Application -TOWN F EE Y LAKY 74-2 Bay Rond, Queen5brjry, NY. 7280$-5902 November 15, 2016 Michael Greenough Smart-Wash of QLICCnsbury, LLC 708 Quaker Road Queensbury, ICY 12804 Re. Freestanding Sign — Dix Avenue entrance Smart-Wash of Queensbury, LLC Tax Map Parcel: 303.1$-1.12 Dear Mr. Greenough: I am writiFla you in order to document our conversa ions of yesterday regarding the new freestanding sigh that you installed along the Dix Avenue frontage of the property referenced above. As discussed, the installation of the sign rcquire s a Sign Variance befvtv We = issue a sign perm it for the, sign. Spec if c a]ly, a Sign Variance is required as the already installed sign does not appear to meet the minirntim front property line setback as required sign per the Town Sign Ordinance. Should you havc any questions or convents regarding your application please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, CAP� Craig Brown Zoning Administrator CB/sh Cc: Mike Seale L kCniig L�rown%2016 LelWn%Dkmi.1l SmorL-WI&II I I_I 5-16.doc " H0life 0f Nn1riraI f eaorxil _„ A Gofid 111 ace to L : vc " -E,-EV, uo o General Information �ez Tax Marcel ID Number: E, — Zoning District: .. Detailed Descriptlon of Project pncludes current proposed use]: ,•` ' ` . r � Location cf project: r Applicant Name; Sjk44,v—, 4XAA oma- Address: A 5 74x� Home Phone Cell: Work Phone Fax E-Mail Agent's Dame: Address Horne Phone Cell Work Phone Fax s Email Owner's Name: Address Home Phone Cell Work Phone Fax 1IMail Town of Queensbury f Zoning Offioe•742 Bay Fuad -Queensbury, NY 1290A•518-761-8238 � Site Development. Data Area /Type Existing sq,ft. proposed Total sq.'- Addition sq-& A. Building footprint S- Detached Garage C. Accessary Structure{s} D. Paved, gravel or other hard surfaced area E, Porches 1 Decks F, Other 0. Total Non-Permeable [AddA-F] H. Parcel Area [43,660 sq.ft. 1 acre] S" I. Percentage of Irnpermeable Area of Site [I= l Setback Requirements Area F equVed Existing Proposed Front [9] 619 Front[ ] Shoreline 1 ,J Side Yard [1] Side Yard [ ] ReorYard [1] Rear Yard [2] Travel Corridor / Height[max] Permeability No. of parking spaces Town of Queensbury i Zoning Office t 742 Bay Road+Queensbury. NY 12804.619-761-B738 2 Cnance Sectian(s) that apply: � L4 What signs are you allowed to have? Sign Type How many allowed Square Feet Height Wall Freestanding I This application is for a chance In the- Number of SIg ns- from (currently): to (proposed): _ ,)< Setback for Sign Size of Sign Height of Sign Other (specify) Elevation: If you are proposing to install wail signs, provide a scale drawing of the facade the sign(s) will be locah�d on, with their location shown. If you are proposing more than two ( ) signs, the following information must be provided for each sign (p[ease use additional sheets if necessary) Sign Number: (if you are applying for more than one sign) Sign Type Existing Proposed Length Width Total Height Depth for Sa.feet Projecting Wall Freestandin Projecting Illuminated Awning Property Line Setbacks: Front Side . Sign Warding: Town of Queensbury •Zoning OfA F 742 Bay Road •Queensbury, NY 12804.518-761-8238 3 The following questions reflect the criteria for granting this type of variance. Please complete them; use additional sheets if needed. 1. Whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby property will be created by the granting of this sign varianoe? $f .54*ktj 73F4 2. Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the appIimint.to pursue, other then a sign variance? 3. Whether the requested sign variance is substantial? 612= M f. 4. Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse affect or irnpaet on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district? _ n&,.,a,4'-- 5. '-_b. Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created? Additional Project Information 1. If the parcel has previous approvals, IIst application numbers), 2. Does this project require overage under the New York Mate Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ( PDE ) Permit Program? 3, Estimatedproject duratlon. StartDate �Sj EndDateAJ 1,4 4. Estimated total cost of project. x,614 Town of Queensbury Zoning Office -742 Bay Road -Queensbury, NY 12904.518-761-8239 4 Pre-Submission Conference Form[179-4.040] 1. Tax Map IQ 2. Zoning Classification C J- 3. Reason for Review: t ' ` [c 1 C t C +J f A�J`P-+ L-)--o- 4. Zoning Section #: S. Pro-Subrmission Meed ng Nates; Outstanding Items To Be Addressed Include: Deed Y l No GeneraI Inform a#ion oomptete No Site Development Data Complete Y Ne Setback Requirements Complete Y No Compliance vAth Sign Ordinance No Checklist Items addressed No i Environmental Form completed No SIgnature Page completed No '=:A I C C. eC( C -' .J ct � CA - ` r {` Staff Representative; CIL Applicant 1 Agent: Date; 1 Page 1 of Ubmittal of a_stamped and signed SURVEY MAP depicting existing and proposed conditions shall include the items as noted below. A. GENERAL SHEET 0 1 Title,Name,Address of applicant&person moponeible for preparation of drawing J � 2 Deed cv' 3 North arrow,Tax Map A data prepared and scale(minimum 1 In.=40 ft.] (-VY 4 Bou ndarlas of the properly plotted tv scale,zoning boundary 5 Principal Structures.accessary structures with scdarior dlmenstans 6 Sita Improvements Incl,outdoor storage areas, driveways, parking areas,etc_,. wdsting proposed 7 Setbacks for all stucturas end inn mvemant9; existing proposed 6 Elevatlans and floor plans of till proposed and affected structures S. WATER & SEWER SHEET# 1 Projecl sewage disposal facilities,dasign detalls,consln.rctlan detalls,flaw ratas,and num berof bedrooms proposed 2 Wiater supply ri,e,well]&septic on adjoining lotawilh separation distancas to wdsting or proposed on-site water supply and Septic 3 Separation d ietanoes for proposed sewage dlsposal system to well and wafer bodies 4 Existing public or private water supply jweg,lake,etc.]_ Method of securing public or private water, tooatlon,deslgn and CAnstruction of water supply including dally water usage 5 Parcolalfon test lam an and rseults C. PARKING f PERMEABLE AREAS SH ET# 1 Number of spaces required for project Including calcu Iallons and justlflcatlon_ existing proposed 2 No.of existing perking spaces, num bar to be removed, number to malmaln and type of surfacing material[e .,gravalr paved] 3 Provision for padasuian and handicap access and parking; existing prapoaed 4 Design details of ingrassr agrees, loading areas and cutting; existing proposed 5 Location and character cfgreen$roes J"elinq and proposed!,modification to green area,buffer zone to remain undisturbed b Lighting,location and design of all existing and pmposed outdoor lighilog 0. ADDI[TIONAL SITE DEVELOPMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS HEET# 1 Ori-site&adj6ioent watercourses, streams, rtvars,!aka and wetlands 2 Ufilltyfanargy dlstrlbullorl system (gas,electric,solar, telephone]; exis5ng&proposed 3 Location, design and construcgon details of all existing And proposed site improvements including; drains,culverts, retaining walls, fences,fire$ameigenq zones and hydrants,eta. 4 Sq uara footago of bldg.area propoeed for Office, manufacturing,retail sales or other commercial activities: existing proposed e Signnga- LDcatlan,size,type, design and setback; existing proposed Etc- " Ltd G F Waiver Request; provide letter