0 CT 1 ~1987 lliI PLANNING &: ZONING DEPARTMENT October 20, 1987 ¡<.. The following are comments related to our review of the road and storm water drainage design for three(3) subdivîsions within the Hiland Park PUD. The review comments are based upon the design standards set forth under ARTICLE IV,Section 3, Parts C and D of the Town of Queensbury Subdivision Regulations and generally accepted standard engineering practice. MASTERS COMMON NORTH Pertinent plan sheets = L-2 L-3 L-5 L-7 STREETS Design: The typical road section provided indicates a 24' wide wearing surface with 5' shoulders and grassed swale for drainage. This detail complies with minimum Town standards. It is recommended that the Town require the developer to construct a road section with a~' paved wing type swale instead of the grassed swale due to the following reasons: the heavier soils of this area will deter storm wate~ recharge within the swale thus creating wet areas which promote vegetative growtn and difficult maintenance. drainage swales are typically maintenance problems as the drainage pattern is impacted by siltation (road sanding) and filling by bordering property owners (leaves, grass clippings, soil). Status: Developer has apparently agreed to the paved wing type swale and the detail sheet will include that road section typical 'ÓD) [ 9?-- 2 as an alternate. Related drainage and grading plan: Sheet L-3 should be revised to indicate road section changes. Drainage pipe profiles will also be effected - see comment under Part D: Storm Drainage. The typical road section for the grassed swale drainage method should indicate the storm sewer pipe beneath the swale centerline. i<.. Status: ~:. L.A. Group has been notified and correction is being made. Alignment: The 2700+ LF road serving Masters Common North consists of four(4) horizontal curves with centerline radi ranging from 250' to 280'. The subdivision regulations require a 300' centerline radius for all local roads. Status: Negliable impact expected. Design speed may be limited. Highway Superintendent has been notified. General: Sheet L-2 lists a designation for a stop sign in the Key. None are indicated on the plan. A stop sign should be located at each intersection with Haviland Road. A street name should be given to this subdivision road. <- STORM DRAINAGE '.. General: The stormwater management report issue by the L.A. Group has been reviewed and discussed with the author. Several 'bD3 ¡q3 3 comments of a technical nature have been brought to the ,attention of the L.A. Group. Supplemental information has been requested and received, allowing us to complete our review. We are satisfied with the methodology of the report and with the appropriate changes made to report ( as previously discussed with the L.A. Group) it can be accepted ¡~s being adequate. Status: ""'. It is our understanding that all technical and clerical issues reviewed and discussed with the L.A. Group are being modified and/or corrected, with this revised report to be resubmitted. Design Criteria: The stormwater management methods prescribed in SCS for stormwater analysis. stormwater computation. report indicates the use of Technical Release No. 55 (TR55) This is an apprqved method of Several issues have resulted from the review of the stormwater piping design as indicated on both plan and profile drawings: Sheets L-3 and L-5. the pipe sizing between STMH-1,CB-4,CB-6 and STMH-2 changes from 27" to 24" and then back to 27". This sizing should stay at 27" through the interval. PVC pipe is not available above an 18" diameter. The pipe specification for pipe larger than 18" must be revised. ~ Status: These issues have been brought to the attention of the L.A. Group and it is our understanding that the drawings are being changed to correct these deficiencies. Sheet L-3 indicates a 20' drainage easement to the edge of the subdivision boundary with the golf course. Beyond that "-- <b 1)~ \9 Lf 4 point there is no indication of access for maintenance purposes. It is assumed that the Town will want to maintain the subdivision stormwater system. While it is recognized that there is a "gray area" between the subdivision land and the first significant water course, i.e. pond or stream, the Town should require either maintenance access (and easement) or some legally bi~ding guarantee(memo of understanding or a bond) so that any maintenance problem affecting the subdivisions stormwater system will be rectified in a timely c:.;:" manor. Status: The