1989-05-23 , "- ~ -.~ QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MA Y 23rd, 1989 INDEX APPLICANT PAGE Subdivision No. 8-1989 Marilyn J. VanDyke 1. Site Plan No. 12-89 Curtis Lumber 2. Site Plan No. 24-89 Adirondack Industrial Park 3. Site Plan No. 35-89 Stew arts Ice Cream 4. Site Plan No. 36-89 Douglas and Debra Petroski 9. ¡ '---- '--... '---- ....-/ - _...r'" QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD REGULAR MEETING MA Y 23rd, 1989 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT RICHARD ROBERTS, CHAIRMAN HILDA MANN, SECRETARY VICTOR MACRI PETER CARTIER JOSEPH DYBASS KEITH JABLONSKI PROJECT ENGINEER-WA YNE GANNETT JOHN GORALSKI-PLANNER PAT COLLARD-ZONING ADMINISTRATOR MEMBERS ABSENT CORRECTION OF MINUTES April 18th, 1989: Index Page, Great Escape, Scoping Session sib Determination of Significance, Page 8, Motion Bedford Close, sib (1) before the plat is signed, (2) sib approval is in hand, Page 10, 6th line down, 7th sentence, sib no clear cut can be undertaken. RESOLVE TO APPROVE THE APRIL 18th, 1989 MINUTES OF THE QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY AS AMENDED· April 20th, 1989: Page 5, Discussion Held, John Goralski, 150 spaces sib square feet, Page 6, Joe Clark, 1st line sewer tapes sib sewer taps. RESOLVED TO APPROVE THE APRIL 20th, 1989 MINUTES OF THE QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY AS AMENDED DOCK SPACES JOHN GORALSKI-Read letter that was addressed to Richard Roberts, Chairman, from Paul Dusek, Town Attorney. (on file). THE QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD GIVES LEAD AGENCY STATUS TO THE QUEENSBURY TOWN BOARD REGARDING DOCK RENTALS,lntroduced by Hilda Mann who moved for its adoption, seconded by Peter Cartier: Duly adopted this 23rd, day of May, 1989, by the following vote: A YES: Mr. Macri, Mrs. Mann, Mr. Cartier, Mr. Dybass, Mr. Jablonski, Mr. Roberts NOES: None ABSENT:Mr. DeSantis DISCUSSION HELD JOHN GORALSKI-Read basic changes in the definition Article II, General Provisions, Section 2.020, Definitions, 76 Dock Private, to the Board. QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD DID NOT MAKE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE QUEENSBURY TOWN BOARD UNTIL THEY REVIEWED THE MATTER FURTHER OLD BUSINESS SUBDIVISION NO. 8-1989, TYPE: UNLISTED, RR-3A, LC-lOA, FINAL STAGE, MARILYN J. VANDYKE WEST SIDE OF BAY ROAD APPLICANT PROPOSES TO DIVIDE HER PROPERTY INTO TWO PARCELS OF EQUAL AREA, CONVEY THE NORTHERLY PARCEL WITH AN EXISTING SINGLE F AMIL Y RESIDENCE TO HER DAUGHTER AND RETAIN AND CONSTRUCT A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ON THE SOUTHERLY PARCEL. TAX MAP NO. 23-1-30 LOT SIZE: 19.5 ACRES CHUCK NACY /COULTER AND MCCORMACK REPRESENTING MARILYN J. VANDYKE MAP SHOWN TO BOARD "--' ~ '- ',-- ,_. - ----' STAFF INPUT Notes from John Goralski, Planner, See attached. ENGINEER REPORT Wayne Gannett, Project Engineer, See attached. DISCUSSION HELD CHUCK NACY-Added to the map that particular road stating that Lot#l or # 2 will not be further subdivided and added the propose contours for Lot #2.. MOTION TO APPROVE SUBDIVISION NO. 8-1989, FINAL STAGE, MARILYN J. VANDYKE,Introduced by Peter Cartier who moved for its adoption, seconded by Joseph Dybass: All staff concerns have been addressed. In compliance with the appropriate Ordinances. It was advise that no further subdivisions will be made. Duly adopted this 23rd day of May, 1989, by the following vote: A YES: Mr. Macri, Mrs. Mann, Mr. Cartier, Mr. Dybass, Mr. Jablonski, Mr. Roberts NOES: None ABSENT:Mr. DeSantis SITE PLAN NO. 12-89, TYPE n, LI-lA, CURTIS LUMBER ROBERT K. CURTIS HOLDEN AVENUE, 800± FT. NORTH FROM LUZERNE ROAD FOR A LUMBER YARD; AT PRESENT IT IS A VACANT RESIDENCE AND WOODED LOT. (WARREN COUNTY PLANNING) TAX MAP NO. 117-9-12,22,29.2 SECTION 4.020 N LOT SIZE 1.75 ACRES MARK BOMBARD D. L. DICKINSON ASSOCIATES REPRESENTING CURTIS LUMBER/MR. GRIFFIN, CURTIS LUMBER MAP SHOWN TO BOARD MARK BOMBARD-At last meeting this was tabled for more information on the existing Lumber Store, on Western Avenue. STAFF INPUT Notes from John Goralski, Planner (See attached) ENGINEER REPORT Wayne Gannet, Project Engineer (See attached) DISCUSSION HELD MARK BOMBARD-The applicant has requested for a buildout. We are more or less using up the entire site. HILDA MANN-Asked if this was all the land that Curtis Lumber owned? MARK BOMBARD-Yes, unless he purchases more. PETER CARTIER-Asked if their were going to be tractor trailers parked on the west end of Holden A venue, are they all going to be in the yard? MARK BOMBARD-They are going to pull right into the site. RICHARD ROBERTS-Asked if they will be able to pull into both sites on either side of the road? MR. GRIFFIN-Just the new site, this is what we are proposing it for to eliminate any congestion on the other side of the road. MARK BOMBARD-We've created it back far enough, it was forced to be set in the center because of the setbacks. We've set it back far enough in order to create a turning radius at ----- --./ '- '---- - -~' that point. The only question that was in the last meeting that we would like changed are the ones from Warren County. They didn't want any outside storage on the Western Avenue side, and we at least temporarily would like to put it there. MR. GRIFFIN-Stated that they wouldn't want to say that it is temporary. What we don't want to do is say, if something came into that yard you have 24 hours to move it. The other thing is that they said they wanted the building torn down. It would be to our best advantage to later on tear down that building, we probably will. Stated that this year or next year it will be torn down. Right now we use it for storage until the other building is built. VICTOR MACRI-Asked if this application has ever been amended? The original application is only for the parcel of land west of Holden Avenue. Wants to make sure that all the neighbor's have been notified. JOHN GORALSKI-All the neighbors that are within 500 feet of all the property that is owned by Curtis Lumber were notified. VICTOR MACRI-Asked if Curtis Lumber owned both parcels? JOHN GORALSKI-Yes. RICHARD ROBERTS-It appears that the traffic that now parks on Western Avenue, off Western A venue, backs into a more adequate parking area. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED NO COMMENT PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED MOTION TO APPROVE SITE PLAN NO. 12-89, CURTIS LUMBER,lntroduced by Victor Macri who moved for its adoption, seconded by Hilda Mann: The plan meets all the criteria of the current Zoning Regulations, and satisfies the needs of the Board. Duly adopted this 23rd day of May, 1989, by the following vote: A YES: Mr. Macri, Mrs. Mann, Mr. Cartier, Mr. Dybass, Mr. Jablonski, Mr. Roberts NOES: None ABSENT:Mr. DeSantis SITE PLAN NO. 24-89, TYPE ß, LI-3A, ADIRONDACK INDUSTRIAL PARK, INC. LOT 60, COUNTY LINE ROAD, NEXT TO ORKIN PEST CONTROL ON SOUTH SIDE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A 20,000 SQ. FT. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSE BUILDING ON WARREN/WASHINGTON COUNTY I.D.A. LAND. 10% OFFICE SPACE, 90 % WAREHOUSE SPACE. 10,000 SQ. FT. WILL BE LEASED OUT AS TENANTS BECOME AVAILABLE. (WARREN COUNTY PLANNING) TAX MAP NO. 55-2-20 SECTION 4.020 N LOT SIZE: 4.021 ACRES JOE CLARK REPRESENTING ADIRONDACK INDUSTRIAL PARK DESIGN SHOWN TO BOARD STAFF INPUT Lee A. York, Senior Planner, (See attached) Warren County Planning Approved, (On file) ENGINEER REPORT Wayne Gannett, Project Engineer (See attached) JOE CLARK-Refers to Lee York's letter. Stated if you look at the report from before their were five items, this report has two items. Item # 2, believed the Board said that it was understood that an easement would have to be granted, it did not have to be done at this moment. Thought that everyone understood that the property was owned by the same people. To clarify that the property is owned by the same people, technically all the property, the property behind, the property next store, belongs to the Warren Washington County I.D.A. All the drainage was done back when the subdivision was approved. All the drainage was set to run back through the Airport, and on down to the property. Believes that the run off was addressed correctly. ~ ------- ;"4 ~~ .-" '----../' HILDA MANN-Stated that we have no idea of what is going to go in here. JOE CLARK-Their are two tenants that are in there, the other two have not been leased yet. HILDA MANN-You have to make accommodations for the worst case scenario you can come up with. Feels that he should be represented by an engineer. WAYNE GANNETT-Responded to comment. It is the Town Planning Board policy to acquire storm water management for site plan reviews which provides for some means either through absorption, or detention, to reduce peak run off rates from paved areas and building areas. The Planning Board has required this for all site plan reviews. Your engineer has gone through approximately 60 % of the calculations and calculated the increase in run off, but he hasn't stated how this would be retained on site so that the peak levels would be reduced. JOE CLARK-Thought that staff notes said that their was enough property to take the run off that was there. WAYNE GANNETT-Their probably is, but part of the engineering for the site is to tell the Planning Board, how that is going to be accomplished. HILDA MANN-Asked if their was a storm water management plan that incorporates every building that is going to be built on there, or is it one of the land and the general topography and the roads that are put in? JOE CLARK-Had asked the question of Rist Frost Associates, they do know that their was a full storm water management done on the site. HILDA MANN-You have the obligation to produce it with your engineer showing how your going to maintain and handle the run off created by the building. Needs to show what kind of traffic that is going to be generated. JOE CLARK-Asked if he could have a clarification of the office space? HILDA MANN-Stated that office can only be incidental in use which is light industrial that's the only kind of an office you can have. You need to present a complete application that meets with our staff requirements. Would like to see the parking identified as to the square footage going in there and why that number of parking spaces. PETER CARTIER-Asked if he had the following letters; Letters from Rist Frost, dated April 17th, and 11th, 1989, Letter from Lee York, dated May 22nd, 1989, Letter from Independent Living Center, dated April 19th, 1989? These are the items that need to be addressed. JOE CLARK-Is in receipt of letters. PUBLIC HEARING TO REMAIN OPENED MOTION TO TABLE SITE PLAN NO. 24-89, ADIRONDACK INDUSTRIAL PARK INC.,lntroduced by Peter Cartier who moved for its adoption, seconded by Keith Jablonski:. Tabled with concurrence of the applicant pending further information and clarification. Duly adopted this 23rd day of May, 1989, by the following vote: A YES: Mr. Macri, Mrs. Mann, Mr. Cartier, Mr. Dybass, Mr. Jablonski, Mr. Roberts NOES: None ABSENT:Mr. DeSantis NEW BUSINESS SITE PLAN NO. 35-89, TYPE ll, HC-lA, STEWARTS ICE CREAM CO., INC. NORTHWEST CORNER OF ROUTE 149 AND ROUTE 9L FOR RETAIL CONVENIENCE SHOP WITH ONE RETAIL RENTAL AND SELF SERVICE GASOLINE. (WARREN COUNTY PLANNING) TAX MAP NO. 27-1-28.22 SECTION 4.020 K LOT SIZE: RETAIL SALES 3,800 SQ. FT. AREA OF PARCEL: L81 ACRES GRAHAM FRANKS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER, GEORGE MEDICK, ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN, BRANDON MEYERS, CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR REPRESENTING STEWARTS ICE CREAM CO., INC. ~ --../ ,,-. - '---- _/ - -.../ 5 MAP SHOWN TO BOARDGRAHAM FRANKS-Stated that the plans that are in front of the Board tonight might differ slightly from the plans that were submitted to you. We had some late changes which comprehend drainage, and curb cut permits. PETER CARTIER-Asked if he was stating that the plans that were submitted tonight are not the plans that were submitted to the Planning Department? GRAHMAN FRANKS-The changes in the plans are the result of Warren County Planning Board meeting. This curb cut, the road in the northerly direction, and this curb cut be moved in a westerly direction, we have comprehended that in this plan. PETER CARTIER-Asked if this created any other changes in the site plan? GRAHAM FRANKS-(l) Which was addressed by staff, and that this area (refers to map) has been enlarged so that the well is no longer under blacktop. PETER CARTIER-Has a problem with reviewing a plan that has been revised at a different time. It has been the policy of this Board not to considered plans that come in