10 19 2021 Queensbury Planning Board Agenda Tuesday, October 19, 2021 First Regular Meeting: / Time 7 – 11 pm Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road Approval of Minutes Dates- August 17, 2021 & August 24, 2021 Administrative Items: Site Plan 64-2021 Hacker Boat Company grant Town Board lead agency Site Plan 55-2021 Antonia & Maria Civitella table until December 14, 2021 PB Meeting Planning Board Recommendations: Applicant(s) MICHAEL & SUSAN KAJDASZ Application Type Site Plan 61-2021 Owner (s) Same as applicants SEQR Type Type II Agent(s) Lucas Dobie, Hutchins Engineering Lot size .96 acre Location 113 Seelye Road Ward: 1 Zoning Classification: WR Tax ID No. 227.17-1-49 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040, 179-5-020, 179-13-010 Cross Reference AV 5-2017 gazebo/lot line adj., 2001-348 porch, Warren Co. Referral October 2021 94646-3985 addition, 8733-1837 boathouse/dock, AV 69-2021 Public Hearing n/a for a recommendation Site Information CEA, LGPC, APA Project Description: Applicant proposes a 700 sq. ft. two car addition and to convert the existing 2 bay garage of one bay and another bay to a laundry/bathroom. The garage is to be a total of 1,050 sq. ft. The existing floor area is 5,715 sq. ft. and the new floor area is 6,765 sq. ft. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040, 179-5-020 & 179-13-010 of the Zoning Ordinance, new floor area in a CEA and expansion of a non-conforming structure shall be Variance: subject to Planning Board review and approval. Relief is sought for expansion of a non-conforming structure and setbacks. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Applicant(s) STRECK’S INC. Application Type Subdivision Preliminary Stage 9-2021 Subdivision Final Stage 10-2021 Owner (s) Same as Applicant SEQR Type Unlisted Agent(s) Hutchins Engineering Lot size 19.36 acres Location 1903 Ridge Road Ward: 1 Zoning Classification: RR3A/RR5A Tax ID No. 253.3-1-32.1 Ordinance Reference Chapter 183 Cross Reference PZ 246-2016, AV 70-2021 Warren Co. Referral n/a for subdivision Public Hearing n/a for a recommendation Site Information APA, LGPC, CEA Project Description: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 19.36 acre parcel into 2 lots as the parcel is naturally divided by Ridge Rd. The west lot is to be 1.59 acres and to maintain the existing home and out buildings. The east lot is to be 17.77 acres and will maintain the barn buildings. Lot 1 is in an RR3A zone where lot conditions (setbacks) are preexisting. Lot 2 is in an RR5A zone where lot conditions are preexisting. Pursuant to Chapter 183 of Variance: the Zoning Ordinance, subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Relief is sought for lot size, lot width, setbacks. New Business: Applicant(s) QUEENSBURY AUTO MALL Application Type Site Plan 62-2021 Owner (s) Matt Eberlein SEQR Type Type II Agent(s) Studio A Landscape, SEI Design Group Lot size 1.58 acres Location 44 East Quaker Service Road Ward: 2 Zoning Classification: CI Tax ID No. 303.15-1-18 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040 Cross Reference SP 30-1994, SP 27-2005 Warren Co. Referral October 2021 Public Hearing October 19, 2019 Site Information Project Description: Applicant proposes to develop a 1.58 acre site with a new car dealership and service center. The new building is to be 6,260 sq. ft. The project includes site design with parking, stormwater management, landscaping & lighting. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040, review for new auto use in a CI zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Applicant(s) HOGAN & WALSH Application Type Site Plan 65-2021 Special Use Permit 5-2021 Owner (s) Robert Eckhardt SEQR Type Type II Agent(s) Douglas Shartrand Lot size .28 acre Location 16 Main Street Ward: 4 Zoning Classification: MS Tax ID No. 309.11-1-46 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040, 179-10 Cross Reference SP 19-2008, several sign permits Warren Co. Referral October 2021 Public Hearing October 19, 2021 Site Information Main Street Zoning Project Description: Applicant proposes to reuse an existing building for a commercial business to operate office and retail for security and key service. The existing building 660 sq. ft. with a 450 sq. ft. detached garage. There are no changes to the site for parking, landscaping, and lighting. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 & Chapter 179-10 of the Zoning Ordinance, new commercial business and no review within the last seven years shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. - Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board -