1984-09-05 /C¡J QUEENSBUR Y PLANNING BOARD Wednesday, September 5, 1984 Present: K. Sorlin, Acting Chairman H. Mann S. Levandowski J. Dybas V. Macri Absent: R. Roberts R.Noll ..,J The Minutes of the July meeting were approved as written. SUBDIVISIONS: Country Club Manor - Dan Valente Mr. Valente is building his own home on 4 acre lot. He wanted to put a pond on his lot and while walking the property with Marilyn Cassidy (Soil Conservation) they noticed a culvert 300 feet up from original culvert in road. The problem is that newly approved subdivision (Old Orchard) drains into Mr. Valente's backyard. This culvert had not been detected by any of the engineers - it is covered with brush and was probably there when the old railroad was there. Mr. Valente said the problem is (1) he can't put in a pond and (2) he has a flooded backyard. They have an appointment with Roger Gebo (County) to see if it can be rectified. Mr. Valente wanted to make the Planning Board aware of the problem and would like it resolved before winter sets in. He believes there is a solution and requested someone from the Town to be at meeting with Mr. Gebo. Mr. Sorlin said they would take it under advisement and look into the situation. Mr. Valente said it will have to be ditched all the way to the road, blocking it is not the answer. The culvert is under the bikeway on County land. OLD BUSINESS: Site Plan Review #14 - 84 Queensbury Factory Outlet Robert Stewart, Esq., Victoria Birnbaum, owner. Public hearing held open from previous meeting. Application had been tabled until specific questions of traffic, parking and beautification could be addressed. Warren County Planning Board has recommended disapproval so it will be necessary to have a majority plus one vote for approval. Mr. Stewart presented a traffic study report prepared by a traffic expert from New Jersey. The southerly entrance by the old Sears store will be closed off. The main entrance will be curbed back to widen the opening with two lanes going in and out with a divider. To alleviate stacking on the main highway there will be a stacking lane inside the entrance. There was lengthy discussion of the traffic problems. Applicant has contacted DOT, however, they feel it is an internal problem. Mr. Stewart said if the State will authorize a traffic light in that area they will pay their share of the cost for the traffic light. Grand Union has made the same offer. Mr. Sorlin noted that traffic is a common problem with every developer on Route 9. They discussed signage to direct people out back way to Lafayette Street where there is already a signal. With regard to drainage, Mr. Stewart said the whole area has been paved for many years, water ducts carryall water down into ground and connects into pre-existing subterranean water disposal surface. Mr. Rosen, consulting engineer for project, said system is designed to handle five year storms, etc. Mrs. Mann questioned the necessity for more septic systems. Mrs. Birnbaum said present system has more than enough capacity, in addition they must have Health Dept. approval. ',-" ¡CfG¡ Page Two September 5, 1984 Mr. Sorlin read letter from Bob Eddy (Beautification Committee). Mr. Eddy said that they were informed that a nurseryman (Harry Troelstra) had been engaged to remove subsoil from islands and replace with good topsoil before new plants are installed. To insure completion of work the committee recommends that a bond be posted in the amount of $5,000. Mr. Stewart said that would be no problem. Mrs. Birnbaum said they were hoping to have the work completed this fall. Mr. Sorlin asked for a motion. Mr. Macri said he would abstain because of conflict of interest. Mr. Dybas offered motion for approval, seconded by Mrs Levandowski. All in favor with the exception of Mr. Macri who abstained. RESOLVED: Site Plan #14-84 be approved with the stipulation that their traffic plan is also approved by the County Planning Board and that the Beautification Committee's recommendations including a $5,000. bond be included. The applicant has satisfied this Board's questions on the parking, run-off and building spacing. We also feel the applicant has demonstrated a professional approach to the traffic problem. NEW BUSINESS: Site Plan Review #16-84 Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers To construct a Wendy's restaurant in Plaza Commercial 1 Acre Zone on the property situated at Upper Glen Street (former Carswell parking lot). Mr. Henry Sherowski, owner & developer. Applicant looking for approval for use. One of the issues raised by Zoning Board was moving a couple spaces in the front to preclude the problem of people trying to back out too close to the street, blocking traffic and the distance between their property line and existing Carswell building. Mr. Sherow ski submitted a revised proposal that involves the purchase of a section of the Woodbury property next door permitting them to gain additional space around the building and move the parking spaces from the front and giving an additional 20 feet between their line and the abandoned Carswell building. Mr. Sherowski said that the area in back set aside for septic is not large enough so he will be trying to acquire additional property in the back to satisfy the Health Dept. Warren County Planning Board and Beautification committee recommend approval. Motion for approval offered by Mr. Macri, seconded by Mr. Dybas. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLVED: Recommend approval of Site Plan #16-84, properly prepared and presented and makes sense for the area. Site will be curbed and traffic flow looks excellent. Site Plan Review #17-84 Joseph Gavita/Frederick Howard (Northway Floors) To place addition for carpet storage to existing retail flooring business in Highway Commercial 15 Zone on the property situated at 85 Quaker Road. Mr. Robert Stewart, Esq. Mr. Stewart explained that carpet is bulky, small expansion on rear of building to store carpet. Mr. Sorlin said it was approved by the Zoning Board as area variance and approved by the Warren County Plannning Board. Mr. Bob Rudolph, representing Mallinkrodt, questioned the type of construction. Mr. Sorlin stated that we do not have architectural review in this Town. Mr. Stewart said he would contact the designer, Paul Cushing Associates, and get back to Mr. Rudolph. Mr. Rudolph said the rear portion of the building was unsightly from their view. Mr. Dybas offered motion for approval, seconded by Mr. Macri. Motion carried unanimously. ;(OÒ Page Three September 5, 1984 RESOLVED: Planning Board recommend approval of Site Plan Review #17-84 based on the following: 1. Appears to have no detrimental effect on '--, traffic. 2. Ample parking. 3. Reasonable expansion of a conforming use. Site Plan Review #18-84 Mrs. Marion Cannistraro To operate a business and occupy a two bedroom apartment in an existing building in Highway Commercial 15 Zone on the property situated at the east side of Route 9 north of Route 149 (former Craft Shop). Mr. Canistraro present. Mr. Canistraro said this building has two bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen. They assumed they could make a house out of it now they have learned that it is zoned commercial. The owner who sold them the property also put in contract of sale that they would make a residence and a small business. Mr. Canistraro does not know what type of business his wife intends to operate. They will fix it up, partition it off and have a little store. Mr. Sorlin said that Mr. Canistraro should identify the type of business, the home should be incidental to the business. Mr. Sorlin explained that the business must be in operation within one year or Site Plan would be void. Mr. Fred Hathaway, owner of adjacent property, has a problem with the parking. People patronizing the businesses along that strip presently park on State owned land. There is about 10 feet of space for private parking in front of Mr. Canistraro's property. Mr. Hathaway said they have never stopped people from parking along strip because they are in business. Mr. Hathaway said Mrs. Canistraro had complained about people parking on state property in front of Mr. Canistraro's property. Mr. Sorlin said they could control the parking on their own property but the State property is "up for grabs". Mrs. Hathaway stated that Mrs. Canistraro had told her she would have to blockade the parking area so that Hathaway's customers could not park in front of their place. Mr. Macri offered a resolution to table this application, seconded by Mrs. Mann. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLVED: Site Plan #18-84 tabled until Board is presented with a Site Plan which addresses the parking situation and receipt of legal advice regarding approval of Site Plans when business has not been named. Site Plan Review #19-84 William and Victoria Rivett, Fox Farm Road To construct a single family dwelling in an Urban Residential 5 Zone on the property situated at Fox Farm Road off Aviation Road. Mr. and Mrs. Rivett present. Mr. Sorlin said this is one of the areas where one side of the street is SR-30 and other side is UR-5. Mrs. Levandowski offered motion for approval, seconded by Mr. Dybas. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLVED: Planning Board recommend approval of Site Plan #19-84 It will not be detrimental, will be in harmony with adjacent property and meets all the requirements of Site Plan Review, Article 5. '- J {]/ Page Four September 5, 1984 Discussion with Homer Avenue residents. Residents peti tioned to re-zone Homer Avenue. Town Board has the authority to re-zone but asked the Planning Board for recommendation. The Planning Board reviewed the request and recommended to the Town Board that they did not think it proper or necessary to re-zone Homer Avenue. The Town Board accepted recommendation and refused to re-zone. Residents stated that they realize now that the application they submitted was not very specific. Mrs. Mann explained why they are in a Light Industrial zone. They are bounded on the north by Quaker Road and a commercial zone. The commercial zone goes across the northern boundary. Down the east and west of their street and both ends is an industry/commercial combination. Behind is a large industrial park. This small residential portion of the street is surrounded by commercial and industrial. As planners they are obligated to look at the way the area can go. To zone it residential would be spot zoning and that would not be legal. Residents have complaints against specific businesses. Granger's business has been operating from 6 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. using compressors so that you can't watch television or listen to radio. In summertime you cannot leave windows open because he burns tar, sand, dirt and dust. They do welding outside. Mr. Dean said that EnCon and Fire Marshal Bodenweiser had been down at Granger's. Mr. Sorlin said that if Light Industrial use is being violated it would be a matter for the Town Board. Planning Board members suggested that they take their concerns about Granger back to Town Board. ~ø~· RIchard Roberts, ChaIrman '-