1988-12-19 '-' QUEENSBURY '!'OWl PLADING BOARD Regular Meeting: Monday, December 19, 1988 at 7: 30 p.m. Present: Richard Roberts, Chairman Joseph Dybas Victor Macri Hilda Mann, Secretary Kenneth Jablonski Paul Dusek, Counsel Lee York, Senior Planner John Goralski, Planner Quentin Kestner, Town Designated Consultant/Engineer Mary Jane F. Moeller, Stenographer Absent: Peter Cartier Frank DeSantis Mr. Roberts called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. OLD BUSINESS SITE PLAN NO. 56-88 Green's Appliances The request is to alter the interior creating three retail sales offices at 682 Upper Glen Street, PC-IA. (Tax Map No. 102-1-10). Mr. Roberts reviewed that previously this application was Tabled for more information regarding the parking situation. Thomas Green rep- resented the project and advised the Board that the Zoning Board of Appeals granted him. a new parking design, by eliminating three spaces. Mrs. York advised Mr. Green that his application was incomplete, be- cause the Proposed Site Plan presented to the Board at this meeting is not the one that was su1:m1tted by the deadline date for Board review prior to the meeting. In addition she referred to a letter from Fire Marshal Bodenweiser regarding the removal of all tanks from the premises (see Staff Comments Exhibit A). This issue must be addressed when the appli- cant reappears before the Board. Mr. Green said the two large tanks have been removed; however, he does not know the disposition of the remaining three tanks. He stated he had a difficult time communicating with people about this issue, because he does not own the property and it is the owner's problem. Mr. Kestner affirmed that the two large tanks were removed satisfac- torily; he does not know the status of the remaining tanks. Mr. Dusek advised the Board that he had received a call from the owner's attorney. 1 -' There was a question as to the location of the other tanks and who would be responsible for them. In addition, Mr. Dusek said that the Town was going to assist in the identification of the tanks and Fire Marshal Bodenweiser would be involved in this process. Mr. Dusek stated he would verify this with the owner's attorney on 12/20/88. Mr. Roberts also reviewed a letter from Mr. Rudnick (on file), whose main objection was to the trucks parking on the Foster Avenue (south) side of the building, because it blocks the road to cars and fire trucks. The problem is the proximity of the overhead door to the road, which is eight to ten feet. Mr. Roberts reviewed suggestions that the Planning Board made at a previous meeting. 1) Cars and trucks were to park laterally along the building on Foster Avenue. 2. There will be railroad ties or some type of wall on the east side of the property to protect the parking lot gravel from eroding and being plowed into the stream. 3. There was to be a separation between the parking lot and Dunkin' Donuts; a fence of some nature. Mr. Roberts also requested that the above stipulations be noted on the updated plan. Thomas Green agreed to the above stipulations. Mr. Macri moved to TABLE Site Plan No. 56-88, Green's Appliances for more information. This was in agreement with Thomas R. Green, Applicant. Seconded by Mrs. Mann. Passed Unanimously \ SITE PLAN NO. 48-88 Charles and Patricia Mouzalas The application is for new siding on the first level and for a new second level, three (3) bedrooms and one (1) full bath on Sunnyside North, SR-30. Location: North on Bay Road, right on Sunnyside Road, left at bend by McDermott's Motorcycles, Sunnyside North Road, approximately \ mile on the left: Green Cottage. (Tax Map 50-1-83) Mr. Roberts reviewed that this application was Tabled previously for more information regarding the septic system, and that the Engineers have been working on the application. Charles Mouzalas represented the project and stated that code requires the system to be 200 feet back from the lake. Because the required distance is not available, Mr. Mouzalas 2 '-- decided on a holding tank system with two alarms and an automatic shut- down; the tank holds 2000 gallons and is manufactured by Gould, Model WS1012B. When the tank reaches 1200 gallons, a yellow light will flash on; when the tank reaches 2000 gallons, a red light will flash on and an alarm will sound. In addition, the pumping system will automatically shut down; there would be no more intake. Mr. Kestner reviewed his letter and reconmended the holding tank with an alarm and interlock (Exhibit B; Plan on file). He advised the Board that there is no way that the small camps can meet the 1982 Sanitary Codes, and the holding tank is an alternative. It is difficult to substan- tiate what kind of a system can be put on the property, because of the small lot size, setback requirements, soil types, etc.. The Board has an opportunity to evaluate the individual disposal systems, in light of the 1982 rules. A holding tank does meet the standards and there is no need for assumption that the system is adequate. Mr. Kestner expressed his sat- isfaction to the holding tank design for this application, because it does alert the owner to failure and that it does interlock, so appropriate action can be taken. Mr. Dybas stated his approval of the system and is aware of a system in Lake George that is two years old and has been working very well. The resident had the same problems as Mr. Mouzalas. Public Hearing: still opened. John Mason: represents owners with similar problems. Mr. Mason stated his opinion that holding tanks are not an acceptable alternative on Lake George, and that the Department of Enviromnental Conservation has jurisdiction and will not approve them. Therefore, if applications on Lake George require a