SIGN 278-2021 Hacker Craft w Map Ref...... y 2 W hh Q U Northern Distributing K O 2 Sub dl vision Q a 4 2 2 4 Tpwn of Oueensbury 00 Z C U Dated:October 28, 198T C1 p sc U Last Revst sad:September 15, 1989 p 4..Fist-Frost Associates,P.C. p a, Z O o W Propo d Minor Subdivision R G U Lands Now or Formerly of NDC Realty LLC Dated:March 11, 2010 Last Revised:July 16,2010 \\\ By:C.T.Male Associates,P.C. \ h p Map of a purvey made for O O o NY.. Noyes Dated:November 14,2111 By:Van Dusen 6 Steves Land Surveyors x}fe Dead Reference a o John J.Carey a ° L NOD Realty,LLC y Dated:September 22, 2005 Recorded oa:Sep tembor 21,2015 Carey Road N r 8:1469 P:SS e __ —_ ; L fA c _ s IT8.54' R275.00' R50.00' S 05°41'57"E ., 8 14 Chortl2LengthE70.T1' __ _ __ __ _______ _ -- __Chord Length 35.01 1 \ \ u m T Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y Y 'I fAY�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�X< w"IY�Y�Y�YAY�Y�1 I \ CC k =�_i i i_i_i_i_ I I I \ a ^Y^Y^Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�1 - r_._._1_i_i_i_._�_ � Il�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y 1I. (�Y_Y_Y^YIY�Y�Y�l Y^Y^Y^Y^Yl1�Y� S \ o Y Y Y Y Y Y YYYYYYYYY -- 211111 .y °°""` lYYYYYY I dJ> yv, Mill, !^ —— ———————— — — Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y�Y—Y�Y�y - 749.60' N 09-14'09"W P a ;> u F ^ Z Legend Zoned(CLI)Commercial-light Industrial IRF=Iron Rod Found 1W' CIRF=Capped Iron Rod Found T CB=Catch Basin 7VnL CAiV=Cable TV VVI 1 R A,Re..eiv.�9v"qn oVSFN,_111 lYe-MAIL. 21 - ie rVw r Cs ar rn�thoc�31rze oRe�­Y N _ ^_N�MEnr�cF Rf_O�. Oab Baplrlar 4 e01a __ _ Beets fM0 11M s w _r G �, - - -..ec�o rive rvorcrry aMexienn 9lEET 7 OF 1