88-637 • • CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Date January 8 19 90 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. 88 637 has been completed. This structure may be occupied as a One Family Dwelling — Alterations Lot 11 Rockhuost Rd. Location Owner FI. °&°S. KAMINSKI , R. S M. SUEN • By Order Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY !� r cia 446,- [A-Li' I Building & Zoning Inspector BUILDING PERMIT y TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No 88_637 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK 0 PERMISSION is hereby granted to H.&.S. Kaminski, R.&M. Suen I OWNER of property located at Lot 11 Rockhurst Rd. Street,Road or Ave. N' in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a alterations at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. w 1. OWNER'S Address is 1105 Serafini Dr. Schenectady, N.Y. 12303 �• 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name U' Same m 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address Same _ r O rt. 4. ARCHITECT'S Name I� - 7y O n 5. ARCHITECT'S Address 1r =ri to rt a 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) (x)Wood Frame ( ) Masonry ( )Steel ( ) - 7. PLANS and Specifications VARIANCE # 1380rr No. remove and replace existing deck; addition of screen porch 1-1 as per plot plan, specifications and application rt 8.-Proposed Use alterations to dwelling ' 0 5.00 C/0 March $ _ 10.00 PERMIT FEE PAID—THIS PERMIT EXPIRESgisfc 1 1989 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) - Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 26th Day of August ± 19 88 - SIGNED BY . for the Town of Queensbury Building an oning Inspector - „ , • •..,,,,.,,, , •.,.:,,,,...:•.-j...,,'.;...,,:.-.1..;•-;-4,. .•,,ix,•-,-.:•... .,-.•,„;...-.....,...,,-.,.;y:r--,-,=::•,•.;,5c4.i...=•;-,..r:-.:...',-,, J.,:-.!. .rri::,:., ,Ii-,,ie;,.."4,f.,4t.EgV1g,&-".;NI=.,”V".,..:t.'" ,';i;:-4-f"':11Z4.'',VP:K.',"4.:(' ''.--',y:f.,,9„pim--bi,,T.Otit,,,tk,s-ir2.Fr,e' ::' -,', .,, -,,- --H :i : ,-.• - ,•,..' :,,_,.'-. - ...:,:,-'''- :' .--, -: --.''.• _--' . ..,.-- .; :.::-:-:' --' : -,-._ ,„-•-,‘&..--,• '.--tri ,-.:., . OWII Of j- - - • . :, - -- - -,,-2:- - ' — ---- .--,: --:= .- -.. .,. ..-, . off,..-1: d. d ,2:- . Byll,DING.and ZONING DEPARTMENT -• ' • -••-' • 5 , -:....,,....: .. .,,;.?.,-;,.,, .,, •-_-,,,,-,,,,,, -.,...,..„---,-,• :-,,,...:-...,.-_,,,,.-., ..„ . , Bay and,Havilandf)Oad..13.D. 1 BoxB8- .,,. -..., .','::.-.. . ,. I''.,''Y' ....': ....'. , ... . 431988 . -.. ._.Quenbtiey:, NewYpfk 1601„.., . ;,.. •:: :.,. ;,., ....,:.- ,,,-.--. ...-.' -1,;,,:;.. .. , .:'... ..,.. :-.1,..:.:',:,'.:, •' ;',. ',,`..--,.„:',. ::.;:;,' :,....;.4,,,::.:,::-.., . : -,„, . . : .: - :-.., - -. ‘'..-.'•-_,!:ii.-':,jn'',', '.':',' '-':"•' '' ...:',. '' ',' c .,`.' '„? : '''' :: :'::`':.:''':::..,;--, ''.!:::':7: " .: ''.% ...-' ' ''''':'''': 11:r011ibP10 4 tc0E-btfit ,:-.4.-;:.. .,2,..,.:;:, :. , - -'.'--',: --3- ‘.1.-= -=.1" -c ' - .. ; ' = : ,'''' .. :.: ..;:;'' -: -',- :_lf • :--'": :' .'.-:- '''''''-'1'-'-.•r : :''':' ' ' .' .' '.:':--,;., ::::',::-.' f:;::, '''-•::_.::. :!',:..-:.',....:( :''-, - . 2:‘ppxpved : '. 4, t:,' ,-A:'. : 1::., : 'X r": '...• .', ''7644 ada ,:.:'-'!„-, .:' - - . . APPLICATION FOR,-•-• - • .-.- -• . - a .. . , • .:,-e... /, BUILDING AND ZONING -PERMIT. ' • - , --- •:.. .:: ,, .-.:.- ., , - , -- ,,-;:/$7,,, L : Re . , * it. .* J•ii. ' * *-•,:*;.,i.*,-,.,*. *. .*. 14' 'le it- i t #' 'e*/."