Survey Maps 1 N < Highway Boundary �PerMap Ref.. Reich & Ca dens F roPr9.UCx Book f]i� !•''oqL' 28$ 8 6' I 239.2D-1-9 N 80°25�37"E L-vnPrpe AMDLBDEC t' 144,39' Found main Lower& ��denCe L� �. go, I ❑iJSE/EDUNQATAION (-W sq.ft. 3.1' Retairtrr;g Wall — each) T.2' p cp&w rank I Dock ` 05 4 Shed CRCN5SECI717NA A' `l Re/ainin, Paved - WaR�' Woad Stdrs 1 1 21.1' Upper Deck Boat (60sq.A-) N 04048'23"W (louse Retailurrg Blacktop 50.24' Residence Wall ParkingLot Paved LAKE GEORGE Dock Slate Walk Generator CBinmY Walkway stairs Area -7,304 t sq ft 320.2=Nigh water elevation per (38sRetaining mdk - Lake George Park Commhulan Landing Stane ---- Regulatrbn 6�21(ak) Doc 39.5' (245sq A) tees Wo Fence Drstanne Along5hom Line=51't 30 0' 07 h r 6' MAPNDTES Stone Steps 51, .B' 76'Setbark N 80°35'02"E 1p.3'NO024'58"W5D.,30 Tie Line From Shore 148.22' 1. Boundaryinfanvation.shown hereon was compiled from Map Ref. I and an actual field survey conducted on SeplPmher 10,2020 Line Edge of water shown per actual field Shed 2 North orientation and gearing base per Map Ref 1. location at time of original field L on,5 Vn-W ar 3. Warren Caurr lax 2392p 18 survey. The water houndaryis If Pipe tY Parrot suhjexf to change due to natural Found 4 The location aundeWoundimprovementy oreno oachment;if any exist,oras shown hereon,are not certified. There maybe other underground causes and mayn trlepresent �pP� Joseph thlc4 Ilidia the actual limit of Lytl fitle. Rod utilities,the existence of which are unknown. Size and location of all underground rrlilitres must he verified by the appropriate authorities The e. Iran Iran pl Und and Facilities Protecteve nizadon must he notified rior to conduct' test borin exca nation and ronstruction. Found ,�+JC,,L' t?�.� f'C�t7P 1��❑ Pe ergro Orga P S SS zoNWvcREguNEMEnrls• 239.20-I-7 Found 5. This survey was prepared wilhaut the 6enelit of an up to dale abstract of title zoned....................... WR _._-- -- - 6. Elevations relative to the North American Vertical Datum of 1927. Muzimu Lot Width.........50' Minimumm Setbacks -- 7Horizontal coardinate and elevation units are U.S.survey feet--- Front..............................30' -- 8. Re mduciian or ro of th&documentmi be a violation ofco tlaw unless •scion of the author and or cr ri tholder is P PY y Pyn P / PY Side................................I2' _ obtained Sham-..-.....................-. -- --- `- 9. A ropy of this document without a proper application of the Burs eyors emb assed seal should Lae assumed to bean unauGrrorized ropy. DEED REPElENCE- L Conveyance to]Eleanor B.Shack by deed dated jnly7,2009,Fled in the Wan-en County clerks Office on july 9,200in Book 3919 of Deeds atpage 100. MAPREFERBNCLS- PROPOSED C O N D T I O N S 1. Map entitled Map ofa 5urs eyfar EIIie 5track",prepared by D.L.Dickenson.VnMed,Copy oblamed fiam client .2 State of New York Department ofPriblic Works,.Division of Highways"Fort George-Bmj-tun CounlyhWhwaymap#59 dated March 20 1930. 2964 STA TER0UTE 9L J. GARVEY DOOLEY DATE REVISIONS RECORD/DESCRIPTION DRAFTER UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR Map ofa 1Jounda Surrey 55550 ADDITION TO THIS DOCUMENT IS A VIOLAT10N OF SECTION 7209 4/27/21 1. ADDED DECK OFFSET DISTANCES MEM SUBDIVISION 2 OF THE NEW YORK Lands Now or Formerly of STATE EDUCATION LAW, R I Y pQ 7/27/21 2. ADDED PROPOSED DECK LOCATIONS AND OFFSETS JOD ® 2020 Eleanor BStraok Living Trust GP f WA �{ r� �� Darrah Land Surveying, PLLC Q) I c$ APPROVED7•MEM TOWNOF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY,NEW YORK I � DRAFTED.- GCB CHECKED.•AIELYl - - Darrah Laird Survey�rr I'LL�' S2 ���`r,�`'� PROj.11TD. 20x5vS 59 Lake Avenue, Lake Luzerne,New York 12846 CIN A��N Voice:(518)798-4692 SHEET. 