1990-02-12 '"f\ QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING FEBRUARY 12, 1990 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, February 12, 1990, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:34 P.M. PRESENT: Commissioners Bly, Carusone, Simmonds, Sperry (7:55 P.M.), and Teti ALSO PRESENT: Councilmembers Montesi and Potenza, and Director Hansen ABSENT: Commissioners Labatore (Ex.) and LaBombard (Ex.) VISITORS: Patricia Borgos (Summer Youth Program Coordinator), Dave Hodgson (Queensbury Environmental Advisory Committee/Bike Trail Network), and 2 associates APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Carusone moved to approve the minutes of the December 11, 1989 meeting. Commissioner Teti seconded the motion and after polling all Commissioners, the motion was unanimously approved. COMMUNICATIONS - SUMMER PROGRAM REPORT DISCUSSION The Chairman introduced Pat Borgos (1989 Summer Youth Program Coordinator) and reported that the Summer Youth Program Report Committee had met previously to discuss the report and had subsequently approved it. She praised Pat for an excellent job and requested that she briefly summarize the highlights of the 1989 summer program. Pat reiterated that this summer's program attendance had been a record and that both staff and participants seemed to enjoy themselves. Furthermore, she highlighted some of the field trips and Chairman Simmonds pointed out that she was concerned about remarks in the report regarding the bus schedule. This was discussed and Pat also noted that attendance by Commissioners, in order to view the program firsthand, did not seem to be working. She mentioned that it would seem to be difficult for the Commission to analyze the summer program because many of them (the Commission) had never visited the sites. The Director reinforced Pat's comments and stated that for a number of years the Department had done everything short of begging the Commissioners, with little success. After praising Pat again, Chairman Simmonds, on behalf of the Commission, vowed to improve the Commission attendance situation in the future. A number of Commissioners questioned Pat on specifics with respect to the -2- summer program and the Director distributed a handout which was a summary of the staff's comments. Overall, the staff was pleased with the program and their comments provided worthwhile critique for future improvements. The Chairman thanked Pat one more time for a job well done and for all her work in helping to make the Department's Summer Youth Program extremely successful. ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISOR Y COMMITTEE PRESENT A TION Chairman Simmonds welcomed Dave Hodgson and two associates who requested to speak on behalf of the Queensbury Environmental Advisory Committee on the subject of a community-wide trail system. Dave briefly pointed out the success of the Warren County Bike Trail and, with the aide of a number of charts, presented his committee's tentative plan for the development of a network of trails throughout Queensbury. He mentioned that the trails would link populated portions of Queensbury with the Warren County Bike Trail. In addition, his committee was attempting to negotiate with Glens Falls for access on old railroad right-of-ways through the city, which would connect with the Queensbury trails. His committee's plan also proposed to tie in the towpath trail along the Feeder Canal, thereby making it possible to either bike or hike from the Hudson River in the south all the way to Lake George. Furthermore, he explained that this network of trails could be possible only if many groups, organizations and municipalities cooperated together in a joint venture. Dave and his colleagues explained the maps/charts in detail and thereafter requested questions from the Commission. A number of Commissioners inquired regarding an estimated budget for the project and Dave remarked that at this time, there were no funds. Furthermore, he pointed out that this idea was still very much in the conceptual stage of development and planning. Nonetheless, his organization hoped that the municipalities and other private organizations involved might provide in kind services instead of funding (i.e. materials and labor, etc.). There was additional discussion by those present with regard to project liability, use of Niagara Mohawk/D & H right-of-ways and private donations of property, all of which were essential in some degree to the total project. Dave Hodgson briefly summarized the concept plan and pointed out that the project would be completed over a period of years. He pointed out that the network of trails was intended solely for use by hikers and non-motorized vehicles and that usage by other types of vehicles (snow mobiles, motorcycles, etc.) would have to be restricted in some fashion. There was additional discussion on use of Niagara Mohawk right-of-ways and other easements from the D & H Railroad and the City of Glens Falls. Again, it was pointed out that these areas along with Town of Queensbury property in the West Glens Falls area were important if the entire system of trails were to be linked together. Furthermore, he pointed out that his group still had much work to do in the next year or 2 with regard to planning and making contact with the different organizations who would be involved in this project. Chairman Simmonds thanked Dave and the 2 associates for their presentation and requested to know how the Commission could be