2011-11-07 MTG#29 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 913 TOWN BOARD MEETING MTG. #29 NOVEMBER 7, 2011 RES. 323-333 7:00 p.m. BOH. 34-36 TOWN BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT SUPERVISOR DANIEL STEC COUNCILMAN ANTHONY METIVIER COUNCILMAN RONALD MONTESI COUNCILMAN JOHN STROUGH COUNCILMAN TIM BREWER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY SUPERVISOR DANIEL STEC 1.0 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1.1 Public Hearing on 2012 Town Budget NOTICE SHOWN PUBLICATION DATE : 10-21-2011 Supervisor Stec-First and foremost I want to thank the Town’s Budget Officer Barbara Tierney and also right with her all the various Town Department Heads for working diligently. This is a process that starts every year in about mid July. Of course this year the State also through a curve ball at all the local municipalities at all levels including school districts with the tax cap, which historically hasn’t been, would not be, an issue for the Town of Queensbury our budgets are fairly stable as opposed to and we have less mandates and less things that are going to dramatically impact a year to year budget than say by contrast the counties or the schools. The Town of Queensbury’s budget is compliant with the States tax cap law. So, we did not even entertain the thought of trying to vote to exceed the cap and certainly I think everyone on the Board has their own opinions about what the State did with the tax cap and what not. It is the law of the State and it is compliant. (Power Point Presentation) The 2012 Budget Highlights – Probably first and foremost like I said it is compliant with the tax cap law but the total for the General Fund is up about three and a half percent to eleven million nine hundred and nine thousand nine hundred and ninety two dollars and that includes the Highway Department and Cemetery transfers. They are separate items in the budget and if you are trying to do apples to apples comparison when you are looking at various towns how they fund the highway from an accounting perspective is important to know. The General Fund that eleven point nine million includes about three and a half million dollars that gets transferred into the Highway Department to fund them and also a much smaller transfer for cemeteries. So, that number is for basically General Fund and Highway and Cemetery. Then the grand total for all funds including the Highway, Cemetery, Water, Sewer, Fire, EMS, lighting the grand total is twenty eight million sixty five thousand . Perhaps the most important number to note is that next years tax rate will be the same as it was in 2011 it is sixty five point eight cents per thousand of assessed value. So, if you have a two hundred thousand dollar assessed home which is actually higher than the medium value of assessments in Queensbury, then your general town tax is about a hundred and thirty dollars. That is how that translates. Continuing on, again what was working against us that we had to overcome, fourteen percent increase in the New York State Retirement contribution, this is a bill that towns and counties and school districts get from the REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 914 State. Every year it says this is what you must contribute to this State Retirement Contribution. At fourteen percent is our increase in contribution not rate, our actual rate increase is well over twenty percent probably closer to twenty five percent so what is the difference between our contribution and our rate, there are fewer people that we are contributing for which is why the increase is lower than the rate increase. But, it was seventy four thousand dollars to the general fund. Likewise, Health Insurance costs seven percent and for those of you that have been paying attention over the years, seven percent is actually historically a bargain for local municipalities for health insurance costs. It is not uncommon for health insurance costs to be in the double didgets either and I point those out because these are the two things that every municipality struggles with and these are the things that are going to be particularly challenging as municipalities around the State are working toward complying with the tax cap. The third bullet down there that is something that is unique to Queensbury. It is important to note that the Town of Queensbury in particular the general fund has very, very little amount of debt. But, this year we did take on some new debt for Main Street and for a couple of Highway Department projects that we have talked about. We talked about Main Street for ten years now, and the Highway Department that has been in and out of our meetings over the last few years. But, we had an oil contamination clean up that we had to do from when we abandoned the old leach fields and we had a new fuel island that we built as well. So, those two projects at Highway and the recently and completed and absolutely gorgeous Main Street Project the town took on some debt there. So, our new debt service for those is two hundred and two thousand five hundred dollars. Those three items are the big contributors pushing our overall General Fund Budget upward. Without these increases the General Fund actually would have been down almost a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars. So, we cut in other places. Most notably there is going there are going to be few fewer employees next year, through natural attrition we did not lay anyone one off just as opportunity arose to evaluate, can we get by without replacing that person. There are going to be a few, fewer people and then just other areas of the budget that we said well look, you know in this economy let’s make this a frugal a budget as possible. No new vehicles in the budget and again there will be four fewer employees in the town not just the general fund but town wide. For the third year in a row for elected official there will not be a pay increase and also next year again, sensitive to where we are with the budget we chose not to fund an anticipated raises for non union employees. The union employees are under, represented by CSEA they have got, next year is their second year of a two year contract extension. Their wages by contract will increase two percent and that is budgeted for. So, we did not include in the budget funding for other raises beyond what we are contractually obligated to for the Union. Then there is a snap shot of some of the other funds. The Cemetery fund you can see the appropriations is up a little under five percent with twenty six thousand dollars to give you a little perspective it is not a huge fund but it is a four point nine percent increase. Highway is basically flat and I have got a slide later that I think will make people feel pretty positive about the Highway Department. You can see that they are just shy of three point six million dollars but the overall increase from 2011 to 2012 is a little over four thousand dollars, so, essentially a flat budget. Solid waste the landfill they are actually down six point two percent. Their volume going through the transfer stations is down significantly and that is something I think the Board is going to continue to track and