1986-04-15 ~Î{, MINUTES ~, Queensbury Planning Board Tuesday, April 15, 1986 8:00 p.m. Present: R. Roberts, Chairman K. Sorlin, Secretary S. Levandowski J. Dybas V. Macri F. DeSantis M. Dean Staff R. Case Prime, Esq. R. Morse, P.E. Absent: H. Mann The Minutes of the February 18, 1986 meeting were amended to show that Mr. Macri was absent and March 18, 1986 Minutes were amended to show T. J. Farone & Son as Site Plan No. 2-86 (changed from Subdivision 6-85). Minutes approved as amended. Mr. Roberts welcomed new Planning Board member Frank V. DeSantis, Esq. SUBDIVISIONS: . Î_ AMenðeJ. -«see. M,,,II11:S Subdivision No. 1-86 - Van Howe Estates, Section II - 31 lots off Potter Rd. - rnfl'f 2ð! I<\fh '-- Leon Steves present, requesting final approval. Approvals from Highway Superintendent, Water Superintendent and Department of Health on file. Mr. Sorlin said that in the interest of good planning a connection with Stewart Road should be made if possible. Mr. Steves said lot 43 will remain open for that purpose. Mr. Morse said that drainage would be through existing culverts in response to question of Mr. Bill Morton, representative of Queensbury Outdoor Recreation and Environment Association. Mr. Dybas offered motion for approval, seconded by Mrs. Levandowski. Motion carried unanimously. RESOL VED: Final Approval granted as applicant has met all requirements and obtained all permits and fits in with Master Plan. The board feels that as a matter of good planning the connection to Stewart Road be made if at all possible. Subdivision No. 3-86 - Hidden Hills (Woodbury Developer) 155 lots off Sherman Ave '- Public Hearing. Michael Woodbury, Leon Steves, Peter Fitzgerald, Esq. present. Development projected to span ten years but could be shorter depending on demand. Mr. Roberts asked if project could be phased, Mr. Fitzgerald responded it would be better for developer if whole project is approved at once so they know where they will be going in next few years. He pointed out that Pines subdivision was to span ten years and is sold out after only three. Mr. Woodbury said that school districts will maintain present lines. Half of the children will go to Glens Falls, other half to Queensbury school. Mr. Roberts said they had discussed having another entrance to project from Sherman Ave but it is not possible because a strip of land is owned by State of New York and is not crossable and the topography makes it impossible. ;(17 Page Two April 15, 1986 --. Thomas Brennan, Clark Street resident voiced concern about one entrance to development with traffic congestion both pedestrian and vehicle and how the influx of more people would add to the problem. He said impact of traffic from development should be looked at. Bill Morton, Queensbury Outdoor Recreation and Environment Association, asked about drainage plans and how it would affect Halfway Brook. Mr. Steves said drainage pattern flows toward Northway away from neighborhood and should not cause any problems. . He said storm water drainage would not be a problem with these soils. Robert Rosoff, Clark Street resident asked about septic and drainage. Mr. Steves said there are very sandy soils and there should be no problem with septic. Project will be on town water supply. Mr. Roberts said they would set a workshop for Monday, April 28 at 7:30 p.m. to review SEQRA. Mr. DeSantis asked if applicant had done any traffic studies as to number of cars that would be entering Dixon and/or Sherman at time of buildout. He would be interested in that information given the concentration of development that is planned currently and may be planned in the area. Mr. DeSantis said that would allow the Planning Board to give input to Town Highway Superintendent. Mr. Fitzgerald said he would have information relative to traffic flow available at workshop. Tom Brennan, Clark Street, said Dixon Road is unsafe road, wondered if Town had considered sidewalks. Mr. Roberts closed Public Hearing and asked applicant to work with ~c.:wsu/~, Dick Morse. This application tabled for further information. Workshop scheduled. ',---- Variance No. 1073 - Hannaford Bros. Co. south side Quaker Road Robert Stewart, Esq. present. Applicant seeking approval to build a 60,000 sq. foot combination grocery and drug store at Quaker and Bay Roads. The 9.5 acres of land the company wants to build on is zoned three different ways; highway commercial, light industrial and a very small portion single family residential. Lawrence Plotkin, VP for corporate development, gave some background information on Hannaford, a Maine based company that has been in business for 100 years. This will be first store in New York State. There was lengthy discussion on storm water drainage and traffic control. ê.