with application requesting any vraivars: please referenca specific Items g Commercialf Industrial Development requires submission of Landscaping,Startnwater Marinamant,Grading&Light!ng Plans h Identiflcallon of Federal,State or Counly permits required far the project tagether with a record Df application for all necessary pamUts Town of Queensbury•Zoning Office i 742 Bay Road 4 Queensbury. NY 12804.518-751-8238 � SSI 7 0 Appeffdix$ Sfrorr Eiivt=rontnenialArse-Fsmene Form Instructions for Com Meting ]hurt 1 -Projeci Informao on. The applies,,I or projeut sponsor is resp ansible for the comp€etlan of Part I. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding,ore subie4t to pubilic rtviow,and may be subject to further Veriiicat€on- Cornplctc IN rt € ba3ad an information currently$vaiIab]e, If addi#iapal reseurh or investigation would be needed to fully respond Warty item, please answer as thoroughly as possible basad on current Iaformation- Complete all items in Part ], You may also provide any additional €nkormation which you be]leve will be needl-d by or u,eM w the lead agency;attach addidoraJ pages as naoessary to supplement any itern- Part I - Pro]ect and Sponsnr lr,Col ma fien i Name of Acdon or Projact; m e' ProjeaE Location (desorlbe,and attach a laciflon map); l�rie#`i�eseriptian of Proposed�.crion; Name of AppEcan[or Sponsor, Telephone: -,QIlj Address: f• J S t- ;- 'civ r7 �ro+ "�— rz '7'r Clt lL�Q: state: Zio Code; 7, Does lhte proposed amlon only lavtr[ve the[egislative adontian oFa plan, local law,4rdlnarice, €YO YES administradve rule, or reguiatia n7 If Yes,aftch a narrarive description oFtlre iprellr o he proposed act iort and the env!ronmeriml resources that may be affected in the municipality one proceed to Part 2. if nv,conanue to question 2. 2- Does the propose action require a permit, approval or funding From any other gaverrimenta] Agency? NO YELL If yes, 14l;agency(s)name and permit or approval: + 9 3,a.Total acreage of the Aw of the proposed action`s acres b-Total acreage to be physicaRy disturbed? acres e.Total acreage(project site and any contiguous prupeniw)awned or controlled by the applicant arpraject�5pw or? sGres 4, Check all !and uses that occur on,adjoining and near the proposed action. ❑ Urban o Rural(non-agrimllture) 0 Industrial Q:I�omrneraial l3 Residemia[ (subijrbaa) 0 Forest Q Agriculture ❑ Aquatio ❑ Okhtr(specify); o t'�rkland Pap i of � 5. 1s [hc proposed astiap NO YES N/A [ a_A perrnirted use under the;uhing regulad aaa? r= b, Consistent with the adopted comprehensive plat[? 6, Is the proposed action cOnsistenr with rhe predornfrant character of the ex[st[ng built or iiuural No YES landscape:' ` 7. !s ehe site Df Ole proposed action located in,or does it adjoin,astate listed Critical EavironmeritaA Area? NO YES If Yes, identify, 6. a, Wall Etre proposed a0doil result in a subs[antial increase in traffic abaVe presar[t levels? ;rp YES o.Ara pubtio transportation service(;)available at or Hear the site of Tha proposed aation? I c.Are any pedestrian accommodations or bicycle roues av Oab[e an or neer sift of the proposed action`? 5 9, Does the proposed action meet.or exceed the stare enargy code requirements? NO YES ICffie proposed actiun will exceed requiP.m ras,de=scribe design features and techno€ogies, i l0. Will the proposed action corenecC to an existing pwiodur[va[e water supply? �p YES , If Yes,does the existing systern have capac[ty to orovi de service? ❑NO 'ES If NO,dtscribe method for providing potable water: _ 1 I, Will the proposed action connect to existing wastewater utilities? N.0 YES If Yes,does the exlsdng;�ystern have capacity to provide service? ❑N0,15-YES If