1986-09-15 SP 268 SPECIAL , TOWN BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 15, 1986 TOWN BOARD MEMBERS Mrs. Frances Walter - Supervisor Mr. Stephen Borgos - Councilman I Mr. Ronald rlontesi - Councilman Mrs. Betty Monahan - Councilman Mr. George Kurosaka - Councilman, Absent Mr. Wilson Mathias - Town Counsel PRESS: Glens Falls Post Star GUEST: Mr. Dick Roberts, Mr. Bodenweiser, Mr. Naylor, Mr. Pete Breault, Mr. Eats Mr. Macelroy, Mr. Cornell. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY: Councilman Monahan MEETING OPENED: 3:30 P.M. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION TO APPROVE MINUTES RESOLUTION NO.236, Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for its adoption, seconded by Pair. Ronald Montesi. RESOLVED, that the Town Board Minutes of August 26, 1986 be and hereby are approved. Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes: r4r. Borgos, r.1r. Plontesi, Mrs. Monahan, Pirs. Walter Noes: None Absent: Air. Kurosaka SUPERVISOR WALTER-We have a Resolution relative to setting a Public Hearing on proposed Subdivision regulations and there are three areas of changes. COUiICILr1AN BORGOS-Suggested a limit be adapted as to how much the Planning Board can expend on the basis of technical and legal review for projects, for instance the Planning Board cannot spend more than $500.00 for any particular project without the agreement of the developer. The way it is written a developer with a relatively small project would come in and we hire consultants without a limit, we might get a bill for a couple thousand dollars; and the developer might say for that amount he's not interested and then we get stuck with the bill. SUPERVISOR WALTER-Asked how do we know when we get to the $500.00 point, does the engineer in the middle of his hour, quit, perhaps an addition to the language be that he would sign a sheet indicating that he would know that he would have to pay these costs and is willing to do so without putting a dollar amount on it. Stated that what we are trying to do is recoup some of the cost to the town for new developments and ' one concern is that we don't have to get into a lot of extra cost in trying to figure out what these charges are going to be. TOWN COUNSEL-Suggested as part of the application process there could be some kind of acknowledgement or consent by the developer to reimburse the town for the actual cost for the technical review. I IIt j ('OUW 1LP1Atd AlONAIIAN-Questioned the Administrative fees and siig ested t� 5 > on top of thbse bills. E; fee i SUPERVISOR WALTER-Agreed that the fee listed on the schedule Administrative cost. Referred to Town Counsel. should reflect the TOWN COUNSEL You can't tax somebody for subdividing or any other business activity. and this language is really modeled after SEQRA regulations but does not spell out legal ' and technical engineering. The fee you are charging right now should a to 1 cost of administration built in. G a ly have the I SUPERVISOR WALTER-It is the consensus of the Board to go to Public Hearin 3rd at 3:30 P.M. g on October RESOLUTION TO SET PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ARIENDF ENTS TO SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS i RESOLUTION NO.237 Introduced by Mr. Stephen Borgos, who moved for its adoption, r seconded by Mrs. Betty Monahan. i WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board desires to establish a uniform application process i for projects coming before the Town Planning Board, and i WHEREAS, the Town Board tins determined it is necessary that applications contain certain criteria, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to retain technical and (in some cases, legal) assists and not have the cost of such assistance be a burden on the taxpayers of the Town, nce NOW, THEREFORE BE IT j RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held at 3:30 P.M. in the meeting room of the Town of Queensbury Office Building, Bay at Havila.nd Road in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York on the 3rd day of October 1986 relative to the amendments to the ( Town of Queensbury Subdivision Regulations in the language attached hereto, at which time all persons interested in the subject thereof will be heard, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be hereby directed and authorized to publish and provide notice of said public hearing as may be required by law. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Borgos, Mr. Plontesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: Mr. Kurosaka - Fuel Oil Tanks Bids II.G.Anderson Equipment Rensselaer, New York 12144 Single Walled $84,900.00 Double Walled 120,700.00 Non-Col. attached Valley Equipment, Schenectady, New York 12304 Single Walled $83,351.00 Double Walled 100,427.00 Non-Col. attached ' PETE BRAULT-Noted that Valley's bid is lower and having done business with them before `�— suggested the Town accept their bid. SUPERVISOR WALTER-For the record this is for single wall tanks and asked if these would pass New York State code and regulations? AIR. BRAULT-Yes, we have checked with Fire Marshall, Mr. Bodenweiser and that is what everybody is putting in. COUNCILMAN BORGOS-Asked the difference in guarantee in single wall and double wall? 270 P70 