we may need to take a harder look at how we are handling the transfer stations. But, volume is down a little bit and they did have an employee there that retired and we are now covering it with a part time supervisor there. So, we have fewer full time employees at the transfer stations, and again I REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 915 think that is justifiable because the volumes are down. We have actually been operating this way for several months this year and it seems to be going well. Some of the other non general fund funds in the budget the emergency services that is the combination of fire and EMS and that is up almost four point two percent. The lighting district we kept the same. Wastewater is up a lot, now people will say well, what happened there? Again, this is where the devil is in the details that is because we had an entirely new district extension come on line. There are more customers using it so that isn’t that there costs or that what people are going to pay is going up there is just more volume going through the system, there is more customers now with the West Queensbury Sanitary District the new Main Street District. So, that is coming on line there are more customers so that increase in appropriations is spread out over a larger customer base. So, as far as what does that mean to the average customer, nothing it just means that we have got basically we are going to process fourteen percent more flow. Likewise water and I have got a slide that I will show on water again I like to call out water and highway specifically not because I like to pick on Bruce and Ostrander our Water Superintendent or Mike Travis our Highway Superintendent but because any time you talk about a budget in particular a Town of Queensbury’s budget by far and away the two largest. The largest chunk of appropriations in the our budget are personnel costs and the two departments that are the largest by far without any question when you are talking about the number of employees is water and highway. So, as far as where is the low hanging fruit what is the biggest meat in the budget, the highway department and the water department. So, I would like to specifically take a look at that so people get an idea, all right, water budget is four point eight million dollars is that a lot is it not a lot? Likewise with the Highway Department, the Highway Department budget is in the neighborhood of three and a half million dollars is that lot, not a lot what are we getting for our money? So, I will show that slide here in a minute. I am a big believer in bench marking and every town is unique, every town has its own challenges and its own strengths and weaknesses but as far as Warren County goes those are all the town tax rates in that center column the town tax rate for Queensbury is the 2012 rate which I said before is the same as the 2011 rate. All the other data on there for the other towns is the 2010 rates so if their tax rates went up or down last year or this coming year that would not be reflected. But, to just give you an idea, again of where Queensbury stacks up and the reason why you have got to take a look at equalization rates is some towns have been many, many decades since they have done a reval so a hundred thousand dollar house might in another town might only be assessed at two thousand dollars. So, the only way to really get a good apples to apples comparison as far as the tax rates from town to town is to take the equalization rate and multiply it by the tax rate and that gives you that last column to the right the towns effective tax rate. So, you can see that out of the eleven towns and the City of Glens Falls and the Village of Lake George only Hague and Bolton have a lower total tax rate and that is essentially because they are all high rent value on the lake and they are bringing in arm loads and arm loads of sales tax revenue with a very small expenditures. You can see at fifty two cents effective tax rate certainly compared to most of the rest of the County we are a pretty good bargain. Again, like I said I am not sure a Queensbury to Thurman comparison is an apples to apples comparison so, as I did last year we try to track ourselves against other area municipalities that are in similar size. Outside the Adirondack Park, similar populations and again this is a rehash of a slide that we used in last years budget presentation we just updated Queensbury’s numbers. These are everyone elses General Funds from 2010 so ours is two years farther down, two years of growth, two years of inflation and added to our General Fund Budget. We REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 916 did update our population to the current census and you can see only Wilton spends less per capita than Queensbury does and some of those, and I think everyone agrees that those municipalities are similar in size and scope to Queensbury, we are certainly comparable. Again, by this measure I think hopefully people get the idea that we are a pretty frugal town. Again, this is on our spending this isn’t yes, but you are using sales tax to cover or yes you are using a fund balance to cover this is actual appropriations divided by the number of people in the town regardless of how you pay for it. So, at two hundred and ninety eight dollars per person and compared to some of those we are a pretty good deal I think. Like I said before, Highway and Water are two of the biggest departments with the two most number of employees and Highway is where the rubber meets the road literally in any municipality and of course you could say well, you have got a great highway but what conditions are the roads in? By in large and certainly compared to I think most around here I think I think Queensbury’s highways are in excellent condition. Some could argue that there are some roads that need attention and our Highway Superintendent is doing the best he can but with a three point six million dollar budget and a hundred and eighty nine center line miles to take care of Mike Travis’s cost per mile is just over nineteen thousand dollars. It is the best of all of those. So, as Mike Travis and his crew getting the job done at a good deal for the taxpayer? That data suggests that they are. The Water Department is a similar story, after the Highway Department has the second most number of employees and in a historical comparison in 1979 they had twenty five employees and they were making five hundred and eighty three million gallons for twenty six hundred and fifty customers. This year they are making four times as many gallons serving almost three and a half times as many customers with two fewer employees than they did thirty years ago. The Town of Queensbury should feel really proud of their Highway Department and their Water Department. The water rate history by the way how are we doing that with thirty years of inflation you know there has got to be a big jump. Well, in 1996 it was a dollar fifty two per thousand gallons, 2011 it is dollar fifty two per thousand gallons. The average customer water cost in 1992 was three hundred and fifteen dollars in 2010 it was actually less two hundred and ninety five dollar. So, it is significantly less than