1986-06-30 208
JUNK 30, 1986
Mrs. Frances Walter - Supervisor
Mr. George Kurosaka - Councilman
Mr. Stephen Borgos - Councilman - °
.Mr. Ronald Montesi - Councilman
Mrs. Betty Monahan - Councilman
Mr. Wilson Mathias - Town Counsel
PRESS: WENU, Glens Falls Post Star
GUEST: Mr. Greeno
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY: Town Clerk Darleen Dougher
SUPERVISOR WALTER: Stated the purpose of this special meeting is to entertain
two resolutions regarding the retaining of an engineer for the sewer project and
retaining an architect for some architectural work this Town Board is thinking
, about doing.
RESOLUTION,NO. 174, Introduced by Mr. Stephen Borgos who moved for 'its adoption
seconded by Mr. George Kurosaka.
WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined the need to increase office and storage
space for the conduct of daily government, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board desires to retain an architect for the design of the new
office building, renovations to existing space and design of a proposed activities
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board retain the services of The Saratoga Associates
for a fee not to exceed $74,000.
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
SUPERVISOR WALTER-The Town Board had sent out letters to architects in the area
asking if they were interested in the project. They had heard from over six and
interviewed five 'and the Saratoga Associates was the architectural firm that the
Town Board wished to consider in the resolution today.
RESOLUTION NO. 175, Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for its adoption
and secon ed by Mr. Ronald Montesi.
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury received the approval of the State Comptroller �--
on May 6, 1986 for the construction of a $7,200,000. sewer district, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board is desirous of commencing the design phase of the sewer
district, and
WHEREAS, Kestner Engineers, P.C. of Troy, New York has completed planning phase
Of this district in a satisfactory manner, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to retain the engineering services of Kestner Engineers,
P.C. for the preparation of final plans and specifications for the proposed wastewater ,
collection system, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to sign an agreement with Kestner
Engineers, P.C. ' for detailed engineering services for the Quaker Road Sewer district
in an amount not to exceed $368,232.
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
y SUPERVISOR WALTER-Stated that Kestner Engineers have completed the planning phase
and the Town Board felt that they have done a very good job. There was a delay
in the approval of the sewer district it was in the State Comptrollers office
for ten month's. Kestner Engineer has done as much as they can without being compensated,
therefore we need to go for ,the final engineer services and the specifications
to go out for bid so that we can possibly began construction in the fall of this
year. Asked for an executive session relative to personnel matters and also for
land acquisition.
RESOLUTION NO. 176,Introduced by Mr. George Kurosaka who moved for its adoption
seconded by Mr. George Kurosaka:
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby moves into executive session to discuss personnel
matters and land acquisition.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Absent: None
MR. GREENO-S oke to the Town Board about the violations that he felt exists at
-� P
the West Side Auto Junk Yard. . . . Will the Town grant the license?
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Noted that the license comes from the Town Clerk.
DARLEEN DOUGHER-Town .Clerk. . .Stated that she had received their application just
Friday and turned it over to Building and Zoning who said they would be investigating
today or tomorrow. Stated that she had not given a permit this year.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-The Town Clerk does not issue a license until an inspection
is made and its ok and the Building and Zoning office notifies the Town Clerk,
and then the license is issued.
MR. GREENO -West Side Auto-Junk Yard has received permits for the past thirty-years
with non-compliance 'most of the time. Noted that they had put up a fence across
the front and some around the sides and painted but then they started putting
vehicles outside the fence and let the fence run down.
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-I am going to meet with Mr. Greeno and go around the place,
taking pictures, then report back to the Town Clerk, in addition to what the Building
Dept. does.
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Noted that a very careful look be taken before issuing a permit.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Stated that there was a lot of junk yards to be scrutinized
--°`— before permits are issued.
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Asked Mrs. Walter if it was all up to the Building and Zoning
Dept. to enforce this law?
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Referred this question to Town Counsel.
TOWN COUNSEL-Noted that the Town Board is the legislative body primarily for monitoring,
pendlties for failure to comply, the most severe is the withholding of a new license.
There is another part of the town which is monitoring it, this being the Building
and Zoning Dept.
DARLEEN DOUGHER-Town Clerk- If the Building & Zoning Dept. approves a junk yard
I do not have the right to not give the permit.
TOWN COUNSEL-That is right.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Stated that there was nothing they could do today and that Mr.
Kurosaka would report back after inspecting the junk yard tomorrow. Asked the
Town Clerk if she heard back from the Building and Zoning to please let them know.
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Addressed the press about a correction. . . at the last Town
Board Meeting the fellow who said the Building Dept. lost his C.O. , that was not
so, the C. 0. was there on file he had four violations and it was indicated that
he would not be issued a C.O. without correcting those violations. He never correct
the violations and sold the house without a C.O. r1
On Motion the meeting was adjourned.