No,demi be method for providing wasiewaEer Crmtrneiiv [s. a.Does the site contain a 5[ruature that is listed an tfl6or Zhe Mate of Nlationai Register ofHistoric N0 YES places? t}_is rhe prnpased action [acated in ar archeological sensitive area'? � 13. a_Does any portion of the site of the proposed acAon,or J ands adfclning the proposed action,contain Y E3 j Wetlands or other waGerbodies regulated by a federal,state or coca[ agency? I I b_ Wo Uld the pr4paSed action physically alter,or encroach into, any existing wct[and or waterbody? [f Yes,ideutify [he wetland or waterbody and extent❑fatterations in square fee:or acres. 14, Identify the typica[habitat typos that accur on,or are iRkely to$e found on the projeot site. Check all Chat apply; Shoreline ❑ Fewest C1 AgriculturalIgmslands El Early mid-success[anal ❑ Wetland urban 0 Suburban I S.Does the site of the proposed action aonWn any specles of arilmat, 0 assnolated habitats, listed NO Y S by the Stato or Federa€g❑vemment as threatened or endangered? 16.Is the project site located in tho 100 year flood p[aitr? YES 17.Will the proposed action urease storm water disaarge,either from❑o i nt or non-point sour�,es" NO YES if Yes, i a. W111 snarm waiter di�ch@.Nes flow to adjacent properties? ❑NO Cl YES L Will storm wafer discharges be directed to estabIfshed omrtveyance�ysterns{runoff and stone duties)? If Yea, brlerly describe- C N0,MLYES Page 2 of 4 I _ Gees the proposed action include wnstruction or other aclivit[es that result in the Imp oundmenI Of ,i0 YEAS %vatcr or ocher Jiquids(e.g,retention PGPd,u este Jag-non, dam)? IfYes, cxatain purpose and sizo, ; l9.Idaa the site of the proposed acxion or an adjoin lug properry been the location of art active or closed _�D -y ES � solid %VaZLe management facil[ry? If Yes, describe: 20-Has the sire Of the proposed act:ore or an adjoining property been the subject Ofremediati❑n(ongoing or NO YES completed)for hazardous waste? If Yes_ dascr[be= _ I AFFLi241 THAT THi)'! INFORMAT1[OED A$OVE IS TRUE AYE} ACCURATE TO THE ]BEST OF IYiY ApplI aanesponsor names �,� Date- f }l Signature; ` / f } l?srt 2-Impact Assemm ant. The]Lead Agency is resppnsibitx for rhe cumpladan of]Part 2. Answer all of the following quayriona in Par[2 using the information cortra[ned in Pert [ and ottler materiais subrnittr_d by the prokct sponsor or Otherwise available re the r�wiewer. WhFn Pnswering the questions[he reviewer should be guided by the eoncCUt"Have my responses beim reasonable co nsi daring the scaie and a❑rt:ex*of the proposed action?" No, or r�to deratk small large irpPati[ im iicc I may may +arcur aEtur ` I. W!II the proposed action cMate a tTnaneria[ Conflict with a,-?adopted land use plant or zorting regulations I Will the proposed action result in achtnge ir,the use or 5ntensiw of use of land? 3_ WiII the proposed action impair the chamoter or quality of die existing commun[ty2 i 4-. W111 the proposed action have an impact on the env[ronmental character[stics that causVd the esmb[ishmenr of a Crit[ca! 13avironmetxtal Area(CEA)? 5. Will the proposed action result In an adversc change in the existing [eve[oftraf;le or affect Pxisting infr,mtruoturd for mass transit, bking ar walkway? 6. Will the proposed action cause=increase in the use ofenergy artd it fails to[ncorparate re".scmably available energy conservation or renewable energy opportunities? 7. Wilt the proposed action impact sxisting, a_ puh[ic 1 private water supplies? b.public I private wastvxatcr treatment ati[[ties? S. Will the proposed anion impair the chwacner or quality of important historic,archaeological, architeotural or aesthetic rescurces? 