of service. Dave explained that his organization would be making a presentation to the Town Board and requested that the Commission serve as support for that presentation. There were no further comments and the presenters departed. -3- WEST MOUNTAIN PROPERTY RECOMMENDATION LETTER The Director briefly reviewed the West Mountain property recommendation letter, which was included in the monthly packet and explained that at the December Town Board meeting, Mike Brandt had agreed to donate 20 acres to be used as parkland, instead of the 10 initially agreed on. The Director distributed a copy of an article which had been printed in the Post Star (1/27/90), which mentioned that West Mountain had given the Town of Luzerne, 100 acres of mountaintop property, which was contiguous to the Town's parcel. The Director explained his concern in that the Town would now have to negotiate with the Town of Luzerne for access to the West Mountain project area, including the scenic overlook at the south end of the mountain. He pointed out that his intent was to make the Commission aware of this situation and also to apprise them of the discussion with regard to a fire road access, which might be located in this area. There was further discussion by the Commission with regard to establishing communications between the two municipalities (at the Department level) and it was suggested that Queensbury take the first step once final approvals are agreed on. Commissioner Sperry commented that she had overheard a conversation at a social function to the effect that the Town (Queensbury) intended to pave the walkway through the 20 acre parcel (walked by a number of Commissioners) and that this would be used by fire and emergency vehicles as the access road to the West Mountain Development area. A number of Commissioners mentioned that they too had heard the same rumor because the Cormus Road access was supposedly unusable due to a variety of reasons. Councilwoman Potenza said that, to the best of her knowledge, that the Town Board had no intention of developing a paved fire road through the 20 acre recreation park parcel. She also confirmed that the Cormus Road/Luzerne Road intersections, because of steepness, was unusable by fire trucks at this time. After further discussion, it was the consensus that under no circumstances did the Commission want the fire/emergency paved access road located on the Town's 20 acre park parcel. Councilman Montesi reiterated that he would carry that message back to the remaining members of the Town Board. MEETING DATE SCHEDULE The Director reviewed the 1990 Commission meeting date schedule, which was included in the monthly packet, and after a brief discussion it was approved. The finalized schedule will be circulated to all Town Board members, the Post Star and posted at the Town Clerk's Office. - MASTER PLAN DISCUSSION The Director briefly updated with regard to the status of the Master Plan project and explained that the second draft submitted by Murman Associates had been reviewed by the Steering Committee at a recent meeting. The overall consensus was disappointment in that much of the information is old and needs to be updated. In addition, both the Board and the Steering Committee are displeased with the amount of incomplete and inaccurate information which is contained in the document. The Steering Committee's plan of action, from this point on, is to meet with Mr. Murman in attempt to get the document "back on track." Thereafter, Murman Associates -4- will resubmit a more updated and accurate draft which will then be presented for further comments at a public meeting. DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Director reviewed his monthly report and updated the Commission on the status of the School court lighting specifications and the Ridge/Jenkinsville barn roof repairs. In addition, he elaborated on the interior repairs to the barn facility which have been ongoing at the facility since December. The Director briefed the Commission on his recent meeting with South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Company personnel and explained the plans for the basketball court, which will be constructed this spring. In addition, the Director mentioned a number of other improvements planned this spring at this park site, including bleachers for the softball field, a larger swingset, relocating the water hydrant and a new drinking fountain. The Director summarized the status of a number of winter programs and there were questions regarding the ski trip program, aquaerobicise, and the use of Gurney Lane for a variety of winter sports activities. The Director explained, that considering the development of the latter facility and the cross-country ski usage so far this season, that the Department would undoubtedly endeavor to improve the ski trail conditions next year by budgeting for necessary track setting equipment. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Director suggested the Commission adjourn to Executive Session to discuss a matter regarding possible land acquisition. Those in attendance agreed and the Commission moved to Executive Session at 8:51 P.M. After returning to open session at 9:22 P.M., and there being no further business, the Commission adjourned. The next meeting will be held on March 12, 1990, at 7:30 P.M., at the Supervisor's meeting room (upstairs) in the Town Office Building. ~/K.~ . Sharron SImmonds, Chairman Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen