1990-04-12 SP """ --.-" QUEENS BURY PLARHING BOARD MEETING SPECIAL MEETING APRIL 12TH, 1990 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT RICHARD ROBERTS, CHAIRMAN CAROL PULVERs SECRETARY NICHOLAS CAIMANO PETER CARTIER CONRAD KUPILLAS PETER CARTIER TOWN ATTORNEY-PAUL DUSEK DEPUTY TOWN ATTORNEY-KARLA CORPUS SENIOR PLANNER-LEE YORK PLANNER-JOHN GORALSKI ASSISTANT PLANNER-STUART BAKER MR. ROBERTS-I guess I asked, or Lee ask~d or som~body that the Planning Board g~t togeth~r a f~w minutes ~ar1y tonight to cov~r some unfinished business that w~ really should have taken éare of Tu~sday night having to do with the QEDC and Astro Valcour. MRS. PULVER-Excuse involved with this. me. I would like to r~ad a letter that I wrote b~for~ we get It doesn't really have anything to do with that. MR. ROBERTS-Yes. MRS. PULVER-Read: Mr. Chairman, In th~ rules and proc~dur~s adopt~d by th~ Queensbury Town Planning Board, D~c. 20th, 1988s it states on page 3 that th~ Planning Board by majority vot~ may hold a sp~cial me~ting. I want to go on record as objecting to having any special meetings without a formal vot~. As Chairman of this Planning Board s it is your obligation to call for a formal vot~ on any special meetings that is to b~ consider~d by the Planning Board. I further object to acc~pting any new or revised information submitt~d to me past th~ submission date. This has happen~d twice in th~ last we~k. It is not fair to the applicant or Planning Board members to review information that has not gone through the prop~r channels or staff r~view. We have a knowl~dgeable and qualified staffs hired by the Town to assist us in planning matters s as well as a Rules and Procedur~s book approved by the Town Board. I plan to use these tools to the full ~xtent to make p lanning d~cis ions. As a Board Memb~r I also would like to have the courtesy of being notified when there is to be an impromptu meeting. I feel it is th~ duty of the Chairman to mak~ an attempt to notify all Board Memb~rs of a meeting change. I am part of this Board and exp~ct the privileg~s that go with th~ position. Signed: Carol A. Pulvers Secr~tary, Planning Board MR. ROBERTS-Guilty as chargeds I guess. You are the only one that I, wells I didnlt contact Bud ~ither. I know that most of the memb~rs do com~ to the me~tings early and I thought that wasn't going to be a probl~ms but you're probably absolut~ly right. This is a t~chnical matter. I did contact s personally s as it happ~neds four m~mb~rs and thought we had the votes necessary to solv~s what I thought was a fairly mundane matt~rs but p~rhaps that's not th~ cas~, but since we're here s I think we III still put th~ subject on the table. When we agreed to hav~ a special meeting for QEDC and Astro Valcour the other night s both Lee and I and th~ other Astro Valcour p~ople all knew something that was not brought up that nights which should have been addressed. At the same time w~ agreed to the special m~eting, we should also hav~ agreed to a late submission becaus~ Lee had a meeting with all of the principles earlier in th~ day and found out thats in facts th~ submission was in error and was in th~ proc~sss as we m~t the other nights of b~ing correct~d. As I says I knew that and L~e knew that and ~v~rybody els~ ~xcept the r~st of the Board members and we should have, at that times protected the Staff by voting to allow the late submissions as w~ll as s setting the other special me~ting date and thatls what I wanted to do tonight, so we donlt set some kind of prec~dents to agre~ to the packet that you've already r~c~iveds allowing this agreeds late submission. A lot of' r~asons why this happ~ned, I guess. A lot of blam~ to b~ pass~d around s but without dwelling on that s I had hoped that this was not going 1 ~ '---" to be a s~rious probl~m. I think most ~v~rybody involved in this would like to s~~ it happen. We keep running into stumbling blocks s and this is another one and I still ask th~ Board, at this tim~s I guess, if they ar~ willing to tell Staff s particularly Lee s that s in fact, w~ are in agr~ement that we can accept