hilt. IMAUL,r-same, thirty years. i COUNCILA4AN P4ONTF, SI-The start of installation is four to six weeks after bid award and date of finish installation 45 to 60 days after start, is that going to be close for winter. PETE BRAULT-Yes, I am going to call Envrionmental Control just in case to see if we can put a temporary tank in. RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BIDS RESOLU'T'ION No 238, Introduced by Mr. Ronald Montesi who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Stephen Borgos. WHEREAS, Pete Brault, Building and Grounds Superintendent, for the Town of Queensbury did recommend that we advertise for bids for fuel oil tanks and WHEREAS, Two bids were submitted and received and opened at the specified time and J place by the Director of Purchasing/Town Clerk Dar leen Dougher, and such bids were then turned over to Mr. Brault, Building Supt. for his recommendation and WHEREAS, Mr. Brault has recommended that the bids be awarded to Valley Equipment, as follows: Single Walled $83,351.00 i NOW, TIIEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby accepts the bids as mentioned above and be it further RESOLVED, that the financing for such tanks is included in the 1986 budget. i Duly adopted by the following votes: Ayes: Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter - Noes: None Absent: A9r. Kurosaka COMMUNICATIONS -Application on file for Drellos Mobile Home Court. SUPERVISOR WALTER-Drellos Mobile Home Court was presented to us at our last regular Board meeting, the application at that time was reviewed by our Town Clerk, who indicated that everything was in order. Our planner went over the map and has indicated that all information as per Local Law #11986 regarding Mobile Homes has been complied with and this goes to the Planning Board, for their consideration. RESOLUTION TO FORWARD APPLICATION FOR MOBILE HOME COUlt"a TO PLANNING BOARD FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW RESOLUTION N0.239, Introduced by Mr. Stephen Borgos, who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Ronald Alontesi RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby refers the application of George and Dan Drellos for Mobile Home Court to the Queensbury Planning Board for Site Plan Review. _ Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes: Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: Mr. Kurosaka DISCUSSION ON TOP OF THE WORLD i f SUPERVISOR WAITER-Mr. Ents would like to diSellFs wiUl the Board the second phnse of the Top of The World Development. Al It. BATS-Presented the Town Board with overlay maps of the development. 'rile overall concepts shows 170 units totally p 1 ,y pproved through the Zoning change. We have evaluated phase II in terms of unit placement and have come up with a different road alignment, but staying with the originnl 170 units. We felt that the road would be better for the project as well as for the environment. Showed the Town Board the location of the septic system and how they are solving the overall septic system through a central system. We are creating very small parking areas within the units.The original concept showed individual swimming pools, located throughout the complex, the sports complex now f! ; chows a central spot, eliminating the small pools. Showed there is an existing log cabin ' being essentially embellished into a health facility, exercise rooms, locker rooms for --he swimming pool complex, golf course and basic restaurant facility. j ^OUNCILAIAN AIONAHAN-Asked Air. Eats where the Amphitheater is located. I AIR. EATS-Referred to the overlay map where the view has been protected. COUNCILMAN� IAN AIONAHAN-There is some question as to the change made in phase I affecting that view. MR. EATS- Noted that survey crews knew what that view angle was and made sure it was not interfered with. I COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Asked if the golf course was still going to be there? i AIR. EATS-Yes, but the units on the left will be eliminated. COUNCILRIA14 MONAHAN-Asked if the units on the top viere going to be lower and ! asked what it would do coming down Ridge Road looking over Lake George. Noted that they were fairly noticeable from Ridge Road and asked how it was passed by the APA. PIR. EATS-Noted that most of these units were approved previously by the APA. Stated that what they were trying to do was preserve the vegetation and plant life. COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Asked about the water problem. MR. EATS-We drilled a number of wells and have a holding tank. COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Noted that looking at the picture to the left there is a gully and then a rise up...where you have units scheduled now...that was not scheduled previously PAR. EATS-In order to use this area we had to put in a tremendous amount of fill and relocated the road and put the units beside that slope and reclustered the units to make more use of the land. COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Requested the Fire Chief review the area to make sure there was ample access for emergency vehicles and can this area support it. FIRE AIARSHALL-N.W. Bodenweiser-We have kept very close touch with the many changes that have been made. Noted that they have been very