holding tank, the homeowners would not be able to install it. Certain towns have asked Bill Blass of ENCON to approve holding tanks and he will not approve them. Mr. Mason has discussed this point with David Hatin of the Zoning Department, and Mr. Hatin is requesting information on some of the holding tank systems: how they have been designed and what the design criteria are. He is trying to put in a holding tank code in the Town of Queensbury, but Mr. Mason thinks he will do it without ENCON. Mr. Kestner agreed with the Planning Board that ENCON does not have jurisdiction in the Town of Queensbury. The Board feels that applications of this nature that come before the Planning Board will have to prove that the septic systems are adequate; the Town wants to improve the septic system situation on the lakes. Most people do not put great reliance on dye tests. There was discussion that the map presented by Mr. Mouzalas was not subnitted to the Board members 21 days prior to this meeting and that the the application be Tabled. However, Mrs. York advised the Board that this 3 -< particular Site Plan was initially submitted under the old Ordinance and, at that time, the information submitted would have been acceptable. Mr. Kestner feels tW;it there is sufficient information on the drawings that were submitted, and the applicant has returned with an acceptable sewerage system. Public Hearing Closed The Planning Board reviewed PART II, Environmental Assessment, Sections A - D, with no adverse environmental impact. Of note to C1 is that the ground water situation has been addressed by the septic system. A Nega- tive Declaration is attached to these minutes (Addendum A). Mr. Macri moved APPROVAL of Site Plan No. 48-88, Charles and Patricia Mouzalas. The applicant agrees to provide a septic system which has been reviewed and approved by the Town Designated Consultant/Engineer. Specifi- cations for the holding tank were submitted to the Planning Board at this meeting. Seconded by Mrs. Mann. Passed Unan1.aously SITE PLAN NO. 60-88 Margaret E. Bunke The Proposed use is: one (1) bedroom and one (1) bath. Project descrip- tion is: full cellar (16 ft. x 24 ft.); water intake to lake; new windows and siding; studio/10ft, 8 ft. x 16 ft. on Rockhurst Road, Cleverdale, WR-LA. Location: Route 9L to Cleverdale, Rockhurst turnoff, turn left at the bottom of the hill. (Tax Map No. 15-1-8) Mr. Roberts reviewed that this application previously had been Tabled, for further information regarding the septic system. Richard Morse, Richard Morse Engineering, represented the applicant per the request of John Mason. Mr. Morse referred to his letter of 11/29/88 (Exhibit C) regarding a septic inspection made on the proposed site. The procedure used for the evaluation was to put a one-day effluent flow through the tank, excavate the tank to open it, excavate the side of the leaching device made up of a dry wall chamber, a dye was put into the septic tank, and after 1/2 hour 150 gallons was run through the tank. The elevation of the septic tank did not rise appreciably; this was watched for the next six. hours. It was determined that the system was operating satisfactor- ily. The leaching device presently is next to the road. Mr. Morse informed the Board that the existing system is not built in accordance with present Ordinances; it would not meet the current 4 criteria, and it probably does not meet the Department of Health setback codes. Mr. Mason affirmed again that Mrs. Bunke will not use the house during the winter season. He stated that the Site Plan Review is for a lowered waterline; if the Board does not want the winterized use, then the Site Plan Review should not be approved. Mr. Roberts emphasized that, in these types of cases, the Board must look at the potential use of the property, if it should be sold. By care- ful review, Mrs. Mann stated that both the Town and Lake George are pro- tected by insisting that the septic systems are brought up to code. Mr . Mason I s opinion is that there is no holding tank code and that they are not approvable in the Town of Queensbury. Mr. Macri disagreed with Mr. Mason, because there is no statement confirming that fact in the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Code or other reference material that Mr. Macri has studied. Mrs. York affirmed that she has never heard that DEC has juris- diction as far as the Town Ordinance is concerned and the Town Ordinance is what is enforced. Public Hearing Closed Mr. Kestner reviewed his letter of 12/16/88 (Exhibit D), wherein he felt that the present septic system could not be brought up to standard and recommended the use of a holding tank. Mr. Mason asked the Board to clarify their procedure regarding Site Plan Review for Lake George sites and holding tank requirements. He noted that none of the sites in Rockhurst can comply because the peninsulas are too small. Mr. Roberts did not feel that a waterline or dock would trig- ger a holding tank review. Some of the uses that would require septic up- date are substantial remodelling of the facility, increased use, and poten- tial use down the road. Mr. Macri moved to TABLE Site Plan No. 60-88, Margaret E. Bunke, for more information regarding the septic system. This was in agreement with John Mason, Agent. Seconded by Mrs. Mann. Passed Unanimously SITE PLAN NO. 61-88 Roger and Karen Howard The proposed project is to remodel the existing four (4) bedroom, three (3) bath house on Rockhurst Road, Cleverdale, WR-IA. Location: Route 9L 5 to Cleverdale, Rockhurst turnoff, .4 mile towards the point from Seelye Road turnoff. (Tax Map No 15-1-17). Mr. Macri moved to TABLE Site Plan No. 61-88, Roger and Karen Howard, for more information