9. Will the proposed atctiarl result in an adverse change to natural resourzas (e.g., wet[ands, waterbDdie},groundwater,air quality,flora and tkuna)? Page 3 of Ifo+or Moderate srrtsl! to large impaL�t impact may may uecuf neour J O. W i I I the proposed action result in an increase in the potential far erosion,flc❑ding or drainage problems? IL Wilt Chc proposed action creasea hazard to t r.A ronmenla I resources or human health? Part 3-Datermination GffternificanCe. The Lead.Agency is Mponsible For the Com plLtion of Part 3. Forovery question, in pare?that was answered"Moderate to targe impact may occur", or if there Is a need to exp€ai ri why a p articular a]amerl I of the proposed actio n may ar wil I not result in a significant adverse envfron manmJ impact,please:ornplete:Pare J. Pari 3 should, in sufficient detail, identify the impscrr including any measures or din igr?elarnents that have been included by the project sponsor to avoid or reduce impapm. Part 3 should also explain how the lead agency determined that tit [mpaot may or wlIJ not be signfficant. Each powntial impact Slhoald b assessed considering ies setting, piobabRhy of oozurrIng, duration, irreversibility,geographic scope and magnitude. :also consider the poxennal for short-term,long-tens and QUMalative Impacts. 7c� —C�h—crckihlz box Ifyva have determined, based on the inftsri Iation and analysis above,and any supporting docamentation, t E}te proposed action may result in ono ar more potentia[Iy large or stignificant arlvCrse=mpacts futd an enVlrQhnlCntal ii't7p�Gt staEemertt is required. a Check this box if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above,and env ntlpparting documentation, that the proposed action will not rWUIt In any significaut adverse environmental impacts_ Name of Lead agency Da[w Print or T'ypa Name of Responsible Ofircer [rl Load,3 ganoy Title of Responsible Otf:eer Stgnaturu of kaspansible Officer.n Lead A 3 ncy signature ofprevamr(if di rem&am Responsible-:y tcu) 'age 4 of SIGNATURE PAGE This page Includes the 1.) Authorization to Act tis Agent Form: 2.) Engin earing Fee Disclosure, 3.) Authorization for Sits Visits; 4.) Other Permit Responsibilities 5-) Official Meeting Disclosure and 6.) Agreement to provide documentation required- OWNER'S equired- OWNER'S AGENT FORM: COmpiete the folio ing if the OWNER of the property+ Is not the same as the applicant Owner: F Designates: As agent regarding: Varlance Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map No.: Section Blanc Lot Dead Reference: Book Paga Date OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE; APPLICANT'S AGENT FORM, Dom plete the follo i ng if the APPL ICANT is unable to attend the meeting or wishes to he represented by another party: Owner: � a f7rt. l.[J .ieEs, .�SSc.r# +* .C,C Designates: As agent regardingSite Plan Subdivision For Tax Map No.: Seal ck Lot Deed Reference: B age Date APPLICANT SIGNATURE: DATE: 2,) ENGINEERING FEE DISCLOS E- plicatiuns may be referred to the Town consulting engineer for review of septic design, storm drainage, etc. as determin the Zoning or Planning OepartmenL Fees for engineering review services will be charged directly to the applicant. Fees For engineering reviewwfll not exceed $1,000 without notificatlon to the applicant 3.) 6WMQRI ZATION FOR SITE VISITS: By signing thls-page and submitting the application materials attached herein, the Owner. Applicant, and hislherAhair agent(s) hereby authorize the Zoning Board or Planning Board and Town Staff to enter the subject propertles for the purpose of reviewing the application subm itted. 