Planning Board and Highway Superintendent need to decide which method of guaranteeing proper maintenance of the drainage system is satisfactory to the Town. NOTE: Should the Town require the developer to construct a typical road sec.tion which includes the paved wing-type swale then there are two more issues which are stormwater related and which need to be resolved. the plan and profile of the stormwater system, Sheets L-3 and L-5, need to be revised to indicate the new pavement width and the correction of all catch basin elevations, top of frame and inverts. These modifications will,be necessary for construction. the Town of Queensbury regulations limit to a maximum of 350' the distance of surface flow on streets. By simply employing the existing layout of catch basins and piping there will be ~ctions of street which exceed the 350' maximum. LOCATION"' . SURFACE FLOW DISTANCE Masters Conunon North 600'+ Masters Conunon North 550'+ Masters Conunon North 500'+ Masters Conunon South 450'+ Masters Conunon South 400'+ Masters Conunon South 600'+ Masters Conunon South 475'+ <tDç 195 5 '-- Additional piping and catch basins will need to be designed into the system to eliminate this conflict with the regulations and standard engineering practice. Status: i<::' This issue has been discussed with the L.A. Group and the developer but it is uncertain as to their response. -<' MASTERS COMMON SOUTH Pertinent Plan sheets = L-2 L-3 L-5 L-7 STREETS Design: The same comments related to the recommended typical road section expressed under Masters Common North apply to Masters Common South. Refer to page 1 of this review report. Alignment: The 1900+ LF road serving Masters Common South consists of four(4) horizontal curves. Both curve # 2 and~ 3 have a centerline radius of 200'. The subdivision regùlations require a minimum 300' centerline radius for all local roads. Status: Highway Superintendent has been notified. qDk/ IL1Co 6 -~ General Stop signs should be located at each intersection with Haviland Road. í~ STORM DRAINAGE General: -< The same comments made under Masters Common North also apply here. Refer to page 2 of this review report. Design Criteria: Methodology of stormwater analysis is acceptable: SCS TR 55. Specific issues related. to the piping design as indicated on both plan and profile drawings: Sheets L-3 and L-5, are as follows. the pipe sizing between CB 8,CB 10, CB 11, and CB 12 requires modification to maintain consistency with the hydraulic information. specification for pipe in sizes which PVC is not available needs to be added. the location and top of frame elevation of the catch basins near the intersection of Masters Common South and ·St. Andrew's Circle need to be re-evaluated. Status: L.A. Group is aware of these issues and the drawings are being modified. ~ Masters Common South requires two drainage swales outside of the subdivision boundary. The same comments made under Masters Common North related to these required off site drainage swales apply here as well. Refer to page 3 of this review report. <3'D t91 7 Regarding the proposed alternate typical road section (paved wing-type swale) the same comments made related to plan and profile revisions and maximum distance of surface flow apply to Masters Common South as well. Refer to page 4 of this review report. c..:. <:."-- FAIRWAY COURT Pertinent Plan Sheets: L-2 L-3 L-6 STREETS Design: The same comments related to the recommended typical road section expressed under Masters Common North apply to Fairway Court as well. Refer to page 1 of this review report. Alignment: The 700+ LF road serving Fairway Court consists of two (2) horizontal curves. Curve # 1 has a centerline radius of 200'. The subdivision regulations require a minimwa 300' centerline radius for all local roads. Status: Highway Superintendent has been notified. General stop sign should be located at the intersection with Rockwell Road. ~D t91 8 '--- STORM DRAINAGE General The same comments made under Masters Common North also apply here. Refer to page 2 of this review report. ; <..::.. Design Criteria: The methodo1~gy of the stormwater analysis and management for this drainage area has been reviewed and found to be acceptable. Specific comments on the stormwater system are related to the effect the recommended typical road section (paved wing-type swale) has on the location and frame elevation of the drywell structures. Revisions will be required to accommodate a change in the typical road section. ~ - 7>D - ')