the State average. So, hats off to Mike Travis and to Bruce Ostrander for what they have done at the Highway Department and Water Departments. That is the budget presentation that I have got tonight. I will open the public hearing if there are any members of the public that would like to comment or ask any questions we will do our best to field them, just ask that you folks just raise your hand, perhaps one at a time. Mr. Salvador, please. As always when you get to the microphone please state your name and address for the record these microphones not only amplify but they record for the purpose of the record. Good evening, John. Mr. John Salvador-Good evening, Mr. Stec my name is John Salvador I am a resident of North Queensbury on Alexy Lane. Generally I notice in this preliminary budget that there is no indication of what your expenditures have been for the past year. We see what the appropriation was but we, there is no evidence that your within the budget in each of these accounts or over the budget and that you really need the appropriation that you have here for 2012 for each of the line items. That used to be the case, we used to be able to see what the actual expenditures have been for the year 2011. I think it would be helpful if we could have that information in the future. The tax base has obviously increased and therefore that is the thing that keeps the tax rate fairly uniform. You have got a tax base increase as well as a budget increase and so if they are in proportion then you REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 917 do not have a tax increase. Is there an indication here as to what our tax base increase has been? We see assessed valuation here we see that for Supervisor Stec-Don’t forget the levy doesn’t factor in what the base does, the amount levied is what the tax cap has been structured around. The levy does not necessarily factor in the things that you are talking about. I agree with what you said the math works as you say it does but our levy Mr. Salvador-It would be helpful to see these numbers that is all. Where do we find in this budget summary what your forecasting for the sales tax revenue? Supervisor Stec-I do not know exactly page it is on but I can tell you that we forecasted the same number for 2012 that we budgeted for 2011. Seven million three hundred and fifty thousand, somewhere around seven point three million dollars. We are doing a little bit better than that this year but next year because of equalization rates and the way that the County, the way that, that formula works it is likely to lower that back down. Not wanting to get too clever or aggressive in a rosier projection we chose to use the same number which is based on what the County is doing this year too. Mr. Salvador-The emergency services you show on your presentation something like a four percent increase however the fire has only gone up three point four percent whereas the EMS is up six point eight percent. The six point eight percent is significant increase. Supervisor Stec-Well, it is a smaller budget and it is an increase in the rate. You have got to remember that their revenue source, they have another revenue source beyond the property tax and so the entire rate for EMS last year was fourteen and a half cents a thousand and next year it will be fifteen and a half cents a thousand so it is going up one penny which is a six point eight percent increase but it is a penny. On a hundred thousand dollar home it is a dollar. It is a large percent of a tiny number. Appropriations are not going up six point eight percent the rate is going up six point eight percent just to be clear. Mr. Salvador-I am wondering if you have included anything in your budget for the services we are giving to the Town of Fort Ann. Supervisor Stec-We are not giving anything to the Town of Fort Ann. No, the budget was not impacted by that because despite two letters I have not heard anything back there and I do not like to budget on uncertainties. If they chose to contract with North Queensbury and we are made aware of it, will it impact our contribution or our contract amount with North Queensbury I suspect it will. Mr. Salvador-If they chose to contract, we are giving a service and we are not getting compensated for it. Supervisor Stec-We are not giving anything, you mean the rescue squad is providing a service? Mr. Salvador-Yes. Supervisor Stec-Yes and I have encouraged the rescue squad and Fort Ann to get together and come up with a number. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 918 Mr. Salvador-Why don’t we send them a bill? Supervisor Stec-Well we are not a very litigious municipality, John there are other municipalities around here that like to send bills. Mr. Salvador-You do not need litigation to send a bill. Supervisor Stec-We are not in a position to send a bill. Mr. Salvador-Why not? You are giving a service you should be compensated for it. Supervisor Stec-The Town of Queensbury is not giving a service to Fort Ann. Mr. Salvador-One of your agencies is. Supervisor Stec-It is not a town agency, it is private nonprofit, John. Mr. Salvador-They receive funding from this town. Supervisor Stec-They do Mr. Salvador-ok. Supervisor Stec- So, does National Grid. Mr. Salvador-It shouldn’t be too hard to bring this Fort Ann service into line, they already have a fire district for that Pilot Knob area that is a separate fire district why can’t they just simply increase the taxes for that district for emergency services and that portion come to the, increase come to the Town of Queensbury. The mechanics are in place it should not be hard. How long are you going to wait before you Councilman Metivier-There will be a new Supervisor there in a few more months. Mr. Salvador-Excuse me? Councilman Metivier-I said there will be a new Supervisor there in a few more months perhaps there will be more aggressive in getting something going. Keep in mind this is a bill for service so if that ambulance goes out to you know North Queensbury or to Fort Ann we get paid for that so it is better to get the rig off the floor than to have it sit there. Mr. Salvador-We all know that North Queensbury EMS does not pay for itself in that regard, we know there is a shift from other EMS services to North Queensbury, we know that, so they are not getting enough. There should be a way for them to get enough and if they bill Fort Ann the Town of Fort Ann for the services we offer and the services are the infrastructure we have in place. What if they had to go out and finance that? Supervisor Stec-Well, the rest of the answer to your question, having a minute to figure out the rest of the answer, the Town’s contract with North Queensbury EMS REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 919 expires at the end of this year so they are due for re-negotiation for their contract with the Town and this is something that certainly can, we can address in our contract with them. So, we got eight more weeks before their contract expires so it is something that we can address with them. We kind of brought it up when we were ratifying their contract earlier this year and I did John I did not let it go, I sent two letters to Gayle Hall I didn’t get a reply. I