regarding the septic system. This was in agreement with John Mason, Agent. NEW BUSnmSS SITE PLAH NO. 54-88 Steven and Susan Jackson Karp The application is for the construction of two (2) additional apartment buildings of four, two-bedroom apartments on the south side of Sherman Avenue, SR-20. There are presently four (4) buildings with four (4) two- bedroom apartments per building. The lot size is 17.551 acres. Location: Approximately 4,000 feet east of Sherman Avenue/West Mt. Road intersection. (Tax Map No. 121-1-22) Note: Cross Reference: Subdivision No. 7-1988. Adirondack Plantations, Preliminary Stage to be on the January 1989 Agenda. Mr. Roberts reviewed that this project previously has been before the Planning Board. Robert Stewart, Esq., represented the project and stated that it is an amendment to an old Site Plan Review. Presently there is a requirement for a subdivision dividing this site and property to the left; however, the review for the subdivision will not take place at this meet- ing, because a topographical map is required. Essentially, the property was reviewed in 1985 for six, fourplex apart- ment buildings. The proposal at that time was to build three sections in a row and then three sections directly behind. When the builder placed the last two buildings, they deviated from what the Planning Board had approved. Mr. Stewart feels that the deviation improves the site because the first parcel, which was approved at 4\ acres with 500 feet of road frontage, is now 6.37 acres with 692 feet of road frontage. The same buildings are now on a larger parcel than originally authorized. The rear parcel, which the Board required to remain ever green, will remain that way. The Board expressed its surprise that the layout was very different from the one that was originally approved. Mr. Stewart stated the following requirements: 6 '---' Front yard setback: Ordinance: 30 feet Buildings are 50 feet Side Yard setback: Ordinance: 10 feet each, 30 feet total Yards are 50 feet each, 100+ feet total Rear Yard setback: Ordinance: 20 feet Yards are 24 feet Permeability: Ordinance 50% Site: 94% Building Height: Ordinance 40 feet Actual buildings of 1\ stories, approx. 30 ft. Nick Sciartelli, Morse Engineering, advised that an underground system has been provided to percolate the ponds so the water does not run off into the adjoining lands. Mr. Kestner reviewed his letter of 12/16/88 and stated his approval with listed recommendations (Exhibit E) . Basically, water will be pro- vided by the Queensbury Water District, waste disposal is by four on-site systems, storm water management plan has been provided. A suggestion is for the addition of outdoor lighting from indicated parking to the units. Mr. Goralski reviewed the Staff comments, which expressed concern about the fact that the drainage plan indicates surface water runoff going across the driveway. This could create a potentially dangerous icing situation. Beautification Committee approved the application with the change in the dumpster location and increased plantings. Public Hearing: no comment The Town Planning Board reviewed Part II Environmental Assessment, Sec- tions A - D, with no negative impact. The Town Planning Board also reviewed the Negative Declaration (see Addendum B). Mrs. Mann moved APPROVAL of Site Plan No. 54-88, Steven and Susan Jackson Karp, with the recommendation that the suggestions made by Quentin Kestner, Town Designated Consultant/Engineer, be included in the final project. The Town Planning Board has referred to and reviewed Article 5.070, Sections A-E. Seconded by Mr. Dybas. Passed UDanimously SUBDIVISION 6-1988 PRELIMINARY STAGE 7 '---- Grahl Subdivision The application is for the subdivision of 38.5 acres into two lots on the west side of Bay Road opposite Adirondack Community College, MR-5. Edward Grahl intends to convey the northerly 20 acres. John Caffrey, Esq. reprefJented the applicant. Part of the 38.5 acres contains the Canterbury caaplex of 36 units. The two lots would be di v- ided as follows: the northerly section is 20 acres which would be sold; the southerly 18.5 acres will contain the prior, existing development. The lots have 402 and 300 feet respectively of road frontage and both lots are over the minimum lot size and have more than ample road frontage. The applicant has subnitted both the long and short form EAF. There are no roads being built. Mr. Caffrey stated that, because of the simplicity of the application, Staff approved waiving of the Sketch Plan application and going directly to the Preliminary Plat application. Mr. Caffrey requested that the Pre- liminary Plan and SEQR determination be acted on at this meeting. He also requested that the Board consider the Final Plat approval as well, at this meeting, as there would probably be no change in the plans. Mrs. York reminded Mr. Caffrey that the Ordinance states that Prelimin- ary Approval is the first step of a two-step process. Although the Board can waive any requirements, it must document exactly the reasoning and why the relief. John Goralski reviewed the Staff comments. Although there is no con- struction, it is significant to note that the only access to the parcel is across across Old Maids Brook at Bay Road. The habitat map characterizes it as a wetland area and the water resources map indicates that the area is prone to flooding. David Hatin, Director of Building and Code Enforce- ment, stated in a letter that there are considerable drainage and sewerage problems within the units, and he recommends that no Final Approval be given until such times as Units 1 to 36 are resolved (Exhibit F). l Mrs. Mann asked why the developed units have not been shut down, be- cause of the