1998-12-01 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING DECEMBER 1, 1998 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held Tuesday, D~cemb~r 1,1998 at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. PRESENT: Commissioners Auer, Hersh, LaBombard, Maine, Schachner and Simmonds ALSO PRESENT: ABSENT: VISITORS: Councilmen Irish, Tucker and Director Hansen Commissioner Carusone (ex) None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Hersh made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Auer to approve the minutes of the November 3, 1998 meeting. There were no corrections and the motion was approved by majority vote (Commissioner Schachner abstained). COMMUNICATIONS The director highlighted the items of correspondence included in the monthly packet and there was discussion on Mr. Dykster's letter and the department's timetable for completing his (Dykster's) recommendation. It was explained that the remedial Hovey Pond inlet/spillway work would be completed this week. Chairman Simmonds relayed the "plant a tree" memorial request included as part of the letter from Cullen O'Brien and explained that she had instructed the director to contact Mr. O'Brien to work out the details. PARK PLANNING - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS DISCUSSION The director briefly reviewed the '95 park project memo/list which was developed by the commission and sent to the Town Board some time ago. The commission looked over the priority list and there was discussion on the department projects which have been completed. After further discussion, it was the consensus that developing a new park planning - priority list would be premature at this time, especially in light of the facility survey which would go out shortly. The commission agreed to wait for the survey results before evaluating and reprioritizing the park project list. Chairman Simmonds also mentioned that she had requested that the joint meeting (board and commission) be postponed until February and the Supervisor concurred. 1999 COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULE A tentative schedule of commission monthly meeting dates for 1999 was reviewed and approved for distribution. NEW BUSINESS Commissioner LaBombard requested information on the Town's subdivision development - green space guidelines and what occurs when a developer defaults or fails to maintain the undeveloped green area that has previously been set aside. He specifically was referring to the Bedford Close (BC)/Northern Homes situation and that subdivision's green area, some of which is now up for sale due to delinquent back taxes. There was considerable discussion on the Town's obligation to protect green space, the homeowner association's responsibility in that same regard and the developer's commitment after the project is completed. The consensus was that individual homeowner associations, rather than the town, should purchase and maintain their respective green areas. Commissioner Auer commented on the Hudson River Park gate (design and structure). He also suggested a "Barrier Ahead" sign as well as reflective lights for the gate. Discussion followed and it was agreed that the gate in conjunction with signage and the new street light/warning lights should be more than adequate to impede lawful park users. With regard to others, it was the consensus that no gate would hinder access or deter illegal usage for that matter. Councilman Irish mentioned the new performance evaluation system and requested that the commission evaluate the director as a prerequisite for his annual raise. The director pointed out that the new evaluation forms were not finalized but, when completed, would be given to the personnel committee for their evaluation. MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORT The director presented a verbal monthly report and advised the commission with regard to the most recent incident of vandalism at Hudson River Park. He also explained the status of the park gate closure situation and outlined the negotiations which were underway with respect to Big Boom Road. In summary, the department hopes to limit park usage by closing the gate until spring, however, the Town Board must make the final decision. The status of the DeSantis property acquisition was also detailed and the director was questioned regarding the 12/31/98 deadline. He assured the commission that the -2- the year. The director commented on a number of other items, including the Hovey Pond Eagle Scout project and the status of the possible acquisition from the County of the initial 44 acre Hudson River/DeSantis property. There being no further business, the commission meeting was adjourned at 8:13 p.m. The next meeting will be held on January 5, 1999, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the Supervisor's Conference Room (#37), at the Queensbury Town Office Building. ~~~,~ arron Simmo ds, Chairman Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director -3-