am not, I do not disagree with you that they ought to be paying something I couldn’t agree with you more, I am not sure how to go about that I agree with you but, I agree with you in principal that Fort Ann is receiving a service that they are not paying for. Mr. Salvador-And it has been going on for many years. Supervisor Stec-A long time. Mr. Salvador-A long time, ok. This page you have titled General Fund Appropriations, I notice in account fourteen seventy Board of Ethics for the second year you have not included any funding for the Town Board of Ethics. Supervisor Stec-I think when we had a Board of Ethics I do not think they ever spent a nickel ever, so we zeroed it out. What funding do you spend on a Board of Ethics? What other municipalities have one? But we have never spent money so why, why budget for money that you know that you are not going to spend? Mr. Salvador-We do not have a functioning Board of Ethics I think we know that. Supervisor Stec-Have not for several years. Mr. Salvador-We have not, and that is a violation of law. Supervisor Stec-No, it is not. Mr. Salvador-Why did we , why did we put in, why did we put together an Ethics Code and have a Board of Ethics at one time. We did not have the Board of Ethics. Supervisor Stec-They all quit, John and we cannot find replacements and it has not been a problem, I mean, we have not had anyone say hey where do I file a complaint? Mr. Salvador-It is a problem we don’t have a place to file a complaint. Supervisor Stec-I do not know of any other Town in Warren County that has a Board of Ethics. We are not, to correct what you just said, we are not required, it is not a violation of law not to have one. Mr. Salvador-I am wondering why we ever went this route and had one? Supervisor Stec-I was not there when it was created. Mr. Salvador-If I recall correctly Paul Dusek was our Town Attorney when we put this in place. There must have been a need for it. Supervisor Stec-Maybe twenty years ago there was. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 920 Mr. Salvador-Well in any case Supervisor Stec-But in any case they don’t spend any money, so it is not a budgetary issue. They have never spent any money. Mr. Salvador-If you don’t have a Board of Ethics, you do not have to spend any money. Supervisor Stec-I wish we did not have to spend money on lawyers but we do. Mr. Salvador-Ok. Supervisor Stec-Some people make us spend more money than others on lawyers. Mr. Salvador-Is that right. Supervisor Stec-Hey, it is true. Mr. Salvador-Ok. Supervisor Stec-I can give you a list. Mr. Salvador-Account Five four one zero, sidewalks – I think we know that the Town has to pay for the maintenance of sidewalks Supervisor Stec-That is in another part of the budget, the sidewalks I believe if I am not mistaken Barb that line for sidewalks it was for construction. Mr. Salvador-It was where? Supervisor Stec-Construction of sidewalks. The snow removal of sidewalks is in the Highway Budget not in the General Fund. Mr. Salvador-Why can’t we show there, what it is? Supervisor Stec-It is not in the General, because this is, you are looking at the General Fund it is not being paid for funded through the General Fund. Mr. Salvador-Maybe that is where it should be. It should be there and not in the Highway. Supervisor Stec-Any other comments? Mr. Salvador-The Highway Superintendent has a responsibility to maintain highways, ok, it does not say anything about sidewalks. That is part of the town’s responsibility to take care of the maintenance of sidewalks. How you do it is quite another thing. How you do it, but you should have, we should be able to see what the sidewalks are costing us in the way of maintenance. Supervisor Stec-It is in the Highway numbers. Mr. Salvador-How much is it? REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 921 Supervisor Stec-Barb, do you have a number handy in the detail or in the supporting documents? Budget Officer Barbara Tierney-I can look in the detail real quick. Councilman Brewer-This year we, did we put the new sidewalks in, right? Councilman Montesi-That comes under the town, but the maintenance, snow removal, the sweeping of the sidewalks is done by the Highway Department. It is always a battle because the State of New York when they do fore instance Route 9, once they put the sidewalks in they say you will, we will put the sidewalks in, you will maintain them, it is not a choice. Mr. Salvador-I understand that. The State is not stupid they are not going to go building these sidewalks at your request and then they are saddled at maintaining them. Supervisor Stec-We do not have that number available. Any other questions, John? Mr. Salvador-Yes. Account Seven four one zero, library- Supervisor Stec-There is no money in it, John. Mr. Salvador-No money in there, and yet we do pay a library tax. Supervisor Stec-That is not part of the town’s general fund, John that is a line on a sheet of paper that gets carried forward from year to year. It was zero last year it is zero this year and it is zero next year. Mr. Salvador-I should remind you that the Town of Moreau has an item in there for the Crandall Library on that line in their budget. Supervisor Stec-Good for them. Mr. Salvador-Ok. In the past Mr. Auffredou has served as the Town Attorney for the Town of Moreau and has thought that this is the proper way to do it, to include it in their budget the Crandall Library Tax. Now he is at the County Supervisor Stec-Where he is not involved in the library at all. Mr. Salvador-Well, maybe we can get an opinion from him. In any case I firmly believe that the Crandall Library Tax Queensbury’s portion of the Crandall Library should be on that line in your budget. You do not have anything for historical, it is account seven five two zero, historical property. Supervisor Stec-Correct, nor did we last year. That seven five two zero is a space holder it has not been funded in a long time, these are things that you are seeing a format on a form that have not had dollar in them in years. Mr. Salvador-How do you pay for it? REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 922 Supervisor Stec-The last I checked we have not bought or maintained any historical property. Barb, am I missing something here, why is that zero? Because we do not spend any money there. Budget Officer Tierney-These codes, those codes are set by New York State Comptroller’s Office they are generally accepted accounting codes for New York State accounting. Supervisor Stec-So, every town has code seventy five twenty historical property but not every town may fund them, some towns may go crazy and fund them significantly, we don’t we are not, that is why we are one of the Mr. Salvador-We have a historical site up on North Queensbury that is Supervisor Stec-We did not budget any money for that, we do have a litigation account in the town though, it is bigger than I wish it was. Mr. Salvador-Ok. All right so you will get some information concerning sidewalks. Supervisor Stec-Maybe, if I can get it together I will get it to you. Mr. Salvador-Ok, and some progress to be made on the EMS for the Town of Fort Ann. Supervisor Stec-We have tried and we will continue to do so. Councilman Strough-John, to answer one of your questions, you were asking about the total assessed value in the Town, the equalized total assessment value of the town is three trillion nine hundred and ninety three million nine hundred ninety two thousand nine hundred and twenty six, in other words basically four trillion dollars. Mr. Salvador-Again where are you getting that number from? Councilman Strough-Well, I get this, is the assessor’s report I do not know if it is in your version. Councilman Montesi-Not trillion it is billion. Councilman Metivier-It is billion Supervisor Stec-It is billion, you said trillion, you mean billion I am sure you meant billion. Councilman Strough-Yea, billion. Supervisor Stec-We have got money but not that kind of money. Councilman Strough-Yea, four billion dollars, did I say trillion? Supervisor Stec-Yes. