95-689 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Date 13 vecem e . 95 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Ho..9 5�89 ;_ has been completed. This structure may be used as a S-EPTIC ALTERATION Location AVIATION RD. ; Owner SARSUKOFF IVAN & JANE By Order of Town Board TAX MAP NO. 82 . -5-19 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Director of Building & Code Enforcemen.t BUILDING PERMIT VALUE $ 0 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 95689 TAX MAP NO. 82 . -5-19 No. WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK BARSUKOFF, IVAN & JANE PERMISSION is hereby granted to AVIATION RD. OWNER of property located at Street, Road or Ave. SEPTIC ALTERATION in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1. OWNER'S Address is ROCK CITY RD. HUDSON FALLS, NY 12839 2. CONTRACTOR or BUI LDER'S Name VOGEL, PAUL 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address 4. ARCHITECT'S Name 5. ARCHITECT'S Address 6. TYPE of Construction— (Please indicate by X) SEPTIC ( )Wood Frame ( ) Masonry 1 I Steel ( ) 7. PLANS and Specifications SEPTIIGC ALTERATION AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS 8. Proposed Use SEPTIC ALTERATION $ 25 PERMIT FEE PAID —THIS PERMIT EXPIRES December 11 19 97 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 11 Day of December 19 95 SIGNED BY \_ for the Town of Queensbury uildmg and Zoning Inspector Application ror SEPTIC DISPOSAL .-PERMIT STAMP IMCEIVEI) �„�7l 0�1 Z� - ° Locillioll of III ollel ly for ill%1:11111tioll: Owner's Nano.- IMN IT NM%IIl ()wll(!I-*.-; Mailing Addi SN! s r4lolle: -79 Installer . .. .... Mint I ier of I led a onm A I eNidt'l It i:l I): 'I'olal unify I I ow (I esi tic I I I in I - U41111111 Ite (lit 150 ga I. Ile I he(Iloolli): Tollography: 1-171 Nit I ItollillIt J= Steepshille tlr.qlt)llc soil Nature. Surd l.woll F-1 c.MY Other Olotilld Willer: lit what dellill'i t Dediock or Impeivioils Malcli'll: M %vll:ll feet Pulcointioll Tv%l: Retillilvel pal inch Domestic Water Supply: Well outer If domestic water supply is n 'NVI-*A.I.: water supply rtt)lll liny septic nbsurplitm Is feet lF--------- -LED Ni M': I DEC 11 1995 O- F CPL Iiii 'life Held: each it each tolal system Iwigth M"m.�At,;"(�O .03 — Ak;L_, ,9ccl),Igc Ilil(s): 111111111cr of If size clich: ft. x IL Size of slope to he timcd. 'y depth or thickness Feet. Number of(:inks: Size ol,ellch: gill. Alal-In systellp and.cls.wf-itried elecit-ical wot-k to lit, inspected ly), it cet-fific I agillICY. Pol.yo.it#- 111wfi-clioll, please non., thirr ptit'sittint to Section 130-29 of the Code of the Town of Qiwetisbui-y, ally pf!lvnit Ill• appl.o.val graitted which is based upon or is graitled in reliancil 111poll (Itl). 1110.1et-iol nrim-el Pivsvitlatioll or filill"T to make a marethil fiter or circumstance known by ur on behalfoftin applicallf, shrill be void, I have 1-call the rel"Illfiliolls Ividl respect to this it pplictifion and agree to abide by them, and till ve(II(il-ellpents ofthe Tolull of'Orrery.1 111.). Salli ity Seivage Disposal On/I if it if I ce. SiXII(Iffile oftespoll.W)"t, person:. l / Date: 1:Z, "I have seen or observed, or believe I saw evidence of, all objects such as houses, wells, trees, fences, etc., EN�'�� � shown on this document. I also represent that I have DEC 11 1995 person ly measured the stan:;,se,to th on the diagram." zV�i.;¢ZE Cz ��2 i� C:.1RY SIGNATURE DATE ^�J. � 1 ( 0 1-0 DEC 111995 ( ��,_i l 0Y1 p� {p d f� 'u 1�- c�/��L - - @ at= TOW OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 531 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 518-745-4447 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION Name Location QL k8, � Date a ' — Permit # SOIL TYPE: and Loam-clay- Results of Percolati T t- on(if applicable) Rate-Mi to/Inch TYPE OF SYSTEM: ABSORPTION FIELD: Tot Length _ Length of each Nr- enh Depth of trench Size of stone SEEPAGE PITS: N er- Size - ` ft! x ) ft. Stone si F i PIPING: Size Type Bldg. to Tank Tank to Dist. Box to P`i Openings Sea ed? Ye No Partial LOCATION/SE ARATIO Foundation to Tank �jcl5T1,V& feet Foundation to Abso tion -Z— feet Separatio o�= Pits feet Conforms s per Pl o Plan a No LOCATION OF SYSTEM ;ON PROPERT . (circle Front -Ca°r - Left Side - Right Side Middle F' o - Middle Rear COMMENTS: _ SYSTEM.USE APPROVED: YES) NO Arrived: Departed: / Building Inspector TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING A CODE ENFORCEMENT 531 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 518-745-4447 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION Name f 5046F'P 111-411) Location Als4TI y) 9,0 Date Permit # o — 603 SOIL TYPE: an Loam-Clay- Results of Percolation jest- (if applicable) Rate-Mi ute/Inch TYPE OF SYSTEM: ABSORPTION FIELD: Total Length Lengt of each trench Depth f trenches Size o stone SEEPAGE S: Numbe - Size - ft. /'i� ft. Stone size PIPING: Size Type Bldg. to Tank � rZ% �'� Tank to Dist. x �'� Dist. Box to F d/Pi t1 Openings Seal d? Yes No Partial LOCATION/SE RATI S: / Foundation o Tank / feet Foundation to Absorp on feet Separatio of Pits feet Conforms s per Plot P1 e No LOCATION OF SYSTEM ON PR PERT (circle one) Front - ,Rear - Left SideNR* tMiddle ront - Middle Rea COMMENTS: SYSTEM USE APPROVED: YES NO Arrived: Departed: J�C Building Inspector TOWN OF QUEEWSBURY, BUILDING &.CODE ENFORCEMENT 531 Bay Road , Queensbury NY 12864 518-745-4447 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION Name Location Date /�7�ermit # r SOIL TYPE: Sand-Loam-Clay- Results -of Percolation Test- (if applicable) Rate-Minute%Inch TYPE OF STEM: ABSORPTION \hes Total' /eng' th Length of ench Depth of trSize of stoSEEPAGE PITberSize. - x ft. Stone size PIPING: - Size. Type Bldg. to Tank Tank to Dist. B x Dist. Box to F eld/Pi Openings 'Seal d? Y No Partial LOCATION/SEP RATIONS: Foundation o Tank feet Foundation to Absorption _ feet Sep arati0 o" Pits feet Conforms as per Plot Pla Yes No LOCATION OF SYSTEM ON PR PERTY: (circle one) Front - Rear .= Left Side - Right Side Middle Front - Middle Rear - COMMENTS:, � - 1 SYSTEM USE APPROVED: YES N0. Arrived: Departed: b Building Inspector