4-) OTHER PERMIT RESPONSIBILITIES: Other penmlits may be required for ccnstructiort or alteratlan aeGviiy subsequent to approval by the Zan I rig Beard or Plan ning Board. It is the applicant's responsiblllty to obtaln any addltlonal permlts- 3.) OFF ICIAL_MEETI NG MINUTES DISCLOSURE; Itis the practice of the Community Development Department to have a designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting from application. and minutes transcribed from those tapes constitutes the afflclal record of all proceedings, B.) AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION #tEQUIREC. I, the undersigned, have thoroughly read and understand the Instructions fa r submission and agree to the submission requirements. I acknowledge no construction activlt€es shall he commenced prior to Issuance of a valid permit. I rsr* that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statementldescrlption of the exlstfng conditions and the work proposed, and that all.work will be perforated in acCardance with the approved plans and in conformance with local zoning regulations. I acknowledge Ihatprior to occupying thefacllitles proposed, Ior my agents,wi11 obtain a certificate of occupancy as necessary, f also understand that 11we may be required to provide an ns-built survey by a licensedlandsury orofallnew constructed facilitiesprior toIssuance ofacertificate ofoccupancy I have read and ee to the e. 16Ignat [A cantl Print Name[Applicant] Date signed ,— ignature [Agent] Print Name[Agent] Date signs Town of Queensbury Toni ng Office 742 flay Road -Queensbury, NY 12804 4 51 E461-5238 7 f la rdARREH COUK r CLERK > • J RECCRdiHG COVtH SRR&T W. INrrIAL5 __.'��- _ IHSTRDHEAT A 00750G M.w fK. 08 FACES }f TYFE 4F DOC. d W MMTL. FEE TOl{N ,r�yc.K.r Or f TILAISFER TALC AAT. S �# d$ .x * XORTOACE AN*. k HORTGOCE TAX m I ■ - i 7RA2#9FiR TrAA STAN? * k ;=MC �E TAX STMY i RECEIVED � 0 REAL ESTATE P-4 DEC 1 fm r f TRANSFER TAx � WARPEN COUNTY . ; t w iTAkNAIrA IrA Al kA lr A z&m v A A'A'i or*A'5%k#k*lkik*A or k*AAh*mit,iklflA%Or*}kk,4*A it A!A Yl hw M ki 0 N Irw t RVQ A;A Akw , F1caAo Fii1 Lrt I&lsrike below Wvm eubRittiog for recording. CRAHT0RIE(g9=GX;*MkI)R�R Broad StMat Car gash. 2no. GRANTEE{KWq�A&Eff6UkZJC E SE Res2ty vu., zZir. ReCUROEO AT, Walter O. Rehm, 7rjj, 13e9. fllJ11l11lllfllll{IIf11{1!111!1!!! ZtuosinmG sTIow RLTUV TO. Walter b, Rehr, LII { 175 Ottawa Street { L1i4`P, •7uf4- � p„Gt �S]'�iY�faidlitEfl Fako George, MY 12B45 } 96 OCC 12 RH 09 } f Upon recording thio pega beComaa a pgrt of chfi {�CL:U]ii t�1 dfiousltotr (}3.Oa} } 5 - j WARPJL NTY DEL"D TAX i TTM INDEI4MRE is mode theLQ dap ofDectxttiber,1996, �. Between BROAD STREET CAR WASH,INC.,a New York Corpaation w]dr an t. j 0 oilloe of 203 Broad Street,Glens Falls,New York 1280!(hereinafter called the"OmaWe%and U SE REALTY Co., LLC,in New York LiMEned Liability Ctampm'having an office at 205 G Quaker Road,Queensbury,New York 12804(Nmirwlter called the"Qlmntee^). !a + Wl1NESS=- : tbat Cha Qm„Lair,in consideratEon of one Dalley($1.001 lawful mflnoy i of the United States,and adwr goad and valuable eansideratlon,paid by the 0mice,the receipt of which is acknowledged by the wr,-does hereby groat and release unto ft Granted,its successors and migns Forever, t ALL Chet certain fat,piece,or parcel or land situate in the Town of Quednsbury,Cawq `• y of Warren,Stele qF NeW York and all that cer in Int,plece ar parcel of]and situate in the City aF0en9 Falls,County ofWarrdn and State @f New York,hath parcels helps mare pataicu4ar'1y ' dcscdbed as follow: PAita EL i Broad Streetj 011 Fal s ALL TIUM CERTAIN PGCE OR PARCEL OF LAND sikw*a,lying,and bt nS in � + Idle City of❑lens Ful[s,County of 4WMM,state of New York,mom particularly bounded and dcgorihed as follows: BMNN[NG at the point or