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 923 Councilman Brewer-Yea, you did. Councilman Strough-Thanks for correcting me. Mr. Salvador-So it is two trillion eight hundred and ninety nine. Supervisor Stec-That is the taxable value of the town and it hasn’t changed a lot from year to year. Councilman Strough-And the equalized value is three billion nine hundred and ninety three million two hundred and ninety two thousand nine hundred and twenty six dollars, right? Councilman Brewer-Right. Supervisor Stec-Thanks, John. Is there anyone else that would like to comment on the public hearing on the budget? Seeing none I will close the public hearing and entertain a motion. RESOLUTION ADOPTING ANNUAL TOWN BUDGET FOR 2012 RESOLUTION NO.: 323, 2011 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Ronald Montesi th WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board conducted a public hearing on November 7, 2011 concerning the proposed 2012 Preliminary Budget and all interested persons were heard, and WHEREAS, the proposed 2012 Preliminary Budget sets forth the proposed 2012 salaries of the Town’s Elected Officials as required by New York State Town Law §27, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs that the 2012 salaries for the Town of Queensbury Elected Officials shall be as follows: TOWN SUPERVISOR 67,276. TOWN COUNCILPERSON (4) 17,382. TOWN CLERK 66,442. TOWN HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT 67,161. TOWN JUSTICES (2) 42,969. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 924 and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby adopts the 2012 Preliminary Budget presented at this meeting as the Town of Queensbury Annual Budget for 2012 with the following modifications: and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to enter the Adopted Annual Budget in the minutes of the Town Board proceedings, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that a copy of the adopted Annual Budget for 2012, including a copy of the S495 Exemption Impact Report, is attached and made part of this Resolution, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby states its support of non-profit and other community organizations by providing funding as outlined in the Schedule of Contributions which is contained in the supporting documentation to the 2012 Adopted Budget, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to prepare and certify duplicate copies of the Adopted Annual Budget and deliver one copy to the Queensbury Town Supervisor so that he may present it to the Warren County Board of Supervisors. th Duly adopted this 7 day of November, 2011, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Metivier, Mr. Montesi, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec NOES : None REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 925 ABSENT: None Discussion before vote: Supervisor Stec-I would remiss to say I thank the Town Board for its work on the budget as well and again on the Department Heads for working as hard as they did on this budget. Councilman Strough-Thank you Dan and Barb you both did a nice job. Supervisor Stec-Thank you very much. Barb again thank you. 2.0 RESOLUTION ENTERING QUEENSBURY BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION CALLING FOR QUEENSBURY BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION NO. 324.2011 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Ronald Montesi RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby moves into the Queensbury Board of Health. th Duly adopted this 7 day of November, 2011 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Metivier, Mr. Montesi, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec NOES: None ABSENT: None QUEENSBURY BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION SETTING PUBLIC HEARING ON SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCE APPLICATION OF JOHN AUGSTELL AND JAMES AUGSTELL RESOLUTION NO.: 34, 2011 BOH INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. John Strough REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 926 WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board serves as the Town’s Local Board of Health and is authorized by Town Code Chapter 136 to issue variances from the Town’s On-Site Sewage Disposal Ordinance, and WHEREAS, John Augstell and James Augstell have applied to the Local Board of Health § for a variance from Chapter 136, 136-11, which requires applicants to obtain a variance for holding tanks and the applicants have requested a new 3,500 gallon replacement holding tank system serving cottages with one bedroom and two bedrooms respectively, and WHEREAS, the applicants have also applied to the Local Board of Health for three (3) additional variances from Chapter 136 to allow: 1.placement of the holding tanks one foot (1’) from the south property line in lieu of the required ten feet (10’) setback; 2.placement of the sewer lines one foot (1’) from the cottages line in lieu of the required ten feet (10’) setback; and 3.installation of fill for the holding tanks with less than a 50’ radius, such relief to be from §136-11B-18 which restricts mounding over holding tanks; on property located at 38 Bean Road in the Town of Queensbury, New York, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury Local Board of Health will hold a public st hearing on Monday, November 21, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the Queensbury Activities Center, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, to consider John Augstell and James Augstell’s sewage disposal variance application concerning property located at 38 Bean Road in the Town of Queensbury and bearing Tax Map No.: 227.10-1-20 and at that time all interested persons will be heard, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Local Board of Health authorizes and directs the Queensbury Town Clerk to publish the Notice of Public Hearing presented at this meeting and send a copy of the Notice to neighbors located within 500 feet of the property as required by law. th Duly adopted this 7 day of November, 2011, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Montesi, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Metivier NOES : None ABSENT: None REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 927 RESOLUTION SETTING PUBLIC HEARING ON SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCE APPLICATION OF DONALD MARSHALL RESOLUTION NO.: 35, 2011 BOH INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Ronald Montesi WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board serves as the Town’s Local Board of Health and is authorized by Town Code Chapter 136 to issue variances from the Town’s On-Site Sewage Disposal Ordinance, and WHEREAS, Donald Marshall has applied to the Local Board of Health for a variance from § Chapter 136, 136-11, which requires applicants to obtain a variance for holding tanks and the applicant wishes to install holding tanks beneath the parking area due to steep slopes and lack of available space for a conventional system on property located at 101 Fitzgerald Road Ext., in the Town of Queensbury, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury Local Board of Health will hold a public st hearing on Monday, November 21, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the Queensbury Activities Center, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, to consider Donald Marshall’s sewage disposal variance application concerning property located at 101 Fitzgerald Road Ext., in the Town of Queensbury (Tax Map No.: 289.14-1-28) and at that time all interested persons will be heard, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Local Board of Health authorizes and directs the Queensbury Town Clerk to publish the Notice of Public Hearing presented at this meeting and send a copy of the Notice to neighbors located within 500 feet of the property as required by law. th Duly adopted this 7 day of November, 2011, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Montesi NOES : None ABSENT: None REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 928 RESOLUTION ADJOURNING QUEENSBURY BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING RESOLUTION NO. 36, 2011 BOH Introduced by: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Board of Health hereby adjourns it meeting and moves back into regular session th Duly adopted this 7 day of November, 2011 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Metivier, Mr. Montesi, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec NOES: None ABSENT: None QUEENSBURY TOWN BOARD MEETING 3.0 RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION APPOINTING CLYDE SHERMAN AS SCHOOL TRAFFIC OFFICER ON PERMANENT, PART-TIME BASIS RESOLUTION NO. 325, 2011 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. John Strough WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 369,2010, the Queensbury Town Board appointed Clyde Sherman as a School Traffic Officer (Crossing Guard) on an “on-call” basis only, and WHEREAS, the Town Board now wishes to hire Mr. Sherman on a permanent, part-time basis, up to 15 hours per week, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby appoints Clyde Sherman as a School Traffic Officer (Crossing Guard) on a permanent, part-time basis, up to 15 hours per week, effective th on or about November 8, 2011 at the current rate of pay for the position, and REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 929 BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor and/or Town Budget Officer to complete any forms and take any actions necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. th Duly adopted this 7 day of November, 2011, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Montesi, Mr. Strough NOES : None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT WITH WARREN COUNTY SAFE & QUALITY CYCLING CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE RESOLUTION NO.: 326, 2011 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 484,2007, the Queensbury Town Board provided for the Town’s receipt of occupancy tax revenues from Warren County in accordance with the Local Tourism Promotion and Convention Development Agreement (Agreement) entered into between the Town and Warren County, and WHEREAS, the Agreement provides that specific expenditure of the funds provided under the Agreement are subject to further Resolution of the Town Board, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to provide funding to the Warren County Safe & Quality Cycling Citizens Advisory Committee in the amount of $2,000 with occupancy tax revenues received from Warren County and accordingly enter into an agreement with the Warren County Safe & Quality Cycling Citizens Advisory Committee for the year 2012 for the promotion of events to Town residents, and WHEREAS, a proposed Agreement has been presented at this meeting, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves the Agreement between the Town and the Warren County Safe & Quality Cycling Citizens Advisory Committee substantially in the form presented at this meeting and authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 930 to execute the Agreement, with funding for the Agreement not exceeding the sum of $2,000 and to be provided by occupancy tax revenues the Town receives from Warren County, to be paid for from Account No.: 050-6410-4412, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that such Agreement is expressly contingent upon the Town Budget Officer confirming that the Town has unallocated occupancy tax funds available from Warren County. th Duly adopted this 7 day of November, 2011, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Stec, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Montesi, Mr. Brewer NOES : None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Mr. Strough Discussion held before vote: Supervisor Stec-We are going to be awarding two thousand dollars to for our agreement with Warren County Safe and Quality Cycling Advisory Committee for promotion of events. We will be using occupancy tax and again we have done that earlier this year but this will be for the year 2012. Councilman Strough-I will abstain because I am Vice Chair of that organization. RESOLUTION APPOINTING MEMBERS TO GLEN LAKE AQUATIC PLANT GROWTH CONTROL DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE RESOLUTION NO. 327, 2011 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Ronald Montesi WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 2598,2011, the Queensbury Town Board approved the establishment of the Glen Lake Aquatic Plant Growth Control District and stated its intention to form a District Advisory Committee composed of five (5) property owners and representatives from the Glen Lake Protective Association (GLPA), and WHEREAS, the GLPA has provided the Town Board with its recommendation for the Advisory Committee members, and WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed the list and analyzed the Town’s needs and determined that such proposed members will be the initial District Advisory Committee members, REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 931 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby appoints the following five (5) persons who are property owners within the District and/or Glen Lake Protective Association members, to the Glen Lake Aquatic Plant Growth Control District Advisory Committee: ? Paul Derby ? Don Milne ? Ken Minges ? Mike O’Connor ? Dean Boecher and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that such Committee members shall serve at the