severe sewerage situation during the last few months. Several occupants have had to relocate, due to sewerage leaking into the basements. Mr. Caffrey advised that Mr. Grahl has hired C. T. Male to work on the problem; the completion has been held up by construction- related problems. Mr. Caffrey does not feel that this has anything to do with the 18.5 acre subdivision. He also feels that the problems with the brook will have to be taken care of with the purchaser of the adjoining land; it should not be addressed at this point in time. Regarding the existing buildings, Mrs. Mann was displeased with the fact the the last couple of buildings were approved very recently by the Planning Board, and she assumed that before the septic systems were put in they were inspected by the Town of Queensbury, and engineers of the Town 8 ',,-, ~ and the developer. approved the system. She requested to know why the systems failed and who Mr. Macri questioned if the 18.5 acres could handle a developnent and what the ground water is like; there has not been enough information sub- mitted. It is not known if the problem is the design of the system or a construction problem. Mr. Kestner said he looked at the application solely as a separation of land and not with facilities; therefore, he had no problem. Mr. Caffrey stated that C. T. Male has designed a solution to the exist- ing problem, but it is a matter of getting the contractors to finish the work. The work is underway and it is being done. Mrs. Mann again expressed concern about the fact that the 20 acres to be sold will be landlocked, without an entrance over Old Maids Brook. A DEe stream-crossing permit would be necessary. She requested that an engineer look at the SEQR area to see whether or not the stream crossing is a feasible entrance. Mr. Goralski suggested an option is to move the line south on Bay Road, which may be less environmentally critical. Mr. Caffrey advised the Board that the buyer does own some property off Blind Rock Road. Mr. Roberts stated his reservations about the project as to whether the property is landlocked and whether there is enough land for a septic system. Consideration is to be made in that there is contiguous owner- ship. Mrs. Mann requested the following: 1. that the Town Engineer take a close look at the stream; 2. information fran the Town Engineer as to why the septic system failed; 3. determine if there is enough land to support the cOJllplexes in the area presently. Mr. Roberts questioned if the land is developable; he is thinking in terms not only of the adjacent land, but the land that is presently built upon. Mr. Dybas expressed his thoughts that he is not comfortable with the project until the sewerage system problem has been finalized. Mr. Kestner volunteered to talk to David Hatin and find out the status of the project regarding a) who reviewed the site the last time and why it was approved; and b) the name of the engineer; and c) who inspected the system before it was covered and what day it was. In order to satisfy the Planning Board, there must be proof by the engineer that construction could be accanplished with minimal obstruction of the environment in the area, and the Grade AA stream must be mitigated 9 '--' -.../ in advance. A suggestion has to be made as to the method of access into the parcel. The design is to be put on a plat, so that when the subdivi- sion is approved the plat is signed with those criteria. The method of crossing the stream should be within D.E.C. approval. There has to be some feasibility study across the area. Mrs. Mann moved to TABLE Subdivision No. 6-1988, PRELIMINARY STAGE, Grahl Subdivision, for further information. There will be no Preliminary Approval until SEQR has been satisfied. This is in agreement with John Caffrey, Esq. Seconded by Mr. Macri. Passed UDaDiaous1y SITE PLAN NO. 67-88 John P. Matthews The application is for the construction of an outside display area, fenced storage and storage buildings at 300 Bay Road, corner of Bay Road and G1eDWOOd Avenue, HC-lS. Lot acreage is 1.76 acres; the total site area is 74,930 sq. ft. (Tax Map no. 61-1-34). John Matthew represented the project, who explained that he was before the Board a few months ago for the subject property. At the time, he did not realize that another Site Plan Review was necessary for the display area for the stones which he sells. Upon talking to the engineer, it was discovered that his drawing was incaap1ete insofar as drainage was con- cerned. Mr. Matthew said he will secure a professional and caap1ete the Site Plan the way it should be done. However, at this meeting he re- quested that his plan be reviewed by the Board in a Conceptual manner and determined if the idea is feasible. Mrs. York advised the Board that the Engineer would like more drainage calculations on the plan. Even though the application was incomplete, she also advised Mr. Matthews to present his plan at this meeting, determine if there was public controversy, and then Table the matter for further information. Note: The remainder of the presentation was conducted at the dais. Exhibit G is a review of Mr. Kestner's camaents. Mrs. Mann moved to TABLE Site Plan No. 67-88, John P. Matthews, for more information. The applicant is to provide more detailed information with respect to contours and other site information. Seconded by HI'. Macri. 