Queensbury Recreation Commission
Minutes of the December 2, 2003 regular meeting held at Town of Queensbury
Office Complex Conference Room.
Chairman Doug Irish called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m.
Present: Commissioners Etu, Fusco, Goedert, Irish, LaBombard, and Mott.
Staff Present: Director Hansen, Assistant Director Lovering, and Aquatic Supervisor
Also attending: R. Boor, Town Board Liaison, M, Ryba , Senior Planner Town of
Approval of Minutes:
Moved by Commissioner Mott, seconded by Commissioner Etu to approve the minutes
of the November 4,2003 regular meeting, All members present approved.
Communications and Remarks from Visitors:
The followirtg were distributed and briefly reviewed: (see file)
· Queensbury School Athletic Committee, Education Committee, Building and
Grol1hds Committee minutes.
· Letter tfom Dan Luciano ofthe Open Space Institute regarding Hudson Pointe
Property and work being done. There is no violation of the Conservation
· Draft of the letter to Glen Lake Residents. Call Director Hansen with any
· Discussion took place on possible alternatives to the Hudson Pointe Bridge in the
wetland area (i.e. bridge vs, boardwalk vs, cutting new trails etc.).
· Budget Control Report as of November 17, 2003.
Unfinished Business:
· Discussion of the draft document for the recommendation to the Town
Board in contracting with GDF for consulting services in connection with
the proposed Community /Recreation Center. A motion was made by
Commissioner LaBombard, seconded by Commissioner Goedert to accept
GDF proposal not to exceed $51,000 and to make this recommendation to
the Town Board. All members present approved.
· Hovey Pond Survey-Director Hansen and Chairman Irish sent out requests
for an as built survey to 8 surveyors with no responses. Commissioner
Goedert questioned the need for a survey, asking why couldn't Jim Miller
work with what have on file. Much discussion on pros and cons. Director
Hansen will investigate.
· Park Project Status Report- (see report date 12/1/03) brief discussion on
the dry hydrant at Glen Lake being redone; Use and rental of space at the
soon to be built boathouse at Glen Lake; M. Ryba spoke on Open Space,
Land Conservancy and Recreation Commission working together.
New Business
· Discussion took place on moving the meeting times of the Commission
trom the mornings to the evenings. A motion was made by Chairman
Irish, seconded by Commissioner LaBombard effective January 2004 to
move the meeting to 7:00 p.m, on the first Tuesday of the month. All
members present approved.
Committee Report
· Budget Committee-Commissioner Fusco reported he and Commissioner
Mott attended the budget hearing with Director Hansen and Town Board.
Director Hansen was successful in getting many items restored and some
· Bylaws Committee-Commissioner LaBombard indicated since the by-laws
were recently revised he did not see a need to institute the process again.
All agreed,
· School Liaison Committee-See minutes of school meetings on file.
· Personnel Committee-Chairman Irish no report
· Planning Committee-Commissioner Etu referred to minutes of Planning
meetings on file.
Monthly Department Report
Assistant Director Lovering reported all winter programs up and running well in
light of school construction projects. A new grooming track for cross-country skiing
trails is in use. Aquatic Coordinator Carr reported on some problems with seniors and
handicapped accessibility of the pool at school.
M. Ryba asked to speak: regarding the Dunham's Bay Access area (south of intersection
of Bay Road and Route 9L) and the 3-acre Sandy Bay area, She indicated the DEC was
willing to do some work to these areas if the Recreation Commission would agree to
maintain (i.e. trash pickup). A motion was made by Commissioner LaBombard,
seconded by Commissioner Mott to agree in concept of Recreation Commission
providing Maintenance ifDEC would construct. All members present approved.
Open Forum Discussion
. Commissioner Goedert commented, "Skateboarders are being ignored."
Chairman Irish is researching.
. M. Ryba commented on use of ATV trails and will help the commission research
opportunities for expanding and improving usable trails within the town of
Queensbury. Ms. Ryba offered the assistance of the Open Space Committee in
whatever capacity they can be of service to the recreation commission.
Motion made by Commissioner LaBombard, seconded by Commissioner Mott to adjourn
at 9:15 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
Joseph Fusco
Commission Secretary