Debriefing Notes ZONING BOARD OF APPEALSDEBRIEFING NOTES May 19, 2021 Members Present -McCabe, Urrico, Underwood, Henkel, Hamlin,Kuhl,McDevitt Administrative Item: AV 17-2021MARK PRENDEVILLE, 102 Ash Drive7:01 Ward 1. Applicant proposes a 2 story addition with a portion to have a basement to an existing home. The addition is to be 1,518 sq. ft. with 321 sq. ft. of porch/deck area footprint. The existing floor area is 1,964 sq. ft. and the proposed to be 5.808 sq. ft. The project has received area variances for setbacks south side where 10.7 ft. granted and 20 ft required; height where 28.9 ft. granted and 28 ft. maximum allowed. An additional variance is requested for an addition that exceeds 1/3 of the existing building floor area. Site plan for new floor area in a CEA and shoreline planting plan. Relief requested for expansion of a nonconforming home with an addition greater than 1/3.[[675,1013,1395,1070][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]Request to table to June 16, 2021. nd Status: Tabled to first meeting in September , September 222021.Tabled 7-0. Follow Up: Any new information to be received by August submission date 8/16/2021. AV 33-2021LAPHATT HOLDINGS, Manor Drive7:02-7:08 Ward 3. SEQR: Coordinated Review:-Planning Board seeks Lead Agency status with coordinated review. Applicant proposes to construct two four-unit buildings. Each building is to be 3,200 sq. ft. with each unit to have a garage, two bedrooms and a driveway onto Manor Drive. The site is to have two on-site septic systems and each building is to be connected to water. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, construction of new multi-family buildings in the NR zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and Variance: approval. Relief is sought for density. Status: Consent to Planning Board Lead agency.Consent 7-0 Follow Up: Coordinated review with Planning Board. Old Business: AV 39-2020JEFFREY GODNICK, 312 Glen Lake Road7:09-7:36 Ward 1.(Revised) Applicant proposes to maintain a 188 sq. ft. shed that had been installed in 2019. The existing home is 4,259 sq. ft. footprint with a floor area of 5,774 sq. ft. Project includes installing permeable pavers adjacent to the house increasing permeability. Site plan new floor area in a CEA and hard-surfacing within 50 ft. of the shoreline. Relief requested for setbacks, floor area, and permeability. Status: Application approved with the condition the survey and site data sheet be revised. Approved 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to appear before the Planning Board 5/20/2021 New Business: AV 29-2021TREVOR FLYNN (GRASMEDER), 3222 Route 9L7:37-8:29 Ward 1. Applicant proposes to construct an 884sq. ft. living room/kitchen addition to the west of the existing primary dwelling. The project includes construction of a 436 sq. ft. breezeway addition to the south of the primary dwelling, connecting the structure with an existing detached garage and replacing the roof on the garage. The project also includes construction of a new detached garage of 1,152 sq. ft. which would include two levels (storage of vehicles on the lower level and a workshop above). Site plan for new floor area in a CEA, new building within 50 ft. of 15% slopes, expansion of a nonconforming structure, and major stormwater. Relief requested for shoreline setback, height of detached garage, height of the alterations to the main home, number of garages, and size of garage. th Status: Application tabled to June 16with information due by next week. Tabled 7-0. Follow Up: Revised information to be submitted next week. AV 27-2021THE BURNETT FAMILY TRUST, 11 Andrew Drive8:30-8:40 Ward 1. Applicant proposes to complete work on an existing 1.5 story cabin. The existing footprint is 1,365 sq. ft.; the cabin floor area is to be 1,793 sq. ft. The site has an existing house on the property with a footprint of 1,496 sq. ft.; total site floor area is 4,641 sq. ft. and proposed is 4,985 sq. ft. The applicant had started work in 2019 and was issued a stop work order. A portion of the existing home was damaged by a tree andis now being reconstructed; the existing deck has been removed and a new smaller deck is to be constructed. The interior main floor and basement area are to be renovated; this includes the foundation and wall supports. Exterior improvements include a new entry roof feature, doors and slider doors on lower level. Site Plan for new floor area in a CEA and expansion of non-conforming structure. Relief requested for setbacks and expansion of a non-conforming structure. Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to appear before the Planning Board 5/20/2021 AV 28-2021333 CLEVERDALE, LLC/SAN SOUCI, 333 Cleverdale Rd.8:41-10-12 Ward 1. Applicant requests approval of outdoor seating area which includes existing four 6-person picnic tables and one 4-person table on the restaurant parcel and five top tables for 4 persons each on the adjoining parcel. Site plan for modification of an approved plan and modification of the special use permit (SUP 45- 2009). Relief requested for permeability and parking. Status: Applicationtabled to July 21, 2021 with information to be submitted by June15th. Tabled 7-0. th Follow Up: Revised information due by June 15. AV 32-2021337 CLEVERDALE, LLC, 337 Cleverdale Road8:44-10:12 Ward 1. Applicant proposes to utilize a portion of the 0.15 acre parcel for additional outdoor seating for the adjoining San Souci restaurant which includes 5 top tables for four people at each table. The location is an existing hard surface area of about 407.2 sq. ft. of pavers used as a waiting area for customers. Variances are required for the proposed use and some previous project activities that had not received approvals. The site has an existing detached garage and deck that require review. Site plan and Special Use permit are required to add a restaurant use to the existing parcel with a home on it. Relief requested for setbacks, permeability, and density. Status: Applicationtabled to July 21, 2021 with information to be submitted by June15th. Tabled 7-0. th Follow Up: Revised information due by June 15. AV 30-2021TOWN FAIR TIRE, 863 State Route 910:13-10:48 Ward 2. Applicant proposes to remove an existing 2,740 sq. ft. building to construct a new 7,269 sq. ft. tire sales and service facility. The project includes new parking area, stormwater management, lighting, and landscaping. Site plan for new commercial use and building in the CI zone and for buffer. Relief requested for setbacks. Status: Application approved with the condition that additional sound attenuationbe installed on the west property side. Approved 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to appear before the Planning Board 5/20/2021 AV 31-2021JOHN GRAZIANO, 195 Assembly Point Road10:49-11:00 Ward 1. Applicant proposes a 2-story addition of 866 sq. ft. footprint, a single story 124 sq. ft. footprint Master bathroom addition, and 344 +/-sq. ft. roof area over the existing front porch. The existing home has a footprint of 1,900 sq. ft. and floor area of 3,137 sq. ft. Site plan is required due to expansion of a nonconforming structure in a CEA and new floor area in a CEA. Relief requested for setbacks. Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to appear before the Planning Board 5/20/2021 Adjourn:11:01