this lates corrected submission that occurred. MR. CARTIER-First of all s th~re I s two late submissions. We still have not talked about the final submission for QEDC and I'd like to mak~ som~ comm~nts too. S~~ if we canlt get ourselves on track here. First of ails I'd like to start with a premise. My nam~ is Pet~r Carti~rs by th~ way, Planning Board. Start with a premise that we can all agre~ ons here. QEDCs th~ Town Board, Astro Valcours Mors~ Engineerings the Planning Boards Planning Departm~nt, all want this project to go forward and get approv~d. I think that's something we can all agree on. With the b~st of int~ntions, QEDC has wanted to exp~dite the proc~ss. With the b~st of intentions, Astro Valcour has stepped in to h~lp expedite. With the best of intentions s Planning Board and Staff have scheduled sp~cial meetings to h~lp expedit~ it. With the best of intentions s Morse Engineering has mad~ a numb~r of submissions. In spite of all these good int~ntions, we hav~ a m~ss on our hands. I think we can all agree to that too. We all share blame for the way this thing is going. We can sp~nd time and waste a lot of time trying to ass~ss blame, but that I s not going to accomplish anything. I think what we all n~~d to do here is to step back, catch our breaths and start fresh on this thing and I'd like to offer th~ following as a start. First s w~ need to separate th~ subdivision application for QEDC from th~ sit~ plan application of Astro Valcour. Blending the two has cr~ated problems for everybody involv~d and just complicates th~ issue. QEDC needs to pick one person to seed th~ subdivision from the approval process and give that person authority to act as ag~nt for QEDC. SO many peopl~ are now involved in this thing, it's no longer possibl~ to tell who the players ar~ any mor~ and it IS just complicat~d th~ process even more. Astro Valcour needs to st~p back and wait for th~ QEDC Final approval b~for~ they proce~d in anything. This Planning Boards and this is my main concerns has got to get back to sound planning procedure in terms of op~rating the way w~ should be operating. We need to r~~stablish submission deadlines to give staff adequat~ review time. We've creat~d havoc for the Staff. We also have to spell out, as clearly as possibl~ s what w~ are requiring from the applicants. We have to follow our own procedures. It will all go fast~r by doing it the right way. Morse Engineering has to meet those d~adlines s follow those procedures s and fulfill the requirem~nts and I 1m sur~ lIve left something out. I feel strongly that what I've described is what IS needed to get this project back on track and this Board back on track and everybody else back on track. The way this thing has gone so far s this Board is leaving itself op~n to potential charges of pr~ferential tr~atment for one app licant and we need to r~cogniz~s agains that we are a Planning Board and our charge is to look out for the long term int~rests of this community. Those interests include proper planning procedure. Itlll go fast~r if we all do it right. MR. ROBERTS-Are you making any specific suggestions for th~ mess we I re in at the moment? - I think we all kind of agree with that, but are you disagreeing with what I'm asking for immediately s to cov~r our flanks, her~ with Staff about this late submission? MR. CARTIER-Wells at this points you've got a m~eting agenda schedul~d. I r~ally donlt know. I think the qu~stions for m~s com~s down to, is Staff going to have adequate time to look at this? Welve got th~ Astro Valcour that has com~ ins cam~ ins improperly. Th~y finally came in to you this morning, is that correct s into the Planning Offic~? MRS. YORK-Yes. MR. CARTIER-We don't have a final app lication for QEDC s that I s got to b~ taken care of. There's got to be time in there for Staff to review s Engin~~ring Staff to look ats to make sure everything has been taken care of. MR. ROBERTS-Are you sur~ w~ don't hav~ a final for QEDC? W~ had that, you knows a month or two months agos actually? MR. CARTIER-But I can't believe that that still applies. I hav~n I t ~ven look~d at that because, as far as I'm concerneds that doesnlt apply. There have been chang~s that have been mad~. There are things at Preliminary that have to be addressed. MR. ROBERTS-True. Ther~ w~re som~ minor chang~s s th~ curbs in the roadway s the s~tback ~asement on one lot and so forth. 