direction of the Town Board st with their terms to begin immediately and terminate on December 31, 2012, with the Town Board’s current intention being that future appointments will be for each succeeding calendar year, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor and/or Town Clerk to take any necessary actions to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. th Duly adopted this 7 day of November, 2011, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Montesi, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Metivier NOES : None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING IDENTIFICATION AND DESIGNATION OF CERTAIN ROADS AS ON-STREET BIKE ROUTES AS RECOMMENDED BY WARREN COUNTY SAFE & QUALITY BICYCLE ORGANIZATION RESOLUTION NO.: 328, 2011 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 932 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. John Strough WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer th WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury has received a proposal dated September 26, 2011 from the Warren County Safe & Quality Bicycle Organization (WCSQBO) to officially identify and designate certain roads as on-street bike routes, thus allowing the Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council to add the designated bike routes to the Regional Bicycle Map that is currently being updated, and WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined that such proposal and posting of bike route signage on designated roads would benefit Town residents and the general public, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT th RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes the September 26, 2011 proposal presented at this meeting from the Warren County Safe & Quality Bicycle Organization (WCSQBO) to officially identify and designate certain roads as on-street bike routes and authorizes and directs the Town Highway Superintendent, in his discretion, to purchase and post the appropriate bike route signage on such designated roads, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes the Town’s Budget Officer to arrange for payment of such signs from the appropriate account, including any budget transfer or amendment to the Town’s 2011 Budget, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Highway Superintendent and/or Town Budget Officer to take any and all actions necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. th Duly adopted this 7 day of November, 2011, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Montesi, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Metivier NOES : None ABSENT: None REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 933 Discussion held before vote: Supervisor Stec-This was a map that was recommended to us by the Quality Biking Association chaired by Lloyd Mott dated September 26, 2011 and essentially the suggested bike routes that we are going to be designating I do not think will come as a surprise to anybody. I will read them real quick Upper Sherman and Sherman Avenue from West Mountain Road to Western Avenue, Potter Road from West Mountain Road to Aviation Road, Aviation Road from West Mountain Road to Dixon Road, Dixon Road to Parkview Avenue, Parkview Avenue to Fire Road, Ashley Place from Dixon to Coolidge Avenue, Coolidge Avenue from Ashley Place to Western Avenue, Veterans Road from Sherman Avenue to Luzerne Road and Richardson Street from Luzerne Road to Haviland Avenue. This is the first step as John pointed out we are going to identify these routes we are going to be signing them as a bike route, that is one of the things that we need to do. This official adoption of these routes is an initial step towards making them eligible for future support through grant applications that maybe out there. So, basically this sets the stage for future improvements to these routes for bike and pedestrian use. Councilman Strough-We went through quite a process of taking a look at the routes that we have, town roads only we can look at the County can look at County roads and we can suggest to them what roads we think should be identified as bike routes. But, those routes that get identified as bike routes are safe bike routes. Not only is there a Warren County Quality Bicycle Organization which I said I am Vice Chair of and Lloyd Mott is the Chair, we have evaluated the roads we have had people to out and physically walk the roads look at the roads, bike the roads we look at them in terms of bike safety, family safety, all ages groups. Not all roads can get this assessment. So, once you agree on what roads do accommodate bike cyclists well, and the town approves those as bike routes they will get put on the map that is put together by the Adirondack Glens Falls Transportation Council and they are eligible for grant funding. For example if you want to improve the shoulders, signage, any other bicycle accommodation like that it is eligible for grant funding and having this designation. So, you are not talking about that many roads, I have nine listed that we approved as being accommodating for bicyclists but that is what it is. Supervisor Stec-It is a good step that again puts us in a good place as we move forward should grant opportunities come through. Councilman Strough-The roads we look at in other factors, how comprehensive can we be in tying into other municipal roads? So, we are kind of breaking the ground here in the hope that the local adjacent towns and municipalities also take a look at what we have done and their interconnecting roads that are also deemed good bike routes also get put together into our comprehensive package. (vote taken) RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO.: 215, 2004 REGARDING INDIVIDUALS AUTHORIZED TO MAKE TOWN PURCHASES RESOLUTION NO.: 329, 2011 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Ronald Montesi WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 215, 2004, the Queensbury Town Board authorized a list of individuals eligible to make purchases for the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk, Town Budget Officer and Town Purchasing Agent have advised the Town Board that such Resolution has become obsolete and should be rescinded, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 934 RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby rescinds Resolution No.: 215, 2004, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Town Clerk, Town Budget Officer and/or Town Purchasing Agent to take any steps necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. th Duly adopted this 7 day of November, 2011, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Montesi NOES : None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION TO AMEND 2011 BUDGET RESOLUTION NO.: 330, 2011 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Ronald Montesi WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHEREAS, the following Budget Amendment Requests have been duly initiated and justified and are deemed compliant with Town operating procedures and accounting practices by the Town Budget Officer, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town’s Accounting Office to take all action necessary to amend the 