10 ~ Passed UU1ÚIIOUsly Chairman Roberts adjourned the meeting at 9:55 p.m. Richard Roberts, Chairman ~J~ Mary F. Moeller, Stenographer Date ¡. CFf Dae 11 -...../ ~ 'lOWlf OF QUDlSBUllY ZOIING OIDDtARCE SECTION 5.070 REQUIREMENTS FOR TYPE I AND TYPE II SITE PLAN REVIEW In order to approve any Type I and Type II Site Plan Review use, the Planning Board shall find that: A. The use complied with all other requirements of this Ordinance, including the dimensional regulations of the zoning district in which it is proposed to be located; and B. The use would be in harmony with the general purpose of intent of this Ordinance, specifically taking into account the location, character, and size of the proposed use and the description and purpose of the district in which such use is proposed, the nature and intensity of the activities to be involved in or conducted in connection with the proposed use, and the nature and rate of any increase in the burden on supporting public services and facilities which will follow the approval of the proposed use; and C. The establishment, maintenance or operation of the proposed use would not create public hazards from traffic, traffic congestion, or the parking of automobiles or be otherwise detrimental to the health, safety or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, or be detrimental or injurious to the property and improvements in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the Town; and D) The project would not have an undue adverse impact upon the natural, scenic, aesthetic, ecological, wildlife, historic, recreational or open space resources of the Town or the Adirondack Park or upon the ability of the public to provide supporting facilities and services made necessary by the project, taking into account the caomercial, industrial, residential, recreational or other benefits that might be derived from the project. In making this determination, the Planning Board shall consider those factors pertinent to the project contained in the developnent considerations set forth herein and in so doing, the Planning Board shall make a net overall evaluation of the project in relation to the development objectives and general guidelines set forth in Section 6.040 of this Article. E. The Planning Board review of the Site Plan shall include, as appropriate, but not limited to the following general standards: 1. Location arrangement, size, design and general site compatibility of buildings, lighting and signs. 2. Adequacy and arrangement of vehicular traffic access and circulation, including intersections, road widths, pavement surfaces, dividers and traffic controls. ... continued ... '--' -...-/ TOW OF QUlEHSBurt ZOHDJG ODDW1CE SECTION 5.070 REQUIREMENTS FOR TYPE I AND TYPE II SITE PLAN REVIEW PAGE 2 3. Location, arrangement, appearance and sufficiency of off-street parking and loading. 4. Adequacy and arrangement of pedestrian traffic access and circulation, walkway structures, control of intersections with vehicular traffic and overall pedestrian convenience. 5. Adequacy of storm water drainage facilities. 6. Adequacy of water supply and sewage disposal facilities. 7. Adequacy, type and arrangement of trees, shrubs and other suitable plantings landscaping and screening constituting a visual and/or noise buffer between the applicants and adjoining lands including the maximum retention of existing vegetation and maintenance including replacement of dead or deceased plants. 8. Adequacy of fire lanes and other emergency zones and the provision of fire hydrants. 9. Adequacy and impact of structures, roadways and landscaping in areas with susceptibility to ponding, flooding and/or erosion. Rev.: 8/16/88 13 ~ ~ RESOLUTION WHEN DETERKIHATIOR OF NO SIGNIFICANT IS HADE Resolution No. 48-88 December 19 ,1988 Introduced by: Victor Macri Who Moved Its Adoption Seconded by: Hilde Mann WHEREAS, there is presently before the planning Board an application for: Site Plan 48-88 approval for additions to Charles and Patricia Mouzalas' residence at Sunnyside North, and WHEREAS, this Planning Board has determined that the proposed project and Planning Board action is subject to review under the State Environ- mental Quality Review Act, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. No federal agency appears to be involved. 2. No other agencies appear to be involved. 3. The proposed action considered by this Board is unlisted in the Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations implementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations of the Town of Queensbury 4. An Environmental Assessment Form has been completed by the appli- cant. 5. Having considered and thoroughly analyzed the relevant areas of environmental concern and having considered the criteria for deter- mining whether a project has a significant environmental impact as the same is set forth in Section 617.11 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations for the State of New York, this Board finds that the action about to be undertaken by this Board will have no significant environmental effect and the Chairman of the Planning Board is hereby authorized to execute and sign and file as may be necessary a statement of non-significance or a negative declaration that may be required by law. Duly adopted this 19th day of December vote: , 1988, by the following AYES 5 NOES 0 ABSENT 2 ADDENDUM A 15 -- -../ RESOLUTIOR WBBØ DETElUIDù\TIOI OF NO SIGNIFICANT IS HADE Resolution No. 54-88 December 19 , 1988 Introduced by: Hilda Mann Who Moved Its Adoption Seconded by: Joseph ~bas WHEREAS, there is presently before the planning Board an application for: Site Plan No. 54-88, Steven and Susan Karp, for the construction of two additional apartment buildings, and WHEREAS, this Planning Board has determined that the proposed project and Planning Board action is subject to review under the State Environ- mental Quality Review Act, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. No federal agency appears to be involved. 2. Other agency is Department of Environmental Conservation for the SPDES permit. 