2 '- -- MR. CARTIER-W~ll s I just want to mak~ sur~ and I've said this b~for~ a coup l~ of m~~tings back, that w~ donlt end ups 11m not prepareds and I donlt think oth~r Board memb~rs are prepar~d to motion an approval for Final for QEDC with a whol~ lot of stipulations or things that have to g~t don~. Welv~ got to g~t ours~lves back on track with this thing and so do~s ~v~rybody els~. MR. ROBERTS-I gu~ss I'm assuming we I re going to se~ the final chang~s made on th~ map that w~re agr~ed to at th~ m~eting on Tuesday night. MR. CAIMANO-But Mr. Chairman, that's just th~ probl~m. Th~r~'s too many assumptions and I think Peter IS P Ian makes a lot of s~ns~. Why don I t w~ simp ly back away from this thing, at least temporarilys and maybe one of us, with th~ Board Chairmans plus somebodys maybe Lees and one of th~ people from QEDC get together and let's se~ what we hav~ and wh~r~ w~ I r~ going to go with this thing. I think to meet next we~k on something that w~ don' t ~v~n know what we' r~ m~eting on s in oth~r wordss we agr~~ds last nights to meet on som~things was it last night, Tu~sday night s that I s not ~ven in front of us anymore. No matt~r whether the changes ar~ minor or majors itls the perc~ption that w~'re giving on this things it's just not right. It's just not done right and w~ hold ours~lves open to a lot of ridicule, frankly, not only at the Planning Board, but this Town for going about this the way w~Ire going about it. My sugg~stion is that you follows if you agrees you follow what Mr. Cartier has said and get a ste~ring committ~~ of three of you and let's get it back on tract and if w~ can g~t som~thing ready thatls solid, by n~xt Thursdays fin~s I'm willing to me~t anytime, but I'm not willing to k~~p going along th~ way welre going. This is silly. MR. ROBERTS-I gu~ss 11m a littl~ confused. You still think thats p~rhapss the me~ting next Thursday can occur? MR. CAIMANO-W~ll s I don't know that. I won't know that until som~body from the Staff says th~y hav~ read it and we hav~ something to go on and, y~s s we have a m~eting on som~thing, but what ar~ w~ meeting on? MR. ROBERTS-You'r~ lat~st submission you had yest~rday. MR. CAIMANO-Yess but that has not even be~n look~d at, as far as I knows by th~ Staff y~t and that's th~ way things normally happ~n. MR. ROBERTS-Well, I'm assuming that that can happen. ~xtraordinary measures to try to make this work. Everybodyls taking MR. CAIMANO-L~t me make on~ thing sand s Peter, you I re right s non~ of us should b~ throwing stones at each others but I find it unb~li~vabl~ that you woulds anyon~ would ask m~ or any of us to vote on som~thing knowing that what w~ I re voting on isnlt th~ right thing. I find that the most damaging of all th~ things welve don~ in th~ last few months. MR. ROBERTS-In that pack~t of stuff that w~nt out to you, Staff did includ~ something that was down th~ road. MR. CAIMANO-W~ vot~d on going to a meeting next Thursday night on a packet that whichs in fact s was not the right pack~t. That's what we did and you knew it and thatls what IS bad and we didn't know it. MR. ROBERTS-I knew w~ wer~ going to g~t a correct~d v~rsion. MR. CAIMANO-But w~ didn't. MR. CARTIER-Okay, mayb~ I can h~lp this thing along a littl~ bit. In going through th~ packet that we got last nights ther~ is, on~ of th~ things I had r~quested and show~d up in th~ minutes of th~ February 20th Special M~~ting in ref~renc~ to the pond and th~ possibility of materials s toxic mat~rials. I was concerned b~caus~ of th~ daycare center in proximity to Ci~ba G~igy, H~rcul~s s what~ver you want to call it. Aft~r th~ mèeting last Tuesday night, Mr. Mors~ spoke to me privately and said that th~re was a privat~, in-hous~ study don~ with regard to that ar~a and that he would se~ that that might be made available to us. What showed up on that packet is simply a lit~rature search to se~ if the ar~a is open to investigation and a visual inspection of th~ drained pond. That in no ways to my way of thinking, m~~ts what I was ~xpecting from QEDC or Valcour. At this point s I'm not sure who that's coming from. That needs to be look~d at. So s I think they n~~d som~ mor~ tim~ to do som~ investigating. What I'm saying to you is that mayb~ next Thursday is moot s at this point s because I don' t s~e an approval being given. 