intersection or line northerly botmdary of Brood Rner and trio mouihwesteriy boundlary oFT.uume Rood,and running thence South 75' 19'51'West 210ug Cite northerly boundary of Broad Strccr for a dlsuan«:of 351.23 fest to a point rnprlSag tine intersection of the northerly boundary of Broad Street anal the easterly boundary of WWAEM i. Avemaq running d=m PTodhi1V 43'S1"FWL along the easterly bVPnddty of Western Avenue , rof a distance or 2310,26 feet to the point of]nicracotion of EhD easterly boundary of Western Avcnue and the soutwesterly boundary aF Luzerne Road;lhcwe Sauth 669 5T 07"East elogg Lha sauthwt:sudy bOuredm7 ofLuaemc Road for 4d1stonce of 350,44 feel to the point orp9oce Of beginning. Be[itg o triangular shaped parcel of land. BEING the same premises conveyed by Michael D.Cllnsburg wad Robert B-Ginsburg to Broad Street Cot Wash, Inc.by Dodd dated Iunuory 3, 1948, and recorded in Lha Warren County Clerk's Office in Bonk 718 of Deeds at Pege 280. The nbove described premises arty shmvn cm a certain Survey ent3Qed"Map n£a Survey i nude far S.E,Realty,LL.C"City o£Glam Fails,t^ounty of 1Yarren,dated L�EavembdY 27, 19{J6, and made by VanDusca&9teves.Land Surveyw5 oKilens r1314,14ew York,which map 13 to be Gkci in the 1Varren County Clark's office simtrlLanootWy herewith. Rjr if uakc-r Rn3cL Tmvn a oupenshu f ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND situate,lying end being in the'Toam arQueensbwy.Cmrnty or Wmrean,State of New Yorkr mord particulady baunddd and described as lbllows: SEGM)NG r<t a pont in Lha soAwestcrly boundary ofQualcrRoad,which point t. trtarka the no4iherly[rrost corrodr of lands nu w ar formerly of 1.Pelta C,ervcy,Ill,et a]. (Sank ' 712,page 3 l4)and running tFndrtce from said glace of basin ning South 45"ST 50"West along , 5} the rmnhweMMY boundary of said lands naw er Formerly aF Crarvay I'x n.distp�ce of 3U�f to o point,which paint manes the n"erly m4Si comeraf Wds'rrnw ar fWMady ofGerald F. i and Cynthia A.Nudi(Book M,page 429);thente South 24'53'20' Vest along[be westerly boundary of Sold]onds now Or Wine Jy of NudE fbf a dlaiance of 444,93 feet to a palm in the northe*boljn&ryofDixAvenue;ffiencallorih65°06'40HWestalongthenart3ierlybourulory � of Dix Avmw for a dlataace of 158.69 feet;thence running on a curve to the right with s radius of 50 feet far a distance of 79-54 feet to a point,whEch point is located in the easterly boundary of]onds row or forrnrrly of Gerald J.and Rogerlaetylett[Book i«14,page 428];thence North �rs' 24° 53'20"lest 6ma elle easterly bouadwy of said]ands ni)w or 6orm rly of Mewlett'for a distance of 471.37 feat to n point marking The southerly most carrier of lands now or Formerly nffames Barrett(Book 6753,pogo IX;thence North 45°57 50"But along 1ht wulhcnsiarly boundary of said 1wida now or farmedy of parrot for a diounru of 304 fret Ia a palet in the ' southwesterly boundary ofQuakcr Rend;Ihenca Suuih 44"02' 10"Ease atong rhe southvmterly b 3mdury of Qua]er Rood For a distance of 223.62 feet to the point or place of beginming, EstiFFMtW tp Ooa11a7p 3,83 acres OF land bo lite sartte=M or less. TOGETHER wish o righwif-way commencing of a palnt an the northerly aide of Dix Avenue at the southwesterly corner of premises above-described,and being 150 feet in wldih { on Dix Avenue,and narrasving to a width of 50 feet and running along the westerly side of d i "on of the premixes above-described,and the easterly,northeasterly,narlkerly and westerly F pednreierofprcnuses convc}%cd by Gerald 1:Hewlett and Roger G.Howlett to the UnEwd Stales ofArrmicit Coilps.of Engineers daledOctober 22,1986,retarded in the Warren County Clerk's f Office on CctoberM,1986,In