3. The proposed action considered by this Board is unlisted in the Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations implementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations of· the Town of Queensbury. 4. An Environmental Assessment Form has been caapleted by the appli- cant. 5. Having considered and thoroughly analyzed the relevant areas of environmental concern and having considered the criteria for deter- mining whether a project has a significant environmental impact as the same is set forth in Section 617.11 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations for the State of New York, this Board finds that the action about to be undertaken by this Board will have no significant environmental effect and the Chairman of the Planning Board is hereby authorized to execute and sign and file as may be necessary a statement of non-significance or a negative declaration that may be required by law. Duly adopted this 19th day of December vote: , 1988, by the following AYES 5 NOES 0 ABSENT 2 ADDENDUM B -- ... ~ Jown oj Queenjbury FII1COPY ._~ ~ -NOTE TO FILE" Planning and Zoning Department LEE YORK , Senior Town Planner Dec. 9, 1988 Application Number: Site Plan Review No. 56-88 Applicant/Project Name: Green's Appliances Mr. Green's proiect has received the variances necessary to brinR' it into compliance with Town regulations. This application is before the Planning Board as a change in commercial use of a property. A concern has been the loading area aQjacent to the Fire Company's driveway and possible blocking of such. Brian LaFlure, the Fire Company Chief has submitted a letter which addresses this concern. Some of the tanks on the property have been removed which was a condition for Board approval. Fire Marshall Bodenweiser has submitted a letter which states that this has not been taken care of (letter attached). The applicant should provide for separation between his parking lot and that of Dunkin Donuts. Pressure treated lumber planters or a fence alonR the property line have been sugl2ested. An earlier concern of Mr. DeSantis was further protection of the stream from parkine: lot runoff. This should also be addressed. The proposed use of the property is in accordance with the zoning of the area and the neighborhood character. BAY AT HAVILAND ROAD QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK, 12801 l'ELEPHONE: (S18) 792-5832 SETTLED 1763... HOME OF NATURAL ßfAUTY... ^ GOOD PLACE TO LIVE ,E 'j.#¡ ß / T #l. I":'" f . -., . <, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY · "f~:iiY;'¡;' '.' t_O-J'-Le s Bay at Ha.nand Road. OU....sbuty. NY 12801-9725 - 51¡¡'79~-6832~~~ tg'... December 2, 19f81 [:E'~"<'CO py ..'",,,;,,, .;'.. .,.. .;. , .- ~ " '- ' . - Mr. Terry Gilligan Gickauay Road Saratoga Springs, .'.-:'.' .< " ~'--,,:' NY 12866 " . :~;'.'.,;;: , ,'" that D.E.C. regulations recognize the N.Y.S. it'<s more restrictive of the two. .. ,.' ;,",ii" :::,.<~j~~;Ji.;f·<;<." < , ': ~~>~~~'~;¡~~:~:·i,~"" '.:':~; ;" . the NYS Fire and;' Building Cod~:;};:,;\~~~~i/5;'.W:i;;:. all tanks regardless of sizemus~};~r:·I:<UC!;~i:'.:;,::;¡·. premises or ,filled with. inert ,.:~:~,.::~·~·..i...<.;;':;'ì,~'·¡1:>;,'¡' . ;. - ""',',- '."_'~'~'~'-:"'·1!'...,;_~...I,~....,: '<' :'::'·'<'~:;\\:::~(:....~~Bti\]~{)/:t~:·, Code, . in<, .<.~ <....."t.<..<,<.. ": . rf\ W.. ~'.'I~.<".~·'.'.~"..'~. <.:. .: '. II. . . .·'-I''i....., ~.·,tùot. ..~II ;-:l.. ......_.... N.;' t-1. Bodénweiset'. 't~·.,:t.~tB:·t5Ù·1 ;":?: «, Dear Sir: In accordance with Section 1164.5 & C, be removed from your material (slurry). Sincerely,' 'I", <' " NWB/gp . :.." '~\'~:-":. , '. .~ "' . . "HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY, '0 A GOOD PLACE TO UVE" SETTLED 1763 . ,., ';' '. ;/¿.-f/!7 ¡¡ /7' 1'1 ~ -...../ ESTABLISHED IN 1955 KESTNER ENGINEERS, P. c. CONSULTING ENGI'NEERS JOSEPH A. KESTNER. JR.. P.E., L.S. MARK l. KESTNER. P.E. QUENTIN T. KESTNER. P.E. ANTHONY M. KESTNER. B.S. ONE KESTNER LANE TROY, NEW YORK 12180 518-273-7446 FAX: 518-273-7583 JAMES J. SHAUGHNESSY. P.E. JEROME THORNE. S.E.T. December 15, 1988 Ms. Lee York senior Planner Town of Queensbury Queensbury Town Office Building Bay at Haviland Road Queensbury, NY 12804 RE: Town of Queensbury Site Plan No. 48-88 - Mouzalas Dear Ms. York: On Wednesday, December 14, 1988; I received a letter from Consultant Ray Buckley along with a drawing dated December 9, 1988, copies enclosed. This plan indicates that the Mouzalas's will install a 2,000 gallon holding tank with an alarm and interlock connected to the water-supply pump. These facilities are allowed by Table II, Appendix B, of the Town's Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. Accordingly, I would recommend approval of the site plan as the wastewater disposal system was the last remaining technical issue on the application. Sincerely, KESTNER ENGINEERS, P.C.~ aJ~~ Quentin T. Kestner, Þ.E. Vice President QTK/cp Enclosures cc: Planning Board Members MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING WATER, SEWAGE, AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FEDERAL/STATE GRANT APPlICA TrONS PRECISION SURVEYING AND GROUND CONTROL TELEVISION PIPELINE INSPECTION, METERING & SAMPlIi':G CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY ASSURANCE K xH/~17 f3 <' Raymond Buckley, P.E. Box.7 Star' te Glens Falls~ew York 12801 ~l'..I'.1F P 'G' p\1íi-') f' ì~. ' " I 1: '." 1. l't t ,:..1 A I ~ ~. l,.., <-.../' ""... oJ: ~ ' I' !" ~ "~.:"1 . 'I ,< «<,< "e · . - ~ ~ :~~,' DEC! (1988 t/·I ,I .-' Quentin Kestner,P.E. 1 Kestner Lane Troy, New York 12180 ;1C.E.srT:r·...E~ :=.