3 -- - MR. ROBERTS-Well s you' r~ one vote on that and you may be more concerned about that particular issue than the rest of the Board members and th~y have actually responded with something of s believe or not s a toxic study or toxic response to your question. MR. CARTIER-What I expected to get from them and what I got from them are not the same and I w~nt back this morning to specifically look, but you' r~ right, 11m only one persons but I did want to mak~ you aware of my feelings. MR. ROBERTS-Yes. MR. HAGAN-Mr. Chairmans if I may, before we go any further on this, I don't disagree with anything thatls been saids howevers it's been two days since we had our last me~ting. It I S been a day and a half sinc~ we Ive rec~ived th~ last package. I think that Staff should bring us up to date on what they've had in case it I s different than what we've heard so far. W~ll s if you haven't had anymore than we hav~s th~n therels no need to comment. MRS. YORK-I haven't. MRS. PULVER-I thinks rath~r than continue on, we should do what I suggest~d in my letter. Let's have a motion and let's vote on wh~ther or not we should have a meeting next Thursday. W~ all have a different opinions but we all have a vote. MR. ROBERTS-We're re-votings then, of course. MR. CAIMANO-Wells technically, we didn't vote. MRS. PULVER-Y~s, it's not on th~ r~cord that we had an official votes is it, Maria? MS. GAGLIARDI-No. MRS. PULVER-W~ did not hav~ an official vote. MR. ROBERTS-W~ didn't. I thought we did. MR. HAGAN-I thought we did. MRS. PULVER-Did you call the rolls Maria? MS. GAGLIARDI-No. MR. CARTIER-There was no motions that I recall being mad~s to hold a sp~cial meeting. MR. HAGAN-The Chairman specifically asked us. MR. ROBERTS-I thought we did that. MR. HAGAN-He didn't do it as a motions but I don't think the Chairman needs to. MR. CAIMANO-Y~s, he doess as a matter of fact. MR. ROBERTS-Well, I think we're back tracking a little bit her~s but if thatls the question on th~ table, I guess maybe we better. MR. CAIMANO-Wells welve got to decide whether we're going to m~~t. MR. ROBERTS-Yess except that I think that decisionls been mades whether it's a cons~nsus of opinion or a voic~ vote or wh~ther it was a role call. I think it was pretty w~ll understood by the memb~rs there that we all agre~d to the special me~ting. MR. CARTIER-But, we agreed with th~ understanding that what we had in our handss at the times was the mat~rial for the m~eting and that was not the cas~ at all and, in facts somebody, QEDCs AV, I'm not sure whos understood or was aware that the material we had on hand at the tim~ we made that decision was not the correct material. MR. ROBERTS-Well, thatls tru~. As I told you at the meeting, that that mat~rial was for down the road. It wasn't for discussion that nights particularly. 4 '- -- MR. CARTIER-No, 11m ref~rring to Tu~sday night. MR. ROBERTS-Y~s. w~ w~r~nlt d~aling with that sit~ plan Tu~sday night. I think what you'r~ r~f~rring to was th~ sit~ plan mat~rial thats what 11m r~f~rring tos was wrong and that w~ w~r~ not d~aling with Tu~sday night ands as I told you, w~Ill ignQr~ that until MR. CARTIER-Y~s s but Tu~sday night was th~ night w~ d~cid~d to hav~ a sp~cial m~~ting to approv~ Astro Valcour sit~ plan. MR. ROBERTS-Tru~. MR. CARTIER-And that was in th~ mat~rial w~ had. MR. ROBERTS-W~lls I don't know just wh~r~ w~ stand h~re. MR. CAIMANO-Wh~r~ w~ stand is that w~ had ask~d for s and I do agr~~ with you, Mr. Chairman, thats whil~ it wasn't an Qfficial rQl~ calls th~r~ was an agr~~m~nt to m~~t on n~xt Thursdays but w~ agr~ed to me~t