Book 6136 of Deeds at Pogo 1944 and returning io and raonnsating xdth the nurlherly bounds of Dix avenue. ALSO,an easement for the caostrallon bred moira3ertancv of 9 soniWry 9mver lino aver Lbe right-af-mW abaue deaxribed,extending from the snuffimnier]y bounds of Ilse parcel hemia being conveyed,along tEte northeasterly b►aurLds ofsald right-of-way to the apron of the same oper<ing onto Aix Avenue and from thence la the right-aF w¢y of Dix Avenue. r BEJNG Iho some premiss cenveyed by GerMd I.Hewlett and Roger G.Hewlett to SEW Sireet Cur Wash. Inc, by deed doted February 2.2, 1988,and recofdad]n the Wanrren C",qurtty CJCf&'s Office on Cebruuy?9, 1988.in Book 703 or Dccds at Page 20. Th*above dscribed promises ane shown on o certain survey entitled"Mdp of a Surny mads for SE Rcalty,LLC"Tawn of Queensbury,County ol` armn,dated Novernber26, 1996, and m"cby VanDusen&Staves,Land Surveyors of Glens Calls,New York Vehieh map is to W tiled in the Warmn County Clerk's Offro simultaneously herewith. This conveyance does not incEudesub5fiantfallyAll ofllle assets of bile granlGrcoeporatinrl, nor does the certificate thereofrequ've shareholder approval for Ibis eornveyaoae. Subject to all amemam%restrietionx,covemnis and conditions of record n rfeeting tho premises. Together witli the appurtercrnen and all the estate:end rights ofilm GF lntar in and to the premises, _ TO RAVE AND TO HOLT]the Prerrtisos unto 1ho Omele�, its suaocssrns,heirs and r� {F59i$[LS forever. And t1w Grantor covenants as follows: FIRST,Mat the Grantee shall gvicely ertjoyr the Premises; Y+ SECOND,That the Graelor will foceUer Wasraml the title t0 Iha Pramistx;and TM=.d4 in cwnp]ianae with Siebert 13 of the New York Llai Low,tE e Gtptitar will receive the tonsldemtioa for ibis "nti'opma and will hold the fight to receive sigh F.'ahihUH4971lWJ.701F.YI5'LEII i i li i, cpn5idamtion as a wot Nad to be applied flr5t IlOr the purpose of paying the cg51 ar the i' 1.. ," impFovamenL and will apply the same first to the payment cif the cast ofilie lmpravemant laelprC aFming any part o r 4�c talei of the sgmp Fbr qny gthu purpasa, til a IiV V4ZTNE5S WIi1;ItYF,the Grantor has duly executed this lnstniment,4n Ctts dei ` and you first above written. BROAD SrREEr CAR WASH,INC. � 1. i MICHA L A GINSBURG STATE Or FL4RDaA ) - COUNTY OF '., 4 On the ' day of D"W*er, 1996, ballon me pemortally appeared MICHAEL I}. OINSBURG,to me known,who being by me duly swarrk,d1d depose and sWy; thnt he is the -r President or BROAD 5TRBET CAR WASH, INC,.t1w oupomtiorl described is and which � executed the rop3ong imEF en4 that he knows the seal or said corporation, that tho seal affixed to soid instrument is obich corporate seal,thm it was so affixed by ardor or the Board of aireatars of said corporauan,wW that ho sigwcl his=me2ereto by like order. i t~Foiary poblic ryCl 4f , uxancneaCxr*tr�EUL �LOThRk 3'L1bLLC 6r�7E QF Fit}RIn,1 L]7%15lI$610.0 3��5 CC37g146 51YCQiihll�ptiA ,AL'R- 1937 RECO RD-AfYP RF;`rY R-N TO: ALTER G.REHM, III,E - f 75 Ottawu S LvWt Lake Gearge,New York 12845 S l V66 B-5412 i t L r 16 F.gM1rA'd&j 1LMWhFR 'bM I 4 II i T 1 i � @ AFTER THE 3RD CH NGEFA:550.00 D��■ �£ c �J PH:800-682-7446 6 WWW.TSSCWS.CO u 0&21118 rill T 17379 A NEW ENGLAND CAB WASH EOU|P VERBAL JUSTIN ■msX101111 DOUBLE DED MONUMENT SIGN 129' q X 44- H XO2 D \ , . 2 120 VAC / . \ � 2 HIGH IMPACT PLASTIC FACE BLACK BOLTS ON THE INSIDE TOP OFSIGN \ 43.5 NH (SeFIF) O d- | HAVE REVIEWED ALL COPY FOR PUNCTUATION, SPELLING / AND DESIGN. THERE MAY BE A SLIGHT COLOR VARIATION aETWEENTH|S DESIGN AND FINAL PRODUCT. :5; = —§ 6w O , . - ==m*D 2 e a. - myou are Ung" r■D en your s�nweare requirgdbrelffyZap w#iyosoym wmbLnr