-*,': * ,it.:it„:•*.!-*.'* it' * - *.'ig-.'ih,"...*% * * *'.=iis s..* *--' *:*::** ' A PERMIT_MUST BC BEFORE,BEGINNING-:CONTRUCT ION. .ANSWER•ALL,.:OF -THE,FOLLOW ING.2.. , = - The undersigned hereby applies for a Building Permit to do the'following' work which will ' be•done in accordance with the'description, PlanS;`and':sPecificatiOnssUbmitied,r and such special conditions as may be indicated'on the Permit.'••', :- . -'. .. • - " • , :', " -' -.' -< - •,,,. , _. Th - f ' h• - •• - As , • , f., ...://e,•//-- --572( :''.•7'.,".- -";:•?.; ' '",,.-,.,,: ,..•:,t',`': ::_' '. ' e owner o . t is• property is: . ,. ',,,pv,..425- , " • / -. ' F-ii '-..P.O. Address 1 (25-- *c.._--",,t7 yL4,9::,Q i' 7.),e --*/e/tJ ei•--7--/ ,/-)/ -4.2 yo.---T,- Tel .Property-Location:: - ,4e-7-7.--// -.ecc/(A/„,57__.: ,,,,,,,, ,, .,- ;: ::., ....L,,-:-.,: „ TaiiMaPNO. • --. ----,--,,, :.,',„-'• Street-number or number:' --•- ' ' .-;.,',.,. , , ,„, ,' _. ',. ,,• : ,. ; .--- Subdivision naMe.,..-(44.-4pplicable) . '-..-,.,'' " • - --' 'r, --:- • --':•' ' - ',.':' -':.-:' ' .-----'' •-•-:------,----------.:----:--' -'"••-•.- --- - -- '• -THE'PERSON RESPONsuLE FOR SUPERVISION'OF WORICAS-: REGARDS :BUILDING, CODES.IS:„,' • -•' iA4/EiSH,`; ,- ./c, p -. : -,,) _ 5,-,,,,,,,q:,,,, D,.. , / , , ,.,I.--, ,.,...... ., .. _1' P.O. ,,Addreas ,, _. ....-. , ...,,,,-.. . , • ;-•, Tel -No: .--,•••--.` ..-,•.,-+.-.,,,,:.,.:.:T. ---- : •-„, • Name'of n'builder, ' eqlos , 132(p41. Address >/(:2:5-3ea 1.?:••• .--, ;, ; /) ..a l' Tel'- . . ?LOk.'". mf' ' . - Name--Of;'Plumber - ' •- ' ., • Address . , .. . Name of mason Address" ' • '. - ' Tel ' • • .- • -• - . . • ..,, .. _ . . „.. ., .. ., . . .NATURE:Of PROPOSED WORK:.. '. , "..: r . .'. '• 6. • . , ZONING INFORMATION .. .. . __,. ...,....,. ,.... . ConStructiOn of a new building * TWO PLOT PLANS i MUST'BE PREPARED AND'SUBMITTED, : - , - ; -, Addition-to•,.'a- htalding•-•.•,••••- •:, ',•-••.•.‘• ., ,..•,,::-,:• *,1drawn.-reasonably,'•-to-•scale .and attached -hereto, _.4Alteration tia.:'.a building ,.".•::-'1: -•, •;,-:••-: ',''il•••:•-;r.,*.:showing clearly i'and distinctly all, buildings,,,::_,; (no change. tO'rexterior'dimenSions)-,;::`, * whether existing or proposed and :indicate_all , • Other n.workYn(describe)r'- ..".,:-.:''• '',' ::,-".-- -'!-:'!„'!" *.set-r•bapk-dimensionsfrOli-'prOperty-lTnes.t'oiVne, _._ . _•7,1 ei;i<e-:".7P*P+7.-2, 157-7,;`..:0- 1 , 7)4.--_,,(7':.' ''*...Street arid':number :or- lot number and indicate FOR DEMOLITION, pER14I'r, STAT ':' • E SIZE, AND n ' ' ''' 'Whether interior or corner lot:. 'Show `location •; - .: -, ii. ' • •. Of• water supply and location and configuration LOCATION.OF. sTRucruitEs AFFECTED. '', •' -, ' •- - ' - - ,, . . • __*,of septic disposal area.'. • ' . .:'-:,, , • , . I,.COidpLETE, INFORMATION REQUIRED,BELOW * Size of prOPerty g'6'..-i: ff-"ii--:;"//a_tt'- ft:.' ,'-'; Existing building(s) Size 1.-/5"'• ft X L.A.& f, ..:-.• •,; . •, .„ . .. ., • , PROPOSED BUILDING TAND•USE t, :- ... ..i,' -,.• .- :-...'- • : . . . . : , , '*-Existing building(s)(s) Use - / .1...-7,<;04--7/0T7`c?.4 - '' 4: „ -.-- • ,,. .... Site of_ new s _ucture , ft X ft. Fgandation 1 /slab/crawl/partial/full . * -Proposed building, distance-..from property line,- ..;'- • -,- - ' „.._::, ..• * Front yard ,0,5"7:3-‘67,4ft Rear yard ,370 t -No,, of stories (habitable SPaCe): • . . , -- Side yards • ' /01 ' ft and •.,95 ft /(•••, ' -7' ., .. ' : Height (grade to ridge) '--,- - , . 'ft...'