1998-10-06 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OCTOBER 6, 1998 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held Tuesday, October 6, 1998 at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. PRESENT: Commissioners Auer, Carusone, Hersh, LaBombard, Schachner and Simmonds ALSO PRESENT: ABSENT: VISITORS: Ass't. Director Lovering Commissioner Maine (ex) None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Carusone made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Schachner to approve the minutes of the September 1, 1998 meeting. After noting a grammatical change, the minutes were unanimously approved by voice vote. COMMUNICATIONS The items of correspondence in the monthly packet were reviewed by the assistant director and included: Bob Eddy's Hovey Pond Report, Hudson River Park (HRP) project notification letter, commission survey memo and Glens Falls Flyers letter. The commission also discussed and approved the installation of a sign honoring Bob Eddy ("Robert L. Eddy Botanical Gardens") that will be erected next spring underneath the Hovey Pond Park gardens' archway. The request had been made to the department by Mary Lee Gosline on behalf of the Friends of Hovey Pond. The commission discussed the HRP project notification letter and there were no further comments. Commissioner LaBombard expressed his concern and wondered what responsibility, if any, the town had to those subcontractors still unpaid by Nutech. After a brief discussion, most commissioners agreed that, although unfortunate, the town did not have a responsibility or obligation to those subcontractors that Nutech had failed to pay. The assistant director summarized the director's recent meeting with Carl DeSantis (owner of a 9 acre +/- parcel adjoining the present HRP site) and the possible donation of this parcel to the town. He relayed the property stipulations requested by Mr. DeSantis: (1) that he (Mr. DeSantis) keep a section of the parcel (roughly 25'x400' west of an access road) in order to adequately access/service the billboards and radio tower, and (2) that the Town not build anything that would obstruct the view of the billboards. The assistant director reported that additional/updated information would be presented by the director during the November commission meeting. HUDSON RIVER PARK PROJECT UPDATE A project update was provided by the assistant director with regard to the remedial work completed in September by New Dimensions at Hudson River Park. He mentioned that the softball field turf had grown satisfactorily and would be cut shortly as part of the contract. He also noted that 10% of the contract would be withheld (retainage) until the turf could be thoroughly evaluated. Also discussed was the installation of a new park gate, split rail fencing on the east side of the road, along with the cleanup efforts by the bridge construction contractor. TOWN BOARD EMPLOYMENT POLICY Commissioner Carusone (chairman of the personnel committee) presented a Town Board resolution concerning hiring relatives of existing town employees. Commissioner Carusone wondered whether the commission would like the personnel committee to review the Town Board policy with respect to how it might impact the commission's existing policy. After a lengthy discussion about both policies, the majority of commissioners in attendance felt that the commission's hiring policy was still valid and should not be changed in order to mirror that of the Town Board's new policy. (Note: Commissioner Auer, not in favor of the previous commission's personnel hiring guidelines, left the meeting during the discussion.) HOVEY POND SILTATION Director Hansen, as requested by Councilman Irish at the September meeting, investigated a possible siltation problem at Hovey Pond Park with Tom Nace (Nace Engineering) and the details of this meeting were relayed by the assistant director. He reported that Mr. Nace felt further evaluation was necessary (soil samples and measurements of water depth) before concluding a siltation problem existed. The results of this evaluation will be shared with the commission when available. FREEDOM PARK PLAYGROUND The upcoming meeting concerning the Freedom Park playground project, including construction costs, was briefly outlined by the assistant director. He explained that he would again reiterate the commission's concerns (September meeting) and would update commission members next month. -2- ZOLl PROPERTY The assistant director reported the results of a meeting between the director and Janet McCauley from Queensbury School concerning the Zoli property. He explained that the property had been purchased by the school district over a month ago and that Janet would coordinate a meeting between the Athletic Committee, the Building and Grounds Committee and the Commission in order to discuss possible future uses for the property. A brief discussion ensued among commissioners concerning the possibility of a skate board park and whether this type of use would receive support from school district board members. JOINT COMMISSIONITOWN BOARD MEETING A request for a joint meeting between the commission and the Town Board was reviewed and, after discussion, it was the consensus that an October 22 meeting at 4:30 p.m. would be the most convenient to schedule. The assistant director was asked to confirm the meeting time and date with the Town Board. MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORT The assistant director gave a brief verbal monthly report outlining the department's preparations for 1998-99 winter programs, as well as updating the commission concerning the status of the winter brochure. There being no further business, the commission meeting was adjourned at 8:26 p.m. The next meeting will be held on November 3, 1998, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the Supervisor's Conference Room (#37), at the Queensbury Town Office Building. fII£~/ ~ ~ Sarro Simmonds, ha'ir an Minutes prepared by Steve M. Lovering, Assistant Director -3-