under those circumstances. RICHARD ROBERTS-Requested that he put the old map on the board so that the Board could address it, and also at the same time address the County concerns. JOSEPH DYBASS-Stated that the changes were not initiated by the client they were initiated by the County. GRAHMAM FRANKS-Would like to review the site that is in front of the Board and then would like to show the plan with the changes that were recommended by Warren County, and New York State Department of Transportation. They are concerned primarily with access to the site. RICHARD ROBERTS-Obviously they want to get the road cuts farther away from the corner. GRAHMAM ROBERTS-Correct. The pivotal point is where the traffic sensing devise is implanted in the road, the curb cut was to the south on that on the plan that you have, and it is now to the north of that on the modified plan making a better layout. The distance is 100 feet more or less from the corner on the plan that you have and by recommendation by Warren County Codes, we have moved it approximately 25 feet from the property line. CORRESPONDENCE Warren County Planning Board approved with conditions. (See attached). DISCUSSION HELD GRAHMAM FRANKS-With the permission of the Board, what I would like to do is to remove that plan or we can keep it and I can address your remarks contained in Lee York's letter. KEITH JABLONSKI-Thinks that we should keep the plan and should hear Lee York's comments. STAFF INPUT Notes from Lee A. York, (See attached) Letter from Dave Hatin, (See attached) Beautification Committee, plans approved as submitted. (on file) DISCUSSION HELD GRAHAM FRANKS-The owner of the property and the building who is here tonight, has informed me that she is very close to a arrangement whereby the building will be removed from the site and relocated on the nearby parcel. It is our plans not to demolish it, is the owners intent not to demolish, but the final arrangements have not been made. ENGINEER REPORT Wayne Gannett, Project Engineer, (See attached) DISCUSSION HELD GRAHAM FRANKS-With respect to D.O.T., on April 20th, 1989, we petitioned New York State Department of Transportation, for curb cut permits on both Route 9L, and Route 149, as of '-..-- " 6 ''''"'----. -- --,' ~',J today we received verbal approval to them. Any issuance or conditional approval should the Board see fit would be contingent upon us, of course, showing the actual approved document. Explained to the Board what is proposed. The site is in the northwest corner of Route 149, and Route 9L. The topography is generally level, we will show on another plan the drainage plan which would show a retention basin. The plan depicts a development in two phases, one a store, the other, a rental unit. The traffic access is from these two roads onto a 30 foot, New York State approved curb cuts the position of which has now been changed. Pedestrian traffic the site plan shows a 5 foot 6 inch sidewalk surrounding the building giving patrons a certain amount of safety from vehicles parking and also the sidewalk is under a overhang. JOSEPH DYBASS-Asked if this building was going to be the same as all of the other buildings? GRAHAM FRANKS-It will be to the best of my knowledge precisely the same. As to the lighting, the lighting is indirect and will stay on site. In addition, the neighborhood is semi-rural, on the other corner there is a gasoline only service station, and restaurant. In respect to the landscaping. The dumpster will be enclosed with a chain link slated enclosure. The hedge row will be retained and the maple trees in the lower left hand corner (refers to map) two of which possible three will be retained. The outgrowth of small pine trees in the area will remain. In addition the area on the turn around westerly of the developed area will have a screen of evergreens. RICHARD ROBERTS-Asked John Goralski, what was required for the buffer? JOHN GORALSKI-Explained that their is a 50 buffer zone required between a commercial zone and residential zone. RICHARD ROBERTS-Asked if they could conform to the setback? GRAHMAN FRANKS-Yes.. Explained drainage plan. There are two retention basins. The one on the right of the plan is capable of retaining both of the lands and the surface improvements and the building, and its capable of handling a 25 year rain. The smaller one in the area of where the trees are at this point in time will remain. It is capable of holding about 3000 cubic feet, the other one is in excessive of 5,000 cubic feet. It has been designed by our engineers to comprehend the run off from the developed area of the site. The percolation is 5 minutes and 20 seconds per cubic inch. Their is no on site water which will drain to state lands. The area on the plan which was approved by the County, and approved by D.O.T., shows a slight raise at the curb cut area so that the water does not drain onto the state right-of-way. A small burm will contain the water. On site circulation, the gasoline tank area, which is depicted to the right of the Ridge Road, entrance will be relocated for convenience. It is a 18 wheeler it is 55 feet long, it off loads on the right hand side of the truck. The rental unit will not be built at this time, when it is built we will come back for site plan review. We have comprehended some 15 spaces, one per 100 square feet of space of parking spaces for the Convenient Store. HILDA MANN-Asked what kind of business that he plans on having in the rental space? GRAHAM FRANKS-It would be our own people's management office. HILDA MANN-Asked what was the depth of the corner? GRAHAM FRANKS-Looks like 500 feet, he is not sure. PETER CARTIER-Want's to clarify Lee York's, comments. Item #3, wants to make sure that this is added to the plans correctly. Asked if the applicant was in receipt of aU of the staff comments? Uncomfortable with the parking, with the cars coming up to the edge of the parking lot, their needs to be a buffer between where cars park and the sidewalk, this needs to be addressed. GRAHAM FRANKS-Is in receipt of these letters. VICTOR MACRI-Would like a plan without a buildout plan. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED JOHN BOWMAN-lives on Route 149, within 500 feet. Happy to hear that their going to retain the maple trees, this was a concern of mine. I am still concerned with the filling station, this is going to hurt some of our local people up the road, í mile up the road. I don't know why we have to have a gasoline station on every corner, I don't think it is the most attractive structure. Their is an awful lot of traffic that goes through there, in the last traffic count, big trucks, like I say, the neighbors aren't going to do anything about that. This is a real concern. ~ , ,- , 7 -,' ~~ BEN ARONSON-live's within 500 feet of proposed project, lives north of it. I agree with John about the gas station, I agree with Mrs. Mann about the character of the area too. Their is probably nothing we can do about this, but one objection I have is the gas station. I just spent $90,000 on my house to improve it, I can sit up on my deck at night when their off filling the Getty Station, it will knock you right over from the vent pipes, we don't need another one. HILDA MANN-I sympathize with you, but unfortunately the zone is there. BEN ARONSON-This is probably a continuation of what I just said. My neighbor, Gilbert Maille, is very upset about this, he is an elderly gentlemen. He is going to be very close to this. This is probably going to be opened 24 hours a day like the rest of the Stewarts Store's. If it is or if it maybe someday, we don't need the slamming doors or the clattering of the dumpster's being picked up by the garbage people, whatever, but Mr. Maille, will probably sell his property who is he going to sell it to. It is residential right now, he is going to have to sell to somebody who is going to take it for commercial, who is it going to be a Burger King, McDonald's, this is maybe what's going to happened. I am right next to them, I have a lot money invested into my house. I've been there before anybody else in that area, the Getty Station, the people on the corner, I like to stay there under the circumstances that I am there right now. RICHARD ROBERTS-Mr. Maille's house is in a residential zone isn't it? BEN ARONSON-I don't believe it is. It is a residence and it has been since it was built. If he sells it I am going to be sitting right next to something. KEITH JABLONSKI-Mr. Maille is north of the site? BEN ARONSON-He is almost across the street from it, across Ridge Road. He is north of the Getty Station. They have changed it from highway commercial before, they can do it again. HILDA MANN-You should of expressed your comments at the public hearings before the rezoning. GRAHAM FRANKS-Stewarts has 168 stores, none of which at this time are 24 hours. They are 16 hour operations we have tried 24 hours, this is not our bag. We are a ice cream company, we have 134 gasoline related facilities. The point of the matter is that we are not some company from Dallas, Texas, we are local people too, we hire local people and our manger's live within the community. With respect to traffic, the 1987 traffic count of Route 149, was 57,050 cars, and it grew 10 % over the previous two years. Route 9L, is 3,100 cars in a 24 hour period and their was virtually no growth that, of course, will change. Those figures are from the Department of Transportation. CORRESPONDENCE Letters from Gilbert Maille, opposed to Site Plan No. 35-89, (on file) Estellea Bennett, not opposed to Site Plan No. 35-89, (on file), Ben Aronson opposed to Site Plan No. 35-89, (on file), Mr. Robert Eddy, (on file), Glens Falls Independent Living Center, (on file). JOHN WALKER-Borders the property, the only person that had to request a notice of this meeting. One question I have is on the westerly side where you are going to enter and exit onto Route 149, how close are you coming to the corner to our property lines? GEORGE MEDICK-We are trying to be (pointed out on the map to Mr. Walker), 25 feet. JOHN WALKER-You have right there now one nice maple tree, you have got I think three black walnut trees that I would dearly hate to see removed. Black walnut is a species that is about gone. Another question, where will your dumpster be placed, in back on the building, okay. GRAHMAM FRANKS-In the pine tree outgrowth. JOHN WALKER-In regard to the gasoline situation, I'm assuming that with the zoning being what it is that we won't have to much hope that this won't be eventually approved. I would like to ask that if approval is given that gasoline deliveries be done during the hours of 8:00 a.m., to 5:00 p.m., the daylight hours. It is quite convenient for many gasoline deliveries to made at 1:00 a.m., to 4:00 a.m., in the morning, we've all seen it when were traveling. In respect to the people who have their homes very close by, the clanking, the banging, etc., noise, that goes on during the gasoline deliveries can be quite disturbing. I would like to request that it would have to be done during 8:00 a.m., to 5:00 p.m., time period. --/ _~/8 GRAHMAN FRANKS-Those are contract carriers we do request specific times of delivery, the only problem comes about during store hours when their is delay. I would make it part of our policy that at this particular site that they be daylight hour deliveries. JOHN WALKER-You said your opened 16 hours a day from 6:00 a.m., to 1l:00 p.m. This is all the questions that I have. MADELINE DRISCOLL-I am the occupant in this historical house. Their has been a great deal of consideration in selling it, removing it, tearing it down. Having been approached by a number of other different people and selecting Stew arts to make this transaction with. It could be a used car lot, it could be a mini-mall, it could be a number of different things because it is highway commercial. Stew arts from the number of stores and the different places that I have seen and the buildings that I've dealt with at the Stew arts Store, have been very concerned very community minded. I don't believe that their going to be dealing with billboards, or not conform with whatever traffic is there, or do anything that is going to cause any disharmony in the neighborhood. I think that from where I sit at this particular point they have been most cooperative with me, and I think they will comply with whatever has to be done to meet the needs to help everyone else's opinion of them. The overall area right there in the corner, the highway commercial is very busy. It is no longer a quite residential corner. The trucks that go by there, the number of accidents that is generated by this has brought some destruction to this historical house. It is not my opinion or desire to have it bulldozed. I have been approached a number of times to have it bulldozed and just have these little mini-malls, that is not my desire at that time. Stew arts has come up with this plan, I think that is going to be complimentary to the area, okay maybe a little more competitive as far as the neighbors and all, and that's been a personal struggle for me. I have some friends and different concerns about the area, my mother and brother live right there too, so it not that's their is . . . in my decision to make this sale to Stewarts, but only to compliment and to keep it as conformed to the area as can be along with progress. The whole area of Route 149, we've. . .other coffee shops, you've got a number of different things that are building up. It is just a matter of time we're moving we're going into the 1990's, we can't keep it reserved and so conformed forever. I do not want to see the house destroyed this is my home, this has been my home for 12 years. I'm not looking to have those wide plan floors, and the mantle piece, and all the other sentimental things that are in there that make it a home bulldozed. Stew arts has gone along with this with me, and I've found a gentlemen that is interested in moving it right down Ridge Road, this house that is 200 years old can stay in the community, can stay in Harrisena, and hopefully we will be able to restore it to a charming colonial house that it is. JOSEPH DYBASS-If you follow the past history in Queensbury, the last five or seven years particularly, you will find out that from the Northway west, it is pretty much built out, I'm talking about Aviation Road, Potter Road, West Mountain Road, it is pretty much built out. A new thrust of development is going to be Route 149, it has to be Route 149, whether we like it or don't like it. This is what the zoning calls for. MADELINE DRISCOLL-If the house was even further back, but their is no chance of even living in that house to much longer. That house on Route 149, I could be out there at least once a month, once every two months, their are car accidents, trucks screeching with brakes, you can't even talk on the telephone, sit in my kitchen without watching racks shack, or just not feel the tremors of those trucks that go by. The traffic is there, lets use the traffic to the best advantage, and preserve the house, and move on to progress. JOSEPH DYBASS-As far as convenient food store you probably pick a better one. MADELINE DRISCOLL-I know I did. Of any chain store that I think we have, I think Stew arts really has the most consciousness and concern for the neighbors. Thank you. PETER CARTIER-The only other comment I would like to make is, do not go away with the impression that even though we heard of the changes on the plan, please do not imply approval what changes have been describe, this is still part of the approval process. He has to come back with a new drawing. KEITH JABLONSKI-We are asking for the large trees to remain, if I were to write the specs for the scope of this project I would write into that if the contractors were to scare the trees, we're going to have some problems with that. GRAHAM FRANKS-We're on record, I am not an agronomous nor an arborist. I do know that trees don't live forever. All I'm saying is that a tree may die we hope that it doesn't. JOHN W ALKER-I think if you were to look at those trees today those maple's have a lot of rot in them already. PUBLIC HEARING TO REMAIN OPENED -- '-..../ 9 '-~" MOTION TO TABLE SITE PLAN NO. 35-89, STEWARTS ICE CREAM CO., INC.lntroduced by Hilda Mann who moved for its adoption, seconded by Peter Cartier: To table for further information regarding the concerns that have been raised. Duly adopted this 23rd day of May, 1989, by the following vote: A YES: Mrs. Mann, Mr. Macri, Mr. Cartier, Mr. Dybass, Mr. Jablonski, Mr. Roberts NOES: None ABSENT:Mr. DeSantis SITE PLAN NO. 36-89, TYPE n, LI-IA, DOUGLAS AND DEBRA PETROSKI CORNER OF EVERTS AND HOMER A VENUES FOR AN ADDmON OF A SWIMMING POOL TO BE ENCLOSED IN FUTURE PHASE m. PHASE I (COMPLETED): GYMNASTICS AND DANCE, PHASE n (COMPLETED) PRE-SCHOOL GYMNASTICS AND DAY CARE, PHASE m (FUTURE) OFFICES-RECEPTION, POOL, FITNESS. TAX MAP NO. 107-1-4.1 SECTION 9.010 LOT SIZE: 800 SQ. FT. POOL AREA DEBRA PETROSKI PRESENT DEBRA PETROSKI-Would like permission to place a small inground pool between two existing buildings. This will be 4 feet deep, not covered. Referred to the parking, this is not going to increase traffic we are already there. STAFF INPUT Notes from John Goralski, Planner, (See attached) ENGINEER REPORT No comment DISCUSSION HELD DEBRA PETROSKI-Refers to John Goralski, comments, last paragraph. Wasn't aware of this will change where the pool is going to be located. JOHN GORALSKI-Thinks it has to be moved about 4 feet forward. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED NO COMMENT PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED MOTION TO APPROVE SITE PLAN NO. 36-89, DOUGLAS AND DEBRA PETROSKI,lntroduced by Hilda Mann who moved for its adoption, seconded by Keith Jablonski: To approve for a lap pool. The setback from the property line will comply with what is proposed for the Phase III building to meet the proper setback. Duly adopted this 23rd day of May, 1989, by the following vote: A YES: Mrs. Mann, Mr. Macri, Mr. Cartier, Mr. Dybass, Mr. Jablonski, Mr. Roberts NOES: None ABSENT:Mr. DeSantis On motion the meeting was adjourned. RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED Richard Roberts, Chairman ~~t~~d<;?!:. 2~~~;I~~!;r518[1Jj COP rJ NOTE TO FILE JOHN GORALSKI, PLANNER Application Number: Subdivision 8-1989 Applicant/Project Name: Marilyn J. VanDyke It appears that all of the requirements for Final Sub- division approval have been met. The condition for granting the variance for this sub- division is that no further subdivision of these lots will occur. I would suggest that this condition also be stated on the plat before it is signed. JG/pw "HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY, . . A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" SETTLED 1763 ,.. ~ 5OCIATES, P.C. ÑG ENGINEERS ..