-'*,• ' -• - ,g. If•on-corner,••,setback 'from side street ft If, residential, no of families.. -_ :--- : . -,2-; : - : - - - • ' '. • -:-:. ' - '.. ." -7= -.... ' ' . No... of rooms(excluding baths) , 9 : :,i• : * : •: '`,•.•,• -,,--_occuOAN(.y. -,INFORMATION No of hedroomi';:''...:,'. .''':-:' ' •.%' ;:''A'''. '• '.- - , *: ' • ' ''' '''''•'" - .' ''. -:-.':,-:., '''.'''"':,'::: ' ' '!' : ' -..'' :."1"I'''.'.."::,:-. - •-•:'- ;:`' No.. :of * •••Ty ' b'atehro-o'ms ‘ -- • .-, Primary hating 'System f2'/ .x), -- '!' - • * p • OT-nW Oe-'--ff.aanmlii.11,yy, ' ddwweelllliihngg.•-,:,':;,„ -.,:':.-.',•';,.,-.-.•••• :, ,-.-,,-.---:_,,.,-•-:'., ,..;..'-,-,,•-,,,.,,.:,:-.,.d'....,.,.."....-.:-. •-. Multiple'dwelling /„Number.of units • , ' , "-- •-• • "..--, . ' •-• No.' of -fireplaces to be installed --.L -' : 4 "---• ' . . ;'• ...._. * _Permanent occupanCy... Will 'a:Wood stove,'be 'installed?" .• _____ .. „ i *, ... .;_Transient occupane Central Air 'Poncliticining? ': nn' -• * Business BUILplISG.':$TYLE;',,.eD_RA 4.RY STRUCTURE :,-,---...-,,,,' - _Industrial ,. ,,, : :.:,- • , ...' : :--:., -- .. . .- . • - ,- ',-!_.‘;T:-: _ -. -. -.: • Ranch • ''••• "•" ,•,COntemporary'.'4 4 sed ran ‘2.. Other"— . -. --, ., ,-,,, _,•-:, If addition, what- will•u 'e se be?1 cA) r4'- i-0,oe ich- --Maikiien - DupleX Log cabin --: •*:. .-r--- .,4-P'•' ---, .., • ' •• • • • - -- -Oldstyle Bungalow * - 1---.- )GOO .gAit ' ' - : :-- '' • - -,,,•,:': ,;:s i . ,... .. . . ._ i ,•• .., .,.,.. , .„, , „.: .,„: -... ., , ,--,. -.• -, - • Cape ,COd -•,:• ••'';::.00ttage, . • Other .,_ -...-: -. - *, ACCESSORY'BUILDING- • ...,., ,--,...-, -,, , ,, 1 -,•.: ,,,. :-'-•, :,• -, -. . -. , Colonial:'';'-:-•":'.'•ROW .- '- : • ' Town House : ,*'-'- _ Detached.-garage/one.:6,ar/. two car! ' • :car,: .. -..,_ ••.1. , CIRCLE OWE .1:4.LE4E...:,)::_,.,.-. ,..;,_:„..2f.,:, „.,,,4_Attached-,garage/one car/ -two par/ ., , - car, * *. .,* * ,'*_.. .'*'',,-* : *„.„ ':*:'* "* * 111 :1k ':* "yr '•-*$ : 4'' —Private _storage building. --,,-, .: • .,._-• ,--., .-:'------'..:::. --• ' •: • ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE OF _:-* Other . „ .. coNsT,fiucTIpH• , . ,fv' • * INFORmATION. ON BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS, ON REVERSE SIDE, OF THIS,' SHEET, ,TO TO BE COMPLETED! ; , .. - . , . . -- - • - Form BP/ 4/26- miciv1 ' --- vf .';',' ' ','•:•.- ' - '''' '. '' ' '. .. ''' . '''' - - . ' ' ,• 2 , •-•. : • . . , . .. .• • .. .. .. . , . . . . , . , .. , . , . . . .,. . • : : . , • • bUILDIt1C PERMIT P4 PL.C.L'IOIJ COt1TIIJUED 1 ,, 8UILDING SPECIFICATIONS: Type of construction, wood frame, fire safe,etc. /hood Fk'Arytr will any second-hand or ungraded lumbar be..used? If. so, for what? A(,O Foundation wall_material N4 Thickness /1/ 7.' Depth 'of .foundation :below grade: (to ,bottom of footing) • Will there be a cellar? NO .Heated, or unheated? pv o ;,''Floor sq. • footage ;.ib9 sq ft will there be '_a basement? : jo Will any portion be used as living space? 4 (It so; what .portion? NA sg.ft ; Type of use?: Type of roof• - sloped/flat/shed/other ap 'o Material.'of robf''",15P44.7" 5/,%119/ ' �i �l Size,. wood studs it X spacing ."o.c. length ID ft. ' Joists(floor beams) let. floor A, "X /p -" spacing /6 "o.c. span/.312- ft•. : Joists (floor beams) 2nd. floor, . ' "X /r) " spacing IC "o.c. ::pan 7'3 ft. Overlays(ceiling beams) "X ", spacing "o.c. span 7'6'"f t: Roof rafters.