~I·~PJ:;::~:1. P.r:. Re: Chas. Mouzalas Residence - North Sunnyside Road Queensbury, New York Dear Quentin: The site plan 'review of the above referenced project was tabled by the Queensbury Planning Board several months ago. The owner was told he could not renovate the residence unless he submitted plans for a holding tank system to replace his existing non-conforming sewage system. I expect Mr. Mouzalas to appear at the next Planning Board meeting with the enclosed plan. I am sending this copy for your review since you will probably be asked for an opinion at that time. Buckley, 6. " . . ... . " ;':'::;::;.).:»HU;:·~~t;;~~;q::/;}:¡i;}):::::;::::;;:~<::::/;;i/»:)/::j¡:;~t:~:;>:;:\:}:~;})?:;::<:(:::::::~ji:H:;;:::':/~;:/:!:.:;i:):<::</:.);}:/;<';:«;:';:<:::::·}:<:::;:::~:;::;;:./:{:';:"::':;::< '.. . k X/-I-/81Z!3 \ J.... MORSEENGINEERINGt" ,: '. ." ..... '<.' <'« <,>«<.,.,.«<.«.<",:..«,.,.s.:<.<..<'<..\.....'.....:.'.." ~___ ,') -i.', " -::::. '.<' :{J;'~'~·:~',:;:~;'i~~_~'/.'~~::;'\,<! <:;:~.t,:~: : ~ 99 LOWER DIXAVENUE<:<:':\. ~.... GLEN S FALLS. NY; 12101 .; '. .... . . /::;!~:T;>~;i~;r~.· < Novembe<r<':.29 ;:·,i1988Z¡;~::;i:';. . . .. ... . . .'. . ~."}\:'-~r'_~''"'1ftf~,':;.t:~; ¡)oJ ~~ 19 .' ./' ;:,c>L:;;::;~~~;€:,f -~,:~.:"/ P&.ANN'NQ'i ". ~ 'FIt" ". . 1> \~ :Jr.~ ;t:,.~ '~·:'<'·'·r" DEft 2 ~ . ,:1 . <:f:~';COR ~"9,.j ,;;::-:;," ;,\.:::: '., ,,JAR..... . .. ...~-;t·:r ,~. ¡.~, (~.. _ .~."h<".-~~. I '~'~';.': ~ "", ~!\; ; :.,..... T;.:e" ··...;:·d..,..· ..;~ [.<,.!('1~;';~~·t;::;.!;·'?:'~:'.L'..<);< >',).,\t,,', ~~ .. .~. 'eo...' ~,' ¡\',~,..~"" :r~<:"'~;"·\·· . ""~ '~7 '""Ì'''''~~,~~,,;~'.;;f;o'\~~'t~:....~ ~.*'.".... : " . "~ ,',:'" ,,~?~.<~." " ,'L.' ~:~ý' - ''''': "~ :'·~';:;~:~::;~:~)0:?~;.;.:'~(.j;~,~_:..:~'.,.~.,:~.:" '- '. .~.~.( :::r ::::: P:PO:::20 ,. , "', ,. :" ;';;";':;,r:~;"~1:;:::~P~~;~~f¡;'¡\: Please be advised that on this'date,";:111,29(88,;~I: made;anff::1'.L~· :,~~~;,~,«,';":¡'ct,< inspection of the proposed 1 construction>:at;:the,~~Bunke'~res1den ntg';'<:;~,(;t-¡, Roc k h u r s t, Kat t sk ill, Bay,;· ,~~~~?J;~~f.\~.<,·/:::E1f'~,~;;/Ú:<:~'::f.tt!·t~¥(~;f';:.l~!I,t":~:~f~"h; .:' ,', " ;~\$:~\¡rf'~l¡~' As you reported, the propoSed_,¡cOnstruc~lon:;ls\to-;:p~ace!;att.~:(~t,.'":(;t;},it~~;i¡?(;<::.l(· f oundat ion unde r the existing:: seaso~altcamp:·and:~to'·construct1at}'~,"!iiß;;;;'::\:¡':<.·¡; loft. The current occupancy of·:,the'.faoility;,:·is ·one:;b~d.r;()QIn,:~~.~nã:1~ji~~:~;:'~:~,:":.~::, it is proposed to be one, bedroom~'after,rcon8t:ruct;1on.:.~~:~1~~'~it,!;~~:~~?¡. :~;,:::;:;'.;j}:\:.<·¡',~f;' , .' " ·<:"'c:::2,~·¡?:\~;i.~f\':':;:~}'\:~::'\:~:;~i:;;;)~~1fT'¿~i:f';':~;:t¡~,~~/¡'!:l;~t~1~;-;~{ '" ". , ,~jÞYf;;.'.·:Y:~;? On this date, a dye test was ',.r. ,un and., one '~.<,day·s 1,V, 01:-,..ume~...;..o£·~s.ep'~io\{.~..1f.;""\;i!......,.<?;..<.;..~.. ffl /150 11 f f h t «< dd d""' h'"' i", ''''''1\\ <~..<. '''. "<' e uent ga .ons 0 r.~s·'~:a er, ..' w\~s' a,~, e ~'to.'~t, ~<Æ!~ept c~~., '.~~~t'!i;i~<:'.:>::H tank. The leachlng device was :located, and.excavated.~"".'1'here\;¡i .~!~l···,,·,.·"i: no signs of fail u re, the: leaching ,:dev ic e ::,seem8~'to:(be:~ópet·ât.:'ing:·:11.~~"'~(j::F::<Jrb· well, and no dye was evidenc.ed(:around.or>·'I1ea.~~~',~h~.~!·P;~~~,~c,t;> . '<:i:¡~,~~~:;;;: the r ef 0 re a ssu me the s ys tem;'i8",f~nct ional.:',':/">?:~·;h:lt~\·/;[:r~ì>~:' /~,r:'\:~';:i~! r ~":::~;~_~~;'-~' ,'" ~~,r,.· ';', W._~.:.¡ :i:'~'~~-~ .\.~_\~~'.~'~: ,~~~/ fJJ;1f:~~~:...'<~)~!.t';f.- con9;r,;~~~ .. ~ÞiS, ma~ter,.Pl.ease tfe ¡,r~o:~¥' ;.j' <' Phon.'(OI8) ,792.:- 0382 '. < <' , ~ <, :,J,' -;:"'; " \-:;,' Mr. John Mason Sunsoval, Inc. P.O. Box 86 Cleverdale, If you have any questions free to contact me. Very truly yours, ~ Richard S. Principal Morse, : (} :",'~ <;:- ,,~, :'::-;' :;. ,.~. INEERING / RSM:lag RICHARD S. MORSE t P. E. <,< ,. '< '.~ :. -- ESTABLISHED IN 1955 KESTNER ENGINEERS, P. C. CONSULTING ENGINEERS JOSEPH A. KESTNER, JR., P.E., L.S. MARK L. KESTNER. P.E. QUENTIN T. KESTNER. P.E. ANTHONY M. KESTNER. B.S. ONE KESTNER LANE TROY, NEW YORK 12180 518-273-7446 FAX: 518-273-7583 JAMES J. SHAUGHNESSY, P.E. JEROME THORNE, S.E.T. December 16, 1988 Ms. Lee York Senior Planner Town of Queensbury Queensbury Town Office Building Bay at Haviland Road Queensbury, NY 12804 RE: Town of Queensbury Site Plan No. 6Ó-88 - Bunke - Cleverdale Dear Ms. York: I have reviewed the subject site plan and would comment as follows: I see no way, based on the information in the application <provided, that the existing sewage disposal system can be brought up to standards as found in the 1982 Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. If one considers the requirement for 150' of horizontal separation between Lake George and a seepage pit, the lot being only 80' deep cannot accommodate the system. I would suggest that the application be tabled and that the applicant propose the use of a holding tank. Appendix B, Table II, suggests the use of holding tanks in situations such as this. The larger question here is whether or not the Board wishes to use the Planning Board Approval process as a method to enforce the Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance for existing sites that do not represent a change or expansion of existing use. Sincerely, :;:¡~ Quentin T. Kestner, P.E. Vice President QTK/cp cc: Town Planning Board MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING WATER, SEWAGE, AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FEDERAL/STATE GRANT APPLICATIONS PRECISION SURVEYING AND GROUND CONTROL TELEVISION PIPELINE INSPECTION, METERING & SAMPLING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY ASSURANCE ¿;X#IØIT t> --- ...... ESTABLISHED IN 1955 KESTNER ENGINEERS, P. c. CONSULTING ENGINEERS JOSEPH A. KESTNER, JR.. P.E., L.S. MARK L. KESTNER, P.E. QUENTIN T. KESTNER, P.E. ANTHONY M. KESTNER, B.S. ONE KESTNER LANE TROY, NEW YORK 12180 518-273-7446 FAX: 518-273-7583 JAMES J. SHAUGHNESSY. P.E. JEROME THORNE. S.E.T. December 16, 1988 Ms. Lee York Senior Planner Town of Queensbury Queensbury Town Office Building Bay at Haviland Road Queensbury, NY 12804 RE: Town of Queensbury Site Plan No. 54-88 - Karp - Sherman Avenue Dear Ms. York: I have reviewed the subject site plan and would comment as follows: 1. Water will be provided by the Queensbury Water District with a 6" <line into the site along the asphalt driveway derived from the 12" main located on Sherman Avenue. .... 