------~ 21 BAY STREET POST OFFICE BOX 838 GLENS FALLS, NY 12801 " 518· 793-4141 ~. .: ~- \' --'~ , ~uwr~11 ~ MAY121989~ )LANNING ~;ONINC OEPJ\RT~ENT filE COpy May 11, 1989 RFA #89-5000 Ms. Lee York, Senior Planner Town of Queensbury Office Building Bay & Haviland Roads Queensbury, NY 12804 Ref: Marilyn J. VanDyke - Subdivision No. 8-1989 final Plans Dear Ms. York: The following are the review comments on the above-referenced project: 1. A perc test has been provided. 2. An 18-inch culvert is provided at the new driveway. Although no calculations are provided, this size is consis- tent with other existing culverts shown along Bay Road. Very truly yours, ~ST ASS 'IATES, P.C. Way~ett, P.E. Man~;4~;"project Engineer WG:mg cc: Town Planning Board Members $ GLENS FALLS. NY, LACONIA. NH -../ " FILE C; -/ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY - .-./-' Bay at Haviland Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-9725-518-792-5832 May 22, 1989 NOTE TO FILE JOHN GORALSKI, PLANNER Application Number: Site Plan No. 12-89 Applicant/Project Name: Curtis Lumber This application was tabled at the April 25, 1989 meeting for additional information on parking and traffic flow, future plans for the site, and percolation test data and drainage. The applicant has indicated no parking signs, oneway signs, and stop signs, where the Board is requiring them. It appears that adequate parking can be provided on the Western Avenue site. It does not appear that the future plans for the site have been addressed. If the Board feels that this issue is still a concern, the applicant may wish to address it at the meeting. Rist-Frost Assoc. has reviewed the submission and appears to be satisfied with the percolation data and the drainage. JG/pw "HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY. . . A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" SETTLED 1763 r ~ '" ..dOC/ATES, P.C. \, NG ENGINEERS -.............--- 21 BAY STREET POST OFFICE BOX 838 GLENS FALLS, NY 12801 518, 793·4141 ------- ~. ;';'y :~aWl[E' . ~ MAY12 1989 ili , . 'j' JLANNING ßONINC OEPARTaAENT -~ FILE COpy May 11, 1989 RFA #89-5000 Ms. Lee York, Senior Planner Town of Queensbury Office Building Bay & Haviland Roads Queensbury, NY 12804 Ref: Curtis Lumber Company - Site Plan No..~ ~ Site Pl an Review I.;)-;ÿr¡ Dear Ms. York: The following are review comments on the above-referenced project: 1. Corrected drainage calculations are included which provide on-s ite storm water retent ion. Percol at ion test has been provided which, although not dated, appears to be a rea- sonable value for the locality. Very truly yours, RIS~ST ASSO ~~ett, P.E. Man~~~"project Engineer P.C. WG:mg cc: Town Planning Board Members e GlfNS FALlS. NY, LACONIA. NH -- --. \ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Bay at Haviland Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-9725-518-792-5832 FILE ~1 tt -...~ ..,.. 1'~~.'¥'. MAY 2 2 1989 NOTE TO FILE LEE A. YORK, SENIOR PLANNER Application Number: Site Plan Review No. 24-89 AppJicant/Project Name: Adirondack Industrial Park, Inc. The application is for construction of a 20,000 square foot light industrial building on 4 acres in the WalTen Washington Industrial Park. The site plan was tabled due to insufficient information as mentioned in the engineer's report and staff notes. The concerns of staff and the Board meeting were: 1. The proposed office space in an industrial zone. This is not an allowable use in the zone. If the plan is approved the Board may want to direct the applicant to clearly state on the site plan that the building will not be used for offices. The office space within the structure should be incidental to the industrial use. 2. The applicant owns the lot next to his proposed development. The Board has previously requested that the ownership be identified on the map because of the shared driveway. This has not been done. The developer should provide an easement over the roadway for both properties to ensure there will be no problems should either parcel be sold. 3. Parking is difficult to calculate since the applicant calls the facility "light industrial" with warehousing areas to be leased. Our industrial parking criteria is based on number of employees. The storage - wholesale - freight terminal parking requirements are one thousand (1,000) sq. ft. of gross floor area plus 1 space for each company vehicle. The plan shows 55 parking spaces. Since there is no indication as to the ultimate use of the building the Board could use its discretion in the amount of parking to be required or have the applicant identify exactly the uses of the facility and number of employees. 4. I have attached the engineers reports of April 17 and May 11; both indicate that the same items remain unaddressed. Under the circumstances I would have to recommend that the application be tabled until the information is complete. LA Y /sed "HOME OF NA TURAL BEAUTY. , , A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" SETTLED 1763 r' \ ~ ~ R' ~IATES, PC. ''tt, ~,NG ENGINEERS '-- ../ ~ 21 BAY STREET POST OFFICE BOX 838 GLENS FALLS, NY 12801 518· 793-4141 May 11, 1989 RFA #89-5000 Ms. Lee York, Senior Planner Town of Queensbury Office Building Bay & Haviland Roads Queensbury, NY 12804 Ref: Adirondack Industrial Park - Site Plan No. 24-89 Dear Ms. York: Our comments on the above-referenced project are as follows: ~ The applicant has supplied an incomplete drainage report. The report, which attempts to use the SCS method, does not correctly address runoff or the storage capacity required. No retention facilities are shown on the Plan. CD As determined at a previous review, the site pl an shoul d note that the applicant owns parcel to the north through which access to this site is being provided. Very truly yours, RIST-FROST ASSO ATES, P.C. ~tt. P. . Managi~"P~oject Engineer WG:mg cc: Town Planning Board Members * GlENS FAlLS. NY, LACONIA. NH , ~ ~ ~~fiWf~, . ~ APR1819B9~ -,' Ri\...... SSOCIATES. PC. CÒ~Lí1NG ENGINEERS 21 BAY STREET POST OFFICE BOX 838 GLENS FALLS, NY 12801 fiLE COpy -----". PLANNING II ZONINt. DEPARTMENT 518· 793-4141 Apri 1 17, 1989 RFA #89-5000 Ms. Lee York, Senior Planner Town of Queensbury Office Building Bay/Haviland Roads Queensbury, NY 12804 Ref: Adirondack Industrial Park - Site Plan No. 24-89 Dear Ms. York: Our comments on the above-referenced project are as follows: 1. The applicant's letter of March 28 proposes a 20,000 SF facility of which 10% is office space and 90% is warehouse space. However, the site plan indicates 10,000 SF of ware- house and 10,000 SF of office space. If the latter is true, the off-street parking ordinance will reauire more spaces than shown on the plan. ~ The drainage report is not complete in that no provision is made for on-s ite detent i on or other means to reduce peak flows caused by development. 