• a' Span %.t.: Roof,-trusses(pre-engineered) spacing "o.c. span ft'. , , Lxterior -wall finish " Of What material?'' kjOo& Interior wall finish'. 1f�i/ �_ / . w00d. • If a garage is to be attachd, describe-materials to be used .for;',IIRE SEPARATION: Is. there to' be-an opening between garage and dwelling? If so will a Fire-rated - .. door, enclosure, and self-closing device be. provided?, . ' Will al:flue-lined chimney be:„-installed? Height above root ft. Depth of. chimneys foundation'below grade •- '` ft. • . . . . -' • Depth or fireplace hearth _ ft.- . in. Water Supply' = :Municipal or private well - . • SEEPTIC- SYST'IM " Distance from ANY private well(including adjoining properties , ft. •• (A separate- application is necessary for any'-repair or new installation of septic system) 'town of Queensbury A 'F F :I D A V IT . STATE OF NEW YORK County or Warren 11 • I swear that to the best-of .my knowledge and belief the statements contained: -.in this application, together with the'plans and specifications submitted, are a true and -complete<sCate ment_of all proposed work to be doves 'on the described premises and that all prow..ons of •the, BUILbINC`CODC;dgiL�-2OWING-OHDP'U N.CL'..,_and- all other laws pertaining,to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specit;ied'• or not;:-aiid tfiaty,SUdt',wor1c-iS�. authorized by •the owner. SWORN .TO BEFORE ME TtHIS Signature__;. -- l,,,m d/` • Owner, ower'•s'agent,arcnitect,concraator , day or4of4s, 19 Notary Public, Warren Cow',ty, N.Y. * * * iR'' * :*' *' * * * -* x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '*- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,* * * • SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF.TILE PERMIT: • • By' TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Application for: BUILDING PERMIT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE NEW YORK STATE ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE A permit must be obtained before beginning work. ANSWER ALL of the following: 1 . Gross floor area 110 4 2 . Type of heat p%:,4i2 CO/ F425.0 ) 3 . Is the building mechanically cooled? 4. Percentage of area of windows and doors A. Over 16% Only 1 . Uo value of gross area of walls , roof/ceiling and floors exposed to ambient conditions 2 . Floor over heated spaces YES NO a. Are foundation walls insulated? YES NO 1 . If YES , what is the R value? 3 . Slab on grade YES NO a. If YES , what is the R value of insulation around perimeter of floor? 4 . Is basement heated? YES NO a. R value of insulation 5. Type of insulation B. Under 16% Only 1. R value of roof and floors exposed to ambient conditions 2 . R value of exterior walls 3 . R value of glazed area 4 . R value of doors c2/ ! 5 . R value of floors over unheated spaces 6. R value of slab edge insulation - unheated slab ' 1.c, ,/11 7 . R value of slab insulation - heated slab A 8 . R value of heated basement/cellar walls (above grade) 9 . R value of heated basement/cellar walls (below grade) AM. 10 . Type of insulation / /i /l 44 C. Controls • 1 . Thermostat maximum heat setting 0 °IC D. Duct Systems 1 . Is duct system installed in unheated spaces? YES NO a. If YES , R value of duct installation b. R value of duct in other areas E. Piping Insulation 1. Size of hot water or cooling carrying agent pipe Al,, 2 . R value of pipe insulation F. Service Water Heating 1. Performance efficiency /✓1V/ 2 . Temperature control setting maximum G. For Swimming Pool Only ,, / 1 . Maximum heating ,9UA, Telephone No. 35745-9g 4,4,4 (appl cant ' signature) ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Application for a Variance: worksheet for the secretary DATE: (/lJ l . ( l ( Ct VARIANCE NUMBER: lJ�c�, • , ( s �Q . BY: - S-'K�� FOR: • RESOLVED THAT, IS (Mail GRANTED. THE BOARD IS OF THE OPINION THAT SUCH VARIANCE /27 OCk-o-v\. • „tt.t.