2 OF2 "ONLY BOUNDARY SURVEY MAPS wITI�THE SURVEYOR'S EMBOSSED SCALE: 1"20' or(5I8)654-9426 SEAL ARE GENUINE TRUE AND CORRECT COPIES OF THE SURVEYOR'S ORIGINAL WORK AND OPITCON." DATE:0912112020 7 P124jN0 20156 N ti 1 f � hfighway,8ouudary Per Map Ref.. -- _- Lands Now or Formerly of � N v� Rerth & Cadena Book 7177 Page 288 239.20-1-9 N 80'2537"E Iron fIpe ` 144.39' Found Resided Deck Q Retaining Wall (305sq ft.) 31' Q x.2' pyopat7e Tank Dark 0 4. Ret rdag paved ^1 walL wand Aair, Generator Boat N W48'23" YY House Retalnirrg Blacktop 50.24' Residence Wall Parking Lot LAKEGEORGE Dark Slate Walk Deck y Paved walkway stairs Area=7,,304 1-sq ft 320.2=High zva ter elevationP� {T5sq.fF.J kletairring Wa1Is Lake George Park Cana�sion Deck stone Regulation 645:-2-1(ak) 39.5' ceps W fence Distance Along-Shore Line=511t 2 07' { fi.4' •6' } I MAPNpTE5 Store Steps 9. 51' .81 76'5ethack N 80°3542`E } N0'24:58"W.5030 Tie Line From Shore 148.22' 1. Boundary information shown hereon was compiled from Map Ref.1 and an actual field survey conducted an Septemberlg 2020 Line Edge of water shown per actual field 1 She 2. North orientation and heannghase perMap Ref.T. location at time of original field Iarrding Lands Now or Form erly o f survey. The water boundary.& Iron Pipe (1�s4 it.) 3. Warren County tax parce12392GL1 su4wct to change due to natural Found } causes and may ormaynotrepresent Capped Joseph & Cynthia Didio 4. The location of underground improvements orencroa�ts,zany exist Dias shown herenr�arenat cer ed There mayhe other underground the actuallimit of title Imo Rod utilities,the existence of wArch are unknown. Size andlocatran of all underground utilities must he verified by the appropriateauthorities The Found Book 1295 Page 100 Imn Pipe Underground Fae tiesProtec ive Organization must benoift6ed prior to conducting test borings,excavation and construction. Found Z0A7EVGREQUflZBM S. 239.Z0-1-7 5. This survey waspmpared without the benefit of an up to date ahs&act of title 6. He va ftonsmIati ve to the North American Venccal Datum of1927 AKnimum Lot i -- .........50' _-- 7- Horiaontal coordinate and elevation units are US.surveyfeet Mmimum t Width -- _-` Front..............................30' - f Side...............................12' cv of dris document,may he a violation of copyrightlaw unle.�spemz&sion of the authorand/orcopymi htholderis . -- f 8. -R eProductrarI or P3'mg Shone..................... -�� ohb&?ed 9. A copy of this document wiMouta proper application of the surveyor's emhossed seal should be assumed to be air unautharrzed copy. DEEDRb'Ff•RENCE- 1. Conveyance•to Eleanor B.5track by deed datedJuly 7,2009,filedin the Warren County Clerks ice on filly 9,2009m Book 3819 of Leeds atpage 100 MAPREFERENCES 1. Map entitled"Map of Surveyfor Elbe Strack'prepared byD.L Dickenson.Unfilled,Copy ohtBmed htom client. 2 State of Vew York D�parlmeutofPuh&Works Division ofHighways"Fort George-Brayton Cauntyhtghway,map#59dated March 20,193D. EXISTING CONDITIONS J. GA CCL� QPTE REVISIONS RECORD/DESCRIPTION tNAVTHORIZEO ALTERATION OR 2964 STATEU9L 55560 7 Ma ofa Bounda SLlrrre ADDITION TO THIS DOCUMENT IS A � V 4/27/21 1. ADDED DECK OFFSET DISTANCES VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 tJ MEM SUBDMSION 2 OF THE NEW YORK Lands Now or Formerly of 7/27/21 2. UPDATED EXISTING DECK OFFSETS STATE EDUCATION craw. �V Y�aa JGD � d 20 ve Eleanor B 5tryaek LI vmg Trust C9 via f y ,��� �t�a�� Dorrah Land Surveying, PLLC y APPROVED.-MEM TOWNOF QVEEAMURY WARREN COUNTY,NEW YORK DRAFFED: GCB.� 5° �� CI -AMM --- - Darrah Laird 5urveying PLL C PRoj.lvo. 2or i 59 Lake A venue, Lake Luzexne,New York 12846 "ONLY BOUNDARY SURVEY MAYS WrrH THE SURVEYOR'S EMBOSSED CNAL� Voice:(518)798-4,692 1 OF2 SEAL ARE GENUINE TRUE AND CORRECT CQPIFS OF THE SURVEYOR'S SCALE: 1"20' or(5I8)654-9416 ORIGINAL WORK AND OPINION." DATE:09/21/2020 PROf NO.