AST-0154-2021 Office Use Only ACCESSORY STRUCTURE Permit#: #V%- DL�-A- PA21 Tram of Queet� PERMIT APPLICATION Permit Fee: 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Invoice#: �5) P: 518-761-8256 www.ciueensbury.net Flood Zone? Y N Reviewed By: Project Location: f Us Q J �r`WYe AYQ- QN tA.r, \kV N t Tax Map ID M Sa3100 1. 9 0 _a_2q Subdivision Name: c e f v le PROJECT INFORMATION: MAR 2 S 2o2l D TYPE: ® Residential ElCommercial, Proposed Use: TOWN BUILDIA,,Gj�ENBBURY & CODES STRUCTURE: ❑ Boathouse (with or w/o sundeck) ❑ Canopy ❑ Carport ❑ Cell Tower Ig Deck ❑ Detached Garage (>300 s.f.) ❑ Dock ❑ Gazebo ❑ Pavilion ❑ Pole Barn ❑ Porch ❑ Ramp ❑ Shed (<300 s.f.) ❑ Solar Panels (w/o rafter upgrades) ❑ 3-Season Porch ❑ Other: SQUARE FOOTAGE OF STRUCTURE: 1st floor: j C( grid floor: -- Total square feet: Brief description of scope of project: I x l6 00k I tk.e-4, b4 bt�K �f h©vJe, Y Accessory Structure Application Revised January 2021 ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: 1. Estimated Cost of Construction: $ 11S I M 2. Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? OYES L JNO Explain: 3. Are there any easements on the property? ❑ YES 5ZNO DECLARATION: 1. I acknowledge that no construction shall be commenced prior to the issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period. Any changes to the approved plans prior to/during construction will require the submittal of amended plans,additional reviews and re-approval. 2. If,for any reason,the building permit application is withdrawn, 30%of the fee is retained by the Town of Queensbury.After 1 year from the initial application date, 100%of the fee is retained. 3. Ifthework is not completed by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approval. 4. 1 certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are atrue and a complete statement and/or description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. 5. 1 acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed I, or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 6. 1 also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: u✓kAA0-I Jt, r�,l� SIGNATURE: A DATE: m4ll�\ Accessory Structure Application Revised January 2021 v CONTACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL • Applicant: Name(s): j)Av� ski I Mailing Address, C/S/Z: $ Lkj fj+ t, k i v-t av,,kQ vt.dv\ry, NY 1,>t04 Cell Phone:S)d_ 1b��3 14d Land Line: Nj(A Email: ks. lj Primary Owner(s): Name(s): �kKs yr: ] I (Yle��ate�C0.vQLn�Cr Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: Land Line:N/A Email: ❑ Check if all work will be performed by property owner only • Contractor(s): (List all additional contractors on the back of this form) Contractor Name(s): GkIkyj�jty Cb1�,t�Yy.J t�On �LC(Rj�K 04ki Contractor Trade: CereVkl (arn.*kKC+br Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 11 171 S Kcutt 1q9 Foy' p5r\h1 NY I),J%a7 Cell Phone: 7yW —A,JS Land Line: O _A4LI Email: TtJ \ht,2,41Jvl}�@Nv\�� ,Carn "Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application" • Arch itect(s)/Engineer(s7: Business Name: N)A Contact Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: Land Line: Email: Contact Person for any questions regarding this project: Cell Phone: Land Line: N)(a, Email: Accessory Structure Application Revised January 2021 !@=5 b }( � u}®» "_ ƒ e 3ui z b A°7� 2t \ E b\\(W) ®� / / -2 0 / oz $ % - z c % 4 2 •s a / i W- R } � O � � § ` \ AIM @a2�� ) ; g . v ® a « , wy ^ }2 ) � � - � IL e � � „ co —— � '/ _ / �q)} a&!�r 42 I o� ' r N G "S \ N4 t CO C�6 o ' �Q c• p ------------------------------------------------------- 3sd 99 OVOU SAI'I 3Sd OT QEZO'I QKSQ 3Sd 99 4K0'I 'IKSOZ ----------------------------------- 3Sd 006 3Sd OOb JNIdTdSH 3Sd TTb AZI'IIHKZS MX SZSOd 3Sd 99 3Sd T6Z NOISSSIddHOD 3Sd 69 EVSHS 3Sd 99 SNIQN3H 3Sd 66 NOISOS`I3SQ W'IOTXZ-Z SWK38 3Sd LOT 3Sd 96T NOIS MIdN00 3Sd STT 2IK3HS 3Sd 61T SNIQNSH „9T 3Sd LOT NOIZOS733O 8XZ S,TSIOP ------------------------------------------------------- QKO'I QKO'I WIDV3 SZIS SdAS SZISOdWOO 11013K3 SSSdIS Idaew3W ------------------------------------------------------- # NKWSSIKS TdZ ' 99T£ZTTZ :33Z1 £ZTTZXD3O :NSISSQ TZ/SO/SO :3,LK4 USSHM'IIKH ?IDIU :dSWO,LSfIO T 'ISAS'I LIO3 SISA'IKNK SS3dJS '�`J A �s qq� I �xl h{ Zxe ),o , b ;49,o d h y h 1=91 DIGITAL 2020 Residential Code of New