3. 4. No grading plan is shown. Sewer connection is not sized and tie-in location not iden- tified. ø Site access is from the adjoining parcel, not from the pub- lic road. Is an easement or right-of-way to be provided? Very truly yours, RIST-FROST'ASSOCIATES, P.C. . -t-I Thomas W. Nace, P.E. Project Manager TWN:mg cc: Town Planning Board Members €I) GLENS FALLS, NY' LACQNIA. NH r R\ ~ ...dQCIATES, PC. NG ENGINEERS "--' 21 BAY STREET POST OFFICE BOX 838 GLENS FALLS. NY 12801 518· 793-4141 ---/ -/. - ----/ \ ~ilW[EI~ ~ MAY 12 1989 ill / .... JLANNING iÇ~ONINC OEPART'-1ENT filE COpy May 11, 1989 RFA #89-5000 Ms. Lee York, Senior Planner Town of Queensbury Office Building Bay & Haviland Roads Queensbury, NY 12804 Ref: Adiraadack Industrial Park - Site Plan No. 24-89 Dear Ms. York: Our comments on the above-referenced project are as follows: 1. The applicant has supplied an incomplete drainage report. The report, which attempts to use the SCS method, does not correctly address runoff or the storage capacity required. No retention facilities are shown on the Plan. 2. As determined at a previous review, the site plan should note that the appl icant owns parcel to the north through which access to this site is being provided. Very truly yours, RIST-FROST ASSO ATES, P.C. ~tt, P. . Managi~"P;Oject Engineer WG:mg cc: Town Planning Board Members @ GlENS FAllS. NY, L.ACONIA, NH '-' r , ( _...~~:o. //.,: ~·.i'<._ ",WI\ ~ ...... ~>~~ I ~ APRi~ " ',,- .. PLANNING a ZONIN(, DEPARTMENT i ;'.:' ~.,. April 19, 1989 FILE COpy Mr. Richard Roberts, Chairman Queensbury Town Office Bay & Haviland Road Queensbury, N.Y. 12804 Dear Mr. Roberts: Re: Adirondack Industrial Pa~k; Inc., ¿4-S; The Glen~ Falls Independent Living Center would like to ~oint out that in considering this office build- ing for approval that pr~per pa=kjng and c~~b cuts be pldceJ. ;1c\-:~:..-,s In ::!1C cuilëinq \n"r)llld ffiE:ön :)cût:":.-::: ë':).:)J: widths dnó a~c~ssiDì~ rest ~coms. If I ~2Y be ~£ assi~t~nce, plG~~e do not h~~itdce t~ call me at 792-3537. :.:; 5. :l:;':!:'C:'y I Harvey Raymond Architectural Barrier C~nsulcant ~~ HR:nc Quaker Bay Center. Corner of Quaker & Bay, P.O. Box 453, Glens Falls, NY 12801. Voice (518' 7~2·3537 TTY TDD (518) 792-3548 '--' ---' ',-- ¡'OWN Ut WU~, ':( :R~~~~ '" PLANNING It ZONING DEPARTMENT May 17, 1989 FILf COpy Queensbury Planning Board Queensbury Town Office Bay & Haviland Road Queensbury, N.Y. 12804 Re: Site Plan No. 24-89 Adirondack Industrial Park, Inc. Dear Sirs: The Glens Falls Independent Living Center would like to see that this project and any other in this industrial park meet accessibility standards. Access to jobs are too often overlooked. Acces- sable employment is an important part of independence. If I can be of any help in this matter, please do not hesitate to call me at 792-3537. Sincerely, ~::;Ja~~ Architectural Barrier Consultant HR:nc cc: Richard Roberts, Planning Chairman John Goralski, Planner Dave Hatin, Inspector Quaker Bay Center, Corner of Quaker & Bay, P,O. Box 453, Glens Falls, NY 12801, Voice (518) 792-3537 TTY /TOD (518) 792-3548 ---- .., Wi'; ... .I&. ~)~ar- . ~ APR191~1 "- ". '--" , ~:) PLANNING . ZONIHe, DEPARTMENT April 19, 1989 fILE COpy Mr. Richard Roberts, Chairman Queensbury Town Office Bay & Haviland Road Queensbury, N.Y. 12804 Dear Mr. Roberts: Re: Aòirondack Industrial Pa~k¡ Inc., £4-89 The Glens Falls Independent Living Center would like to ~oint out that in considering this office build- ~r':.g :cr:- ë:.~:·:,¡:G\jal ~_:~a~. f·l.:.~·t:·.;~ pa:-kj::g 2\r~:-J C~·:!:- :::~t:i DF: pltice:J. :~:=;t:õ:~),-·s 1f1 ::lir: !:u:..làin(~ '\n"(.,jill,j me:;ün ::.'L"0r':-"'~ G~,::)i: Y.fidti·~s -:lri1:: d~c\:...ssi:Jl~:~: restr:~)()jn5. If I ~:·v ba 0f assi~t~n :eJ plG~~e d0 ~1~)t h,;~~t~ce tø:> C.3.l1 ate ò:": ï92~-353? ~·~:;~~1·':'~!:"C-:)' Hacvey R.ayrn,:md Architectural Bdrcier Co~sult3nt -H~ HR:nc Quaker Bay Center, Corner of Quaker & Bay, P.O. Box 453, Glens Falls, NY 12801, Voice (518) 792-3537 TTY/TDD (518) 792-3548 ------ ,/ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Bay at Haviland Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-9725-518-792-5832 -~,.....,../ fiLE COpy NOTE TO FILE ~ MAY 2 2 1989 LEE A. YORK. SENIOR PLANNER Application Number: Site Plan Review No. 35-89 Applicant/Project Name: Stewarts Ice Cream Co., Inc. The application requests approval for a Stewarts Ice Cream store on the corner of Route 149 and Route 9L. There are a number of concerns which have been raised with the layout and design of the project. 1. The site is HC-IA but it adjoins a SR-IA zone and RR-5A zone. The zone lines are not indicated and neither is the 50 ft. buffer (Sections 4.020-c and 4.020 -g). 2. The plan indicates a Phase II "Rental Unit" and parking. The applicant should be advised that site plan review will be required for any future phase or expansion. David Hatin has submitted a letter to that effect (attached). 3. Parking spaces on the plan are 9 ft. by 18 ft., our Ordinance requires 10 ft. by 20 ft. 4. The septic system is located 3 ft. from the building. By code it should be 10 ft. It also appears that at least part of the septic system is under a drive-thru. This is not allowed by code and requires a Variance from the Town Board. 5. Lighting should be directed downward so as not to cause glare for drivers. 6. The applicant needs a DOT Permit to access Routes 149 and 9L. There is no indication that an application has been made. DOT may modify the plans and the Board usually prefers that applicant to be in receipt of other permits prior to approval. 7. The existing well is shown under a driveway. 