considerate to our Ivay of thinking and good engineering practices. COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Asked to have Bay Road pointed out and the access to it. DENNIS AACELROY-Referred to the map showing the Top of The World road coming up from 9L at the intersection of Lockhart Mt. Rd. over back down the old road eventually down to Bay Road. COUNCILMAN BORGOS-Asked about the water storage? MR. MACELROY-About 125,000 gallons. COUNCILMAN BORGOS-Asked Mr. Bodenweiser if this was a good size in accordance with fire protection code? i FIRE MARSHALL BODENWEISER-Stated that this would be more than adequate with the wells feeding water back into it. 272 COUNCILP.IAN BORGOS-Asked if there was stand by generator in case of power failure during emergency? MR. BODENWEISER-Asked if the cabins already there, are going to be demolished? PIR.CORNELI -Stated that that whole section would be demolished. AIR. MACELROY-The originally approved design for waste water was a series of clusters leach fields basically for six to eight units throughout phase I and approved the continuation of that for phase II. Since then we have redesigned and are doing away with the clusters incorporating a collection tank which would collect from these clusters transporting to a low point on the west side of Lockhart Mountain Road. This has been currently reviewed by the State. COUNCILMAN A'IONAIIAN-Asked how far this would be from any adjoining property. owner? MR. HACELROY-On the lower portion of any property owned by the Top Of the World � cannot give specific distances but off Lockhart PAt. Road there is one property probably 500 to 600 feet front the central disposal facility. COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Because of the random leach fields there had been a request for central wells, and with the advent now of having one central system which makes a lot more sense, is this included in the engineering plan? Not only for the protection of the adjoining neighbors but the concerns that it is all down hill and the thing at the bottom of the hill is Lake George. AIR. MACELROY'Those monitoring wells in phase I are currently in and are being monitored and checked periodically. COUNCILMAN MONAIIAN-Asked where they had put the disposal for phase I? DIR. MACELROY-Currently we are using an approved leach field for phase 1. Approximately three or four and by the time there is a change over to this central system there will be four of the six originally approved systems constructed and used to some extent to provide for the buildings that are there now. When the central pump station is in place those field will be evicted. 3 COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Asked where the 125,000 gallon tank was located and was there any visual impact of that? MR. AIACELROY-The tank is located in an elevation of 1040 feet as you drive in upon the hillside, not till you get up to it can you see it. It is backfilled into the slope. AIR. ROBERTS-Are there any all weather facilities? AIR. EATS-Not outdoor courts—stated that it was not an intense recreation area. COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Asked about the lake front property and if there were any changes in that?, AIR. EATS- Pdo. STUART HESINGER-Is this being marketeded as seasonal or year round and referred to the ingress and egress of traffic, and does the private roads meet with the two main roads? AIR..EATS-Yes-year round and noted that they were making some changes to insure emergency sccess in and out of private roads, also referred to the recreation complex and would �. like to start construction and asked if it was a specific site plan due the Planning Board for their review. I SUPERVISOR WALTER-It has to go through the right channels. MR. ROBERTS-Noted that there is not that much difference but that he was disappointed that there is not going to be any all weather recreation facilities. MR. BODENWEISER-Are you going to utilize the building now or build a new one. MR. CORNELL-No, the main log cabin will be an all weather structure with recreation r•r. G1 facilities such as weightlifting, saunas and whirlpool but as far as in door tennis courts, no we are not planning on these right now but maybe in the future. The restaurant will take place within the existing log cabin structure. We will expand if the demand requires it. Piloted that they would not be putting any more money in the existing white building as it has no view. COUNCILMAN MONESTI-How far do we own, at what point does the road become a private road and what is a town road. MR. MACELROY-Lockhart Mountain Road to Russell Hill is owned by Top of The World. 'OUNCILMAN BORGOS-Asked what was being done to make sure that road was being —Maintained during the winter months? AIR.EATS-This is covered by the Offering program and has to be set up with the Attorney general before it can be started. MR. CORNELL-Stated that a series of construction units have been purchased to be used in the winter. SUPERVISOR WALTER-Asked that they talk with Stuart and get on the Planning Board agenda and keep them informed. MR. EATS-Left copies of the master plan with the Town Board. On motion the meeting was adjourned. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED DARLEEN DOUGHTER, TOWN CLERK