2011 Town Budget as follows: From To Code Appropriation Code Appropriation $ 001-1990-4400 Contingency 001-1410-4400-1200 Misc. Contractual 500 Codification 001-1990-4400 Contingency 001-1410-4420 Services 2,000 001-9060-8060 Health Insurance 001-1420-4131 Litigation 15,000 001-9060-8060 Health Insurance 001-1420-4133 Article 7 Litigation 5,000 001-5010-4820 Uniforms 001-5010-1020 Overtime 400 001-5010-4800 Equipment Rep 001-5010-4400 Misc. Contractual 27 002-9060-8060 Health Insurance 002-8810-4400 Misc. Contractual 2,500 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 935 004-5110-4620 Road Paving Mats 004-5142-4477 Sidewalk Maint 10,000 004-5110-1010 Wages 004-5142-1010 Wages 25,000 004-5110-4620 Road Paving Mats 004-5130-4410 Fuel 20,000 005-0000-0909- 4981 EMS Fund Bal 005-3410-4415-4981 EMS contracts 96,000 th Duly adopted this 7 day of November, 2011, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Montesi, Mr. Strough NOES : None ABSENT : None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING GRANT APPLICATION FROM NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF COURT ADMINISTRATION FOR FUNDS TO BE USED FOR TOWN COURT IMPROVEMENTS RESOLUTION NO: 331, 2011 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Ronald Montesi WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury’s Justice Court has advised the Town Board that a Capital Improvement Fund Grant from the New York State Office of Court Administration (OCA) is now available to provide funding to the Town for Town Court improvements, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to authorize an application for these grant funds up to the maximum grant amount available, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor and/or Town Justices to apply for a Capital Improvement Fund Grant, up to the maximum grant amount available, from the New York State Office of Court Administration (OCA) to be used by the Town for Town Court improvements and take any further actions necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. th Duly adopted this 7 day of November, 2011, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Stec, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Montesi, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 936 NOES : None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION APPROVING AUDITS OF BILLS – THTH WARRANTS OF OCTOBER 27 AND NOVEMBER 8, 2011 RESOLUTION NO.: 332, 2011 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. John Strough WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Ronald Montesi WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board wishes to approve two (2) audits of bills thrd presented as Warrants with run dates of October 27 and November 3, 2011 and payment dates of thth October 27 and November 8, 2011, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves the Warrants with run thrdthth dates of October 27 and November 3, 2011 and payment dates of October 27 and November 8, 2011 totaling $245,914.86 and $640,003.04, respectively, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor and/or Town Budget Officer to take such other and further action as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. th Duly adopted this 7 day of November, 2011, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Metivier, Mr. Montesi, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec NOES : None ABSENT: None 4.0 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR (LIMIT 4 MINUTES) Mr. John Salvador-Spoke on proposal for Joshua Rock Corp. clarification of map lines, ZBA will be hearing the project at the end of November, stating the owner of lot 8 and 9, requested that the ownership be looked into…the public record is inadequate in regards to who owns the property, there is conflicting data until it is sorted out I do not see how you can grant permits and you have done that already. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 937 Mr. Pliney Tucker-41 Division Rd. – There is a street light on Media Drive 40 feet of the intersection of Luzerne Road, requested that it be moved to the center of the intersection with a larger light. Supervisor Stec-I will look into it. Mr. Tucker-Spoke about the manhole getting fixed. Supervisor Stec-I have spoken to them, they state there is nothing that they can do to make it any better. Town Counsel Hafner-We hear week after week at the meetings about this Joshua Rock and that whole thing, we have done the research we have told you the estate that is the owner and who are the proper representatives and just want to make sure there is no confusion with the public that the proper people have made the application we verified the ownership. 5.0 CORRESPONDENCE NONE 6.0 TOWN BOARD DISCUSSIONS WARD 1 ANTHONY METIVIER ? Don’t forget to vote tomorrow ? Congratulations to this Board it has been a good four years WARD 2 RONALD MONTESI ? Recognized students from Queensbury School Government Class ? Spoke about the Glen Lake Taxing Dist. and the new committee WARD 3 JOHN STROUGH ? Fire Marshal Mike Palmer wanted to remind the public to change your batteries in the fire and carbon oxide alarms ? Ward 3 leaf pickup is this week – (Councilman Brewer-noted that the Highway Dept. is back up it might be next week for Ward 3) Ward thth 1&2 is scheduled for November 14 – 18 that may be delayed. WARD 4 TIM BREWER ? Noted he had spoken to the Highway Dept. and they were backed up with clean up work SUPERVISOR STEC ? Thanked Look TV and our Sponsors-the only municipality in Warren County that televises its meetings ? Website – www.queensbury.net Thanked Ryan Lashway-he is updating the website for the Town ? Thanked Barbara Tierney and the accounting Office and all the Department Heads, Elected and appointed for all their great work in a REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 11-07-2011 MTG #29 938 difficult budget year– Queensbury held the line on the tax rate and our spending it is a budget that I am proud of and I think the Town Department Heads should be proud of and I think our public certainly if they look at the data, I think they would be proud of it to. ? Don’t forget to vote tomorrow COUNCILMAN MONTESI-I was at a wake this evening for a fellow that had a dream and a vision for Queensbury and that was Gary Bowen he was the founder of Hiland Park. We are all sorry for his passing. SUPERVISOR STEC-Noted he also went to Mr. Bowen’s calling hours, he was very instrumental in the development of Queensbury twenty, thirty years ago, Hiland is gorgeous today and that part of town is starting to build out according to his vision. He was the man that first had that vision and it is starting to come together. RESOLUTION ADJOURNING TOWN BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION NO. 333. 2011 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. John Strough WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Town Board Meeting. th Duly adopted this 7 day of November, 2011 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Metivier, Mr. Montesi, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec NOES: None ABSENT: None Respectfully submitted, Miss Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk-Queensbury