8. The traffic circulation pattern is not optimum. If the entrance off of Route 149 were moved to the western corner of the property the situation could be improved. With the number of concerns that have been raised with this plan, I have to recommend a tabling or denial. LA Y /sed "HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY, . , A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" SETTLED 1763 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Bay at Haviland Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-9725-518-792-5832 ~~ . FILE COpy TO: Lee York, Senior Planner John Goralski, Planner FROM: David Hatin, Director Bldg & Codes DA TED: May 3, 1989 ï:»LANH'HQ ONINc: DEPARTMENT RE: Stewart Phase II Project Rte 9 & 149 Please advise the above applicant that Site Plan Review will be required before construction of Phase II takes place if the applicant does not wish to seek approvals for both phases at this time. \I "HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY, . , A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" SETTLED 1763 - <-, ~ . ----- J~" Warren County Municipal Center Lake George, New York 12845 ~_... PLA 'N~~~!9~-~ N ING BOARD JLANNING & ZONINe r)EPARTMENT '--- WARREN COUNTY Telephone 518· 761-6410 fiLE COpy DATE:May 11, 1989 RE: Stewart's Ice Cream Co. TO: Queensbury Planning & Zoning Town Office Building Queensbury, NY 12804 Rt. 149 & Ridge Road SPR II 35-89 Gentlemen/Ladies: At a meeting of the Warren County Planning Board, held on the 10th day of May , the above application for a site plan review for a retail convenience shop and one retail rental and self-service gasoline station. was reviewed, and the following action was taken. Recommendation to: ( ) Approve ( ) Disapproval ()() Modify with Conditions ( ) Return Comments: Application approved with the condition that the entrance on Rte. 149 be moved as far west as possible and the entrance on Ridge Rd. be 50' farther north. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is the policy of the Warren County Planning Board to follow the procedures of the New York State General Municipal Law, Section 239-M, with regard to Municipal Zoning actions that are referred to and reported thereon. The following are procedural requirements that must be adhered to: 1.) The Warren County Planning Board shall report its recommendations to the referring municipàl agency, accompanied by a full statement for such actions. If no action is taken within thirty (30) days or agreed upon time, the municipal agency may act without such report. 2.) If the recommendation is for disapproval of the proposal, or modification thereof, the municipal agency shall not act contrary to such action except by a vote of a majority plus one of all the members thereof and after the adoption of a resolution fully setting forth the reasons for such contrary actions. 3.) Within seven (7) days after the final action by the municipal agency having jurisdiction on the recommendations, modifications or disapproval of a referred matter, such municipality agency shall file a report with the Warren County Planning Board on the necessary form. ~~..- Vincent SP~Chairman OR John McGilvray, Chairman r ~ --- , - \SSQCIATES, P.C. '- .JdlNG E~GlNEERS \ FILE COpy -~ 21 BAY STREET \(~ilW~ POST OFFICE BOX 838 GLENS FALLS, NY 12801 L\. MAY 121989 . . 518· 793-4141 JLANNING i~~NIN( f)ePART~ENT May 11, 1989 RFA #89-5000 Ms. Lee York, Senior Planner Town of Queensbury Office Building Bay & Haviland Roads Queensbury, NY 12804 Ref~ Stewart's Ice Cream Company - Site Plan No. 35-89 Dear Ms. York: We have reviewed the above-referenced application have the following comments: 1. A 50-foot buffer is required adjoining the residential zoned country club property to the north. Zoning lines should be shown on site plan. 2. More documentation should be provided for the 350 gallons per day water usage stated. In addition, does this include the water use from the rental unit? The septic tank must be relocated to be at least 10 feet from the building. 3. It is recommended that the Route 149 access drive be relocated to the west side of the property to provide as much distance as possible between the driveway and the intersection of Route 9L, and to provide easier egress by vehicles exiting from behind the building. Also the existing well is shown at the location of the proposed access drive. 4. Park ing spaces must be 10-foot by 20-foot and NYS Code recommends two handicapped spaces for parking lots with a total of 26-50 spaces. 5. Drainage calculations are submitted but do not provide any detention for the increased runoff from the building and pavement area. In addition, culverts or catch basins should be shown at the driveway entrances to convey drainage from one side of the driveway to the other. @ GLENS FAllS, NY'lACONlA, NH ~ ~ --.....-/ Ms. Lee York Town of Queensbury Ref: Stewart's Ice Cream Co. May 11, 1989 RFA #89-5000 Page 2 6. The turning radius at the westerly del ivery area seems tight, unless trucks do not have to back into this area. Very truly yours, RIST-FROST ASS IATES, P.C. /I i 4j{' ~ne~ett, .E. Managing Project Engineer WG:mg cc: Town Planning Board Members ------ ---..-/ fiLE C' - -.---' j '--- TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Bay at Haviland Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-9725-518-792-5832 NOTE TO FILE \I ~t<~",:,.·· MAY 2 2 1989 JOHN GORALSKI, PLANNER Application Number: Site Plan Review No. 36-89 Applicant/Project Name: Douglas and Debra Petroski This is an increase in a nonconforming use. Under Section 9.014 a Variance was granted to expand this use. Under the Site Plan Review criteria, parking is a major concern. Under Section 7.071, the Planning Board may establish parking requirements for uses not specified in the Ordinance. The traffic flow and parking appears to be adequate as the site exists. If the proposed pool will increase traffic on the site the Board should be sure that adequate parking exists. Several items on the Site Plan Review checklist have been omitted. It does not appear that these items are applicable to the proposed pool addition. The site plan indicates a future Phase 3. At the time Phase 3 is reviewed, the entire site should be reviewed and all of the items on the checklist should be included. With Phase 3 in mind, the location of the pool should be examined. The Phase 3 addition must be 30 ft. from the rear property line. By locating the pool as proposed, it could not be increased without a variance. This would be a "self imposed hardship". I would suggest that the pool be located so that no variance will be needed to enclose it in the future. JG/sed "HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY, . , A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" SETTLED 1763