on a s~t Qf circumstanc~s that chang~d y~st~rday aft~rnoon. MR. ROBERTS-For th~ b~tt~rs I would hop~. MR. CAIMANO-It dQ~sn I t mak~ any mak~ any diff~r~nc~. Th~ fact Qf th~ matt~r is s w~ w~r~ ask~d to vot~ Qn som~thing or ask~d tQ m~~t Qn som~thing or ask~d to comm~nt Qn som~thing which chang~d th~ n~xt day. Wh~th~r it chang~d materially Qr not, is r~ally, immat~rial, as a matt~r of fact. I gu~ss what w~ I r~ saying h~r~ is s th~r~ is a pi~ce Qf information that w~ didn' t hav~ when w~ said w~ w~r~ going to hav~ a m~~ting. W~ agr~~d tQ a m~~ting and nows not only do w~ hav~ anoth~r pi~c~ of information which w~ shQuld hav~ had that night s but th~ Staff s that w~ l~an on, has not had a chanc~ to r~vi~w it and comm~nt. MRS. PULVER-And may not hav~ a chanc~ tQ g~t it don~ and to m~~t with th~ oth~r D~partm~nt H~ads and ~v~rything ~ls~ b~fQr~ n~xt Thursdayls m~~ting. That should b~ brought up. Th~y donlt knQw if th~y can g~t a hold of Transportations Wat~r, what~v~r. MR. CARTIER-This is my points and IIII go back and mak~ it again. H~r~ w~ ar~, trying to ~xp~dit~ this thing again and w~Ir~ still running intQ probl~ms. MR. ROBERTS-W~ll s th~y' r~ asking us to hav~ sp~cial m~~tings. I would assum~ it would b~ r~asQnabl~ to ask Qur consulting ~ngin~~r to giv~ it sp~cial consid~ration and oth~r d~partm~nt h~ads, as w~ll. It all s~~ms to go with th~ packag~. MR. CARTIER-And w~ hav~ don~ that all alongs but w~ still hav~ a m~ss on our hands and thatls what 11m trying to g~t away from. MR. ROBERTS-W~ll, I would c~rtainly agre~ with yous w~ will try tQ clarify things in th~ futur~. I just dQnlt know wh~thèr w~ want tQ chang~ th~ gam~ plans h~r~s in th~ middl~, buts appar~ntlys it has to come down to r~-voting th~ m~~ting for n~xt Thursday night and I gu~ss w~'ll ask fQr a mQtion. MOTION TO POSTPONE NEXT THURSDAY NIGHT'S MEETING UNTIL STAFF CAN REVIEW THE HEW IHFORMATIONTHAT WE'VE GOTs Introduc~d by CarQl Pulv~r who mov~d for its adoption, s~cond~d by Nicholas CaimanQ: MRS. PULVER-And I'm willing to giv~ th~m th~ sp~cial m~~ting aft~r ~v~rything is MR. CARTIER-B~~n don~ prop~rly. MRS. PULVER-Y~s, is don~ th~ way it shQuld b~. GENTLEMAN-Mr. Chairmans th~ obj~ction se~ms to be ov~r MR. CAIMANO-Mr. Chairmans th~r~Is a motiQn on th~ floor and th~r~Is b~en no op~n discussion h~r~. W~ can It allQw this tQ happ~ns Dick. L~t I s vot~ on this, if this g~ntl~man has som~thing g~rman~ to its th~n w~Ill g~t back to its but W~IV~ got a mQtion on th~ floor right now. MR. CARTIER-Y~s s th~ purpos~ of this m~etings that was suppos~d to b~gin at 7 0' clock, was to d~al with proc~dur~ and p~rspectiv~ and w~ Ive cut into that and I don I t think it's fair to th~ p~op Ie h~r~ to cut into that right now. I don It think this is th~ appropriat~ tim~ for QEDC or Astro-Valcour to g~t involv~d. 5 "--' ...-/ MR. ROBERTS-W~ll s it may not be the appropriate time for that in terms of what w~lve alr~ady d~cided. As far as that's concerneds thatls in question. Let's call the role. Duly adopt~d this 12th day of April, 1990, by the following vote: AYES: Mrs. Pulvers Mr. Cartiers Mr. Caimano NOES: Mr. Hagan, Mr. Roberts ABSTAINED: Mr. Kupillas MR. ROBERTS-What is the count on that? MR. CAIMANO-Threes twos one. MR. ROBERTS-So that doesn I t move anything whichs I would assumes means that our previous motion stands s so w~ will have the meeting on Thursday night. Let me go back to why we started the meetings h~re, tonight. Are we willing to protect Staff against normal procedur~s by saying what we should have said the other nights allowing a late submission for the packet that you got in your hands yesterday afternoon? We need a motion on thats I guesss just so we donlt establish precedent here because, it would seem to me that when we establish a special meeting it would therefore follow that there may be some other procedur~s that would hav~ to fall into place in an extraordinary manners as wells which is what we're asking for here s to agree that a late submission and we need a motion on that s which is why we really called this meeting tonight, one of th~ two reasons. MR. HAGAN-Since