ðNS¡J¡T,,,íð The company plans to install a retention tank on the property just south of Quaker Road with a controlled release outlet that would permit no more than 10 cubic feet of runoff per second. They also plan to direct drainage to a 24 inch culvert on Bay Road. The Board instructe~'tawf1 Engineer Dick Morse to continue his involvement in the review of the drainage plans. Mr. Morse said he felt the drainage concept is valid but would still like to see the final design of the proposal. ~ The company will bear all costs of traffic improvements, which include a traffic light at the Quaker Road entrance and exit to the store and widening of Quaker Road for turning lanes from both directions. Mr. Roberts sugggested moving the Quaker Road entrance farther west, away from the intersection with Bay Road. Both Mr. Stewart and Mr. Plotkin said moving the entrance would involve shifting the proposed site of the store counterclockwise, with the store front facing Quaker Road. Shifting the site d7J Page Three April 15, 1986 "-' of the store would detract from the neighboring property, Doyle's, since the loading docks for the grocery store would abut the adjacent land. It would also lessen the depth of the parking lot making parking inconvenient for shoppers. Thomas Perry, a consultant with Greenman-Pederson, Albany, said the proposed traffic improvements - particularly the light which would be synchronized with the light at Quaker and Bay Roads - would assure a smooth traffic flow in the area. After hearing the reasoning behind siting the entrance where it is on Quaker Road, the Board agreed to let it stand. The Board also questioned the proposal to prohibit left turns from the store onto Bay Road, where another entrance and exit is planned. Mr. Perry said the prohibition was recommended in the interest of safety. The Board and the Company agreed that the prohibition may be lifted in the future if it is found to be unnecessary. The Warren County Planning Board recommended approval. Mr. Macri offered motion to recommend approval to Zoning Board, seconded by Mr. DeSantis. Motion carried unanimously. "olI/.J IJ II,'N ~ RESOLVED: The Queensbury Planning Board recommends a6Proval of this Variance as it is good use of land. Engineering input from. engineer, Dick Morse, that drainage is being properly handled. Traffic study seems adequate to control flow on Quaker and Bay Roads as planned. Recommend Dick Morse continue to be involved with drainage plans until final plans are produced to his satisfaction. '---' NE W BUSINESS: Site Plan Review No. 7-86 - John Rozell, Jr. Cronin Road To construct a one-family dwelling in UR 5 zone on property situated at south side Cronin Road between Bay and Meadowbrook Road. Public Hearing. Mr. Rozell present. House will be 26x48', 80' back from road and approximately 258 feet from Halfway Brook. Leach field will be in front of house. Board reviewed Site Plan Review checklist. Warren County approved without comment. Mrs. Levandowski offered motion for approval, seconded by Mr. Dybas. Motion carried unanimously.. RESOLVED: The Planning Board approve as it fits in with the area without any negative impact on neighborhood or zone. Site Plan Review No. 8-86 - David and Melanie Wrye, Lot 30 Fox Road To construct a single family dwelling in LC 42 acre Zone as required per Article 5, Section 5.030 and Appendix B of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance on the property situated at Lot 30 Fox Road off Upper Ridge Road. Public Hearing. Mr. and Mrs. Wrye present. Warren County Planning Board approved without comment. Board reviewed Site Plan checklist. Mr. Macri offered motion for approval, seconded by Mr. DeSantis. Motion carried unanimously. "'-' RESOLVED: The Planning Board approve this Site Plan as this is a preexisting lot in a preexisting subdivision. The applicant meets all set back provisions. Use is consistent with area. J. 79 Page Four April 15, 1986 "'---- Site Plan Review No. 9-86 - Mobil Oil Corporation, Route 9 and Aviation Road To modernize service station with convenience store in PC 1A zone on property situated at southwest corner Route 9 and Aviation Road. Public Hearing. Michael Muller, Esq. and Claire Borios, P.E. present. Warren County Planning Board approved without comment. Board reviewed Site Plan checklist. Traffic concerns discussed. Mrs. Levandow~ offered motion for approval, seconded by Mr. Dybas. Motion carried unanimously. RESOL VED: The Planning Board approve as retrofit of existing business for better use of property. Concerns with traffic addressed as much as possible with provision that exit onto Route 9 be limited to one road cut not to exceed 50 ft. wide located as far south on the property as is practical. Site Plan Review No. 10-86 - Adirondack Connection (Ellen Kenny/Susan Moody) To operate a retail store for sale of crafts to local Artisans in HC-15 zone on property situated at west side Route 9 next to Dexter Shoe Outlet. Public Hearing. Ellen Kenny, Susan Moody present. Warren County Planning Board approved without comment. Board reviewed Site Plan checklist. Ms. Kenny will reside on the premises. Mr. Dybas offered motion for approval, seconded by Mrs. Levandowski. Motion carried unanimously. "'---- RESOL VED: The Planning Board approve this Site Plan as the character of the neighborhood will not change. Site Plan Review No. 11-86 - William F. Davidson, 197 Sherman Avenue To operate a professional real estate office incidental to residential use in UR-I0 zone on property situated at 197 Sherman Avenue. Public Hearing. Mr. Davidson present. Two sons work for him, one lives in the house. Mr. DeSantis offered motion for approval, seconded by Mr. Dybas. Motion carried unanimously. RESOL VED: The Planning Board approve this site plan as it is a home occupation and as long as members of the Davidson family live there it is acceptable, but does not pass to other persons who might live there. These Minutes are amended in the May 20, 1986 Minutes. "'----