„1„.1k.---;-• e-e I/ 7--1 om- 0 41-0 c(L Letay ckfr-tA-- � -� VOTE: Turner Vito Sicard Goetz Griffin Muller .4r29 Behr Kelley ] INTERIM BUILDING PERMIT FILE t% PY PERMIT. APPLICANT 101iir CONSTRUCTION LOCATION 1 .espe( f'�G EFFECTIVE DATE o� APPROVED BY /_11,i5 SPECIAL CONDITIONS : aS ,71--e(4/ 1 This will certify that all submittals for a Building Permit have been received and fee has been paid . During the processing of the Permit , the above named may begin construction per plans submitted . It is the responsibility of the applicantto obtain the Permit from the. Building Department, following processing . POST THIS INTERIM PERMIT IN A CO SPI OU OCATION ! ! Buil ing & Codes Department TOWN OF QUEENSBURY TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804- TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR'S REPORT REQUEST OR INSPECTION RECEIVED /449 p/y NAME A /l/w/.tt/a,1f/ 6// 7 / / l . .. f J LOCATION 1( j-:t�-.'/ .4L9/'/(,h//71471- ��/1- �'y DATE // s-2 yq ! PERMIT # %) �l/J.7 / 1 I APPROVED 1 1 YES NO FOOTING/PIERS t if MONOLITHIC POUR 4ORMS 1 FOUNDATION/DAMPROOFING BACKFILL APPROVA , / ROUGH PLUMBING .1 FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-4N INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS t CEILING 'I /I, , r. / VINAL INSPECTION: 1 -C. /L14'" CHIMNEY HEIGHT Aktgg/X ROOFING 1y SIDING t EXTERNAL PORCHES/STEPS STAIRS-CLEARANCE & RAILS PLUMBING FIXTURES/ `ELIEF VALVE L...//i, INTERIOR TRIM/PRI ACY DOORS ':/ FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROOF NG C DOOR CLOSER(S) V, SMOKE DETECTORS % FINAL ELECTRICAL .NSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL 0 CONSTRUCTION V rV A SIGNED CERTIFCATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM TAB BUILDINGp DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES RE OCCUPIEED! REMARKS:_ /2 C0/ , ,b`/ /l/,‘, 4,c-P 3),,S;n.‘ A o( �tJ y)/ S e _Otec r. /A-` 5" " _,40.,,,A,3)5 c,� r/�r«s 1���s / )-.. ,, y INSPECTOR • • ', .MIDDLE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION AGENCY, INC.- Electrical-Building-Plumbing-Fire Inspections ' - Labe: '/`�oiA_ guefl . ._. Date �_ �Mil �.' ' jit I atik 11611111.1 - /, 3 �;� '3 I ,ector .1iIMAT �. IF__ T -- constitutes certification that the `:'! '` above installation, but not the equip- - ment itself, has been visually inspected • - ' ' as of this date pursuant to the applic- W able codes. If additional equipment . .' '"} _ should be introduced or alterations made to the existing system or stuc- - ;rs ture, application for inspection should -- ' ',74 be submitted promptly to this Agency. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804. TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR'S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME 41 ,/ (-1 0- e LOCATION Q7` /7 OG,�G �,S)/ G`6C DATE /0 -//ey PERMIT # e_ 1 5 7 APPROVED 22120(S o (71r " 7: YES NO FOOTING/PIERS f MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS ,'' FOUNDATION/DAMP-PROOFING / BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBIN4� I* FRAMING ' / ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN / INSULATION: \' ✓/ FOUNDATION FLOORS / WALLS \ ,II //CEILINGV I/!'INAL INSPECTION:, f _ CHIMNEY HEIGHT i ROOFING / SIDING I / ,.AXTERNAL PORCHES/ TEPS �/ /ITAIRS-CLEARANCE& RAIL PLUMBING FIXTUR S/RELIEF\VALVE / INTERIOR TRIM/P IVACY DOORc VI cINISHED FLOOR GARAGE FIREPR FING DOOR CLOSER( ) SMOKE DETECT RS \ YINAL ELECTRI AL INSPECTION \ FINAL APPROVA OF CONSTRUCTION \ A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS: INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804- TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR'S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME LOCATION4,M,..Z.L.4,,c7 - G'( 0 i/i/ DATE 7 -j/ - f PERMIT # 4- 7,, / RO •C100/5 77 �/ ,„, ,I.6 Yc.,,,.A i 'YESN APPROVED FOOTING/P ERS • MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS • FOUNDATION/DAMP-PROOFING BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH1\IN ' INSULATION: FOUNDATION • FLOORS \ / WALLS O M1s. CEILING '�, ,'' GPINAL INSPECTION: r • CHIMNEY HEIGHT • ROOFING SIDING r" \ EXTERNAL PORCHES/STEPS \ l� STAIRS-CLEARANCE/& RAILS s'% L/ PLUMBING FIXTURES/RELIEF VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/PRIVACY DOORS``, FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROOFING DOOR CLOSER(S)1 SMOKE DETECTORS FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION FINAL 'APPROVAL/OF CONSTRUCTION ' • A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROMITHE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED!' REMARKS: //kn si( S_/ pis Atdl is 3 O � 1/tc.v( .'gig/ INSPECTOR V TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 1280i TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR'S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED 3/A7 NAME /Y//.C,S /// /�/� LOCATION godloi& R DATE 3/(T PERMIT # g8` )/7 APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATION/DAMP-PROOFING ACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS +" WALLS • CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: / CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING P•; SIDING a 'c EXTERNAL PORCHES/STEPS STAIRS-CLEARANCE &TRAILS `�• PLUMBING FIXTURESJ$RELIEF VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/PRIVACY DOORS \ FINISHED FLOORS t ., GARAGE FIREPROOFkNG DOOR CLOSER(S) SMOKE DETECTORS1 FINAL ELECTRICALfINSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THkBUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE - THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS: INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT ' ` BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804-- TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR'S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED l/gyp NAME Ae7 41... S0eA/ LOCATION !'O C f7�lr8 yL C DATE PERMIT # APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PIERS �p r&L MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATION/DAMP-PROOFING BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN INSULATION: ; y' FOUNDATION \ FLOORS i WALLS \ " CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING i r SIDING �1 EXTERNAL PORCHES/STE ?S STAIRS-CLEARANCE & RAILS PLUMBING FIXTURES/RELIEF VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/PRIVACY DOORS FINISHED FLOORS I 1� GARAGE FIREPROOFING DOOR CLOSER(S) SMOKE DETECTORSf FINAL ELECTRICAL/INSPECTION] FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM 'THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES�ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS: INSPECTOR