w~ already accepted its how do we handle that motion? MR. ROBERTS-Accepted the packets in your hands you mean? MR. HAGAN-Right. MR. ROBERTS-Well s it I S not a legal thing. The sheriffs didn I t summon you or anything. If we Ire going to have the meetings to be the only update informations it just se~ms to m~. MR. HAGAN-What makes everybody think that Staff can't be up to snuff by next Thursday? MR. ROBERTS-I would think that we could expect Staff to be up to snuff and our consulting engineers. If we Ire willing to have sp~cial meetingss I think we have the right to expect Staff to give out some ~xtra effort as well. MR. HAGAN-W~ll, couldnlt we decide that next Thursday night? MR. ROBERTS-W~ll, I think we will expect it tonight and expect them to perform. MRS. YORK-Jim, the problem is shere, I have had past r~solutions, passed by th~ Planning Board that prohibits me from accepting new mat~rials after th~ deadline dat~ and the d~adlin~ date is passed and now we have new materials coming in and I'm prohibited from accepting them. Normally, all the information would come through my office and be disseminated to you and you received it another way sOs you knows it's kind of a little bit of a mess. What I really need is for you to pass a resolution saying that you have no problem with me accepting these materials at this time and doing the review. I means that's your prerogative. MR. ROBERTS-It's a fairly innocuous request, it would seem to me. Do we all understand what we're trying to dos here? We Ire just taking a little exception to our syst~ms and procedures because of this special meeting, because of sp~cial circumstances ands obviouslys mistakes have been made. MR. CAIMANO-I don't want to belabor this, but you just said, at least four timess you just stated your concern about precedent and I 'm t~lling you, that that's our concern too. MR. ROBERTS-Well, thatls why Lee asked us to do that, so she will b~ cover~ds so Staff will be covered. MR. CAIMANO-That's not the precedent 11m talking about. 6 ~ ..-' MRS. PULVER-Should we keep asking our Staff to do that? MR. ROBERTS-Wells I thinks maybes that should get down to some future things that Peter has mentioneds but 11m not sur~ we need to solve all of the futur~ problems tonight with this particular application. We Ive got ourselves into a box here s a corn~r ands how do we work ourselves out of it. I think we I re dealing with a subject that we all want to see happens itls just a question of how and when. We Ire dealing with some pretty insignificant details, it seems to m~s to allow this late submission. MR. CARTIER-The detail may involve some of the things that need to b~ submitt~d, but what 11m concerned about most here is the procedur~ process. We seem to have blown away the procedure process. MR. ROBERTS-No questions w~ goofed up the other night. This should have been handled. I don I t know why Lee didn I t remember it or I didn I t remember it. Can we solve that here tonight? MR. CARTIER-11m not referring to just last night. thing. 11m referring to the whole MRS. PULVER-I can't believe thats after hearing the way this vot~ just w~nt, that they would still want this meeting Thursday night. MR. ROBERTS-I don't think that issue's on th~ tables now. MRS. PULVER-Nos but we're going back and forths Dicks and back and forth. You're trying to g~t us to say something that we donlt want to say or commit to something that we don't want to commit to and we can stand here another hour and hold this all up s but I'm not going to say that I want Lee to accept mat~rial past her deadline because she's not supposed to do that. I don't want her to do it. I don't want to put her in that position to do it. MR. ROBERTS-You werenlt here for that vote, however. MRS. PULVER-Nos I wasnlt, but I'm here nows and you just ask~d me again or you just asked all of us, can It w~ let Lee, you knows can't w~ accept this material or what IS on the tables didn't you just ask me that? MR. ROBERTS-Well, I thought s earlier in the day, I had four votes to move this along, but w~ can't stand here and argue