2. Waste disposal is by four on-site systems sized in accordance with Town Standards. Percolation tests for the site were provided and calculations shown on the drawings. A storm-water management plan is provided along with calculations. The percolation facility located east of the structures is sized in accordance with accepted practice. I would suggest a culvert under the driveway to assist in moving drainage from the west in reaching the percolation facilities along the path of the indicated swale. 3. 4. Some provisions for outdoor lighting should be added to assist in moving occupants from indicated parking to the units. MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING WATER. SEWAGE. AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FEDERAL/STATE GRANT APPlICA TrONS PRECISION SURVEYING AND GROUND CONTROL TELEVISION PIPELINE INSPECTION, METERING & SAMPLING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY ASSURANCE I.;-- 'ff4-{ ~I r e- , ( '--" / Ms. Lee York Senior Planner -2- December 16, 1988 with the above considered, I would recommend approval of the site plan. Sincerely, KESTNER ENGINEERS, P. c. Quentin T. Kestner, P.E. Vice President QTK/cp cc: Planning Board Members - . ./ & ¡<II-¡& { ,(7 ~ ---< ESTABLISHED IN 1955 KESTNER ENGINEERS, P. c. CONSULTING ENGINEERS JOSEPH A. KESTNER, JR.. P.E., L.S. MARK L. KESTNER. P.E. QUENTIN T. KESTNER. P.E. ANTHONY M. KESTNER, B.S. ONE KESTNER LANE TROY. NEW YORK 12180 518-273-7446 FAX: 518-273-7583 ./AMES J. SHAUGHNESSY, P.E. JEROME THORNE, S.E.T. December 15, 1988 Ms. Lee York Senior Planner Town of Queensbury Queensbury Town Office Building Bay at Haviland Road Queensbury, NY 12804 RE: Town of Queensbury Site Plan No. 67-88 - Matthews - Bay Road Dear Ms. York: I have reviewed the subj ect site plan and would comment as follows: 1. Existing water service is from the facilities of the Queensbury Water District. No information on expanded maximum daily water usage is provided. 2. No location of existing or proposed outdoor lighting facilities is shown. No stormwater management plan is existing or proposed contours are drainage calculations are included. 4. Apparent traffic-flow pattern onto the County Road, Glenwood Avenue, would seem to be non-conforming to section 7.071 D requiring 150' separation between access points. 3. provided; shown; and no no 5. I would suggest that the nature of the proposed storage area be indicated. MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING WATER. SEWAGE, AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FEDERAL/STATE GRANT APPLICATIONS PRECISION SURVEYING AND GROUND CONTROL TELEVISION PIPELINE INSPECTION, METERING & SAMPLING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY ASSURANCE ¿ç-i./h 4ft ?- <~------ -- -' TOWN OF QUEENSBURY FilE COpy Bay at Havll8l1d Road. ouaensIWlY. NY 12801·9725 - 518.192-5832 December 16, 1988 TOWN Of< . ;~!, PLA~:~~~~~ING FROM: DICK ROBERTS, CHAIRMAN AND PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS DAVID HATlN. DIRECTOR OF BLDG &. CODE ENFORCEMENT TO: RE: please be advised tMt at the present time Mr. Grahl has not fulfilled aU of his obligations to my department in relationship to sewage problems of canterbury Woods units 29-36. There is alsO a request from my department to Investigate Units !-20 and 21-28 for possible sewage and drainage problems which bas not been addressed by Mr. Grahl at the present time. I therefore request no final approvaJs be given until such time yOU receive a letter from me stating all sewage and drainage prob!ems with Canterbury Woods Units !-36 are resolved. EDW ARD GRAHL SUBDIVISION Thank yOU for your anticipated cooperation i~'. . David Hat~ Director "HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY. . . A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" SETTLED 1763 k '/JI-/ ø ( 7 P- .<. .... . <C' ~ <'- '.-'< ".,,' ......w <. . t· Ms. : Leé'Yo~k'«~'~~E~~~~~~1;;' Senior Planner .. , . , "... - ," ..i<;f;.t:¡~:'r~}'T . ~ l.. þ _ ..:~ < '~~;'" ::r,;;:. \;::December <~ ." i ".., <<0 '" . « 15,'<1988 .. ·'1' above, I would suggest'Cthât·:·fhEi.,plan be 'tabled, applicant;'~and .sch~duled for future ·review.<:'~,:<,:.· ':;;.: Iéç~·' L:§'~~~r~iy; 'cp~i~:l~;:;t~,"· ~~,~Z7'P'C' '... ~:'. ~~ - ", " , .,.', . I< ' : <,<. ,.<;:\d...:¡.~.\":?;~~1{;fç~;~?::;';c.~;:\~i.Qûentin ..~. ':Kestner ,"":P. E. . ,<.'_ :/)'«':::'<;<~.vicePresident ;:,<:.::<::i ;:;< i;< ,~:,f;:T,'r;:'; < j";;tfq'¡I;;h/;:;' " QTK/ ,,«'<":"~ ,1..,,'" «.".... .d. ','« f,;~;t;:,f'J,JJ~~,~i~~~~Ä:~': .. ','-. '::::,::.;"~:..:,:.):~ ;.~ ::~~ ,C;>o J..' ." ..: : )t~;~; "~ , ~ ~ , .¡.'. '~'ì' ~,.-"¡' ,", on the'~ bY.;'h~ ;..,.:_.';i.:: ." ·1 :', , , ." -, ., "', .. ,,~\ ~~!~~~~7~:~~:' t·i ~.. ':;:;~ ·r.;~ '~i.,· :.:t.:,:'~ ~;'-.. ~, .'- " ..: ," " ~ ~:,~.-< -~-;~, .. ~-;4?~i;:;?; . . -~-, - ~" ::¡ ¡., .'-~~ ,:.' : <;1:' L .- Ii ," .~ ~, ;/1 . , ~/;'~"..'>~~:;;r.\~¡,;. -!,- , . ~~ ~:,. ,., ',." i ~ < < ,..1 : ¡, ~"~' ' .-'.' ; :~~-~$~.¡':':~:, . -~- :", - ,~ -: ,.~ ~."'.~ ~. _._~.' ".' ; -' >_:~t~·:~þi:£~;~~;: ">-"~'~ ..-..... " ",':. -'~.:; ~";~:".--:-. «< "< -,-: ..;': '~ . :. < . ( )