• 20196 Not To Scale � Burnt '•., Hill Site - l � � `•, mil' Location r ! High way&-nd-vy r Pex Azap Ref., + � W s ■ Lands Now or Formerly of Reith & Cadena al R I } Book 1117 Page 288 ' 239.20-1-9 N 80'2537'E bon Mpe w Marina • 0 ■ 144.39' Found D Residence � Retaining Wal! Q 33' 1 propane Tank 0 Dock f►5' f Payed Yvau�"'a Retaming Wall YYoad Stairs Generator &+at N U4 48'23"W House Retaining Blacktup 5a.24' Rrzidence 11/17B Harking Lot Paned Walk LAKEGEGRGE Dock SIatt.Walk Dnck cbionley Area=7,3194 f sg ft XV2=FLgh watereleyatiojz per Retairuizg waifs Lake Gorge Park eonunksion stare Regulation 6f5-21(ak) DSc 393 D"� WOO Fence D&tmcL-Alongshore Line=51'� F6.41 .6' y 1 Af4PN0= SternE Sh'm r gr 7Fi'S'educk N W35 07 E S.1 From Show 14B-= 1. &mndary irrkzrmagnn shnyir hereon was compiled fznm Afap Ref.1 and an ectad AF'.survey conducted an September10,202f1. 1uQ958 NY! 5t73t77ze Lz _ Line 2 NorM rrdentadcm and beanhg bawper]flap Ref.1. Edge of xatershox7r prractval field Shed A;r,itfunathineofodgw&field 6urvey Lands Now or Formerly of ,3 Warren County taxparce12;920-14. The rtiaterboundaryissubject to change Ion 1's+lw. due tonatund causes and may-"may Found 4. The Inraban of underground improvemen&orencrnacbmen4 ifany exist or as shosvn hereon,are not certified. There nzay be other vndezamund utrlitias,tj dottysent-de actual limit of title Capped lrnn Joseph & Cynthia Didio { evEstence of which are unknown -5Lw and kx ztion of all undergmzmd udGaes must 1-e vcyih'ed by the apprupdate autlwrities. 777e Undergruzmd Facilities Rvd Fuuzd Ln2n pi Arute[tit prganixatiun mustbe nubfred priurtu crmdutYirrg tbvdngs ex[a vation and constr7zr7ian. Book 1295 Page 100 a�� 5. This survey was przpared wiUaout the heaefit ufan up to date abstract of title Zo11TRVGREQU1RELflAM;.- 239.20 1— r l 6. Flevatitms relative to the llturth Amrriran ifr rl7rrzl Datum of 1927 Zoned..................................141R r Minimum Lot Width........50, l 7. Horizuntal coordinate and elevation units are U.S.svrveyfmt: Afizzia7zzoz Setbvcks Fn-znt-............................XJ f 8. 1+'epmductwii urcupying of this drxument may be a vtu7atiun of copyright Iaw vnleaspf rzniasyun of the authurand/or copyright holder is obtained ShorL................................75' r r 9 A cop of this document withouta pruperapph'catiun of the surveyor's emlxbwd scat should Ire assuured to be an unauthceized copy. DEEDPEFEZENCE- -L Convej ante to Bh2wrg Shack by deed datedNy7,%M,f9e din the Warren County Clerks Ofrce on July 9,2VWin Book 3819 of Deeds atpage 16V AIAPREFLRENCES:• 1. hlap entitled'Afap ofa SrirveyfLv-, e5trar k,prepared byD.L Dicke uon.Unfilled,Copy ablained from ng&nt 2 State of New York Deparmrent ofPablic Wor4 Division ofliighways'Fort George-Brayton Countyhigh H ay map#59 dated Alalrh?a 1930. 2,964 STATEI20 RL MICHAEE E. MONTENA DATE REVISIONS RECORD/DESCRIPTION DRAFTER UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION DR Map of a BoL112dary SIII'Vey 050570 ADDITION TO THIS DOCUMENT IS A wau,TIDN of SECTION 7209 Lands Now orFormerl of 1= NE'kl y 4/27/�t 1. ADDED DECK OFFSET DISTANCES MEM SUBD 57A7OEN 2 OF T HEUGON w.YORK A'I0 O� 0 2020 Eleanor B Strack Living Trust Darrah Land Surveying, PLLC �i a ;Q I TOWNOF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY,NEW YORK u, r APPROVED.AfFM F: 4 = o DRAr D cca Darrah Ladd Sur Vej ing PLL C �R N D f'ROf.NO. 217T55 59Lake Avenue, Lake Luzerne,New York 12846 � 5v "ONLY BOUNDARY SURVEY MAPS WITH THE SURVEYOR'S EMBOSSED ,SCAL F: P"2Q' Voice:(,518)T9&-4692 SHEET.- I OF SEAL ARE GENLTINE TRUE AND CORRECT COPIES OF THE SURVEYOR'S or(518)654-W16 ,r PRofNa 202s6 ORIGINAL WORK AND OPINION," Y DATE: 09/.21/2020