Minutes 8.18.21(Queensbury ZBA Meeting 08/18/2021) 1 AREA VARIANCE NO. 54-2021 SEQRA TYPE TYPE II LESTER H. CHASE III AGENT(S) MEYER, FULLER & STOCKWELL ZONING SPLIT (RR-5A & LC-10A) LOCATION 3219 STATE ROUTE 9L APPLICANT PROPOSES TO CONSTRUCT A 1,650 SQ. FT. DETACHED GARAGE AS A REPLACEMENT GARAGE OF 1,596 SQ. FT. THE SITE HAS AN EXISTING 1,582 SQ. FT. HOME WITH A 378 SQ. FT. SHED (NO CHANGES). SITE PLAN FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION WITHIN 50 FT. OF 15% SLOPES. RELIEF REQUESTED FOR SETBACKS, SIZE OF GARAGE, AND NUMBER OF GARAGES. CROSS REF SP 49-2021; PZ 130-2016 WARREN COUNTY PLANNING AUGUST 2021 ADIRONDACK PARK AGENCY ALD LOT SIZE 2.08 ACRES TAX MAP NO. 239.19-1-17 SECTION 179-5-020; 179-3-040 MR. MC CABE-So, John, could I have a motion with respect to that. The Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Queensbury has received an application from Lester H. Chase III. Applicant proposes to construct a 1,650 sq. ft. detached garage as a replacement garage of 1,596 sq. ft. The site has an existing 1,582 sq. ft. home with a 378 sq. ft. shed (no changes). Site plan for new construction within 50 ft. of 15% slopes. Relief requested for setbacks, size of garage, and number of garages. MOTION TO TABLE AREA VARIANCE NO. 54-2021 LESTER H. CHASE, III, Introduced by John Henkel who moved for its adoption, seconded by Michael McCabe: Tabled to the September 22nd, 2021 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting. Duly adopted this 18th day of August, 2021, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Underwood, Mr. McDevitt, Mr. Kuhl, Mrs. Hamlin, Mr. Henkel, Mr. Urrico, Mr. McCabe NOES: NONE MR. HENKEL-Any new information to be submitted by the 15th of September, or August. MRS. MOORE-They’re in the middle of getting that information together. So they have time working with me, and just to be aware that because there’s an additional request it’ll be re-advertised. So I know there’s a public hearing this evening, but it will be re-advertised. MR. MC CABE-So I was going to open the public hearing. Shall I do that? MRS. MOORE-In case someone’s here to speak. MR. MC CABE-So at this particular time I’m going to open the public hearing for AV 54 -2021, 3219 State Route 9L. Is there anybody in the audience who would like to comment on this particular application? So seeing nobody, I’m going to leave the public hearing open. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED MRS. MOORE-Okay. So what will happen is those that are within 500 feet will get re-noticed. Because it needs additional relief and it should be part of the notice.