York INIM 1 CODES Slate Ban First Printing:Nov 2019 SECTION R507 EXTERIOR DECKS R507.9.1 Vertical supports. Vertical loads shall be transferred to band joists with ledgers in accordance with this section. R507.9.1.1 Ledger details. Deck ledgers shall be a minimum 2-inch by 8-inch (51 mm by 203 mm) nominal, pressure-preservative-treated Southern pine, incised pressure-preservative-treated hem-fir, or approved, naturally durable. No. 2 grade or better lumber. Deck ledgers shall not support concentrated loads from beams or girders. Deck ledgers shall not be supported on stone or masonry veneer. R507.9.1.2 Band joist details. Band joists supporting a ledger shall be a minimum 2-inch-nominal (51 mm), solid-sawn, spruce-pine-fir or better lumber or a minimum 1-inch by 91/2-inch (25 mm x 241 mm) dimensional, Douglas fir or better, laminated veneer lumber. Band joists shall bear fully on the primary structure capable of supporting all required loads. R507.9.1.3 Ledger to band joist details. Fasteners used In deck ledger connections in accordance with Table R507.9.1.3(1) shall be hot-dipped galvanized or stainless steel and shall be installed in accordance with Table R507.9.1.3(2) and Figures R507.9.1.3(1)and R507.9.1.3(2). TABLE R507.9.1.3(1) DECK LEDGER CONNECTION TO BAND JOIST".b(Deck live load =40 psf,deck dead load = 10 psf, snow load s 40 psf) GIST SPAN CONNECTION DETAILS 6' and 6'1"to 18'10 to 10'1"to 12'1"to 14'1"to 16"1" to less 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' On-center spacing of fasteners 1/2-inch diameter lag screw with 1/2- inch 30 23 18 15 13 11 10 maximum sheathingF•d 1/2-inch diameter bolt with 1/2-inch maximum 36 36 34 29 24 21 19 sheathings 1/2-inch diameter bolt with 1-inch maximum 36 36 29 24 21 18 16 sheathings CONNECTION DETAILSJOIST SPANS' and less6'1"to B'e'1"to IW10'1"to 12'12'1"to 14'14'r to 16'16'1"to 18'0n-center spacing of fasteners 1/2-inch diameter lag screw with /2-inch maximum sheathin¢•d 302318151311101/z-inch diameter bolt with 1/2-inch maximum sheathings 363634292421191/2-inch diameter bolt with 1-Inch maximum sheathings 36362924211816 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm, 1 pound per square foot = 0.0479 kPa. a. Ledgers shall be flashed in accordance with Section R703.4 to prevent water from contacting the house band joist. b. Snow load shall not be assumed to act concurrently with live load. c. The tip of the lag screw shall fully extend beyond the inside face of the Copyright ® ICC All Rights Reserved. Accessed by David Hatin on 05/18/2022 pursuant to License Agreement with ICC.No further reproduction or distribution authorized.Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is a violation Of the federal copyright,and subject to civil and criminal penalties thereunder. L\\ OIGlik 2020 Residential Code of New York 1111LIN CODES State man First Printing:Nov 2019 band joist. d. Sheathing shall be wood structural panel or solid sawn lumber. e. Sheathing shall be permitted to be wood structural panel, gypsum board, fiberboard, lumber or foam sheathing. Up to 1/2-inch thickness of stacked washers shall be permitted to substitute for up to 1/2 inch of allowable sheathing thickness where combined with wood structural panel or lumber sheathing. TABLE R507.9.1.3(2) PLACEMENT OF LAG SCREWS AND BOLTS IN DECK LEDGERS AND BAND JOISTS MINIMUM END AND EDGE DISTANCES AND SPACING BETWEEN ROWS TOP EDGE BOTTOM EDGE JENDS IROW SPACING Ledgers 12 inchestl 3/4 inch 12 inches" 15/8 inches" Band Joists 3/4 inch 12 inches 12 inches" 15/8 inches" MINIMUM END AND EDGE DISTANCES AND SPACING BETWEEN ROWSTOP EDGEBOTTOM EDGEENDSROW SPACINGLedgera2 inchestl3/4 inch2 inche5"15/a InchesbBand Joistc3/4 inch2 Inches2 inchesb11/8 inchesb For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm. a. Lag screws or bolts shall be staggered from the top to the bottom along the horizontal run of the deck ledger in accordance with Figure R507.9.1.3(1). b. Maximum 5 inches. c. For engineered rim joists, the manufacturer's recommendations shall govern. d. The minimum distance from bottom row of lag screws or bolts to the top edge of the ledger shall be in accordance with Figure R507.9.1.3(1). s STAGGER FASTENERS H 3 IN 2 ROWS 0 O 0 S.Y MIN.FOR Z X a' 'DISTANCE SHALL BE PERAN"ED TO 5.A 65'MIN FOR 2X 10 BE REDUCED TO 4.S IF LAG SCREWS Y MIN.FOR 2 X 12 ARE USED OR BOLT SPACING IS �O O O O REDUCED TO THAT OF LAGSCREws TOATIACH 2 X B LEDGERS TO 2 X 8 2-MIN. ' /I BAND JOISTS LEDGER) LAG SCREW OR BOLT Yt'AfiN. For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm. FIGURE R507.9.1.3(1) PLACEMENT OF LAG SCREWS AND BOLTS IN LEDGERS Copyright m ICCAII Rights Reserved. Accessed by David Hatin on 0511812021 pursuant to License Agreement with ICC. No further reproduction or distribution authorized.Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is a violation of the federal copyright, and subject to civil and criminal penalties thereunder. IMMM, DIGITAL 2020 Residential Code of New York al\` CODES State man First Printing:Nov 2019 SECTION R507 EXTERIOR DECKS HOLI}p01vt OR LRXIAA TSHsnH oEvlce iLOOn SHERTHXVG NALLINGAT� fi•Wl[IaUA1dH CEHfEa TD JpSt WITH HOfn.00WN 4 F nooa�X,J �XnIST For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm. FIGURE R507.9.2(1) DECK ATTACHMENT FOR LATERAL LOADS Copyright ® ICC All Rights Reserved. Accessed by David Hatin on 05MI2021 pursuant to License Agreement with ICC.No further reproduction or distribution authorized.Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is a violation of the federal copyright and subject to civil and criminal penalties thereunder. A\\ DIGITAL 2020 Residential Code of New York . : CODES State First Printing:Nov 2019 SECTION R507 EXTERIOR DECKS t STAGGER FASTENERS N$ Ml2ROWS 0 0 ® 5 T MIN.FOR 2 X 8' 'DISTANCE SHALL BE PERMITTED TO 5• 8.5'MIN.FOR 2 X 10 BE REDUCED T04s'a LAGSCRW ES 0 O ® ® 75'MIN.FOR 2 X t2 ARE USED OR BOLT SPACING IS REDUCED TO THAT OF LAG SCREWS TO ATTACH 2 X a LEOGEFES TO 2 X 8 2'Mt.. BAND JOISTS FDMR LAG SCREW OR BOLT We MIN. For SI:1 inch=25.4 mm. FIGURE R507.9.1.3(1) PLACEMENT OF LAG SCREWS AND BOLTS IN LEDGERS Copyright 0 ICC All Rights Reserved. Accessed by David Hatin on 0511WO21 pursuant to License Agreement with ICC.No further reproduction or distribution authorized.Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is a violation of the federal copyright and subject to civil and criminal penalties thereunder. k=00 DIGITAL 2020 Residential Code of New York Rom` CODES State maul First Printing:Nov 2019 EXTERIOR SHEATHING EXISTING STUD WALL EXISTING L BAND JOIST OR ENGINEERED RIM 90ARD W. "ST DECK JOIST 1 LAG SCREWS OR BOLTS 0FLOOR FRAMINGaonoJOIST HANGER 0EXISTIN cFOUNDA For SI:1 Inch=25.4 mm. FIGURE R507.9.1.3(2) PLACEMENT OF LAG SCREWS AND BOLTS IN BAND JOISTS R507.9.1.4 Alternate ledger details. Alternate framing configurations supporting a ledger constructed to meet the load requirements olSection R301.5 shall be permitted. Copyright ® ICC All Rights Reserved. Accessed by David Hatin on 05/18/2021 pursuant to License Agreement with ICC.No further reproduction or distribution authorized.Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is a violation of the federal copyright,and subject to civil and criminal penalties thereunder. I& DIGITAL 2020 Residential Code of New York .RILIN1 CODES State First Printing:Nov 2019 SECTION R507 EXTERIOR DECKS MINIMUM — MINIMUM 2; — SINGLE PLY BEAM MULTIPLE.PLY BEAM \ (2)1r 01AMETER THROUGH-BOLTS OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT \ CONNECTOR POST NOTCH FOR FULL-BEAM BEARING a 214'MIN. BEAM SPLICE x7 1 1 1 For 51:1 inch =25.4 mm. FIGURE R507.5.1(2) NOTCHED POST-TO-BEAM CONNECTION Copyright ® ICC All Rights Reserved. Accessed by David Hatin on 05/18/2021 pursuant to License Agreement with ICC.No further reproduction or distribution authorized.Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is a violation of the federal copyright,and subject to civil and criminal penalties thereunder. 1=0 DIGHAL 2020 Residential Code of New York ' CODES State ns First Printing:Nov 2019 SECTION R507 EXTERIOR DECKS 5..MINIMUM FOR BEAM SPLICES BEMI SPLICE (IF REQUIRED) (IF REQU;RED1 MAST OCCUR OVER POST I APFFLoYEO POST CAP BEAM OVER POST CAP BEAM OVER POST For SI:1 Inch==25.4 mm. FIGURE R507.5.1(1) DECK BEAM TO DECK POST Copyright 0 ICC All Rights Reserved. Accessed by David Hatin on 05/1812021 pursuant to License Agreement with ICC.No further reproduction or distribution authorized.Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is a violation of the federal copyright,and subject to civil and criminal penalties thereunder. 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