scan001 a JIL kku _� I -AIL J R D S 0 AIL .JAL -.,LN D IN G 7 7 -13 D V -,,L S -,,L 0 A- A S A _J DRA WING LIST SURVEYS : PLANNING BOARD APPROVAL S2 S UBDIVISION PLAN t 1 �r APPROVED UNDER AUTHORITY OF A RESOLUTION ' � k x} ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 15 2020 BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE ENGINEERING PLANS TOWN OF QUEENSBURYf NEW YORK. � 4 r >•` ... .3 t { S3 SUBDIVISION LOT LAYOUT PLAN S4 - WASTEWATER DETAIL SHEET DATE SIGNED S5 STORMWATER DETAIL SHEET z ` r E{�,Y, SITE coc47ronr LOCATION MAP FINAL SUBDIVISON APPROVAL PRELIM. SUBDIVISON APPROVAL 74wB yRoad,QuQueensbury ® Community Development Office 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Town of Queensbury Plannin Board floom Road Qu ury 8 7. The applicant must maintain on their protect site,for review by staff: Town of Queensbury a) The approved final that have been stamped by the Town Zoning Administrator. These plans must RESOLUTION-AWroye Community Development Office Subdivision Final Stage 12-2020 CLEAR BROOK LLC include the project SWPPP(Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan)when such a plan was prepared 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 and approved;and Town ^, l���F ® � Tax Map ID:316.14-]6/Property Address:Big Boom Road/Zoning:�iIR b) The project NOI and proof of coverage under the current NYSDEC SPDES General Permit,or Em �s 11 tl 9 Warren nty A subdivision application has been made to the Queensbury Plannin Board for the following:Applicant individual SPDES permit issued for the project apP Q mJ' g nS� PP Town of Queensbury Planning Board proposes to complete the Clear Brook 12 lot subdivision with a two Iot subdivision of 83.62 acre lot into Lot g, Final approved plans, in compliance with the Subdivision, must be submitted to the Community 13 to York Stateto include acre for residential home and Lot 14 t1 be sso acres it remain undeveloped at this time. Site Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes work to include connection to Town water for Lot 13.Associated site work includes clearing for driveway, RESOLUTION-Approve /y@ personnel Subdivision Preliminary Stage 7-2020 CLEAR BROOK,LLC home and septic. Pursuant to Chapter 183 of the Zoning Ordinance,subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. 9. The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the Subdivision Tax Map 1D:316.14-i-6!Property Address:Big Boom Road/Zoning:WR Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter A-183,the Planning Board beginning of any site work. A subdivision application has been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the following: Applicant has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; 10.Subsequent issuance of further permits,including building permits is dependent on compliance with this proposes to complete the Clear Brook 12 lot subdivision with a two lot subdivision of 83.62 acre lot into This application is supported with all documentation,public comment,and application material in the file of and all other conditions of this resolution; 78.6 acres and 5.02 acres for two residential homes. Site work to include connection to Town water for Lot 13 and a well for Lot I4. Associated site work includes clearing for driveway,home and septic. Pursuant to record, 11.As-built plans to certify that the subdivision is developed according to the approved pleas to be provided ' Chapter 183 of the Zoning Ordinance,subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review and MOTION TO APPROVE SUBDIVISION FINAL STAGE 12-2020 CLEAR BROOK LLC. Briar to issuance of the certificate of occupancy; approval. Introduced by David Deeb who moved its adoption. m Motion seconded by Brad Magowart. Duly adopted this 15 day of September 2020 by the following vote: Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter A-183,the Planning Board I. The requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the Platming AYES: Mr.Deeb,Ms.White,Mr.Shafer,Mr.Hunsinger,Mr.Magowan Mr.Valentine,Mr.Traver has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; Board has adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration; and if the application is a modification, the requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered,and the proposed NOES: NONE do not result in any new or significantly different environmental impacts,and,therefore, The requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the Planning modification[s]Board has adopted a SEQRA Negglive Declaration no£wkher SEQRA review is necessary; A public hearing was scheduled and held on 06/16/2020; 2. Waiver requests rg anted: no waivers were requested. This application is supported with ail documentation,public comment,and application material in the file of P18Lnning Board 3. The approval is valid for one(1)year from the date of approval. You are responsible for requesting an record; extension of approval before the one(1)year time frame has expired if you have not yet applied for a Final[ building permit commenced significant site work. MOTION TO APPROVE SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY STAGE 7-2020 CLEAR BROOK I LC. Subdivision , 4. The limits of clearing will constitute a no-cut buffer zone,orange construction fencing shall be installed Introduced by David Deeb who moved Its adoption. around these areas and field verified by Community Development staff With the condition that lot 14 will not be developed at this time and lot 13 to be a residential lot. 6. The applicant must submit a copy of the following to the Town:J J�y 13 , 2020 5. Engineering sign-off required prior to signature of Planning Board Chairman. Motion seconded by Brad Magowan. Duly adopted this 1611 day of June,2020 by the following vote: a) The project NOI(Notice of Intent)for coverage under the current NYSDEC SPDES General Permit Paso z of2 AYES: Ms.White,Mr.Shafer,Mr,Hunsinger,Mr.Magowan,Mr.Dixon,Mr.Deeb,Mr.Traver NOES: NONE or for coverage under an individual SPDES prior to the start of any site work. b) The project NOT(Notice of Termination)upon completion of the project;and ABSENT: Mr.Valentine Page 1 of 2 Phone: 518.761.82211 I Fax 518.745.44371742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 128441 www.queensbury.net _ � Board Phone:518.76i.82201 FaY:5 f 8.745.44371742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 128041 www.queensbury.nat Planni Phone: 518.761.8220!Fax 518.745.4437 1 742 Hay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 j www.quecnsbury.net Prelim-inary Subdivision : 2020527519 Instr#2020-3000076 12/01/2020 09:48:02 AM 1 Pages December 16 , 2019 MAP Pamela J.Vogel,Warren CoClerk FILED S — Subdivision Plans Phase 2 for Clea.1- Brue--% ok , LLB NEt•�r O�Y l`TER APPLICANT � CLEAR BROOK, LLC S : �; `Y �Y ,r,� �� P r� Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York ® FSafely. 7 DANIELS AVENUE �,THIS SET OF flRAWINGS IS ISSUED FOR THE SUBDIVISION APPROVAL; I z `F St , `�� T N�:w ANY®rk FOUR BEDROOM RESIDENCES, LOCATIONS AND ASSOCIATED GRADING ADAMS ILIA 01220 � �`� �p�`'�` � `a` M Carl Before You Dig SHOWN ON EACH LOT ARE REPRESENTATIVE OF TYPICAL M Wait The Required Time 9 pS 3' `""- ®Confirm utility Response CONSTRUCTION AND MAY NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL FINAL BUILDING ®Respect The Marks GEOMETRY. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL S f%�� S e V e S Hutchins Engineering ®Dig With car® HOMEOWNER/BUILDER TO OBTAIN THE NECESSARY APPROVALS AND T Cr u�, e ® r S 169 Haviland Road 8Q®-9fi2®7962 L iJ y Queensbury, NY 12804 wwrwr.digsafelynewryork.com PERMITS FOR THEIR RESPECTIVE DESIGNS. 169 Haviland Road Queensbury, New York 12804 (518) 745-0307 Phone (518) 792-8474 New York Lie. No. 50135 (518)745-0308 Fax