this any longer. Should w~ make the resolution to accept this late submission whichs in effect, if we donlt, I assumes would take care of the Thursday meeting. Wells it wouldn I t take care of the Thursday night meetings it would just mean that we I d have to be looking at two meetings becaus~ we I d be looking at the wrong plans. So, we I d be sp inning our wheels. MR. HAGAN-On this particular project, how many times have we already acc~pted late submissions. Does anybody really know? 11m wondering if this is the only tim~. If thats in itselfs ~stablishes precedent. I don't believe it would. We still would have the authoritys later ons to say no. In this particular time, Staff already accepted it, so I don I t see how we I re going to be hurt if we say, okay, you acc~pted it. It wasn't right to do it, but, in this instance, I don't b~lieve that establishes prec~dent. Somebody goofed and it I s okay this time, but don I t let it happen again. How many times have you been told that in your life? MR. ROBERTS-Thatls the reason welre voting tonight. MR. HAGAN-On that basiss I'd like to make the motions in this particular cases that we acc~pt the lat~ materials or approve the acceptance of the late material because itls already been received. MOTION TO APPROVE THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE LATE MATERIAL BECAUSE IT'S AT.RRADY BEEN RECElVEDs Introduced by James Hagan who moved for its adoptions seconded by Conrad Kupillas: MR. ROBERTS-Do we have a second to that? their minds during th~ days then. If guess itls a dead motion. Appar~ntly a numb~r of people have changed w~ don't have a second to that motions I MR. KUPILLAS-I'll second it. 7 "--' - Duly adopted this 12th day of April, 1990s by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Hagans Mr. Kupillass Mr. Rob~rts NOES: Mrs. Pulver, Mr. Caimanos Mr. Cartier MR. ROBERTS-Agains we only have three affirmative votes and welre not going anywher~ whichs effectively means s the me~ting on Thursday night s next w~~k, would b~ a wast~ of time, I would think. So s perhaps, we better g~t tog~ther with all the applicants and decide further about when we me~t the n~xt time, so that the second ord~r on the agenda, tonight s as to whether or not to allow some sit~ works I thinks is a d~ad issue and weill not belabor that. Thank you very much for coming early and I apologize to the public for this delay. Welre trying to make th~ system of government work, here, tonight. I think this Planning Board meeting IS adjourn~d. On motion meeting was adjourned. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTEDs Richard Robertss Chairman 8 ...,/ ì"1r'. Chai r'/fië:in , In the rules and procedures adopted by the Queensbury Town Planning Board. Dec. 20,1988, It states on page 3 that the Planning Beard by majority vete may hold a special meeting. I want to go on record as objecting to having any spec.tal.. meeti.ngs \'JithoLlt a fOr-/o,,-Ü vote. abC2!lJlu¡,,¡u/,<-. i,IX.t,r.j rI..{tcvx.",¡ca t¡~"'iI·( j,f ¡..¿ ':1 ¡ U/C 1-6,l',fl't( I.'. c: ¥c tI:~ Í-õ'L Ä.. .¡{-r t nUG( (H1-"Ó.... iJtt Ú/Mf.. (J.-/';';Æ.¿ I a./ '1¿(U7.¿'r~ ~ ~ .t,-~ U"!--iJ.i..LH "l Iry-' Vu2 ~ A..-., ~'\.N" ¿... 1t.·P-,(.L~ r ¡: I further object to accepting any new or revised information submitted to me pa!ss ttu? submi ssi cln date. Thi IS has happ¡:.med twi ce in the L:'Õ\st week.. It, is nClt, fair to the applicate or Planning board members to review information that has not gene through the proper channels or staff review. We have a knowledgeable ,,:tnd qUcdili~RJ4,~ff, hired by the town tt) assist ...~·-f4"Sm."'.I. in planning m..'tt,ten." "'Hi!~~~ a Rules and Procedures bc,10k è.'\pproved by the town boar-d, I plan to '-.tSE~ these tools to thE~ full e>:tE',mt. 1'Þ~ ~ ~. As a Board Member I also would like to have the curtesy af being there is to be an impromtu meeting. I feel it is the duty of the make an attempt to notify all board members of a meeting change. this board and expect the priviledges that go with the position. nClt i·f i t:::d when chair"man to I ¿...m par"t, of *Signed: Carel A. Pulver